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Soulvana: Daily Spirituality
Mindvalley Inc.
Take your meditation, spiritual practice and all areas of your lifeto new heights. Experience spiritual awakening, tune chakra andbecome a happier person. Harmonize your spiritual meditation andelevate mental health. Relaxing sounds will help with spiritualpractice and stress relief. 🙏Guided meditations by Soulvana🙏Connect with the world's best spiritual teachers, healers andthousands of evolved people like you on the most transformationalonline group meditations, guided meditations, sound therapy(including soothing and relaxing sounds), manifestation sessionsand spiritual inspiration on the planet. Start healing, ascending,evolving and thriving in all areas of your life. From health,happiness, relationships and emotional well-being to finance,career and purpose, Soulvana gives you spiritual inspiration topositively impact your health, life and humanity like never before.Become better version of yourself - calmer, happier, morefulfilled. Improve your spirituality, mental health, experience alasting anxiety and stress relief. Connecting and meditating withother people will help like nothing else. Connect and Meditate WithThousands of People Gathering for Live Group Immersions in Healing,Activation, Meditation & Manifesting Group Immersions aretransformational spiritual inspiration, guided by the world’s bestspiritual teachers and enhanced with advanced multi-sensorytechnology of relaxing sounds, color, energy and sacred geometry.By joining Group Immersions you can now connect with thousands ofother people, do spiritual meditation in a group unity andcoherence. Group Immersions are an advanced form of guided groupmeditations designed to help you experience supreme levels ofconnectedness. Together, we create a powerful energy field, afountain of youth and collective coherence, engineered to help youheal, ground, recharge, evolve, manifest and send love. Meditate,Recharge, Evolve & Rejuvenate with the Best Spiritual Teachers,Healers & Artists in the World From best-selling authors,award-winning healers, Reiki masters to sought-after internationalspeakers, world-class sound healers, enlightened pharmacistsSoulvana brings the best spiritual teachers, healers, guides,coaches, therapist and lightworkers to your fingertips. Author listfeatures: ⭐Christie Marie Sheldon ⭐Lune Innate ⭐Marie Diamond⭐Jeffrey Allen ⭐Sarah Prout ⭐Brett Bevell ⭐Vishen Lakhiani … andmany more! Contribute To A Higher Cause and A Mission Soulvana'sgrand mission is to heal, unite and raise the consciousness,provide spiritual awakening, experience stress relief with relaxingsounds and create a better world for us and our children, bybringing modern spiritual inspiration and spiritual practice toevery person. It will change your life perception. ImmersionsImmersions are an advanced, on-demand and multi-sensory guidedmeditations, engineered to help you activate your psychic gifts andhigher potential. Immersions are guided by the best spiritualguides to help you experience even deeper shifts, healings,transformations, and ascensions. Healing Chambers: The World’s BestHealers Work On You Through Time/Space Healing Chambers areon-demand micro healing sessions where the world's best spiritualhealers work on you through time & space. Sonic Therapies: TheFuture Of Medicine At Your Fingertips Sonic therapies are theon-demand medicine of the future, available to you today and now.Leveraging the energy of sound, vibration, and intonation, uniqueand potent tools to help you experience healings, clearings,releases, activations, and ascensions – while you're on somethingelse. Soulvana is a part of Mindvalley Creations Inc. family alongwith: Mindvalley Academy Omvana: Meditation, Yoga Sleep MindvalleyQuests: Daily Personal Growth Mindvalley: Be Extraordinary … so youknow you’re in good hands!
Omvana - Meditation for Performance & Flow States
Mindvalley Inc.
Learn meditation with tracks & classes for performance,productivity and health
Mindvalley: Self-Improvement 8.2.4
Mindvalley Inc.
Explore Personal Development Courses and Live Expert Classes ForPersonal Growth