MobileMarketResearch 应用

WorkForceMobile 1.5.62
De gebruiksvriendelijke data collectie toolWorkForceMobile Silver stelt buitendiensten in staat data snel,efficiënt en betrouwbaar te rapporteren via smartphone en tablet.Data kan vervolgens eenvoudig intern met stakeholders gedeeldworden. Het resultaat is een sterke productiviteit, effectiviteiten rendement. Zo scoort u op uw KPI’s!The user-data collectiontool Workforce Mobile Silver poses outside services to access dataquickly, efficiently and reliably reporting via smartphone andtablet. Data can then easily be shared internally withstakeholders. The result is a strong productivity, efficiency andprofitability. If you score on your KPIs!
EMM Public Viewing 1.5.63
EMM Public Viewing is een onderzoeksapp vanEredivisie Media en Marketing afdeling Public Viewing. Hetonderzoek gaat over vrije tijd en voetbal.Je kunt aan een onderzoek deelnemen door in te loggen bij'Instellingen' met je e-mailadres en ontvangen wachtwoord. Deinloggegevens ontvang je van je manager.EMM Public Viewing isonderzoeksapp of Eredivisie Media & Marketing department publicviewing. The research focuses on leisure and football.You can participate in an investigation by logging in to"Settings" with your email address and password received. The logindetails you receive from your manager.
LexisUp 1.3.41
LexisUp is the new App of Lexis Research forqual-quant research on mobile, developed to conduct integratedqualitative-quantitative market research projects in an innovativeway.LexisUp is:• CUTTING EDGE: market research in tune with the latest social& digital trends• ROBUSTNESS: quantitative sample combined with ethno-qualitativeinsights• EXCLUSIVITY: ad hoc projects on specific targets, hired withinvitation and password• ENGAGEMENT: involvement of the target thanks to challenging andinviting tasks• CONCRETENESS: moments of real consumption & life, witnessedby photos and videos• EFFECTIVENESS: engaging results combining synthesis, substanceand depthLexisUp allows to carry out qual-quant researches usingsmartphone & tables, such as:• Mobile Ethnography• On-the-go Research• Shopper Journey• Social Trend• Concept Development• Product Placement Test• Brand Intimacy
PvdApp 1.5.62
De PvdApp is er voor leden en belangstellendenvan de Partij van de Arbeid. De PvdApp wil je in staat stellen ommakkelijk mee te doen met de mening- en besluitvorming in de Partijvan de Arbeid.Je kunt een account krijgen doordat je uitgenodigd wordt door dePartij van de Arbeid of verwante organisaties.The PvdApp is for membersand interested parties of the Labour Party. The PvdApp will allowyou to easily do it with the opinion and decision making in theLabour Party.You can get an account that you are invited by the Labour Partyor affiliated organizations.
Cardif Panel 1.5.61
Welcome in this app for Generation BNP ParibasCardif! This app is developed for BNP Paribas Cardif clients whoare part of the Cardif Panel. These clients are selected toparticipate in various research studies.To participate please login with your email address and providedpassword.
haystack 1.6.5
Welcome to haystack mobile! The haystack mobile app is the mobileresearch app from haystack, a major international market andconsumer research company controlled and managed by researchprofessionals. haystack turns products and brands into stellarexperiences. We turn insights into tangible recommendations to helpour client create superior products and brands, and unique shoppingexperiences. haystack app has been developed to conduct research.Several types of questions can be asked, from multiple choice tophoto, video questions. You will be able to participate aftersigning in with your e-mail and received password. The passwordwill be sent to you when you are found eligible to participate in acertain survey. This application will gather information about you.It will collect survey responses and monitor some of youractivities, such as your whereabouts. All information thisapplication collects is completely anonymous. It will not collectany of your personal information such as passwords, usernames,e-mails, browsing data or personal conversations.
MyInsights 1.5.95
MyInsights, the app for qualitative market research.
Ipsos AppLife 1.5.47
Ipsos AppLife is a research app that allows us to connect withyou!Our researchers will be able to chat with you directly,postquestions, send out tasks and respond to your answers.Toparticipate you need to receive an invite from us that willcontaina login and password. The Ipsos AppLife app allows us toconductqualitative research. The app is connected to a closedwebenvironment, where projects can be created, participantsandobservers can be invited and where Ipsos can view and downloadtheresults. Participants can post different types of responses inaresearch. For example, text messages, photos with a subtextandvideos with or without a subtext. A research community ispossible.In a community, participants can react to each other’sposts.Reactions placed by a moderator are shown in a differentcolor. Themoderator can communicate with the participants throughthe app orthrough the closed web environment. Research can create aprojectonline and can ask participants to fulfill a couple oftasks. Youcan, for instance, give participants one generalassignment: ‘Keeptrack of what you cook for dinner for the nextcouple of weeks’,but you can also choose to let participants postone photo about acertain topic each week. To take part in aresearch, you simplysign in with your email address and receivedpassword. You can, forexample, receive a password through a marketresearch company orrecruitment agency. This app also works withoutan internetconnection (after downloading the project). This meansthatparticipants can, where and whenever they like, take part inaresearch.
MyPanel 1.6.10
MyPanel is a research app that enables market researchers toconductquantitative research. The app can be used for differentkinds ofdata collection projects, such as exit interviews, panelresearch,mystery shopping and field marketing. The app isconnected to aclosed online platform, where surveys can be createdand results canbe seen real time. Results can also be downloadedin different CSVand Excel formats. We offer a wide range ofquestion types, such as:- single choice - multiple choice - yes-no- open answer -photo/video question - audio fragment upload - openquestion -several grids - several rating scales - date/time -divide question- ranking question - location question It ispossible to apply skiplogic and filters within a survey in orderto route respondentsthrough the survey based on their answers.Furthermore, you can showstimulus material to respondents, liketext, photos and videos. Whenfilling in the survey, the locationof the respondent can betracked, if the respondent givespermission to send thisinformation. To be able to participate in aresearch, you need tosign in with your email address and password.You may receive apassword through a market research company orrecruitment agency.After entering your password and downloadingsurveys, the app workswithout an Internet connection. This meansthat respondents can fillin the survey whenever and wherever theywant. Answers are storedlocally in the app and are uploaded whenthere is an Internetconnection again.
Stratford Connects 1.6.1
Stratford Connects from the Town of Stratford, Prince Edward Island
Game Master Helper 1.0.9
Game Master Helper with reference tables and random itemgenerationfor DnD