MJMobileDev 应用

Tawdif ( Emploi Maroc وظائف ) 2.1
Vous cherchez un nouvel emploi ou stage au maroc? Utilisez lemoteur de recherche de Tawdif pour trouver des opportunitésd'emploi où que vous soyez.Avec une base de données de plus de 25000 offres d'emploi etplus de 100 nouvelles offres quotidiennement déposé par dessociétés privée et publique et aussi de différentes domaines etsecteurs (ex : Agriculture, agroalimentaire, Industrie, Énergie,Commerce et artisanat, Tourisme, Télécoms et Internet, banques,Finance et assurances.).L'application Tawdif, vous permet de rechercher parmi desmilliers d'offre d'emploi ou de stage sur les grands sitesd'annonces d'emploi au Maroc (Anapec, Rekrute, Manasseb, AmalJob,Alwadifa, EmploiMaroc, emploi.ma, Marocannonces, Menara Job, Bayt,Manpower maroc, Wadifa, Menarajob, Trovit.ma, Adecco etc...)..Elle permet aussi de connaître les derniers concours d'accès àla fonction publique et semi-publique au Maroc ainsi que leursrésultats sans oublier les offres d'emploi du secteur privé ainsiqu'à l'étranger.Utilisez notre moteur de recherche pour trouver votre emploiidéal: recherche par ville ou fonction ou les deux, recevoir desnotifications en fonction de votre profil, partagez des annoncesintéressantes directement depuis l'application, sauvegardez lesoffres qui vous intéressent en favoris pour pouvoir y consulter oupostuler par la suite ...Tawdif reste la première application dans le domaine derecrutement au Maroc.★★★★★ "Simple et pratique."★★★★★ "Super Très bonne application"__________________________________________FONCTIONNALITÉS✔ Trouvez l'emploi que vous recherchez, filtrez les annonces parfonction, ville.✔ Enregistrez les annonces d'emploi dans votre liste defavoris.✔ Accéder aux dernières offres d'emploi.✔ Partager les annonces d'emploi.✔ Envoyer les offres d'emploi par email.✔ Mettre en place des alertes d'emploi.هل تبحث عن عمل أو تدريب؟محرك البحث توظيف سيساعدك في إيجاد فرص العمل التي تناسبكتطبيق توظيف يوفر للمستعملين قاعدة بيانات كبيرة و متنوعة من آخر عروضالعمل المتوفرة ، و يتميز بخصائص متقدمةتسهل عملية البحث ك :- عرض جميع فرص العمل المتوفرة.- البحث عن الوظائف في مدينة محددة.- عرض الوظائف حسب التخصص.- التوصل بتنبيهات الوظائف اليومية المطابقة للمعايير الخاصةبك.- تخصيص صفحة معاينة لكل عرض وظيفي.- حفظ عمليات البحث المفضلة لديك.- مشاركة العرض مع أصدقائك عن طريق البريد الاكتروني، فيسبوك، تويتر...إلخLookingfor a job or internship in Morocco? Tawdif Use the search engine tofind employment opportunities wherever you are.With a database of over 25,000 jobs and more than 100 new offersevery day deposited by private and public companies and also fromvarious fields and sectors (eg agriculture, food processing,Industry, Energy, Trade and Crafts, Tourism Telecoms and Internetbanking, finance and insurance.).Tawdif The application allows you to search among thousands ofjob or internship on major sites for jobs in Morocco (Anapec,Rekrute, Manasseb, AmalJob, Alwadifa, EmploiMaroc, emploi.ma,Marocannonces, Menara Job, Bayt, Manpower Morocco, wadifa,Menarajob, Trovit.ma Adecco etc ...) ..It also helps to know the latest competition for access to thepublic service and parastatal in Morocco and their results not tomention the jobs in the private sector and abroad.Use our search engine to find your ideal job: searching by cityor function or both, receive notifications based on your profile,share some interesting announcements directly from the application,save the offers that interest you to be able to Favourites view orapply by more ...Tawdif remains the first application in the recruitment field inMorocco.★★★★★ "Simple and practical."★★★★★ "Great app Very good"__________________________________________FEATURES✔ Find the job you are looking for, filter ads by function,city.✔ Record job advertisements in your list of favorites.✔ Access recent vacancies.✔ Share the job ads.✔ Send Jobs by email.✔ Set up job alerts.هل تبحث عن عمل أو تدريب?محرك البحث توظيف سيساعدك في إيجاد فرص العمل التي تناسبكتطبيق توظيف يوفر للمستعملين قاعدة بيانات كبيرة و متنوعة من آخر عروضالعمل المتوفرة, و يتميز بخصائص متقدمةتسهل عملية البحث ك:- عرض جميع فرص العمل المتوفرة.- البحث عن الوظائف في مدينة محددة.- عرض الوظائف حسب التخصص.- التوصل بتنبيهات الوظائف اليومية المطابقة للمعايير الخاصةبك.- تخصيص صفحة معاينة لكل عرض وظيفي.- حفظ عمليات البحث المفضلة لديك.- مشاركة العرض مع أصدقائك عن طريق البريد الاكتروني, فيسبوك, تويتر... إلخ
Animals Memory Game For Kids 1.1
"Animals Memory Game For Kids" is a free memory game for kidsandadults.★★★★★ "Coooool"★★★★★ "Great for testing and working memory this game isreallygood"Rules of the game:The maps are based hidden on one side and the players or thereturnto discover the right pair. If you find the right pair, theyaredécouvertent, otherwise they find their hidden state.The goal is to return all the pairs in the shortestpossiblecoup. When the cards are returned it is important toremember eachcard to be faster and more efficient.This Memory games for kids is simple and has anintuitiveinterface which is easy to use and easy to play, speciallydesignedfor children and this free kids memory game help to keepyour kidsquiet and entertained in car, in a restaurant oreverywhere.This kids memory game has several difficulty levels andmanydifferents themes pictures:- Pictures of animals : monkeys, lions, mouse,corocodiles..etc- Pictures of fishs : dolphin, sharks, crab ... etc- Pictures of fruits and vegetables : apples, oranges,grapes,strawberries ...etc- Sports images and others ...
1 Image 1 Mot : Quiz Légumes 8
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez tous leslégumes! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vos connaissances avec cejeu qui va sûrement enrichir vos connaissances et vocabulaire surle monde de légumes.ce jeu permet d' apprendre les noms des légumes tout en jouant eten s’amusant.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléter chaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois il répondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous êtes bloqué à un niveau, l'application est dotée deplusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aider viamails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnés pourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).6 - Pour gagner les points il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton"Gagner points" et choisir parmi les choix proposés.7 - La difficulté augmente au fur et à mesure que vous progressezdans le jeu vu les différentes types de légumes inclus dans le jeu: Exotiques secs simples charnus multiples complexes composés etrares.8 - Pas d'inscription, pas de règles compliquées. Lancez le jeu etcommencer à jouer et à vous amuser!Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence "CreativeCommons".Do you think you know allthe vegetables! You are sure? Then, test your knowledge with thisgame that will surely enrich your knowledge and vocabulary in theworld of vegetables.this game allows to learn the names of the vegetables while playingand having fun.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player moves one level once it correctly answer 50% ofquestions.5 - If you are stuck at one level, the application provides severalaid means (ask friends for your help via email or social networks,use the points earned to display the correct answers .. etc.).6 - To collect the points just click on the "Winning Points" buttonand choose from the options.7 - The difficulty increases gradually as you progress through thegame saw the different types of vegetables included in the game:simple dry Exotic fleshy complex multiple compounds and rare.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start the game and startplaying and have fun!All images, photos, fonts and other media are available on theInternet under the "Creative Commons".
Fish Quiz :Guess The Fish Name 5.6
Do you think you know all fishes names! Areyou sure? We invite you to test your knowledges with this addictivefish game that will certainly enrich vocabulary and knowledge aboutthe world of fishes.All you have to do is only guess the word of the pics shown ,but remember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess the name offish.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answering correctly 50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guess the picturefinding the correct fish names, the application provides severalaid means (ask your friends to help you through emails or socialnetwork to reveal fish names, use the points earned to display thecorrect answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" button and choosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty of fish quiz questions rises as you progressthrough the quiz fish game and have to guess different species offishes or more hard by guessing rare fishes name.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start this quiz fishgame and you immediately start playing and having fun!Fish Quiz is one of our best quiz games to learn English, It isa perfect companion for children, kids and babies to learn thenames of fishes in English and at the same time learn the Englishalphabet (Letters ...) through fish pictures.For adults too. On top of learning English and enriching theirvocabulary, They can play it as memory game because it allows themto test their memory and help to remember the forgotten fish name.If you like word games like 4 images 1 word you will surely lovethis new family game !This educational game is totally free, you will not have to payanything to move to new question and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this game areavailable for free on the Internet under the "CreativeCommons".
1 Bild 1 Wort : Tiere Quiz 7
Denken Sie, Sie kennen alle die Tiere Namen!Sind Sie sicher? Wir laden Sie ein, ihr Wissen mit diesem süchtigmachenden Spiel zu testen, wird sicherlich bereichern Wortschatzund Wissen über die Welt der Tiere erstellen.Alles, was sie zu tun haben, ist nur das Wort raten der Bildergezeigt, aber denken Sie daran, dass es nicht so einfach, wie Siedenken!Diese Version ist nur für das Deutsche Sprecher.Wie spielen?1 - zum Spielen, schauen Sie einfach in das Bild und erraten,den Namen der Tier.2 - Es gibt 4 Schwierigkeitsgrade.3 - Jede Stufe enthält 20 Fragen.4 - Die Spieler erreicht die nächste Stufe nach der Beantwortung50% von der Fragen richtig.5 - Wenn Sie steckengeblieben sind auf jeder Ebene und Sie nichterraten das Bild Finden der richtigen Obst Namen, bietet dasProgramm mehrere Beihilfen bedeutet (fragen Sie Ihren Freunden zuhelfen sie durch E-Mails oder des sozialen Netzwerks zu enthüllenObst Namen, verwenden die Punkte verdient, um die richtigenAntworten ...) .6 - Zum Sammeln von Punkten klicken Sie einfach auf den " ErhalteMünzen" Schaltfläche und wählen Sie aus den verfügbarenOptionen.7 - die Schwierigkeit steigt, während Sie Fortschritte durch dasQuiz Spiel und müssen erraten, verschiedene Arten von exotischenTieren oder mehr harte durch Erraten Seltene Tiere Namen.8 - keine Registrierung, keine komplizierten Regeln. Start ein Bildein Wort Spiel und Sie sofort loslegen und Spaß haben!1 bild 1 Wort ist einer unserer besten Quiz Spiele Deutsch zulernen, es ist ein perfekter Begleiter für Kinder, Säuglinge undKinder lernen die Namen der Tiere in Deutsch und gleichzeitiglernen Sie das deutsche Alphabet (Buchstaben ...) durch ObstBilder. Wenn Sie eine Wortspiele wie 4 bilder 1 wort sicherlichwerden Sie lieben dieses neue Familienspiel !Auch für Erwachsene. Oben auf Deutsch lernen und bereichern SieIhren Wortschatz, können Sie spielen, als Memory Spiel, denn esermöglicht Ihnen das Testen Sie Ihr Gedächtnis und Hilfe zuerinnern, die vergessene Tiere Namen.Dieses Lernspiel ist völlig kostenlos, Sie nicht zu zahlen habenetwas zu bewegen, neue Frage und Ebenen.Alle Bilder, Fotos, Schriften und andere Medien, die in diesemSpiel sind kostenlos im Internet erhältlich unter der "CreativeCommons".You think you know allthe animals names! Are you sure? We invite you to test yourknowledge with this addictive game that will surely enrichvocabulary and knowledge about the world of animals create.All they have to do is just guess the word the pictures shown,but remember that it is not as easy as you think!This version is only for German speakers.How to play?1 - to play, just look at the picture and guess the name of theanimal.2 - There are 4 levels of difficulty.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player to the next level by answering 50% of the questionscorrectly.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you do not guess the imageFinding the right fruit name, the program offers several aid means(ask your friends to help you through emails or social network toreveal fruit names, use the earned points to the right answers...).6 - just click on the "Get Coins" button to earn points and choosefrom the available options.7 - the difficulty increases as you progress through the guess quizgame and have several types of exotic animals or more hard Rare byguessing animals names.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start an image, a wordgame and you get started and have fun!1 pic 1 word is one of our best quizzes to learn German, thereis a perfect companion for children, infants and children learn thenames of animals in German and at the same time you learn theGerman alphabet (letters ...) by fruit images. If you have a wordgames like 4 pictures 1 word surely you will love this new familygame!Even for adults. Up learn German and enrich your vocabulary, youcan play as a memory game, because it allows you to remind yourmemory and help the forgotten animals name testing.This educational game is completely free, you do not have to payanything to move, new question and levels.All images, photos, writings and other media that are free onthe Internet available under the "Creative Commons" in thisgame.
1 Pic 1 Word : Animals Quiz 5.6
Do you think you know all the animalsnames!Are you sure? We invite you to test your knowledges withthisaddictive game that will certainly enrich vocabulary andknowledgeabout the world of animals.All you have to do is only guess the word of the pics shown,butremember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess the name oftheanimal.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answering correctly50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guess thepicturefinding the correct animal names, the application providesseveralaid means (ask your friends to help you through emails orsocialnetwork to reveal animal names, use the points earned todisplaythe correct answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" button andchoosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty rises as you progress through the quiz gameandhave to guess different kinds of exotic animals or more hardbyguessing rare animals name.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start one pictureoneword game and you immediately start playing and having fun!1 pic 1 word is one of our best quiz games to learn English,Itis a perfect companion for children, kids and babies to learnthenames of animals in English and at the same time learn theEnglishalphabet (Letters ...) through animal pictures.For adults too. On top of learning English and enrichingtheirvocabulary, They can play it as memory game because it allowsthemto test their memory and help to remember the forgottenanimalname. If you like word games like 4 images 1 word you willsurelylove this new family game !This educational game is totally free, you will not have topayanything to move to new question and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this gameareavailable for free on the Internet under the"CreativeCommons".
1 Pic 1 word : Car Logo Quiz 5.6
Do you think you know all car brands logos!Areyou sure? We invite you to test your knowledges with thisaddictivelogo quiz car game that will certainly enrich yourknowledge aboutthe world of cars.All you have to do is only guess the word of the car logopicsshown , but remember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess thecarlogo.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answering correctly50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guess thepicturefinding the correct car logo, the application providesseveral aidmeans (ask your friends to help you through emails orsocialnetwork to reveal car logo, use the points earned to displaythecorrect answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" button andchoosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty of Car Logo Quiz questions rises as youprogressthrough the quiz car game and have to guess differentbrands ofcars or more hard by guessing rare logos cars.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start this quiz cargameand you immediately start playing and having fun!Car Logo Quiz is one of our best quiz games for adultsandchildren, They can play it as memory game because it allows themtotest their memory and help to remember the forgotten car logo.Ifyou like word games like 4 images 1 word you will surely lovethisnew game !This game is totally free, you will not have to pay anythingtomove to new questions and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this gameareavailable for free on the Internet under the"CreativeCommons".
Logo marques de voitures Quiz 8
Cet amusant jeu est un Quiz sur les logos desmarques voitures. il va vous offrir des heures de plaisir!Le concept est simple dans ce quiz voiture, il suffit de trouverpour chaque image logo de voiture le nom correspondant parmi lesplus grandes marques de voiture de l'industrie automobile du mondeentier.Les jeux de logo de voiture sont destiné aux amateurs de voitures!Si vous vous Considérez comme un expert dans les voitures nous vousinvitons à tester vos connaissances et devinez la marque del'automobile à partir de son logo seulement!Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez la marque de lavoiture.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de logo de 20 questions pour compléter chaqueniveau.4 - Le joueur peut passer au niveau suivant une fois il reconnait50% d'images de logo quiz voiture.5 - Si vous êtes bloqué à un niveau, l'application logo quiz marquede voiture est dotée de plusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vosamis de vos aider via mails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser lespoints gagnés pour afficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).6 - Pour gagner les points il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton"Gagner points" et choisir parmi les choix proposés. Vous pouvezdépenser ces points sur les réponses pour passer aux niveaux lesplus difficiles dans ce jeu logo quiz marque de voiture.7 - La difficulté augmente au fur et à mesure que vous progressezdans le jeu vu les différentes marques d'automobiles inclus dans lejeu.8 - Pas d'inscription, pas de règles compliquées. Lancez le jeu etcommencer à jouer et à vous amuser!Commencez à jouer dès maintenant et devinez toutes lesvoitures!Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Audi, Bmw, Ford, Mercedes,Opel, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Kia, Nissan, Seat, Toyota,Volvo, Suzuki, Hyundai, Mazda, Alfa Romeo, Porsche, super mario ,Jaguar, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Iveco, Honda, Ferrari, Daihatsu, Lada,Faw, Rolls-royce, Hino, Daewoo,Aston Martin, Land Rover,Lamborghini, Mahindra, Proton, Skoda, Ssangyong, Saab, Bentley,Cadillac, Infiniti, Lancia, Maserativ, Mclaren, Abarth, Mastretta,Santana, Aleko, Maybach, Piaggio, Tesla, Alpina, Subaru, Haima,Corvette, Buick, Dodge, Fisker, Lexus, Pgo, Smart, Auverland, Mega,Bertone, Maruti, Artega, Dangel, Mini, Talbot, Morgan, Pontiac,Tata, Autobianchi, Donkervoort, ShuanghuanParmi les jeux de quiz de voiture logo sur le store ce jeu dedevinette en français est totalement gratuit, vous n’aurez à payerquoi que ce soit pour passer aux nouveaux stages.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence "CreativeCommons".This fun game is a quizcar brand logos. it will give you hours of fun!The concept is simple quiz in this car, just find for each car logopicture the corresponding name among the greatest car brands in theautomotive industry worldwide.Car logo of the games are designed for car lovers! If you consideryou an expert in the cars we invite you to test your knowledge andguess the automotive brand from its logo only!How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the make of thecar.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the logo photo of 20 questions to complete eachlevel.4 - The player can move to the next level once he recognizes 50% ofimages of car logo quiz.5 - If you are stuck at one level, the application logo quiz carbrand has several aid means (ask friends for your help via email orsocial networks, use the points earned to display the correctanswers .. etc.).6 - To collect the points just click on the "Winning Points" buttonand choose from the options. You can spend these points on theanswers to pass the most difficult levels in this game logo quizcar brand.7 - The difficulty increases gradually as you progress through thegame saw the different brands of cars included in the game.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start the game and startplaying and have fun!Start playing now and guess all the cars!Peugeot, Renault, Citroen, Dacia, Fiat, Audi, BMW, Ford, Mercedes,Opel, Volkswagen, Chevrolet, Chrysler, Kia, Nissan, Seat, Toyota,Volvo, Suzuki, Hyundai, Mazda, Alfa Romeo, Porsche, Super Mario,Jaguar, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, Iveco, Honda, Ferrari, Daihatsu, Lada,Faw, Rolls-royce, Hino, Daewoo, Aston Martin, Land Rover,Lamborghini, Mahindra, Proton, Skoda, Ssangyong, Saab, Bentley,Cadillac, Infiniti, Lancia, Maserativ, Mclaren, Abarth, Mastretta,Santana, Aleko, Maybach, Piaggio, Tesla, Alpina, Subaru, Haima,Corvette, Buick, Dodge, Fisker, Lexus, Pgo, Smart, Auverland, Mega,Bertone, Maruti, Artega, Dangel, Mini, Talbot, Morgan, Pontiac,Tata, Autobianchi, Donkervoort, ShuanghuanAmong the games quiz Car logo on the store this guessing game inFrench is completely free, you do not have to pay anything to moveto new courses.All images, photos, fonts and other media are available on theInternet under the "Creative Commons".
1 Bild 1 Wort : Fisch Quiz 5.5
Denken Sie, Sie kennen alle die FischeNamen!Sind Sie sicher? Wir laden Sie ein, ihr Wissen mit diesemsüchtigmachenden Spiel zu testen, wird sicherlich bereichernWortschatzund Wissen über die Welt der Fische erstellen.Alles, was sie zu tun haben, ist nur das Wort raten derBildergezeigt, aber denken Sie daran, dass es nicht so einfach, wieSiedenken!Diese fisch spiele Version ist nur für das DeutscheSprecher.Wie spielen?1 - zum Spielen, schauen Sie einfach in das Bild und erraten,denNamen der Fisch.2 - Es gibt 4 Schwierigkeitsgrade.3 - Jede Stufe enthält 20 Fragen.4 - Die Spieler erreicht die nächste Stufe nach der Beantwortung50%von der Fragen richtig.5 - Wenn Sie steckengeblieben sind auf jeder Ebene und Sienichterraten das Bild Finden der richtigen Obst Namen, bietetdasProgramm mehrere Beihilfen bedeutet (fragen Sie Ihren Freundenzuhelfen sie durch E-Mails oder des sozialen Netzwerks zuenthüllenObst Namen, verwenden die Punkte verdient, um dierichtigenAntworten ...) .6 - Zum Sammeln von Punkten klicken Sie einfach auf den "ErhalteMünzen" Schaltfläche und wählen Sie aus denverfügbarenOptionen.7 - die Schwierigkeit steigt, während Sie Fortschritte durchdasQuiz Spiel und müssen erraten, verschiedene Arten vonexotischenFischen oder mehr harte durch Erraten Seltene FischeNamen.8 - keine Registrierung, keine komplizierten Regeln. Start einBildein Wort Spiel und Sie sofort loslegen und Spaß haben!Fisch spiele "1 Bild 1 Wort : Fische Quiz" ist einerunsererbesten Quiz Spiele Deutsch zu lernen, es ist einperfekterBegleiter für Kinder, Säuglinge und Kinder lernen dieNamen derFische in Deutsch und gleichzeitig lernen Sie das deutscheAlphabet(Buchstaben ...) durch Obst Bilder. Wenn Sie eineWortspiele wie 4bilder 1 wort sicherlich werden Sie lieben diesesneueFamilienspiel !Auch für Erwachsene. Oben auf Deutsch lernen und bereichernSieIhren Wortschatz, können Sie spielen, als Memory Spiel, dennesermöglicht Ihnen das Testen Sie Ihr Gedächtnis und Hilfezuerinnern, die vergessene Fische Namen.Dieses Lernspiel ist völlig kostenlos, Sie nicht zu zahlenhabenetwas zu bewegen, neue Frage und Ebenen.Alle Bilder, Fotos, Schriften und andere Medien, die indiesemSpiel sind kostenlos im Internet erhältlich unter der"CreativeCommons".You think you know allthefish names! Are you sure? We invite you to test your knowledgewiththis addictive game that will surely enrich vocabulary andknowledgeof the world of fish create.All they have to do is just guess the word the picturesshown,but remember that it is not as easy as you think!These fish play version is only for German speakers.How to play?1 - to play, just look at the picture and guess the name ofthefish.2 - There are 4 levels of difficulty.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player to the next level by answering 50% of thequestionscorrectly.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you do not guess theimageFinding the right fruit name, the program offers several aidmeans(ask your friends to help you through emails or social networktoreveal fruit names, use the earned points to the rightanswers...).6 - just click on the "Get Coins" button to earn points andchoosefrom the available options.7 - the difficulty increases as you progress through the guessquizgame and have several types of exotic fish or more hard Rarefishby guessing names.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start an image, awordgame and you get started and have fun!Fish games "1 Image 1 word: Fish Quiz" is one of our bestquizzesto learn German, there is a perfect companion for children,infantsand children learn the names of fish in German and at thesame timeyou learn the German alphabet (letters .. .) by fruitimages. If youhave a word games like 4 pictures 1 word surely youwill love thisnew family game!Even for adults. Up learn German and enrich your vocabulary,youcan play as a memory game, because it allows you to remindyourmemory and help the forgotten fish name testing.This educational game is completely free, you do not have topayanything to move, new question and levels.All images, photos, writings and other media that are free ontheInternet available under the "Creative Commons" in thisgame.
1 Pic 1 Word : Vegetables Quiz 5.6
Do you think you know all the vegetablesnames!Are you sure? We invite you to test your knowledges withthisaddictive game that will certainly enrich vocabulary andknowledgeabout the world of vegetables.All you have to do is only guess the word of the pics shown,butremember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess the name ofthevegetable.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answering correctly50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guess thepicturefinding the correct vegetable names, the applicationprovidesseveral aid means (ask your friends to help you throughemails orsocial network to reveal vegetable names, use the pointsearned todisplay the correct answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" button andchoosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty rises as you progress through the quiz gameandhave to guess different kinds of exotic vegetables or more hardbyguessing rare vegetables name.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start one pictureoneword game and you immediately start playing and having fun!1 pic 1 word is one of our best quiz games to learn English,Itis a perfect companion for children, kids and babies to learnthenames of vegetables in English and at the same time learntheEnglish alphabet (Letters ...) through vegetable pictures.For adults too. On top of learning English and enrichingtheirvocabulary, They can play it as memory game because it allowsthemto test their memory and help to remember the forgottenvegetablename. If you like word games like 4 images 1 word you willsurelylove this new family game !This educational game is totally free, you will not have topayanything to move to new question and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this gameareavailable for free on the Internet under the"CreativeCommons".
1 Bild 1 Wort : Früchte Quiz 8
Denken Sie, Sie kennen alle die Früchte Namen!Sind Sie sicher? Wir laden Sie ein, ihr Wissen mit diesem süchtigmachenden Spiel zu testen, wird sicherlich bereichern Wortschatzund Wissen über die Welt der Früchte erstellen.Alles, was sie zu tun haben, ist nur das Wort raten der Bildergezeigt, aber denken Sie daran, dass es nicht so einfach, wie Siedenken!Diese Version ist nur für das Deutsche Sprecher.Wie spielen?Aprikose, Cranberry, Alkekengi, Mandel; Saskatoon-Beere, Ananas,Erdbeerbaum, Papaya, Avocado, Banane, Bergamotte, Bitter oderChinesisch, Nektarine Cranberry Cassis, super mario, Kirsche,Kastanie, Zitrone, Clementine, Quitte, Bunchberry, Hagebutten,Datte, Berberitze, Feijoa, Feige, Feigenkaktus,Erdbeere, Himbeere, Granatapfel, Kirsche, Johannisbeere, Jujube,Kaki, Kiwi, Limette, Mandarine, Braun, Melone, Pflaume, sonic,Brombeere, Myrte, Heidelbeere, Mispel, Mispel von Japan, Haselnuss,Walnuss, Olive, Orange, Grapefruit, tarzan, Wassermelone, Angeln,Pistazie oder Moltebeeren Moltebeeren, Birne, Apfel, Grapefruit,Pflaume und Pflaume, Pflaume,Trauben1 bild 1 Wort ist einer unserer besten Quiz Spiele Deutsch zulernen, es ist ein perfekter Begleiter für Kinder, Säuglinge undKinder lernen die Namen der Früchte in Deutsch und gleichzeitiglernen Sie das deutsche Alphabet (Buchstaben ...) durch ObstBilder. Wenn Sie eine Wortspiele wie 4 bilder 1 wort sicherlichwerden Sie lieben dieses neue Familienspiel !Auch für Erwachsene. Oben auf Deutsch lernen und bereichern SieIhren Wortschatz, können Sie spielen, als Memory Spiel, denn esermöglicht Ihnen das Testen Sie Ihr Gedächtnis und Hilfe zuerinnern, die vergessene Früchte Namen.Dieses Lernspiel ist völlig kostenlos, Sie nicht zu zahlen habenetwas zu bewegen, neue Frage und Ebenen.Alle Bilder, Fotos, Schriften und andere Medien, die in diesemSpiel sind kostenlos im Internet erhältlich unter der "CreativeCommons".You think you know allthe fruits name! Are you sure? We invite you to test your knowledgewith this addictive game that will surely enrich vocabulary andknowledge of the world of fruits create.All they have to do is just guess the word the pictures shown, butremember that it is not as easy as you think!This version is only for German speakers.How to play?Apricot, Cranberry, Alkekengi, almond; Saskatoon berry, pineapple,strawberry tree, papaya, avocado, banana, bergamot, bitter orChinese, Nectarine Cranberry Cassis, super mario, cherry, chestnut,lemon, Clementine, quince, Bunchberry, rosehips, Datte, barberry,feijoa, figs, prickly pear .Strawberry, raspberry, pomegranate, cherry, currant, jujube,persimmon, kiwi, lime, mandarin, brown, melon, plum, sonic,blackberry, myrtle, blueberry, loquat, medlar of Japan, hazelnut,walnut, olive, orange, grapefruit, tarzan, watermelon, fishing,pistachio or cloudberry cloudberry, pear, apple, grapefruit, plumand plum, plum,Grapes1 pic 1 word is one of our best quizzes to learn German, there is aperfect companion for children, infants and children learn thenames of fruits in German and at the same time you learn the Germanalphabet (letters ...) by fruit images. If you have a word gameslike 4 pictures 1 word surely you will love this new familygame!Even for adults. Up learn German and enrich your vocabulary, youcan play as a memory game, because it allows you to remind yourmemory and help the forgotten fruits name testing.This educational game is completely free, you do not have to payanything to move, new question and levels.All images, photos, writings and other media that are free on theInternet available under the "Creative Commons" in this game.
1 Image 1 Mot : Quiz Fruits 9
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez tous lesfruits! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vos connaissances avec cettedevinette jeu qui va sûrement enrichir vos connaissances etvocabulaire sur le monde de fruits.En plus d' apprendre et enrichir le vocabulaire en apprenant denouveaux motss; l’application est un vrai test deconnaissances.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléter chaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois il répondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous êtes bloqué à un niveau, l'application est dotée deplusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aider viamails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnés pourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).Tous nos jeux sont totalement gratuit, dans nos jeux vous n’aurez àpayer quoi que ce soit pour passer aux nouveaux stages.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence "CreativeCommons".Do you think you know allthe fruit! You are sure? Then, test your knowledge with this quizgame that will surely enrich your knowledge and vocabulary in theworld of fruits.In addition to learning and build vocabulary by learning new motss;the application is a true test of knowledge.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player moves one level once it correctly answer 50% ofquestions.5 - If you are stuck at one level, the application provides severalaid means (ask friends for your help via email or social networks,use the points earned to display the correct answers .. etc.).All our games are totally free in our games you'll have to payanything to move to new courses.All images, photos, fonts and other media are available on theInternet under the "Creative Commons".
1 Bild 1 Wort : Gemüse Quiz 8
Denken Sie, Sie kennen alle die Gemüse Namen!Sind Sie sicher? Wir laden Sie ein, ihr Wissen mit diesem süchtigmachenden Spiel zu testen, wird sicherlich bereichern Wortschatzund Wissen über die Welt der Gemüse erstellen.Alles, was sie zu tun haben, ist nur das Wort raten der Bildergezeigt, aber denken Sie daran, dass es nicht so einfach, wie Siedenken!Diese Version ist nur für das Deutsche Sprecher.Wie spielen?Knoblauch, Artischocke, Spargel, Aubergine, Avocado, Bette, RoteRübe, Mangold, Brokkoli, Karotten, Katalonien, Sellerie, sonic,Pilze, Kohl, Kürbis, SpongeBob, Gurken, Kürbis, Zucchini, Cresson,Dasheen, Daikon, Schalotten, Endivie, Spinat, Fenchel, Bohnen,Flageolett, Giromon Bean Yam, Kancon, Konbu, Salat Lentil Mash,Mais, Maniok Rübe, Zwiebel, Sauerampfer, tarzan, Pastinaken,Kartoffeln, Pâtisson Leek Paprika, super mario, Kürbis, Kürbis,Radieschen, Rhabarber, Rakete, Steckrübe, Salat, Schwarzwurzeln,Schwarzwurzeln, Tetragon TomatoTopinambur, Udo, Vitelotte, Wakame, Wasabi, Ajin TsoiDieses Lernspiel ist völlig kostenlos, Sie nicht zu zahlen habenetwas zu bewegen, neue Frage und Ebenen.Alle Bilder, Fotos, Schriften und andere Medien, die in diesemSpiel sind kostenlos im Internet erhältlich unter der "CreativeCommons".You think you know allthe vegetables names! Are you sure? We invite you to test yourknowledge with this addictive game that will surely enrichvocabulary and knowledge of the world of vegetables create.All they have to do is just guess the word the pictures shown, butremember that it is not as easy as you think!This version is only for German speakers.How to play?Garlic, artichoke, asparagus, aubergine, avocado, Bette, Beet,Swiss chard, broccoli, carrots, Catalonia, celery, sonic,mushrooms, cabbage, pumpkin, SpongeBob, cucumbers, squash,zucchini, Cresson, Dasheen, daikon, scallions, endive , spinach,fennel, beans, flageolet, Giromon bean Yam, Kancon, konbu, saladLentil Mash, corn, cassava turnip, onion, sorrel, tarzan, parsnips,potatoes, Pâtisson Leek paprika, super mario, pumpkin, squash,radishes, rhubarb , rocket, turnip, lettuce, salsify, salsify,tetragon TomatoJerusalem artichokes, Udo, Vitelotte, Wakame, Wasabi, AjinTsoiThis educational game is completely free, you do not have to payanything to move, new question and levels.All images, photos, writings and other media that are free on theInternet available under the "Creative Commons" in this game.
1 Pic 1 Word : Fruits Quiz 5.2
Do you think you know all the fruits names!Areyou sure? We invite you to test your knowledges with thisaddictivegame that will certainly enrich vocabulary and knowledgeabout theworld of fruits.All you have to do is only guess the word of the pics shown,butremember that it's not easy as you think!This version is only for English-speaker.How to play?1 - To play, just look at the picture and guess the name ofthefruit.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Each level contains 20 questions.4 - The player reaches the next level after answering correctly50%of the questions.5 - If you are stuck at any level and you can't guess thepicturefinding the correct fruit names, the application providesseveralaid means (ask your friends to help you through emails orsocialnetwork to reveal fruit names, use the points earned todisplay thecorrect answers ...) .6 - To earn points just click on the "Get Coints" button andchoosefrom available options .7 - The difficulty rises as you progress through the quiz gameandhave to guess different kinds of exotic fruits or more hardbyguessing rare fruits name.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start one pictureoneword game and you immediately start playing and having fun!1 pic 1 word is one of our best quiz games to learn English,Itis a perfect companion for children, kids and babies to learnthenames of fruits in English and at the same time learn theEnglishalphabet (Letters ...) through fruit pictures.For adults too. On top of learning English and enrichingtheirvocabulary, They can play it as memory game because it allowsthemto test their memory and help to remember the forgotten fruitname.If you like word games like 4 images 1 word you will surelylovethis new family game !This educational game is totally free, you will not have topayanything to move to new question and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this gameareavailable for free on the Internet under the"CreativeCommons".
1 immagine 1 Parola : Frutta 8
Pensi di conoscere i nomi di tutti i tipi difrutta? Sei sicuro? Vieni a mettere alla prova la tua conoscenzacon questo appassionante gioco che certamente arricchirà il tuovocabolario e la tua conoscenza riguardo il molto da frutta.Questo gioco educativo è totalmente gratuito, non dovrai mai pagarenulla per spostarti a nuovi livelli e nuove domande.Tutte le immagini, foto, font e altri media utilizzati in questogioco una foto una parola sono disponibili gratuitamente suInternet sotto licenza "Creative Commons".You think you know thenames of all types of fruit? Are you sure? Come and test yourknowledge with this addictive game that certainly will enrich yourvocabulary and your knowledge about the very fruit.This educational game is totally free, you never have to payanything to move to new levels and new questions.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this game a photoa word are available for free on the Internet under license"Creative Commons".
1 Image 1 Mot : Quiz Animaux 8
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez tous lesanimaux sauvages et domestiques! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vosconnaissances avec ce jeu de devinette animaux qui va sûrementenrichir vos connaissances et vocabulaire sur le monde desanimaux.Utile pour les enfants comme pour adultes, ce jeu de quiz animauxpermet d' apprendre les noms d'animaux tout en jouant et ens’amusant.Cette version est destinée uniquement aux francophone.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléter chaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois il répondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous ne pouvez pas devinez la photo, ce jeu de quiz estdotée de plusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aidervia mails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnés pourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).6 - Pour gagner les points il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton"Gagner points" et choisir parmi les choix proposés.7 - La difficulté augmente au fur et à mesure que vous progressezdans le jeu vu les différents types et espèces d'animaux inclusdans le jeu : animaux sauvages et animaux domestiques.8 - Pas d'inscription, pas de règles compliquées. Lancez le jeu etcommencer à jouer et à vous amuser!Ce jeu éducatif permet aux enfants d' apprendre les noms desanimaux . Et pour les adultes c'est plutôt un jeu de mémoire,d'énigmes et de défi car il permet de tester la mémoire et lesconnaissances avec celles de vos amis. Si vous aimez les devinettejeux, les jeux de mots et de casse-tête, vous allez sûrement adorerce nouveau jeu familial! Pour les mamans; vous pouvez laisser vosenfants jouer seuls au jeu de quiz animaux, et achever vos tâchesquotidiennes tel le balayage ménage repassage et la cuisine pendantqu’ils s’amuseront comme des fous!Il existe tant de type d'animaux au monde que vous ne vousennuierez jamais, juste devinez le mot correspondant à l'animalaffiché sur l’image! Garçons et filles de tous âges adorent jouer !Et grâce à son graphique claire et simple les tout-petits, et lesenfants non encore scolarisés aiment à y jouer comme des fous avecce jeu d’apprentissage! Téléchargez-le dès maintenant et testez vosconnaissances sur le monde des animaux!Tous nos jeux de devinette en français sont totalement gratuit,dans nos jeux vous n’aurez à payer quoi que ce soit pour passer auxnouveaux stages.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autres médiassont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence "CreativeCommons".Do you think you know allwild and domestic animals! You are sure? Then, test your knowledgewith this guessing game animals that will surely enrich yourvocabulary and knowledge about the world of animals.Useful for children as for adults, game animals quiz to learn thenames of animals while playing and having fun.This version is only for French.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player moves one level once it correctly answer 50% ofquestions.5 - If you can not guess the photo, this quiz game has several waysto help (ask friends for your help via email or social networks,use the points earned to display the correct answers .. etc..).6 - To collect the points just click on the "Winning Points" buttonand choose from the options.7 - The difficulty increases gradually as you progress through thegame and see the different types of animals included in the set:wild animals and pets.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start the game and startplaying and have fun!This educational game allows children to learn the names ofanimals. And for adults it is rather a memory game, puzzles andchallenge as it tests the memory and knowledge with those of yourfriends. If you like puzzle games, word games and puzzles, you willcertainly love this new family game! For moms; you can let yourchildren play alone in the animal quiz game, and complete yourdaily tasks such as ironing and cleaning sweep the kitchen whilethey have a great time!There are so many types of animals in the world that you never getbored, just guess the word corresponding to the animal shown on thepicture! Boys and girls of all ages love to play! And thanks to itsclear and simple graphical toddlers, and not even school childrenlove to play like crazy with this learning game! Download it nowand test your knowledge about the world of animals!All our French in guessing games are totally free in our gamesyou'll have to pay anything to move to new courses.All images, photos, fonts and other media are available on theInternet under the "Creative Commons".
1 Foto 1 Palabra : Frutas Quiz 8
¿Cree que conoce todos los nombres de frutas?¿Está seguro? Venga a probar su conocimiento con este juegoadictivo que realmente enriquecerá el vocabulario y conocimientosobre el mundo de las frutas.Todo lo que tiene que hacer es solo adivinar la palabra de lasimágenes mostradas, pero recuerde que no es tan fácil como piensa!Esta versión es sólo para hablantes de español.Albaricoque, arándano, Alkekengi, almendra; Saskatoon bayas, piña,fresa árbol, papaya, aguacate, plátano,Bergamota, amargo o chino, nectarina arándano Cassis, cerezo, supermario, castaño, limón, Clementine, Membrillo, Bunchberry, rosamosqueta, DATTE, agracejo, Feijoa, Higo, higo chumbo, Fresa,frambuesa, granada, cereza, grosella, de azufaifo, caqui, kiwi,limón, tarzan, mandarina, Brown, melón, Ciruela, mora, mirto,arándano, níspero, níspero del Japón, sopng bob, avellana, nuez,oliva, naranja, pomelo, Sandía, Pesca, pistacho, o CloudberryCloudberry, pera, manzana, sonic, pomelo, ciruela y ciruela,ciruela, uvases uno de nuestros mejores juegos de cuestionario para aprenderespañol, es el compañero perfecto para niños, hijos y bebés paraaprender los nombres de las frutas en español y al mismo tiempoaprender el alfabeto en español (letras...) a través de imágenes defrutas.Para adultos también. Para aprender mejor español y enriquecer suvocabulario. Pueden jugarlo como juego de memoria porque lespermite probar su memoria y ayudarles a recordar el nombre de lafruta olvidada. Si te gustan los juegos de palabras seguramente leencantará este nuevo juego de la familia !Este juego educativo es totalmente gratuito, no tendrá que pagarnada para moverse a nuevas preguntas y niveles.Todas las imágenes, fotos, fuentes y otros medios usados en estejuego están disponibles de forma gratuita en internet en “CreativeCommons”.You think you know allthe names of fruit? Are you sure? Come and test your knowledge withthis addictive game that really enrich the vocabulary and knowledgeabout the world of fruit.All you have to do is just guess the word of the images displayed,but remember it's not as easy as you think!This version is only for Spanish speakers.Apricot, blueberry, Alkekengi, almond; Saskatoon berries,pineapple, strawberry tree, papaya, avocado, banana,Bergamot, bitter or Chinese, blueberry nectarine Cassis, Cherry,super mario, chestnut, lemon, Clementine, quince, Bunchberry,rosehip, Datte, barberry, Feijoa, fig, prickly pear, strawberry,raspberry, Granada, cherry, currant, jujube, persimmon, kiwi,lemon, tarzan, tangerine, Brown, melon, plum, blackberry, myrtle,blueberry, loquat, medlar of Japan, sopng bob, hazelnut, walnut,olive, orange, grapefruit, watermelon, Fishing, pistachio, orcloudberry cloudberry, pear, apple, sonic, grapefruit, plum andplum, plum, grapesis one of our best games questionnaire to learn Spanish, is theperfect companion for children, children and babies to learn thenames of fruits in Spanish while learning the alphabet in Spanish(letters ...) through images of fruits.For adults too. To learn Spanish better and enrich theirvocabulary. They can play as a memory game that allows them to testyour memory and help them remember the name of the forgotten fruit.If you like word games will surely love this new family game!This educational game is completely free and not have to payanything to move to new questions and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this game areavailable for free online at "Creative Commons".
1 Foto 1 Palabra : Animales 5.7
¿Cree que conoce todos los nombres deanimales?¿Está seguro? Venga a probar su conocimiento con estejuego adictivoque realmente enriquecerá el vocabulario yconocimiento sobre elmundo de las animales.Todo lo que tiene que hacer es solo adivinar la palabra delasimágenes mostradas, pero recuerde que no es tan fácil comopiensa!Esta versión es sólo para hablantes de español.¿Cómo jugar?1. Para jugar, simplemente mire la imagen y adivine el nombredelanimal2. Hay 4 niveles de dificultad3. Cada nivel contiene 20 preguntas4. El jugador alcanza el siguiente nivel después derespondercorrectamente al 50% de las preguntas5. Si se queda atascado en cualquier nivel y no puede adivinarelnombre correcto del animal de la imagen, la aplicaciónproporcionarvarios medios de ayuda (pida ayuda a sus amigos através de correoselectrónicos o redes sociales para revelar elnombre de lasanimales, use los puntos ganados para mostrar lasrespuestascorrectas...)6. Para ganar puntos simplemente pinche en el botón“Obtenermonedas” y escoja entre las opciones disponibles7. La dificultad se eleva a medida que progresa a través deljuegode cuestionario y tiene que adivinar diferentes tipos deanimalesexóticas o más difícil al adivinar nombres de animalesraras8. Sin registro, sin reglas complicadas. Abra el juego unaimagenuna palabra e inmediatamente empiece a jugar y adivertirse.1 Foto 1 palabra es uno de nuestros mejores juegosdecuestionario para aprender español, es el compañero perfectoparaniños, hijos y bebés para aprender los nombres de las animalesenespañol y al mismo tiempo aprender el alfabeto enespañol(letras...) a través de imágenes de animales.Para adultos también. Para aprender mejor español y enriquecersuvocabulario. Pueden jugarlo como juego de memoria porquelespermite probar su memoria y ayudarles a recordar el nombredelanimal olvidada. Si te gustan los juegos de palabras como 4Fotos 1Palabra seguramente le encantará este nuevo juego de lafamilia!Este juego educativo es totalmente gratuito, no tendrá quepagarnada para moverse a nuevas preguntas y niveles.Todas las imágenes, fotos, fuentes y otros medios usados enestejuego están disponibles de forma gratuita en internet en“CreativeCommons”.You think you know allthenames of animals? Are you sure? Come and test your knowledgewiththis addictive game that really enrich the vocabulary andknowledgeabout the world of animals.All you have to do is just guess the word of theimagesdisplayed, but remember it's not as easy as you think!This version is only for Spanish speakers.How to play?1. To play, just look at the picture and guess theanimal'sname2. There are 4 levels of difficulty3. Each level contains 20 questions4. The player reaches the next level after correctly answering50%of questions5. If you get stuck at any level and can not guess the correctnameof the animal image, application provide various means ofsupport(ask for help from your friends via email or social networkstoreveal the names of the animals , use the points earned to showthecorrect answers ...)6. To earn points simply click on the "Get Coins" button andchoosefrom the available options7. The difficulty rises as you progress through thegamequestionnaire and have to guess different types of exoticanimalsor harder to guess names of rare animals8. No registration, no complicated rules. Open an image a wordgameand immediately start playing and have fun.1 Photo 1 word is one of our best games questionnaire tolearnSpanish, it is perfect for kids, children and babies companiontolearn the names of animals in Spanish while learning thealphabetin Spanish (letters ...) through images of animals.For adults too. To learn Spanish better and enrich theirvocabulary.They can play as a memory game that allows them to testyour memoryand help them remember forgotten the name of theanimal. If you likeword games like 4 Photos 1 Word will surelylove this new familygame!This educational game is completely free and not have topayanything to move to new questions and levels.All images, photos, fonts and other media used in this gameareavailable for free online at "Creative Commons".
Quiz Poissons 5.6
Croyez-vous que vous connaissiez tous lespoissons et fruits de mer! Vous êtes sûre? Alors, testez vosconnaissances avec ce jeu de devinette qui va sûrement enrichir vosconnaissances et vocabulaire sur le monde de poissons.Utile pour les enfants comme pour adultes, ce poissons quizpermet d' apprendre les noms des poissons tout en jouant et ens’amusant.Cette version est destinée uniquement aux francophone.Jouez et Apprenez la langue française en vous amusant! C'est unparfait compagnon pour les enfants, les bébés pour apprendre lesnoms des poissons en français de manière simple et au même tempsapprendre l'alphabet français (lettres, consonnes et voyelles).Aussi pour les adultes. En plus d' apprendre le français etenrichir le vocabulaire en apprenant de nouveaux mots en français;l’application est un vrai test de connaissances, c'est un jeu demémoire et de quiz amusant.Comment jouer?1 - Pour jouer, regardez l'image et devinez le mot.2 - Il y a 4 niveaux de difficulté.3 - Devinez la photo de 20 questions pour compléter chaqueniveau..4 - Le joueur passe au niveau suivant une fois il répondcorrectement à 50% des questions.5 - Si vous ne pouvez pas devinez la photo, ce jeu quiz est dotéede plusieurs moyens d'aides (demandez à vos amis de vos aider viamails ou les réseaux sociaux, utiliser les points gagnés pourafficher les bonnes réponses.. etc.).6 - Pour gagner les points il suffit de cliquer sur le bouton"Gagner points" et choisir parmi les choix proposés.7 - La difficulté augmente au fur et à mesure que vous progressezdans le jeu vu les différentes espèces de poissons et fruits de merinclus dans le jeu.8 - Pas d'inscription, pas de règles compliquées. Lancez le jeu etcommencer à jouer et à vous amuser!Ce jeu éducatif permet aux enfants d' apprendre les noms depoissons tout en s'amusant. Et pour les adultes c'est plutôt un jeude mémoire, d'énigmes et de défi car il permet de tester la mémoireet les connaissances avec celles de vos amis. Si vous aimez lesjeux de devinette, les jeux de mots et de casse-tête comme 4 images1 mot et 2 images vous allez sûrement adorer ce nouveau jeufamilial! Pour les mamans; vous pouvez laisser vos enfants jouerseuls à ce jeu quiz amusant, et achever vos tâches quotidiennes telle balayage ménage repassage et la cuisine pendant qu’ilss’amuseront comme des fous! à noter qu'il a été démontré que les“jeux éducatif” étaient le meilleur moyen pour les enfantsd’acquérir de nouvelles connaissances. Ce quiz amusant est ainsil’un des outils pédagogiques les plus formidables disponibles!Alors, téléchargez "Quiz Poissons" dès maintenant, afin qu’ellepuisse distraire votre enfant non encore scolarisé, ou encore pourqu’elle vous serve de support pédagogique ou de quiz pour l’ école!Et non seulement les enfants aiment jouer aux jeux de questionréponse, mais aussi les adultes peuvent tirer parti de ces quiz enimages et prennent beaucoup de plaisir de jouer à cette devinettemémoire! car les jeux de question réponse aident à lutter contrel’ennui pendant la pause déjeuner ou en attendant le bus ou le tourdans une file!Il existe tant d'espèces de poissons au monde que vous ne vousennuierez jamais, juste devinez le mot correspondant au poissonaffiché sur l’image! Garçons et filles de tous âges adorent jouer à“Quiz Poissons”! Et grâce à son graphique claire et simple lestout-petits, et les enfants non encore scolarisés aiment à y jouer,sans oublier les ados et les adultes, tous sans exception,s’amuseront comme des fous avec ce jeu d’apprentissage!Téléchargez-le dès maintenant et testez vos connaissances sur lemonde de poissons!Tous nos jeux sont totalement gratuit, dans nos jeux dedevinette en français vous n’aurez à payer quoi que ce soit pourpasser aux nouveaux stages.Toutes les images, photos, polices de caractères et autresmédias sont disponible gratuitement sur internet sous la licence"Creative Commons".Do you think you know allfish and seafood! Are you sure? Then, test your knowledge with thisguessing game that will surely enrich your vocabulary and knowledgeabout the world of fish.Useful for children and for adults, fish quiz allows to learnthe names of fish while playing and having fun.This version is only for French.Play and Learn French in fun! It is a perfect companion forchildren, babies to learn the names of fish in a simple manner andat the same time French learn French alphabet (letters, consonantsand vowels).Also for adults. In addition to learning French and buildvocabulary by learning new words in French; the application is atrue test of knowledge, it is a game of memory and fun quizzes.How to play?1 - To play, look at the picture and guess the word.2 - There are 4 difficulty levels.3 - Guess the photo of 20 questions to complete each level ..4 - The player goes to the next level once they correctly answer50% of questions.5 - If you can not guess the photo, this quiz game has several aidmeans (ask your friends to help you through emails or socialnetworking, use the points earned to display the correct answers ..etc. ).6 - To earn points just click on the "Winning Points" button andchoose from the options available.7 - The difficulty increases gradually as you progress through thegame saw the different species of fish and seafood included in thegame.8 - No registration, no complicated rules. Start the game and startplaying and have fun!This educational game allows children to learn the names of fishwhile having fun. And for adults it is rather a memory game,puzzles and challenging as it used to test memory and knowledgewith those of your friends. If you like puzzle games, word gamesand puzzles as 4 images 1 and 2 word pictures you will certainlylove this new family game! For moms; you can let your children playalone in this fun quiz game and complete your daily tasks likesweeping and cleaning ironing cooking as they have a great time!Note that it has been demonstrated that "educational games" werethe best way for children to learn new knowledge. This fun quiz isthus one of the most formidable educational tools available! Thendownload "Fish Quiz" now, so she can distract your child not yet inschool, or so that it serves you as a teaching aid or quiz forschool! And not only children love to play games of the questionanswer, but also adults can take advantage of these quiz picturesand take a lot of fun to play this riddle memory! because thequestion and answer games help to fight against boredom duringlunch break or waiting for the bus or ride in a queue!There are so many species of fish in the world that you neverget bored, just guess the word for fish displayed on the picture!Boys and girls of all ages love to play "Fish Quiz"! And thanks toits clear and simple graphical toddlers, and not yet enrolledchildren love to play, not to mention the teenagers and adults, allwithout exception, have a great time with this learning game!Download it now and test your knowledge about the world offish!All our games are totally free in our guessing games in Frenchyou have to pay anything to move to new courses.All images, photos, fonts and other media are available for freeon the Internet under the "Creative Commons".