Mondelēz Global LLC 应用

Milka Biscuit Heroes 2.2
Milka Biscuit Heroes c’est l’application qui connecte les écrans devos téléphones et tablettes, en Wifi ou en 3G, pour partager leursécrans et vous faire jouer tous ensemble ! Testez votre cohésion,votre dextérité et votre rapidité à travers 9 jeux, allant de 1 à 9joueurs !- 9 mini jeux allant de 1 à 9 joueurs- De 1 à 9 téléphones connectés, recréant un écran de jeu unique!- De nombreux goodies à gagner !- Des biscuits virtuels à gagner, puis à dépenser pour customiservotre Milka’vatar !BiscuitMilka Heroes is the application that connects your screens phonesand tablets, WiFi or 3G to share their screens and make you playtogether! Test your cohesion, your dexterity and speed through ninegames, ranging from 1 to 9 players!- 9 mini games from 1 to 9 players- From 1 to 9 connected phones, recreating a unique gamescreen!- Many goodies to be won!- Virtual Cookie win, then spend to customize yourMilka'vatar!
Philadelphia recipes 1.3
Get inspired by “Philadelphia recipes” and discover deliciousPhiladelphia meal ideas. Joggle your Smartphone to get a surpriserecipe or browse the Philadelphia recipes using the followingcriteria:- Preparation time- Today I am cooking with- Cuisine style- Type of dish- Occasion- Philadelphia Specials- Brand / ProductIn just a few seconds you find the ideal meal for everysituation. Collect your favourite recipes in your Recipe Box andshare them with your friends by email. Store the needed ingredientsin your Shopping List. Even offline, you have access to your RecipeBox Collection.For your cooking pleasure, new recipes and comments onalready-existing recipes are constantly added to the Philadelphiarecipe database.Enjoy your meal!
Prince - the lost treasure
Prince presents ‘The Quest for the Lost Treasure’Princeland is falling apart! The evil Megalo Moustachio stolePrinceland's golden wheat to create his own line of biscuits, butas he was escaping, his blimp exploded and the wheat got scatteredthroughout the kingdom.Now it’s up to you to recover the golden wheat before it's too latewith the help of Prince and his team of young recruits. You’ll haveto prove you have the values of a true Prince to succeed in yourquest. But beware, Mustachio and his league of mustached chickenswill stop at nothing to get their way. So suit up and savePrinceland in the adventure of a lifetime!(select ‘Prince the movie’ in the game menu to see the fullbackstory in form of an animated short film)This fun action-packed adventure has been created in partnershipwith Academy Award winning, Moonbot Studios, creators Chipotle’sScarecrow.SIX UNIQUE LEVELS:- Jump over the rooftops of Princeland!- Venture into the belly of a flying dragon!- Escape hordes of crazy fans!- Sneak into a heavily guarded castle!- Find your way through an out of control bakery!- Confront the evil Megalo Moustachio!
1D Degree 2.1.3
Be the ultimate One Direction know-it-all andget your very own 1D Degree! Pose with the band in the interactivephoto booth feature and download original wallpapers, ringtones,and alarms. Get exclusive voicemails, text and video messages fromthe band and watch exclusive behind-the-scenes videos. Answer 1Dtrivia to earn your 1D Degree and unlock super-secret stuff wecan’t even tell you about! Download the 1D Degree app now to getup-close and personal with your favorite band. Standard data ratesmay apply.The 1D Degree app is recommended for users 13 years of age andolder.
Milka Adventskalender 2.0.0
"Hole dir gratis die Milka AdventskalenderApp! Erlebe wie der Digitale Adventskalender zum Leben erweckt wirddurch die kreative und unterhaltsame Augmented Reality.BAUE DEINE EIGENE FESTLICHE STADT MIT MILKAErwecke deinen schokoladigen Milka Adventskalender zum Leben – mitetwas Magie per Augmented Reality.Gestalte deine eigene magische Advents-Stadt. Fang klein an undfüge täglich neu freigeschaltete Objekte hinzu, damit deine Stadtweiter wächst.Werde kreativ und mach deine Stadt zu etwas Besonderem, indem dudie große Auswahl an Einstellungen nutzt.Teile deine Kreationen und Fortschritte mit Familie und Freundenüber Facebook und Twitter.Sei ein Teil der weihnachtlichen Magie und zähle mit Milka die Tagebis Weihnachten.HINWEIS: Die Milka Adventskalender App benötigt einerückwärtsgerichtete Kamera und eine Internetverbindung. Du kannstdie Milka Adventskalender App auch dann in der 3D-Version nutzen,wenn du keinen Milka Digitaler Adventskalender besitzt – nur ebenohne die Magie per Augmented Reality.""Get you free MilkaAdvent Calendar App! Experience how the Digital Advent Calendar isbrought to life by the creative and entertaining AugmentedReality.  BUILD YOUR OWN CITY WITH FESTIVE MILKA  Bring your chocolate Milka Advent to life - with some magicvia Augmented Reality. Create your own magical Advent City. Start small and add addeddaily re-energized objects to make your city grows. Get Creative and make your city so special features by using thewide range of settings. Share your creations and progress with friends and family viaFacebook and Twitter. Be a part of the Christmas magic and counting the days untilChristmas with Milka. NOTE: Milka Advent Calendar App requires a reverse camera and anInternet connection. You can download the Milka Advent Calendar appeven in the 3D version to use if you have no Milka Digital AdventCalendar -. Just without the magic via Augmented Reality "
La choco aventure par Poulain
✩✩✩✩ Parcourez le monde à la recherche des 6fèves d’or et utilisez vos pouvoirs pour évoluer dans l’aventure!✩✩✩✩Ka Kaos le savant fou a volé les 6 fèves d’or alimentant lemonde en chocolat Poulain. Pour profiter seul de ce trésor, il lesa cachées dans six grandes villes du monde.Un jeune héros se lance alors à la recherche des fèves d’or. Sonaventure le propulsera dans une course autour du monde qui lui feradécouvrir six grandes villes (New-York, Barcelone, Rio, Sydney,Moscou et Tokyo).Pour l’aider dans sa mission, collectionnez les images « Villesdu Monde » présentes dans les tablettes de chocolat Poulain*.Utilisez les codes uniques inscrits au dos de ces images pourdébloquer des univers et des pouvoirs pour le héros.EN BREF✩30 cartes à collectionner✩6 villes à découvrir✩30 pouvoirs à débloquerRetrouvez nous sur*dans les lots de tablettes Poulain Noir Extra 100g, FondantIntense, Amour de lait, Amour de lait noisettes et dans lestablettes dessert Pralinoise, Noir Corsé et Noir Classique✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ Travel the worldin search of six gold beans and use your powers to change theadventure!✩ ✩ ✩ ✩Ka Kaos the mad scientist stole six gold beans feeding the worldPoulain chocolate. To enjoy one of the treasure, he hid in sixmajor cities in the world.A young hero then sets out to find the golden beans. Hisadventure will propel in a race around the world that will make himdiscover six major cities (New York, Barcelona, ​​Rio, Sydney,Moscow and Tokyo).To help him in his mission, collect pictures "Cities of theWorld" present in chocolate Poulain *. Use the unique code on theback of these images to unlock universe and powers for thehero.IN BRIEF✩ 30 collectible cards✩ 6 cities to discover✩ 30 powers to unlockJoin us on* In batches of tablets Colt Black Extra 100g Fondant IntenseLove Milk Love hazelnut milk and tablets pralinoise dessert, Blackbodied and Black Classic
Oreo DIT 2.1
It’s your family’s go-to app for a full rolloffun indoor and outdoor activities that will transform dullmomentsinto exciting adventures. Capture family moments easily andsavethem to your personal digital memory book accessible throughyourOREO DIT account!App Features:• Share photographs on your Facebook, Twitter and Instagram –alljust one button away• View the Inspiration Wall for more creative ideas fromotherfamilies• Preserve memories of fun family moments with your personaldigitalmemory book within the account
Pride & Joy 1.2.1
Use the app with 3 really fun Pride and Joynoise makers to Cheer on the Canadian National Women’s Team as theycompete on the world stage. During Team Canada games, the app willturn your cheers into real funds for Youth Soccer Clubs. The moreyou cheer the more you help us raise up to $100,000 for youthsoccer.Track the impact with real-time updates. When Team Canada isn’tplaying you can use it to cheer on your local teams or just toshare some cheer. The Pride and Joy noise makers will never run outof noise!
I love biscuits
Envie d’idées pour des goûters ou despetitsdéjeuners équilibrés ? I love biscuits vous propose desmenuscomplets et adaptés à votre profil !Quelle quantité de biscuits est à recommander pour un goûter?Comment composer un goûter complet pour un enfant* ? Est-cequ’unpetit déjeuner à emporter peut être équilibré ? I lovebiscuitsvous donne des repères pour vous faire plaisir et bienmanger, enfonction de vos goûts, de vos besoins nutritionnels ou deceux devos enfants.Tous les menus sont composés à l’aide de biscuits, gâteauxetbiscottes du groupe Mondelēz International comme Oréo, PrincedeLU, Granola, belVita, Napolitain, Petit-Ecolier, Lulul’Ourson,Milka, Heudebert et tous les autres !Vous pourrez découvrir en plus les valeurs nutritionnelles,etégalement de nombreuses astuces pour mieux manger et bouger plusauquotidien.L’application I love biscuits a été créée en partenariat avecdesspécialistes de la nutrition, de la consommation, de lapsychologieet de l’enfance, afin que les compositions de petitsdéjeuners et degoûters proposées répondent au mieux aux besoins dechacun.*dès 3 ansWant ideas for snacksorsmall balanced breakfast? I love biscuits offers completemenustailored to your profile!What amount of biscuits is recommended for a snack? Howtocompose a complete snack for a child? * Does a packed breakfastcanbe balanced? I love biscuits gives you cues to make you happyandeating well, depending on your tastes, your nutritional needsorthose of your children.All menus are composed using cookies, cakes and crackers ofMondelēzInternational group like Oreo, Prince of LU, Granola,Belvita,Neapolitan, Little Schoolboy, Lulu the Pooh, Milka,Heudebert andall others!You can discover more nutritional values, and also many trickstoeat better and move more everyday.The application I love biscuits was created in partnershipwithnutrition experts, consumption, psychology and child so thatthecompositions of breakfasts and snacks offered best meettheirneeds.* From 3 years
iFood Assistant 2.1
It's smart. It's fun. And now it even helpsinthe kitchen. The most appetizing app on the planet —iFoodAssistant powered by Kraft — brings simple, delicious foodideas,anytime and anywhere you go. Whether you use how-to videos,smart1-2-3 recipes, recipe box or the built-in shopping list,you'regoing to save time. So redefine eating... and use iFoodAssistantpowered by KRAFT to make life delicious. Everyday.
Grano’Vore 1.2
✩✩✩✩Amateurs des jeux d’arcade, découvrezlesGrano’vores ! ✩✩✩✩Vos 4 supers héros sablés et chocolatés Chuck Choco, LadyCoco,Amanda Belle et Big Chuncky se retrouvent plongés au cœurd’unlabyrinthe infernal.Après avoir choisi parmi les 4 personnages Grano’vores, vousdevrezcollecter le plus vite possible l'ensemble des petitesbillesprésentes dans le labyrinthe pour passer au niveausupérieur.Attrapez également les items bonus (noix de coco, éclatsdechocolat, épis de blé, etc.) et tentez de battre le record!Lors de votre mission, prenez bien garde à ne pas vous fairedévorerpar les dentiers qui règnent en main de maitre sur lelabyrinthe.Mais pas de panique, vous pourrez toujours vousdébarrasser d’eux enattrapant des "Supers Granola" !A vous de faire sauter les scores !EN BREF- 4 personnages aussi craquants que goûtus.- Des dents très très méchantes- 10 labyrinthes infernaux- 5 supers Bonus- Des supers Granola- Des bottes magiques pour les plus forts !- Un mode solo et un mode multi joueurs via l'Apple TVRetrouvez nous sur Facebook :« Tellement Grand … Tellement Granola ! »Plus d’info sur !✩ ✩ ✩ ✩ lovers ofarcadegames, discover Grano'vores! ✩ ✩ ✩ ✩Your four great heroes shortbread and chocolate Chuck Choco,LadyCoco, Amanda Belle and Big chuncky find themselves plungedinto theheart of a hellish labyrinth.After choosing one of the four characters Grano'vores, you needtocollect as soon as possible all these little balls in the mazetomove to the next level. Also catch the bonuses items(coconut,chocolate chips, corn cobs, etc..) And try to beattherecord!During your mission, take good care not to get eaten bydenturesthat reign master hand on the maze. But do not worry, youcanalways get rid of them by catching "Great Granola"!Just make jumping scores!IN BRIEF- 4 characters as crisp as they are tasty.- Very very nasty teeth- 10 mazes infernal- 5 great Bonus- The great Granola- Magical boots for stronger!- A single player and multiplayer mode via Apple TVJoin us on Facebook:"So ... So Grand Granola! "More info on!
Marabou spillet 1.0
”Hold fingrene fra min Marabou”Hvem skal have det næste stykke chokolade?Få det afgjort med Marabous nye sjove mobilspil.1) Placér en finger på hver side af Marabou pladen.2) Løft fingeren når lyden stopper.3) Den hurtigste spiller får det næste stykke chokolade"Keep your hands offmyMarabou" Who should get the next piece of chocolate?Get it settled with Marabous new fun mobile games.  1) Place a finger on each side of Marabou plate.2) Lift your finger when the sound stops.3) The fastest player gets the next piece of chocolate
Join VEGEMITE’S MITEY Australian cheer squad,BEAT THE MITEY DRUM to show your support for our Aussie OlympicTeam.Record a MITEY beat in the app, using your VEGEMITE jars to WINdaily cash prizes and exclusive VEGEMITE merchandise!Shake or beat the VEGEMITE drum in the app to win INSTANT dailyprizesShare your beats of support via Facebook and TwitterSend your cheer of support to athletes and the Aussie OlympicTeamDiscover delicious new VEGEMITE recipes
Catch The Oreo 1
Catch the Oreo is a new fun AR-game, whereyoucan win cool weekly prizes – if you live in Norway orDenmark.Everybody else should play for the fun of it.Augmented reality makes it seem as if Oreos are fallingallaround you. So stand up, and start catching the flying Oreoswithyour glass of milk – and avoid the little spiders. Once in awhileyou’ll be told to move your body in a certain way –makinggoldenOreos rain down. When you run out of milk, the game isover.You enter the sweepstake competition by playing andthenuploading your high score. The winner is decided by drawinglots.The competition lasts from 8th of April to 28th of July 2013(bothdates included). There’s a new competition every otherweek.About the gameThe Oreo airship has lost its load of Oreos. Now you have tocatchas many as possible before they hit the ground. Each Oreo isworth340 points.If you accidentally catch one of the little spiders, youlose3720 points.During the game, Oreos with a cream heart will appear. Theycountfor 2500 points each.When the game asks you to do a special move with your bodyandphone, try and do it. If you succeed, golden Oreos worth5300points each will rain down on you. So hurry up and catch asmany aspossible while it’s raining.You can only play when you have milk in your glass. Sorememberto refill by catching the white drops of milk dripping fromthesky.This is how you start• Open the app on your smartphone• Stand up, so you’re ready to move when the game tellsyouto.• Press ’Play’• Look upwards and at your mobile’s screen: Oreos will begin tofalldown.• Catch the Oreos with your glass of milk.
Tang Plop! 1.0
¡Plop! Revienta las burbujas y libera alatropa TANG.El Profesor Shesko ha capturado todas las frutas enburbujascarbonatadas, con su malvada máquina “el Burbutrón”.Demuestra tushabilidades y libera a la tropa TANG reventando lasburbujas yacumulando puntos. ¡Pero no te confíes! No será tanfácil. ElProfesor Shesko ha preparado varias trampas para ponerte aprueba yhacerte fallar.Plop! Burst the bubbles and set free TANG troop.Professor Shesko has capture all our fruits on carbonatedbubblesusing his evil machine ‘The Bubbletron’. Prove yourabilities andliberate TANG troop by bursting all the bubbles andgather points.But don’t be overconfident! It’s not going to be thateasy.Professor Shesko had set up several tricks to test yourabilitiesand make you fail.Plop! Burst thebubblesand free the TANG troops.Professor Shesko has captured all carbonated fruit bubbles,withhis evil machine "the Burbutrón". Show your skills and releasestheTANG troops bursting bubbles and accumulating points. But donottrust! It will not be so easy. Professor Shesko haspreparedseveral traps to test you and make you fail.Plop! Burst the bubbles and free TANG troop September.Professor Shesko you capture all our fruits on carbonatedbubblesusing His evil machine 'The Bubbletron'. Prove yourabilities andliberate TANG troop by bursting all the bubbles andgather points.But do not be overconfident! It's not going to beThat Easy.Professor Shesko HAD SET UP several tricks to test yourabilitiesand make you fail.
Dance ! 1.1.0
Dance, une application simple et amusantequipermet défier ses amis à danser dans n’importe quellessituations,peu importe l’endroit, peu importe le moment.Comment fonctionne l’application Dance! ?Téléchargez-la, créez un compte en quelques clics, invitez vosamisgrâce au Facebook connect ou en leur envoyant directementunsms.Maintenant à vous de jouer : Envoyez leur des défis !Depuis votre application Dance!, défiez les à danser dansn’importequelle situation.Dès qu’ils reçoivent le challenge, ils ne disposent que dequelquessecondes pour danser, s'amuser, et apprécier lamusique.S’ils réussissent, ils gagnent des points, et vous aussi !Ainsi, à chaque Dance !, vous gagnez des points et avec euxdescadeaux : des bons de téléchargement de musique ou des bonsderéduction sur des produits Hollywood.Mais ces prix ne servent qu'à vous faire patienter en attendantlelot final : un tour du monde de la danse !!Hollywood Dance !, l’application qui va vous faire danser !Dance, a simple andfunapplication that lets challenge their friends to dance underanycircumstances, no matter where, no matter when. How does the application Dance! ?Download it, create an account in a few clicks, invite yourfriendsthrough Facebook connect directly or by sending a SMS.Now your turn: Send them challenges! Since your application Dance !, challenge them to dance inanysituation.Upon receiving the challenge, they only have a few seconds todance,have fun, and enjoy music.If they succeed, they earn points, and you too! ! Thus, each Dance, you earn points and with them gifts:musicdownload vouchers or coupons on Hollywood products.But these prices only serve to make you wait until the finalprize:a world tour of dance !! Hollywood Dance!, The application that will make you dance!
Bubbaloo metro 1.0.0
Con esta App puedes practicar paraconvertirteen leyenda.Cuando ya te sientas listo, conéctate con tu PC o y concursa para demostrarquiéneres.¡Puedes ganar smartphones y tables todos los días!
Oreo-emoji 1.0.1
Why send another smiley when you can send OREO cookies? Addadelicious twist to your conversations with these uniqueOREOmessaging stickers. And be sure to check out the full range ofOREOgift boxes at
Milka Biscuit Craft 2.0.1
Step into Milka the world of imagination, gain new knowledgeandawaken your creativity!