Ken Cheung 应用

What is Kingdom of God 1.02
Ken Cheung
The term "kingdom of God" is found in all fourgospels in the Bible and in Apostle Paul's letters. The Gospel ofMatthew uses the phrase "kingdom of Heaven" more often, perhaps toavoid offending Jews in the early church or perhaps simply atranslation of the rabbinical expression "Malkut Shamayim". Theterm is also found in various writing styles such as parable,beatitude, prayer, miracle story and aphorism.Critical approachesC. H. Dodd and John Dominic Crossan argued that the “kingdom”was fully manifest in the present teaching and actions of Jesus.Through his words and deeds the "kingdom" was brought into thepresent reality of Palestine. Dodd coined the term "realizedeschatology"[28] and largely based his argument on Luke 11:20, andLuke 17:21, claiming that "the kingdom of God has come to you" and“the kingdom of God is within you”. Crossan imagined Jesus as acynic-like peasant who focused on the sapiential aspects of the"kingdom" and not on any apocalyptic conceptions.[29]Albert Schweitzer, Rudolf Bultmann, Norman Perrin and JohannesWeiss argued that Jesus’ "kingdom" was intended to be a whollyfuturistic kingdom. These scholars looked to the apocalyptictraditions of various Jewish groups existing at the time of Jesusas the basis of their study.[30][31][32][33] In this view, Jesuswas an apocalyptic preacher who would bring about the end times andwhen he did not see the end of the cosmic order coming Jesusembraced death as a tool in which to provoke God into action.The most common view of the "kingdom" in recent scholarship isto embrace the truths of both these parties─present reality andfuture manifestation, known as Inaugurated eschatology. Somescholars who take this view are N.T. Wright and G.R.Beasley-Murray. In their views, the “kingdom” that Jesus spoke ofwill be fully realized in the future but it is also in a process of“in-breaking” into the present. This means that Jesus’ deeds andwords have an immediate effect on the “kingdom” even though it wasnot fully manifested during his life. Even greater attention hasbeen paid to the concept of the “kingdom of God” by scholars duringthe current third quest for the historical Jesus (with which N.T.Wright is associated).Another important recent observation on the meaning of the“kingdom” was made by Rudolph Otto who took a feminist approach tothe study of Jesus. He claimed that “it is not Jesus who brings thekingdom; on the contrary; the kingdom brings him with it…”[34] Thisapproach attempts to take Jesus out of the Jesus movement thatfollowed after his death and resurrection; by doing this thecommunal aspects of the “kingdom” become emphasized and not justthe focus on Jesus as a man.
How to preach 1.01
Ken Cheung
How to Preach a Good SermonChurch sermons teach the masses about the Lord and his wishesfor followers, and are the showcase for any pastor or preacher.Sermons are used as an inspirational boost for church membersthroughout the week as well as a way to speak to the hearts andminds of those who listen.Preaching a good sermon can determine whether members rememberthe sermon or not. Although every sermon won't be a platinum hit,there are some sure-fire tactics to preaching a good sermon.
Pacific Badminton Club 1.01
Ken Cheung
Pacific Badminton Club's mission statement:-To provide a positive badminton experience to playersof all ages and abilities in the community-To also engender a social and friendly community spiritwithin the club environment-To develop players to their full potential
How to preach a sermon 1.01
Ken Cheung
How to Preach a Good SermonChurch sermons teach the masses about the Lord and his wishesforfollowers, and are the showcase for any pastor or preacher.Sermonsare used as an inspirational boost for church membersthroughout theweek as well as a way to speak to the hearts andminds of those wholisten.Preaching a good sermon can determine whether membersrememberthe sermon or not. Although every sermon won't be aplatinum hit,there are some sure-fire tactics to preaching a goodsermon.