Karim Baidar 应用

Afghan Date Converter 2
Karim Baidar
Afghan Date Converter is an Androidapplication, which is capable of converting Hijri-Shamsi (AfghanDate) to Gregorian (English Date) and English to Afghan Date.Afghan Date Converter is used to convert Solar-Hijri Date(Hijri_Shamsi - هجری- شمسی) to Gregorian Date(Christian - عیسایئ)and Gregorian Date(Christian - عیسایئ) to Solar-Hijri Date(Hijri_Shamsi - هجری- شمسی).All other Hijri-Shamsi to Gregorian and vice versa dateconverter applications in android marketplace don't have suchfeatures to convert Afghan's Dari date like Hamal (حمل) andAfghan's Pashto Date like Wray(وری) to English Date and viceversa.For the first time, aforementioned features have been introducedin Android Applications for Pashto and Dari native Speakers.Afghan Date Converter Application supports three languages:EnglishPashto (پښتو)Dari (دری)You can easily switch among aforementioned languages while usingAfghan Android Application at any time. There is no otherapplication like Afghan Date Converter in the android marketplacewhich could provide such features.
Brick Tumbler 0.7
Karim Baidar
Brick-Tumbler is an innovative 2D game ,whichwill startle you out. It contain a human player paddle andtheComputer Paddle (Enemy). And there is a ball in between thesetwopaddles plus there are 1 line bricks on the computer side. Youhaveto hit all the bricks on the computer side in order to hit thehighscore mark. But in the mean time , the computer would try toblockthose bricks in any way and would try to knock you out backbypushing the ball back to your side. And if you miss the ballyourlive will be decremented by 1. Its an innovative game and wouldnottake your time , infact it would take less time and would giveyoumore entertainment.
Life Partner 1.0
Karim Baidar
This application provides basic informationtohow to choose your Life Partner in Islamic point of view...