PhenoApps 应用

A prerequisite to the implementation of geospatial data inplantbreeding programs is the ability to collecthigh-resolutiongeospatial data. Surveyor allows users to organizeand collectsingle point locations to centimeter level precision viaanexternal RTK GNSS. Surveyor is designed for easy access tovariousexternal modular GNSS providers. Surveyor can acquire datafrom themobile device hardware itself or use a Bluetooth connectionto readGNSS-provided data via NMEA strings. Samples are groupedinto anexperiment, with the ability to manage multiple experimentswithinthe app. Plot-level details include, latitude, longitude,accuracyof the fix, altitude, vertical and horizontal precision,number ofsatellites connected for that data, along with otherinformationabout the satellites and various statistics. To operateacross anylocation and broad range of field conditions, Surveyorexpects tobe used without internet connection, as data acquisitionisimportant in fields with little or no internetavailability.However, users still have the option within the app ofplottinglocations on Google Map for visualization. Plots on the mapcan beclicked to create a polygon shape.
Intercross 1.0.2
Intercross is used to manage crosses for plant breeders
Field Book 5.3.0
Field Book is an app for collecting phenotypic notes.
Inventory 2.0.3
Inventory is a program that lets users collect inventory andweightdata simultaneously. The app can perform as a standalonesamplecollection platform but is also compatible with Elane USBscales.These scales can be plugged directly into Android deviceswith USBOTG functionality. A USB hub can be used to allow both ascale andbarcode scanner to run at the same time. Metadata iscollected witheach record and includes the name of the personcollecting data anda timestamp. Files can be exported as a flat CSVfile or structuredSQL file that will update a database table bydeleting the currentboxes and replacing the information with thecollected data.Inventory is part of the broader PhenoAppsinitiative, an effort tomodernize plant breeding and genetics datacollection andorganization via by developing new strategies andtools for datacapture. Development of Inventory has been supportedby theCollaborative Crop Research Program of The McKnightFoundation( and the National Science Foundationunder GrantNo. (1543958). Any opinions, findings, and conclusionsorrecommendations expressed in this material are those oftheauthor(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of theNationalScience Foundation.
Coordinate 4.0.0
Coordinate is used to collect data that's organized in grids
Verify 1.1
Verify is a simple app for importing and managing a list ofentries.
Prospector 1.3
Prospector is captures and stores data from LinkSquareNIRspectrometers