Next-gen EduChem 应用

Organic Chemistry Nomenclature 1.05
Next-gen EduChem
Organic Chemistry Nomenclature is the ultimateway for Chemistry students to study and memorize the names andstructures of all the important chemical functional groups. Quizyourself, and do it in a way that's fun and logicallyorganized.Don't waste time with other apps that provide a clutter ofunnecessary information you don't need to know. Organic ChemistryNomenclature let's you choose the quizzes important to your classand focus your efforts to quickly and efficiently study.Quizzes are divided into the following categories- Hydrocarbon- Halogen- Oxygen- Nitrogen- Sulfur- Phosphorus / Boron- HeterocyclesYou can choose to be quizzed on any combination of thesecategories at once.*** Smart Quiz System ensures you will never be asked the samequestion twice in a row and questions you answer correctly will beasked less often. Truly the best way to learn important chemicalnomenclature.***Created By:Alex Martinko (Design)Sean Luther (Programming)
Chemistry Nomenclature Quiz 1.05
Next-gen EduChem
Chemistry Flashcards is the ultimate way forchemistry students to study and memorize the names and structuresof all the important chemical nomenclature from a general chemistrycourse. Quiz yourself, and do it in a way that's fun and logicallyorganized.Don't waste time with other apps that provide a clutter ofunnecessary information you don't need to know. General ChemistryNomenclature let's you choose the quizzes important to your classand focus your efforts to quickly and efficiently study.Quizzes are divided into the following categories- Monoatomic Anions- Polyatomic Anions- Cations- Cations with Multiple Oxidation States- AcidsYou can choose to be quizzed on any combination of thesecategories at once.*** Smart Quiz System ensures you will never be asked the samequestion twice in a row and questions you answer correctly will beasked less often. Truly the best way to learn important chemicalnomenclature. ***Created By:Alex Martinko (Design)Sean Luther (Programming)