Navin Santoki 应用

Bill Generator Pro 1.0
Navin Santoki
By Bill Generator Apps you can manage yourSupplier's/Customer's Account and Status of accounts.When ever you receive or suppliy material you cannotify(optional) by SMS to your supplier/customer ifyou want.Bill Generator can create material receipt.You can tallyphysical bill of your suppplier/customer withyour record. You can create bill by selecting custom materialreceipt same as supplier/customerphysical bill also you can create payment entry.This application give you supplier/customer balance report thatdisplay pending amount with variourreport filters like Date Filter,Supplier/Customer Filter.AnApplication can export data in xml format.=>Key Features (Pro Mode)-Manage Raw Material entry-Send Notification to Supplier/Customer on Creation of MaterialReceipt-Generate Bills-Make Payment-Display Supplier/Customer wise report-Multiuser application-Export in standard xml format-Backup / Restore of full data-Upgradable Version-No Time Limit
Salary Register Pro 1.0
Navin Santoki
Manage your staff details and attendance foreach n every day. Generate the report for date wise or specificstaff wise. You can export your data in xml format.=>Key Features-Manage Staff individual entry-Staff advance payment Management-Multiuser application.-Generate attendance report with various filters.-Export worker details in standard xml format.Whats New In Pro Version.(Salary Register Pro)-Generate Salary of workers.-Backup / Restore full database.-Export Salary Details.-Upgradable Version.-No Time Limit.Visit our website for more information
Salary Register 1.2
Navin Santoki
Manage your staff details and attendance foreach n every day. Generate the report for date wise or specificstaff wise. You can export your data in xml format.=>Key Features-Manage Staff individual entry-Staff advance payment Management-Multiuser application.-Generate attendance report with various filters.-Export worker details in standard xml format.Whats New In Pro Version.(Salary Register Pro)-Generate Salary of workers.-Backup / Restore full database.-Export Salary Details.-Upgradable Version.-No Time Limit.Download Link: our website for more information