MXM Mixed Reality Marketing AG 应用

FAT FISH 2 2.19
Nichts geangelt? Kein ProblemBeim "Fischfang" in der Augmented Reality kann die Angel zu Hausebleiben. Einfach die FAT FISH App installieren und der Fotospaßkann sofort starten.Lichte Dich und Deinen „Fang“ an ungewöhnlichen Orten, wie zumBeispiel der Supermarktkasse, im Schwimmbad oder im Büro mitverblüffend echt aussehenden 3D Fischen ab.Löse verschiedene Aufgaben und Du bekommst immer mehr Fischefreigeschaltet. Mit dem Minigame „Catch the Fish“ kannst Du DeinAnglerglück versuchen und Deinen Freunden auf Facebook zeigen, wasDir so ins Netz gegangen ist.Dabei geht es nicht darum, mit einem „angeblichen Fang“ anzugeben.Kreativität & Spaß mit den Möglichkeiten der Augmented Realitystehen im Vordergrund.Viel Spaß und Petri Heil!Nothing caught? NoproblemThe "fishing" in Augmented Reality, the Angel to stay home. EasyFAT FISH app install and photo fun can start immediately.Light on you and your "catch" from unusual places such as thesupermarket, swimming pool or in the office with amazinglyreal-looking 3D fish.Solve different tasks and you get more and more fish released.With the mini-game "Catch the Fish" You can try your luck fishingand show your friends on Facebook, which is gone out into thegrid.It is not a matter of specifying a "catch alleged". Creativity& fun with the possibilities of Augmented Reality in theforeground.Have fun and tight lines!
mirkoMX 1.0
Die Mixed Reality App zur mirko 2013 derWirtschaftsjunioren Magdeburg verbindet das Programmheft mitinteraktiven dreidimensionalen Inhalten!The Mixed Reality App formirko 2013, the Junior Chamber Magdeburg connects the printedprogram with interactive three-dimensional content!
MX FlApp 2.6.04
Your window to the fascinating world ofAugmented Reality. The MX FlApp Reader reveals surprising virtualcontent on a steadily growning number of print media, flyers oradvertising material.Directly try it out for yourself with a normal 5 Euro banknote:start MX FlApp and point the camera of your smartphone or tablettowards the front side of the 5 Euro note to automaticly reveal theconnected 3D-content! If you don't have a 5 Euro note now you candownload and print another test image here: directly from within the app.A lot more images with virtual content to be revealed can befound on FlApp is your newest marketing tool!Now you can use MX FlApp to expand your existing marketingmaterial with additional virtual content - quick, easy andaffordable. Overlay your printed products not only with videos,info-boxes, 3d-models and -animations but also with web-links andapplications.All you need is an image of your printed product (for exampleyour company logo) und the virtual content you want to overlay itwith. Contact us at flapp@mxm-ag.deWe wish all users a lot of fun with the app and are looking forwardto receive your feedback!For technical support feel free to send an email to
MX Artesan 1.2
Experience pharmaceuticals in a new way!Dive into the world of latest pharmaceutical production with"MXArtesan", the new Augmented Reality App from Artesan Pharmaandexperience their portfolio from every perspective! On the sixsidesof the interactive Artesan medicine package, real andvirtualworlds are melting together to present the service range ofArtesanPharma.To be able to see the Augmented Reality content of this app,youneed a specific 3D target: the Artesan "PARTNERSCHAFT forte2.0"medicine package.It is included in the invitation letters from Artesan totheupcoming trade fair "CPhl Worldwide 2013" inFrankfurt(Germany).If you didn't receive an invitation, you can still get the3Dtarget in one of the following ways:Print your own medicine box target. Just open the PDFdocumentbehind this URL link and follow the instructions in it: Artesan ( to have the officialArtesanmedicine box target sent to you.Additionally, you can experience a preview of the AR contentofthis app by using it with the Artesan article in theissueSeptember 2013 of the pharmaceutical magazine "pharmind".We wish you lots of fun with your Mixed Reality experienceandare looking forward to get your feedback!
MX AR Showroom 1.03
Der MX AR Showroom präsentiertverschiedeneMöglichkeiten zum Einsatz modernster Augmented RealityTechnologieim Produktmarketing.The MX ARShowroompresents various ways of using the latest AugmentedRealitytechnology in product marketing.
Holzmann MX 1.1
Der Mixed Reality Reader des Holzmann-Verlags.Der Holzmann MX Reader wird regelmäßig erweitert, so dass Siemitnur einer App stets auf dem Laufenden sind.Mit dieser kostenlosen App werden die Fachmagazine desFerdinandHolzmann Verlages interaktiv. Der Reader ermöglicht esIhnen, inausgewählten Ausgaben verblüffende dreidimensionaleAnsichten derneuesten Design- und Einrichtungstrends derInterior-Branche zuerleben. Ob Wohnen oder Küche – tauchen Sievirtuell in dieMöbelwelt ein und erkunden Sie sie bequem mit IhremiPhone oderiPad von allen Seiten. Zusätzlich bietet Ihnen derHolzmann MXReader Videomaterial mit spannendenHintergrundinformationen.Zurzeit sind in folgenden Magazinen Mixed RealityInhaltehinterlegt:• Titelseite der arcade 1/13• Titelseite der möbelkultur 1/13• Beileger der arcade 6/13 ("Das Haus" von Louise Campbell)UND SO FUNKTIONIERT'SStarten Sie den MX Holzmann Reader. Es öffnet sichautomatischdie Kamera Ihres Smartphones oder Tablets.Erfassen Sie die gesamte Magazin-Seite im Display Ihres Gerätes-und schon werden die virtuellen Inhalte geladen undangezeigt.Lassen Sie sich überraschen!Wenn Sie die Magazine nicht zur Hand haben, können Sie sichdieentsprechenden Seite selbst ausdrucken. Die Links zudennotwendigen PDF-Dateien finden Sie auf demStartbildschirminnerhalb der App.HINWEISE• Achten Sie bitte auf einheitliche Lichtverhältnisseundvermeiden Sie Reflexionen oder Schatten auf dem Motiv.• Variieren Sie ggf. den Abstand zwischen dem Motiv undderKamera.Weitere Informationen zu den Fachzeitschiften im Design-,Interieur-und Möbelsegment des Ferdinand Holzmann Verlages sowieaktuelleBranchennews finden Sie unter:,, http://www.moebelfertigung.comWir wünschen Ihnen viel Spaß!The Mixed RealityReaderfrom Holzmann Verlag.Holzmann MX Reader is updated regularly, so that you arealwayswith just one app to date.With this free app, the magazines of Ferdinand Holzmannpublisherare interactive. The reader allows you to experiencestunningthree-dimensional views of the latest trends in interiordesign andthe interior industry in selected issues. Whether livingor kitchen- you virtually dive into the world of furniture andexploring themconveniently with your iPhone or iPad from allsides. Additionallyprovides the reader Holzmann MX video withinteresting backgroundinformation.At present, in the following magazines mixed realitycontentavailable:• Title page of the arcade 1/13• Title page of möbelkultur 1/13• Beileger the arcade 6/13 ("The House" by Louise Campbell)HOW IT WORKSStart the MX Holzmann Reader. It automatically opens thecameraof your smartphone or tablet.Capture the entire magazine page in the display of your device-and the virtual content is loaded and displayed. Let ussurpriseyou!If you do not have the magazines on hand, you can printtherelevant page itself. The links to the required PDF files canbefound on the home screen within the app.NOTES• Please ensure uniform lighting conditions andavoid.Reflections or shadows on the subject• Vary if the distance between the subject and the camera.More information about Professional journals in design,interiorsand furniture segment of Ferdinand Holzmann Verlag as wellascurrent industry news, visit:,, http ://www.moebelfertigung.comWe hope you enjoy!
LSA-AR 2.0
The Mixed Reality App accompanying thefairappearance of Saxony-Anhalt at Hannovermesse 2013 and CeBIT2014.Open for exhibitors and visitors, LSA-AR uses AugmentedRealityto connect the printed exhibitors catalogue with virtual3Dcontent, interactive graphics, videos and animations ofthedisplayed services and products of our stand.This brings obvious additional value for exhibitorsandvisitors:* with LSA-AR, there is no need to transport valuable or bigandheavy real exhibits to the fair anymore. Together withthecatalogue, LSA-AR shows detailed 3D-models of completeexhibits,which can be examined from all directions and in motion,forexample as an animated explosion view, revealing a modelsdifferentcomponents.* with LSA-AR, exhibitors can emotionally boost thepresentationof their company with augmented reality eye-catchers,whilecommunicating information about their company much more easilyandclearly* interested visitors can download LSA-AR on theirownsmartphone, and in this way easily take home all the 3D-modelsandinformation of the exhibitors and their products from thestandtogether with the catalogueWe wish all users a lot of fun with the app and arelookingforward to receive your feedback!Easy first steps:(1) If you don't have the actual exhibitors catalogue yet,youcan download the PDF from links inside the app or directlyfromhere:HMI 2013 2014 Start the app and point your camera towards the pagesofcatalogue which are marked with the small smartphone-icon. Thepageshould be completely framed in the camera-view and welllit.(3) When the app has recognized the page, it's attachedvirtualcontent will show automaticly.For technical support feel free to send an email to