myPaganellaSki 1.0.8
Benvenuto nella app ufficiale di PaganellaSki!Qui puoi trovare tutte le informazioni per vivere al meglio latua esperienza nella Skiarea di Paganella:- meteo, impianti aperti, piste aperte, mappe, webcam, tariffeskipass, news e promozioni;- una sezione dedicata a MYPASS, in cui attivare il servizioinnovativo che ti permette di accedere sulle piste senza passaredalla biglietteria e consumare nelle baite con QR code;- notifiche per essere sempre aggiornati sulle news dellaskiarea.Welcome to the officialapp of Paganella Ski!Here you can find all the information to better enjoy yourexperience in the Skiarea Paganella:- Weather, open systems, open slopes, maps, webcam, ski passrates, news and promotions;- A section dedicated to MYPASS, which enable the innovativeservice that allows you to access the slopes without going to theticket office and eat in huts with QR code;- Notifications to stay current on news of the ski area.
MypassMusei 2.2.0
With MypassMusei you can enjoy the best ofart,without having to stop at the ticket office to purchase yourentryticket to your favorite exhibitions and events. Go to artsites andshop in cafes and bookshops of museums showing only yourQRCode!In this version:- A section dedicated to the exhibition "The Vivarini:thesplendor of the paintings between Gothic and Renaissance"(from20th February to 5th June 2016 at Palazzo Sarcinelli,ConeglianoVeneto) with general information, maps, fact sheets andnews- A section dedicated to the exhibition "Helmut Newton.WhiteWomen, Sleepless Nights, Big Nudes" (from 7th April to 7thAugust2016 at the Casa dei Tre Oci, Venice) withinformation,descriptions of works, place of exhibition andartists- A section dedicated to access to exhibitions with QRCode ataspecial price- New Personal User AreaSoon available a section dedicated to the National Museum ofCinemain Turin.
MyPass Blu 1.2.0
Con Mypass Blu la tua sosta sulle striscebludiventa semplice e veloce. Niente più monetine nel portafoglieminuti persi in cerca di parcometri!Scarica l'app sul tuo smartphone, registrati al servizioedesponi il talloncino in modo visibile in auto. Ogni volta chesaraiin sosta sulle strisce blu, basterà aprire l'app e impostareladurata della sosta comodamente dal tuo smartphone.La sosta può essere prolungata o anticipata senza dovertornarein macchina e l'importo si aggiornerà automaticamentesecondo iltempo effettivo sulle strisce blu. Senza spendere nulladi più.Infine, nello Storico Soste potrai controllare tutte lericevutedelle soste effettuate.Più semplice di così!Servizio disponibile per ora solo nella città di Torino.With mypass Blu yourstopon the blue lines becomes simple and fast. No more coins inhiswallet and minutes wasted looking for parking meters!Download the app on your smartphone, registered with theserviceand report the slip so visible in the car. Every time youwill beparked on the blue lines, just open the app and set theparkingtime from the convenience of your smartphone.The stop may be extended or earlier without having to returntoyour car and the amount will be automatically updated accordingtothe actual time on the blue lines. Without spendinganythingmore.Finally, in the Historical Parks you can check all receiptsofperformed stops.As simple as that!Service available for now only in the city of Turin.
MyPass Venezia 6.2.21
The Most Important Venice Tickets! Official Prices - InstantConfirmation
MyPass - Free to Move 6.1.31
Museums, Parks, Transport, Concerts, Parking & More in &around Venice
MyPass Ski 2.2.46
The Skipass you pay later, with just one tap. Save your time andmoney!