PariPassu 应用

Rastreador 4G 1.116.0
Esta é a ferramente oficial da PariPassu paragerenciar os rastreamentos de alimentos.This is the official toolof PariPassu to manage traces of food.
Caderno de Campo 1.2.5
Controle dia-a-dia dos apontamentos nocampocom acesso a um Painel de controle online fornecendodadosestratégicos para seu negócio.O Caderno de Campo possibilita a padronização dos registrosdemanejos realizados no campo, reduzindo os eventuaiserros,garantindo a coleta da informação no local edisponibilizandorelatórios gerenciais importantes para decisõesestratégicas.Sem necessidade de conexão com internet.Control day-to-daynotesin the field with access to an online control panelprovidingstrategic data for your business.The Fieldbook allows for standardization of managementsofrecords made in the field, reducing errors, ensuring thecollectionof information on the site and providing importantmanagementreports for strategic decisions.No need for internet connection.
Conecta PariPassu
Producers and consumers connected to food
e-técnico 1.1.0
Tool to bring farmers with farm staff
Checklist 2.0.12
The qualitative aspects of the food,especially the visual, and the control of critical points inprocesses are fundamental to a good sales performance of theproduct. Identify, measure and act on areas for improvement meansorganizing the process flow and reduce losses, potentiallyincreasing business opportunities. The App Quality ControlPariPassu allows, in real time, register and receive productinformation and process and can link it to the Tracker SystemPariPassu checking code at any point in the supply chain.The main features of App PariPassu Quality Control are:Customization of product quality evaluation parameters (size,maturity, types of defects etc.) and processes (control boxes,opening and closing shop etc.);Quality Assessment Reports of the products and processes associatedwith the traceability of food, areas of responsibility, segments,customers or production origins, always in real time;Photographic reports associated with questions and answers;Action Plans and Note associated questions;Performance Management (Score Card) by standardizing the type ofquestionnaire response (quantitative and qualitative), and settingthe score of each response to the generation of a finalclassification of the product or performance assessedprocess;The advantages of Quality Control system PariPassu for yourbusiness are:• Meet the needs of different productive sectors, goodmanufacturing practices, HACCP (HACCP) and ISO 9001;• Establish continuous quality improvement programs;• Support verification programs (pre-certification) andcertification audit;• Perform quality control of products linked to suppliers;• Full compatibility with other systems PariPassu (Production,Processing and Tracking).
Amostrador 1.0.8
Esta é a ferramente oficial da PariPassu para a coleta de amostrasque fazem parte do programa de Rastreabilidade e Monitoramento deAlimentos.
Conecta Natural One
Conecta Natural One Application developed to carry out a search fora traced product, keeping the consumer informed about its origin.FEATURES • Reading QRCodes Natural One • View information aboutproducts, producers and distributors • Evaluate productsCHARACTERISTICS • Accompany certificates and images of producersand distributors • Suggest improvements to products, producers anddistributors
CLICQ 1.257.0
CLICQ | Check List Inspection and Quality Control
Rastreador do Campo 1.88.5
Application for the management of the field and increasingagricultural productivity.
Conecta PariPassu 2.0 0.7.2
Conecta - Conscious Tracking