Khasang 应用

RGBCircles 1.0
Мир кружков замирает, когда вы не прикасаетеськ экрану, и оживает, при прикосновении.Тактика, но с возможностью паузы во время игры, для этогодостаточно всего лишь отвести палец от экрана.World circles freezeswhen you do not touch the screen, and comes to life whentouched.Tactics, but with the ability to pause during play, it is enough tojust take your finger off the screen.
Fix My Number 1.0.4
Fix My Number поможет заменить первуюцифрутелефона ваших контактов с +7 на 8 или наоборот. Функция"своязамена", поможет вам самим определить то, как будетпроизведеназамена префикса контактов! Перед изменением контактовсоздается ихрезервная копия, чтобы вы всегда могли восстановитьстарыеконтакты.Fix My Number - исправление префиксов, а также другиеполезныефункции по работе с контактами (планируются в будущихобновлениях)для того чтобы помочь вам "починить" свои контакты!Fix My Number willreplacethe first digit of your phone contacts with 7 to 8, or viceversa.The "own replacement," will help you to decide forthemselves how tobe replaced prefix contacts! Before changingcontacts creates abackup copy that you can always restore the oldcontacts.Fix My Number - correction of prefixes, as well as otherusefulfunctions for working with contacts (planned in futureupdates) tohelp you to "repair" your contacts!
Smart Forecast 2.7
"Smart Forecast" - so simple in usefreeapplication with rich functionality. From "Smart Forecast" youwillbe always informed on weather "behind a window", or inanysettlement of the world, beginning from huge megalopolisesandfinishing with silent small Tibetan villages. Through theeasyintuitive interface it is enough to look at the screen tolearnabout all weather characteristics of the chosenlocation.The application will report to you about weather conditions,andwill also provide a weather forecast for a day and a weekahead,will construct the schedule of change of temperature andotherweather characteristics for your "current" location or theselectedsettlement. Maintaining the list of the favoritecities,intellectual addition of the city on only several letters ora map,a wide choice of settings, undoubtedly, give only pleasantemotionsby the work with Smart Forecast.We use a reliable and popular weather data source ofOpenWeatherMap(, integration withseveral weatherservices is planned further.APP FEATURES:- Smart Forecast provide data on the current weather conditionsinthe selected settlement or a point on the map;- The app shows a weather forecast for a day and a weekahead;- "Favorite" cities list;- "Intellectual" addition of the city in the list only onseveralletters;- Color schemes and "night" mode;- The big set of parameters allow to adjust the app accordingtoyour needs;- The applications use reliable and popular data source. Furthertheintegration with several weather services is plannedThe application is constantly improved, your comments help ustomake Smart Forecast the best weather app.
FallingBall 1.1
В этой игре вам подвластен маленький мячиквогромной пещере с весьма четкой задачей: добраться до самогониза,оставаясь в зоне видимости. Задача на первый взгляд простая,однакона вашем пути будут стоять различные препятствия, которымпридетсябросить вызов.In this game you immunetoa little ball in a huge cave with a very clear objective: toreachthe bottom, remaining in sight. The task at first glancesimple, butwill face various obstacles, which will have tochallenge yourway.