Les Editions Volumiques 应用

Zéphyr, soucoupe volante 1.2.1
Continue the adventure of the book "saucer" of the Zephyrcollection.
Zéphyr, le safari en ballon 1.0.2
Dans ce jeu vous allez pouvoir vous promenerau dessus de la savane et photographier les animaux demandés. Cetteapplication vient en complément du livre « le safari en ballon » dela collection Zéphyr (le ballon en papier est fourni aveclivre).In this game you will beable to walk over the savannah and photographing animals requested.This application complements the book "The balloon safari" of theZephyr collection (the ball is supplied with paper book).
World of Yo-Ho 1.5.1
the World of Yo-Ho digital companion app is afree tool designed for use with the World of Yo-Ho board game.World of Yo-Ho is a fantasy game of adventure and piracy on thehigh seas. It’s a new typeof game, for 2 to 4 players, that combines the tangible and socialpleasure of a board game with the interactive mechanics of a videogame. Become the most famous pirate of this parallel world full ofintelligent animals, lost islands and wild magic.• Your phone is your ship! It knows where it is on the map, itmoves around the board it interacts with other phones !• Outwit your fellow pirates. prepare your actions secretly byholding up your phone, then put it back on the map to share theresults with your friends and/or foes!• A turn-based game in a living, animated world full of events,twists and monsters that adapts as you play.• Save your game and you and your friends can resume it wheneveryou want!
Zéphyr, la maison fantôme 1.1.1
In this game you have to be the first to catch three little ghosts.
Paper Alarm Clock 1.0.1
Paper Alarm Clock est un réveil de papier.Pliez le réveil de papier, réglez l’heure de votreréveil.Glissez le téléphone sous le réveil de papier et bonnenuit…Au matin, vous serez réveillé par une animation relativeauxprévisions météorologiques de votre journée.Cette application peut aussi être utilisée d’unemanièreclassique sans le réveil de papier.Paper Alarm Clock isanalarm clock paper.Fold the paper alarm clock, set the time you wake up. Slidethephone waking paper and goodnight ...In the morning you will be awakened by an animation ontheweather forecast for your day.This application can also be used in a conventionalmannerwithout waking paper.
Rain at Noon 1.1.1
Through animations and games, help Joe find the fin he lost duringthe storm !
Lunévillois 1.0
Dans ce jeu, vous allez découvrir le Pays du Lunévillois etsesrichesses dans la peau d'un pilote de Montgolfière !
FEARZ! 1.1
FEARZ! is a fast-paced game of observation.
Zéphyr, la fusée 1.2.1
Continue the adventure of the book "rocket" of the Zephyrcollection.
Zéphyr, le ballon 1.2.1
Continue the adventure of the book "ball" of the Zephyr collection.