Omega Technology 应用

Caller ID: Tags+ 1.3.5
Omega Technology
And we’re ready! We have completed our integrations with over 50yellow pages around the world for almost 2 years, and now we’reready to introduce you to a very powerful caller identificationapplication: Tags+ More than 50 contracted providers’ databasesfrom all over the world are feeding Tags+ which cares to alwaysoffer you correct information. Moreover, our engineers havedeveloped a special AI technology to ensure you get the mostaccurate results. This is our first version for now. We will beadding amazing features to new versions of Tags+ in the next days.If you download our app, don’t forget to check for updates once ina while. Here are some of the great features of Tags+: - You havereceived a call from a phone number you don’t know? Quickly findout who it is before calling it back! - Socialize! Add fun tags toyour friends’ profiles, that describe them. Tags become public whenyour friends approve them. - In Tags+, you can search for phonenumbers without limits! Tags+ does not require any subscription anddoes not offer recurring payment plans. Caller identification iscompletely free of charge. If there are any approved tags added tothe phone number you have searched, you need to use coins to viewthem. You can buy as many coins as you want from the Tags+ market.Also, we sometimes have special offers and give every user dozensof coins as a gift! Stay tuned for our special offers! • PrivacyPolicy: • Termsof Use: