Milk Student Planners Ltd 应用

Milk - My Interactive Learning Kit 2.4.6
Milk (My Interactive Learning Kit) is free to use for studentsandparents of schools that subscribe to our service.Pushnotifications instantly prompt students and parents to readtheirappointments, messages and home learning tasks. This featureonlyoperates during sociable hours (7.00am – 8.00pm). Notificationsoutside of these hours will be queued for delivery after 7.00am.2-waychat is enabled by the teacher sending the message. Bydefault, allmessages sent by teachers are 1-way. Users will receiverelevanttarget group messages and individual messages from theirschool.Students must rate the difficulty of their home learningtasks.Students can upload homework tasks using Milk app, includingphotostaken on their devices for written school work. Fileattachmentscan either be printed directly from within the app ordownloaded tothe users device and printed using the relevantapplication. Allusers can register their email address in'settings' allowing themto use their email address in place oftheir Milk ID when loggingin to Milk app. Registering an emailaddress in Milk also enablespassword resets by the user. Milk appusers can remain logged infor a maximum of 90 days before they willbe automatically signedout. Student Attendance, Achievement,Behaviour and SubjectProgress data is imported and updated dailyfrom the school'smanagement information system. Students candownload SubjectProgress reports from Milk app. Milk supports1-week and 2-weektimetables.