PhysOlymp 应用

PhysOlymp 2.6.5
PhysOlymp app is created for Physics enthusiasts, who wanttoachieve top results in national or Internatinal PhysicsOlympiads.Also, it could be indirectly useful for preparation toadvancedentrance exams into universities, such as IIT JEE or SAT.Althoughlevel of difficulty at those exams is lower than materialpresentedin this app, honing your skills with the app will boostyourresults at those tests. The app is built as a bundle ofshorttopics, with most of the explanations given through examples,whilefor consolidation of new knowledge you will have anopportunity tosolve numerous interesting problems Level of thematerial in theapp is generally difficult enough to be winner atthe NationalPhysics competitions. Some of the chapters/problems arededicatedto the topics that can be seen at International PhysicsOlympiads(IPhO) or Asian Physics Olympiads (APhO). Good luck at thePhysicsCompetitions and entrance exams! *** This project isexecuted by ateam of dozen software developers, designers,illustrators andauthors of the content, who do their best forcreating a valuableproduct. We appreciate payment for additionalcontent in theapplication. However, for people who are eager tolearn, but cannotafford to uncover full capabilities of theapplication we canprovide a promo code. In that case, just