Mark Ispahani 应用

Healthy Healing Teas 1.0.0
Mark Ispahani
The father of medicine, Hippocrates, wasquoted as saying, “Let your food be your medicine and your medicinebe your food”. Throughout time, people have used plants not only asfood but also for medicinal purposes. Many of the pharmaceuticaldrugs we have today have their origins in natural plants. Manylives have been saved through their healthy healing properties andmany more will continue to be saved. Tea has been called the plantof heaven. For 4,000 years it has been valued both as a medicineand as a drink for pleasure. Our health is of great importance tous.The healing and health properties of herbal teas cannot bedoubted. They are full of vital nutrients, vitamins, and medicinalproperties. They can help us to lead fitter, healthier and happierlife-styles.
Homeopathy Heals 1.0.5
Mark Ispahani
Many people are taking a greater interestintheir health. They are turning more and more tocomplementarytherapies to do so. People want to be healthier,fitter, happier inthemselves.They, and their families, can achievemore and be moresuccessful.Homeopathy is a naturopathic form of medicine. It is holisticinits approach and treats mental, emotional and physicalillnessthrough the use of natural materials.Sometimes called ‘The Royal Medicine’ or, ‘The Medicine ofthe21st Century’, the Royal family in the UK have beenutilizinghomeopathic medicines since the 1830’s. The eminentCharles Darwin,as well as many other prominent names, also usedhomeopathicmedicines.“Homeopathy cures a larger percentage of cases than anyothermethod of treatment, and is beyond doubt safer”. –MahatmaGandhi.“Homeopathy is the safest and most reliable approach toailmentsand has withstood the assaults of the established medicalpracticefor over 100 years”. – Yehudi Menuhin.Whatever one might say about homeopathy, its use is on therise.Indeed, it is recognized by The World Health Organisation asthesecond largest therapeutic system in use in the world today.Homeopathy can be safely used alongside conventional drugsandwill not interfere with the action of any medicines prescribedby adoctor. Homeopathic treatment has an excellent safety recordand,because homeopathic medicines are non-toxic, they can be usedbybabies, children and during pregnancy.Homeopathy works on the principle known as ‘The Law ofSimilars’(similia similibus curantur) or ‘like cures like’. The lawstatesthat a substance that can cause symptoms to appear in ahealthyperson can also cure the same symptoms in a sick person.Thisprinciple, which can be traced back to the great GreekphysicianHippocrates (460 BC), was further developed and refined bythebrilliant Dr Samuel Hahnemann in the 1790’s.The law can be illustrated by example. In the 19th centuryGermanwomen took the herb Valerian regularly as a stimulant. Thisled tothe overtaxing of the nervous system and caused distress.Yet, iftaken in minute doses, valerian has the opposite effect. Itrelaxesthe nervous system and calms the mind.Another example, of which all of us have some experience, iswhenyou peel or chop an onion your eyes will burn, itch and water.Youmight have a runny nose and begin to sneeze. If you hadsimilarsymptoms during a cold or allergy attack, like hay fever,ahomeopathic dose of the remedy Allium cepa (red onion) wouldhelpyour system to heal itself.Homeopathy treats the whole individual taking in toaccounthis/her mental, emotional and physical states as there mightbeunderlying causes to the disease. Often, illness ispsycho-somatic.This app helps to cure your illness. It helps you,and your lovedones, to lead healthier, happier life-styles. It willalso help youto improve the quality of your life by alleviating andcuring manyan ailment which causes undue distress andsuffering.‘‘The greatest wealth, is health’’. – Virgil