Keblar Solutions SL 应用

IGU Meetings 1.0.15
International Gas Union Meetings
abaci 1.0.5
Tu asesor e información de tu negocio en tu mano con abaciapp.Envíode facturas y acceso a tú información económica al instante.Ahorratiempo y conoce con mayor precisión el estado de tu negocio.
MNSport 2.0.3
Wellness 21 1.0.1
For 21 days, we accompany you and encourage you to find yourWellness.
Runner Square 1.8.51
Monitor your fitness activity & join a Challenge or Cause
ASB 4.0.0
AROUND SPORT BCN from your mobile
Inscribirme 1.0.24
Management of online registrations for all types of events andactivities
MarenostrumCup 4.0.0
Marenostrum 2021. New year, new tournament, we refresh the app
Circuit 3x3 FCBQ 4.0.2
3x3 Circuit of the Catalan Basketball Federation (FCBQ)
Privalia Moves for UNICEF 1.0.2
Únete al reto Privalia moves for UNICEF, una acción solidaria conlaque los VPrivalios correremos o caminaremos para conseguir65.000€para los proyectos que UNICEF lleva a cabo en España,Italia, Méxicoy Brasil. ¡Registra tu actividad y suma kilómetros!Guarda todos tusentrenamientos y comprueba qué posición ocupáis túo tu equipo ycompárala con la del resto de VPrivalios en España,Italia, México oBrasil. Así nos mantendremos todos motivados paraalcanzar nuestrameta común: la educación infantil.
ticketerum 1.0.0
Online registration management for all types of eventsandactivities Ticketerum is a platform for selling tickets forallkinds of events and activities. Using Ticketerum does notrequireany technical knowledge and is free for free events. Inpaymentevents, a management fee is charged for the sale of eachticket.Ticketerum was launched in February 2022 to democratizeticketsales and make this technology available to anycompany,organization or institution that needs it. Ticketerumoffers thepossibility (Premium version) of creating your ownvirtual boxoffice, fully customized for organizers who wish to haveit withtheir own brand and on their own website (own URL,corporatedesign, own payment gateway of the organizer…). If youneed to selltickets or manage reservations of any kind, this isyour idealplatform.
Kilometros Para Recordar 1.0.9
Kilometers to remember is a solidary challenge driven by theDomusVi Foundation
VitalSfera 1.0.7
Creating Workforce Healthy Habits | Promoting Corporate Wellness