Picasso Apps 应用

Manualidades paso a paso facil 1.2
Picasso Apps
Entre las ideas de decoración, no solamentenos acompañan esos detalles que compramos sino que las manualidadesque podremos hacer cómodamente en nuestra casa, siempre seránbienvenidas. Ellas nos permiten hacer una decoración mucho máspersonalizada, con ideas llenas de imaginación y con materiales queserán muy sencillos de encontrar. Así que, uniendo todos estospuntos, nos dará como resultado una app como ésta. Se trata degrandes ideas de manualidades paso a paso para que puedas hacertodo tipo de detalles. Desde los jarrones más elegantes, hasta losmarcos o espejos más decorativos. Ideas básicas y otras que tansolo irás descubriendo gracias a esta app. Porque cada día tendrásun nuevo invento que hacer en tu hogar que querrás mostrar a todostus invitados. Seguro que si piensas en esta manualidad que tegustaría tener, estará en nuestra lista. Tan solo tienes que estaratento y no perderte nada de todo lo que aquí te iremosdescubriendo. ¿Estás preparado para ello?.Among decorating ideas,not only with us but those details we buy the crafts we can docomfortably in our home are always welcome. They allow us to make amuch more personalized decor with ideas full of imagination andwith materials that are very easy to find. So, it uniting all thesepoints, we will result in an app like this. It is of great craftideas step by step so you can do all sorts of details. From elegantvases, even more decorative frames or mirrors. Basic ideas andothers will discover only through this app. Because every day havea new invention to do in your home you will want to show all yourguests. Sure, if you think about this craft you could want, be onour list. You just have to be attentive and do not miss anything ofwhat you'll discover here. Are you ready for this?.
Ideas con Neumaticos 1.1
Picasso Apps
En esta app encontrarás numerosas ideas sobrecómo reciclar los neumáticos. Porque seguro que tienes alguno queotro guardados por el garaje y sin saber qué hacer con ellos. Elmundo del reciclaje está más en auge que nunca y por ello, podremosdar rienda suelta a nuestra imaginación. Es por ello que ladecoración con neumáticos se convierte en una de las mejores ideasque tenemos para crear un mundo especial y divertido.Para nuestros interiores, puedes dejarte llevar por estanteríashechas con estas piezas o bien, ¿qué te parece un nuevo sillón paratu dormitorio?. Si por el contrario, quieres darle más vida a tujardín, entonces puedes inventar originales macetas o juguetes paralos más pequeños.Todo ello, podrá formar parte de tu vida si descubres lo quecada día te iremos mostrando, a modo de imágenes y como no, degrandes inspiraciones. ¡Verás qué manera más sencilla y económicade decorar tu mundo!.In this app you will findmany ideas on how to recycle tires. For sure you have one oranother kept by the garage and not knowing what to do with them.The world of recycling is booming more than ever and therefore cangive free rein to our imagination. That is why decorating withtires becomes one of the best ideas we have to create a special andfun world.For our interior, you can be inspired by shelves made with thesepieces or, how about a new chair for your bedroom ?. If, however,you want to liven up your garden, then you can invent original potsor toys for children.All this may be part of your life if you discover what you willbe showing every day, for pictures and of course, of greatinspirations. You will see how simple and inexpensive way todecorate your world !.
Ideas con globos 1.2
Picasso Apps
Todos sabemos que los globos son ese tipo dedecoraciones que siempre estarán presentes en cumpleaños oaniversarios, así como otros eventos muy festivos. Seguro quecuando pensamos en todos ellos, se nos vienen a la cabeza, unaserie de globos de colores colocados por las paredes. Pues aquídescubrirás que la decoración con globos se puede convertir en unmundo especial y lleno de creatividad. Podrás hacer figurasimpactantes para todos, tanto de animales como de flores,combinando globos de colores y con diferentes formas. Además,también te mostraremos ideas para que puedas hacer arcos, cortinasy hasta centros de mesa, entre otras muchas opciones que resultaránde lo más especial. Seguro que de esta manera, todos tus invitadosquerrán repetir más a menudo tus fiestas. Es un buen momento paradescubrir todo lo que esta app te mostrará, que no es poco. ¿Estáspreparado para disfrutar de un mundo lleno de magia?, entonces,¡adéntrate en él!.We all know that balloonsare such decorations are always present on birthdays oranniversaries, and other celebrations too. Sure, when we think ofall of them, we will come to mind, a series of colorful balloonsplaced along the walls. So here you will find that decorating withballoons can be converted into a special world full of creativity.You can make impressive figures for all, both animals and flowers,balloons and combining different forms. In addition, we also showideas you can make bows, drapes and even centerpieces, among manyother options that will be most special. Surely this way, all yourguests will want to repeat more often your parties. It is a goodtime to discover all that this app will show you, which issomething. Are you ready to enjoy a world of magic ?, then diveinto it !.
Wedding Nails 1.1
Picasso Apps
Brides must have the perfect nails becausehands also play an important role on your wedding day. If you wantto know all the tips, care and the latest tips in wedding nails,you should not miss this app. Here, you will find the latest designof nails in which we can find the classic one and some ideas aboutFrench manicure. New ideas that you can do it at home because theyare very easy , so you can practice different styles. Also, if youwant to do a beatiful wedding nails, we will explain the colours orideas for gradual French manicure and some tips for sparkle nails.It is a complete app to help you to choose the design and colorthat you like, because every day we will show you different imagesin which you can discover all the styles, from the classic tomodern and which one will be perfect for the next season. As youcan see, this app has important news for you, so you will get theperfect wedding nails and the perfect hands, too.
Quince Dresses 1.1
Picasso Apps
When every girl leaves her childhood behind toface his new age is time to celebrate it. When the party of fifteenyears is near, it is a time that many girls are waiting for.Besides, the quince dress is a special part of this party for thegirls. A dress which has to be the most wonderful thing ever seen.If you want to get the right one, you shouldn´t lose this app.These types of dresses have many details for being the perfect one.They are created by layers of tulle or chiffon. In addition, a widerange of colors so everyone can choose the one you like. That iswhy in this app you'll find a selection of wonderful dresses. Here,you can see the most beautiful colors and the more special modelsfor every girl. So if you're thinking about your party, you can notmiss all those ideas we have prepared for you because they will bevery helpful.
Beauty 1.1
Picasso Apps
In this app you will find all the tips foryour beauty. Sometimes, we need some help for being perfect and wewill get it with tricks and some remedies which we do at home. Thecare of the face is one of the topics, as well as hair. All kindsof masks and remedies for every day, so this way, when we wake upwe will see much prettier. Furthermore, we must not forget the skinwhich always needs a special care. Our feet and hands need it, too.In this app, you get a few minutes of relax and time for yourself,because we need it to forget the problems. Surely you also want toknow wich makeup is perfect for you and how you can get all thosedetails for being not only beautiful on the outside but alsoinside. A very complete app which you cannot miss it because itwill become your new morning routine.Discover it!.
Wedding suits 1.1
Picasso Apps
If you want to know which wedding suits arethe best for you, do not miss our app. Here you will find all thebest options for the groom, because he has to be the most elegant.Wedding suits in black, blue or grey, and colorful ties or bow tiesand very bright according to the style of groom. Of course we couldnot forget vests because they are an important part in this app.Today there are many ideas for suits and combinations. You canchoose a vintage or modern suit with the colors of the season andthe brightness of them. In addition, we will show you pictures ofthe suits and we will give you the best ideas for you. You can wearthe suit and a beautiful boutonniere with a rose or combine it withthe flowers which the bride is going to wear in her bouquet.Everyday we show you many details for you and for yourwedding.
Decorate Spaces 1.1
Picasso Apps
If you want tips and some ideas for decoratingrooms, do not miss this app. Here you can discover a new world ofdecoration because it will give life to your home without the need.So you don´t need big rooms for a perfect decoration. In smallerspaces, we can also get a decoration according to them, so it canbe elegant and perfect. If you do not know how to decorate the kidsroom, we give you some practical ways for them to find a place torest and play but you can save space. For such a small kitchen orliving room and dining room, you can also get the ideas that wehave prepared for you. Because big rooms are not required to have amodern home. Take advantage of your home and all your surroundingswith practical ideas that you'll only find here. You will see howit is easier than you think with our app.
Home Decor 4.1
Picasso Apps
Home Decor is an app where you will findeverything what you need for each room. Certainly, when we visit ahome for the first time, we know what we are going to find when wesee the hall decoration and therefore it is very important todecorate from this part of the house until the last one. You willsee spectacular homes in it and some ideas for making by your own.Discover all the styles in decoration, you can choose vintagedecoration or luxury one. Of course we can not forget the childrenand teenagers. You'll see many rooms with this style where they candream with a magical world for developing their imagination. Thekitchen and lounge are always those spaces which they may beaccompanied by decorative details and colors. If the inside isimportant, the outside is important, too. Do not miss the mostamazing gardens and the most luxurious terraces which you only findin this app with many ideas for you and for your house.
Fashion Shoes 1.1
Picasso Apps
If you want to know which is the fashion whenwe are talking about shoes, do not miss this app. Here you'll findall the trends of each season so you can inspire yourself and eachday you can wear those shoes that you love. For the most specialcelebrations heeled shoes will be your choose from several colorsand different materials. Of course also the sandals will giveperfect to that special look through their platforms and theirdetails. For winter, do not forget the boots which you can combinefor each event. That is why we will show the heels for a night orparties and choose the perfect shoes for the meetings and for themost comfortable shoes for the day. We won´t forget the shoeswithout heels and many more ideas that you can discover in thisapp. Of course, as you can see, it is a complete app where you willfind everything for your feet.
Amazing cakes 1.1
Picasso Apps
Whenever there is a special celebration itiscrowned with a amazing cake. Of course, if what we want is thatitis the main character and surprise all the guests, theoriginalcakes are the best option for that. If you are looking forsomeideas which can inspire you, here you are this app. It will beeachand every one of those examples which you will love them.Fromcakes with several floors to the most original and themedfondantcakes. Whether for birthdays to weddings or anniversaries,youalways have a cake that you will love and that will be perfectforthat special party. A sweet taste that also you candiscoverthrough these pictures where you can see and enjoy them.Seeforyourself and do not expect anyone else to tell you aboutit!.Choose one of them and surprise that special person.
Exercises to lose weight 1.1
Picasso Apps
Nowadays, we work all day, we have to domanything so we live with a high level of stress and anxiety.Althoughwe always recommend some daily exercise, it is true that ifwe loseweight, we need to apply ourselves a bit more. If you do notknowwhere to start, download this app because in it you'll find alltheexercises for weight loss, quick and easy that you can do easilyathome. It is a way to spend time without going to the gym. Ifyouwant to learn to control your breathing, you can start withsomerelax exercises. Of course, before exercising our body isalwaysadvisable some stretching and don´t forget the aerobicexercise forlose weight. Choreography and simple steps will helpyou to losethose extra pounds. Yes, they always have to beaccompanied by abalanced and healthy diet. Here you will findeverything you needto enjoy your health.
Tattoos for girls 1.1
Picasso Apps
If you're looking for a tattoo, do notmissthis app because in it you will find all the examples which areinyour imagination every day. There are many tastes, so therearemany tattoos for them, too. There are women who prefer a smallordiscreet tattoo, and among them you may choose symbols ordrawingsin full color. Tribal tattoos are always in high demand,flowersand butterflies are popular, too. The sentences always havea broadmeaning and you can get a tattoo anywhere on you body. Fromthewrist to the shoulder or back, here you can watch yourfavoritetattoo on various body parts to get an idea of how it cansee inyour skin. Do not hesitate and discover all the designsandeverything what this app can offer, which, undoubtedly, hasmanysurprises that we can not reveal. Dare to discover themforyourself!.
Step by step nail designs 1.1
Picasso Apps
In this app you will find everything youneedfor your perfect nail-art. Because nowadays, we have a widevarietyof ideas with which we can paint our nails as well as manyglazeswith colors and glitter. We can begin our step by stepnail-art ifwe follow all the examples that every day you candiscover here, inthis app. With them, you can get a geometric coloror perhaps aFrench manicure with fun colors, and draw your favoritecharactersfrom the fairy tales. A world full of fantasy while ourimaginationallows it. Before going out for a party or a specialevent, do notforget to spend a few minutes with your nails. But donot worrybecause we will show you only the easiest designs soyou're readyquickly. Search all glazes which you have in your room,becauseyou'll need them. So ... let´s start!.
Step by Step Hairstyles 1.1
Picasso Apps
If you like hairstyles and you want tolearnhow you can do them at home...this app is for you. You candiscoverthe easiest hairstyles to wear during the day for going toschoolor work without having to spend much time in the mirror.Braids andpony- tails are two of the most wanted hairstyles. Ofcourse, if wetalk about a party or a special occasion, then you canlearn to doa step by step bun and nobody will know the differencebetween youand the hairdresser. It sounds complicated but just youneed to payattention to the pictures and follow everything they areshowingyou. In addition, we will give some tips to get the effectyou needin your hairstyle. This app is for long and short hair,becausethere are also very original ideas for them. Do not wastetimethinking of which hairstyle you're going to wear today:downloadthe app, choose the hairstyle that you like and follow thesteps.It cannot be easier. Everyday you will have new ideas whichyou canpractice.
Women ́s Fashion 4.1
Picasso Apps
Women ́s fashion is an app so that you canknowthe last fashion Discover our fashion selection and make surethatthe look which you are wearing today is the best for thisseason.So, you can know which clothes are trendy or not and also,you canfind out which colors you can use in them every month ofthe year.Besides, the celebrities will have a special part hereandeverything what we can see in the best fashion shows of theworldand of the most famous designers. The low-cost clothes willfindhere, too so that every woman can wear all clothes that sheneeds.Besides, you will see the different kind of fashion such asthecasual or vintage clothes and we don ́t forget the bohemianclothes,too. It is a world for discovering in which there are themostinteresting advices and where you don ́t miss anything.Because thewomen ́s fashion is changing everyday and we need toknow the bestnews about it. Don ́t miss this app because you candiscover afashion world with it.
Tattoos 123 4.0
Picasso Apps
Tattoos 123 is an app where you will findmanykinds of tattoos which are the most interesting that you haveseen.Many categories that can be selected to discover everythingwhatthey have for you. If you're looking for a romantic tattoo,then donot miss all the tattoos about love. Of course, if youprefer cangive it a different meaning with tattoos about angels.The skullsand roses are two examples of the most popular tattoosand here youwill find the most original designs. Because we like toshare withyou the most amazing ideas, because we know that it willbeforever. Elves, fairies and gnomes also be in our collection,likethe celebrities portraits. We know that each tattoo has toexplaina small part of our personality and our tastes, so, in youwillfind that and much more in this app. Sleeves, tribal andCover-Upwill become special styles which you can choose for yourbody. Youcan not miss this app, it will surprise you.
Accessories for women 1.1
Picasso Apps
In this app you will discover an amazingworldof new accessories for women. Because we know that withoutthem,any look is complete, so it is always better one of themforgetting better results, too. Among the accessories, we canfindtrendy necklaces. Nowadays, you cannot miss the great selectionofbib necklaces or big and classic necklaces. Besides, there arethebracelets, with many colors and pretty shapes, just asbracelets.If you're wondering where the accessories are formodernhairstyles, here there will be for you and for eachhairstyle,which will be perfect with them. Bags and purses to lookateveryday purchases. But this is not everything that you can findinthis app, because there are always many more options for youtodiscover every day thanks to this great app. Enjoy them !.
Decora tu cocina 1.1
Picasso Apps
La cocina es uno de los lugaresfundamentalesen nuestro hogar.Siempre buscamos que sean muy funcionales para poder tener todoamano y ordenado. Aunque para ello pensemos en unas cocinasgrandes yamplias, las más reducidas también pueden mostrarnos sucara másespecial. Si no te lo crees, gracias a esta app, ladecoración decocinas ya no será un problema en tu vida.Verás cómo los colores se apoderan de ella, al mismo tiempoquelos mejores materiales cubrirán tanto los muebles como lossuelos oparedes. Descubre cómo las encimeras más especiales sehacen contodo el protagonismo y las alacenas más espaciosas nospermitiráncontar con todos los utensilios de siempre. Porque en lamayoría delas ocasiones, no necesitamos hacer grandes reformas paravernuestra cocina desde otro punto de vista.En esta app lo comprobarás, así que ya no tienes excusas paranodisfrutar de ella y de todas las imágenes y trucos que teiremosdejando cada día.The kitchen is one ofthekey places in our home.We always look to be very functional to have everything athandand tidy. Although this think of a large and spacious kitchen,thesmaller can also show your special face. If you do notbelieve,with this app, decorating kitchens no longer be a problemin yourlife.You will see how the colors seize it, while the bestmaterialscover both furniture and floors or walls. Discover how themostspecial countertops are made with all the attention and themostspacious cabinets allow us to have all the usual utensils.Becausein most cases, we do not need major reforms to view ourkitchenfrom another angle.In this app you will verify, so you have no excuses not toenjoyit and all images and tricks that'll leave you every day.
Frases de Suerte y Fortuna 1.1
Picasso Apps
Dicen que la suerte siempre hay que buscarlaynosotros la tenemos muy cerca gracias a estas frases que lallevancomo protagonista. Deja que la suerte y la fortuna entren entuvida de una manera muy especial, optimista y divertida conestosmensajes que no te dejarán indiferente. Expresiones que nosdaránuna nueva visión del significado de todo aquello queesperamos, poreso, las frases que encontrarás aquí serán todo untoque deoptimismo y de reflexión. Por ello, en esta app tienes queestarsiempre muy atento porque cada día podrás descubrirnuevosconceptos de la palabra suerte. Una palabra con unsignificado muyamplio donde todo aquello que no podemos controlar yque es algoimpredecible se une para dar lugar a unas frases de lomásoriginales. Por esto, y por muchos otros motivos que tienesquedescubrir por ti mismo, no te puedes perder todo el contenidodeesta app. ¡Compruébalo y disfrútalo para ver la vida desdeotraperspectiva!. ¿Estás preparado para ello?.They say that luckmustalways look for it and we have it very close with thesephrasesthat lead protagonist. Let luck and fortune into your lifein avery special, optimistic and fun with these messages will notleaveyou indifferent manner. Expressions that will give us a newvisionof the meaning of everything that hope, therefore, thephrasesyou'll find here will be a complete touch of optimismandreflection. Therefore, in this app you always have to beverycareful because every day you can discover new concepts of thewordluck. A word with a very broad meaning where everything you cannotcontrol and that is unpredictable is bound to result insentencesof the most original. For this and for many other reasonsthat youhave to discover for yourself, you can not lose all thecontent ofthis app. Check it out and enjoy it to see life fromanotherperspective !. Are you ready for this?.
Short Dresses 1.1
Picasso Apps
In an app, where short dresses are themaincharacters, you'll find all the special and original dressesthatyou can wear during the day and night. There is always a dress,ormore, for every woman and of course, we have to show themtoeveryone. Throughout the day we need simple but beautifuldressesand very sensual which can fit to our body. We can findwithstraight skirt or the A-line skirt. The evening dresses becomemorespecial pieces because they have embroidery and lace orsequin.Furthermore, you can find many advices about fashion and howyoucan wear different kind of dresses with style. An app whichwillshow you the best of trends and also for all sizes. A worldofcolors and shapes that it will be updated each day to show youwhyit is very necessary to have several short dresses inyourcloset.
Step by step makeup 1.1
Picasso Apps
With this app about step by step makeupyouwill discover the professional makeup and practice it athome.Makeup is a part of our look and so if you want a naturalmakeupfor the day or a perfect smokey eyes for the night, withthisapplication you can learn the most important tips. It won ́tbeable to resist and you will discover the special secrets of it.Yoshould spend time with your face and know which type of makeupbaseis perfect for you. Then, choose from a wide palette whichcolorsyou will wear as a shadow or try to combine several. Theeyelineralso is a special part of any makeup. Try double eyelinerfor asexy makeup or the famous cat-eyes. We'll show you the mostspecialnews and the steps for getting the celebrities makeup. Wewon ́tforget the lips, because they can be the main characters inourmakeup, too. Eyebrowns give to our face more personality andherewe will show you how. A very complete app with all themakeuptutorials that you wanted to have.
Frases de Amor y Pasion 1.1
Picasso Apps
Si quieres conquistar a esa persona especial oquieres hacer un bonito regalo con todas sus letras, entonces no tepierdas nuestra selección de frases de amor y pasión. Una maneraperfecta de reavivar todos los sentimientos de manera romántica,muy dulce y llegando de manera directa a su corazón. Eso si, lomejor es optar por pequeños mensajes y directos, así que cada díapodrás descubrir uno nuevo y mucho más original que el anterior,¿no te parece una buena idea?¡Tu persona especial caerá rendida atus pies!. Porque no todos los regalos que necesitamos en esta vidase componen de cosas materiales, seguro que con unas palabrasbonitas y sinceras podemos conseguir mucho más de lo que creemos.Frases cortas, pasionales y por supuesto llenas de sinceridad ycorazón. Algo que debemos de poner en todo lo que hacemos paraconquistar. ¿Estás preparado para ser todo un Don Juan?.¡Descúbrelos!.If you desire thatspecial someone or want to make a nice gift in letters, then do notmiss our selection of words of love and passion. A perfect way torekindle romantic feelings every way, very sweet and arrivingdirect way to your heart. Yes, it is best to opt for small messagesand direct, so every day you'll discover a new and more originalthan the previous one, is not it a good idea? Your special someonewill fall at your feet !. Because not all the gifts we need in thislife is made up of material things, certainly with beautiful andsincere words can achieve much more than we think. Short,passionate and full of sincerity and of course heart phrases.Something we put into everything we do to conquer. Are you ready tobe a real Don Juan ?. Discover them !.
Decoracion con Palets 1.2
Picasso Apps
Gracias a su composición con madera, lospalets pueden formar parte de nuestra decoración con ese estilorústico que marcan. Todo tipo de muebles y detalles decorativos sepueden hacer gracias a este material y a un poco de imaginación.Puedes comenzar por unos de los ejemplos más buscados como son lasmesas de centro formadas por palets y que se pueden pintar obarnizar según el estilo que busques. Como no, las mesas deescritorio y hasta estanterías podrán formar parte de tu nuevacasa, lo mismo que los cuadros o bien, los muebles de baño. Peroeso sí, si para la decoración de interiores es algo ejemplar, parala de exteriores, no se quedará atrás. Podrás lucir nuevos sillonesy mesas con cojines llenos de color, pero eso sí, mucho máseconómicos de lo que piensas. Por eso, si no sabes cómo empezar.¡No te pierdas nuestra gran colección de ideas y comienza areciclar!.Thanks to its compositionwith wooden pallets can be part of our decor with rustic style thatmark. All the furniture and decorative details can be made throughthis material and a little imagination. You can start with one ofthe examples most searched coffee tables are made up of pallets andcan be painted or stained in the style you seek. Of course, thewriting desks and shelves to be part of your new house, like thepictures or the bathroom furniture. But yes, if something exemplaryfor interior decoration, for outdoor, will not be left behind. Youcan look new chairs and tables with colorful cushions, but yes,much cheaper than you think. So if you do not know how to begin. Donot miss our great collection of ideas and starts to recycle!.
Nail Art Ideas 1.1
Picasso Apps
You will find many nail art ideas which youcando it at home because they are easy. If you want to do this,youhave to download the app and every day you will see new designofnails and you can decorate them with these examples. Here, youhavemanyt ideas for any season and holiday or even for the day.The nailart is a way to fix and take care of our nails and ourhands.Therefore we will give you some tips so you do not missanything andyou will be able to become a pro manicure. Discoverdesigns andcreative nail art with flowers, French manicure anddetails withglitter or sparkle.If you want to get that, you needthe imaginationand this app. Every woman and every moment canbring you youroriginal manicure. It is clear that you will have todiscover stepby step the other tips. Every day new pictures comeout so you canchoose what you do today or you can try all of them.Follow the stepby step and decorate your hands with the bestideas.
Frases de Amistad y Amigos 1.1
Picasso Apps
Uno de los grandes tesoros que tenemos enestavida son los amigos. Esos que siempre están a nuestro lado, seaenlos momentos buenos o malos, así que tenemos que agradecérselo.Quémejor manera que con frases increíbles y muy especiales,dedicadasespecialmente para ellos. Sin duda, a lo largo de nuestravida,conoceremos muchas personas, pero solo las mejores y lassinceraspermanecerán a nuestro lado. Esto tenemos que valorarloporquerealmente nunca es sencillo de resistir cuando las cosas nosalentan bien como esperamos. De ahí que cuando podemos contar congenteque nos quiere y nos aprecia, siempre tenemos que estardispuestosa agradecerlo con la misma respuesta de amistad. Aunquede vez encuando, no está de más recordarlo de una manera tansencilla comoésta. En esta app encontrarás los mejores recursos enforma defrases. Cada día podrás sorprender a todos tus amigos connuevasideas que seguro, les arrancarán una bonita sonrisa.¡Manténsiempreviva la llama de la amistad!.One of thegreatesttreasures we have in this life are friends. Those who arealwayswith us, whether in good or bad times, so we have to thank.Whatbetter way than with incredible sentences and veryspecial,dedicated especially for them. Certainly, throughout ourlife, wemeet many people, but only the best and remain honest withus. Thiswe have to value it because it's never really easy toresist whenthings do not go as well as expected. Hence when we havepeople wholove us and appreciate us, we must always be willing tothank himthe same answer friendship. Although occasionally, it isworthremembering one as simple as this. In this app you will findthebest resources in the form of sentences. Every day cansurpriseyour friends with new ideas that insurance will start anicesonrisa.¡Mantén them always alive the flame of friendship!.
Fashion bags 1.1
Picasso Apps
Bags have become a perfect part to completeanyfashionable look. We can not go out without one of this, and wearelucky because every time we can find more styles and shapes.Thus,we can choose one for each day. During the day the bags arewhich wecarried over are large, with handles or shoulder butalways invariety of colors. At night bags become smaller and it iswhen theclutch appears. In both, we find many different and uniquedetailswhich are in this app. Do not miss the great collectionsfor echaseason because they will surprise you. The most exclusivedesignersas well as the original handbags. A great variety for youto choosewhich is your street style and which one is for you. Abag for everywoman and many for this special app with which youwill discover aworld of accessories which inspire you every day.You will not missit because without a bag our look is nothing sowe need thisapp.
Quince Dresses 1.0
Picasso Apps
When every girl leaves her childhood behindtoface his new age is time to celebrate it. When the party offifteenyears is near, it is a time that many girls are waitingfor.Besides, the quince dress is a special part of this party forthegirls. A dress which has to be the most wonderful thing everseen.If you want to get the right one, you shouldn´t lose thisapp.These types of dresses have many details for being the perfectone.They are created by layers of tulle or chiffon. In addition, awiderange of colors so everyone can choose the one you like. Thatiswhy in this app you'll find a selection of wonderful dresses.Here,you can see the most beautiful colors and the more specialmodelsfor every girl. So if you're thinking about your party, youcan notmiss all those ideas we have prepared for you because theywill bevery helpful.In this app you will discover an amazing world of newaccessoriesfor women. Because we know that without them, any lookis complete,so it is always better one of them for getting betterresults, too.Among the accessories, we can find trendy necklaces.Nowadays, youcannot miss the great selection of bib necklaces orbig and classicnecklaces. Besides, there are the bracelets, withmany colors andpretty shapes, just as bracelets. If you'rewondering where theaccessories are for modern hairstyles, herethere will be for youand for each hairstyle, which will be perfectwith them. Bags andpurses to look at everyday purchases. But thisis not everythingthat you can find in this app, because there arealways many moreoptions for you to discover every day thanks tothis great app.Enjoy them !.
Short Dresses 1.0
Picasso Apps
In an app, where short dresses are themaincharacters, you'll find all the special and original dressesthatyou can wear during the day and night. There is always a dress,ormore, for every woman and of course, we have to show themtoeveryone. Throughout the day we need simple but beautifuldressesand very sensual which can fit to our body. We can findwithstraight skirt or the A-line skirt. The evening dresses becomemorespecial pieces because they have embroidery and lace orsequin.Furthermore, you can find many advices about fashion and howyoucan wear different kind of dresses with style. An app whichwillshow you the best of trends and also for all sizes. A worldofcolors and shapes that it will be updated each day to show youwhyit is very necessary to have several short dresses inyourcloset.If you want to know which is the fashion when we are talkingaboutshoes, do not miss this app. Here you'll find all the trendsofeach season so you can inspire yourself and each day you canwearthose shoes that you love. For the most special celebrationsheeledshoes will be your choose from several colors anddifferentmaterials. Of course also the sandals will give perfect tothatspecial look through their platforms and their details. Forwinter,do not forget the boots which you can combine for eachevent. Thatis why we will show the heels for a night or parties andchoose theperfect shoes for the meetings and for the mostcomfortable shoesfor the day. We won´t forget the shoes withoutheels and many moreideas that you can discover in this app. Ofcourse, as you can see,it is a complete app where you will findeverything for yourfeet.
Nail Art Ideas 1.0
Picasso Apps
You will find many nail art ideas which youcando it at home because they are easy. If you want to do this,youhave to download the app and every day you will see new designofnails and you can decorate them with these examples. Here, youhavemanyt ideas for any season and holiday or even for the day.The nailart is a way to fix and take care of our nails and ourhands.Therefore we will give you some tips so you do not missanything andyou will be able to become a pro manicure. Discoverdesigns andcreative nail art with flowers, French manicure anddetails withglitter or sparkle.If you want to get that, you needthe imaginationand this app. Every woman and every moment canbring you youroriginal manicure. It is clear that you will have todiscover stepby step the other tips. Every day new pictures comeout so you canchoose what you do today or you can try all of them.Follow the stepby step and decorate your hands with the bestideas.Brides must have the perfect nails because hands also playanimportant role on your wedding day. If you want to know allthetips, care and the latest tips in wedding nails, you shouldnotmiss this app. Here, you will find the latest design of nailsinwhich we can find the classic one and some ideas aboutFrenchmanicure. New ideas that you can do it at home because theyarevery easy , so you can practice different styles. Also, if youwantto do a beatiful wedding nails, we will explain the coloursorideas for gradual French manicure and some tips for sparklenails.It is a complete app to help you to choose the design andcolorthat you like, because every day we will show you differentimagesin which you can discover all the styles, from the classictomodern and which one will be perfect for the next season. Asyoucan see, this app has important news for you, so you will gettheperfect wedding nails and the perfect hands, too.
Step by step makeup 1.0
Picasso Apps
With this app about step by step makeupyouwill discover the professional makeup and practice it athome.Makeup is a part of our look and so if you want a naturalmakeupfor the day or a perfect smokey eyes for the night, withthisapplication you can learn the most important tips. It won ́tbeable to resist and you will discover the special secrets of it.Yoshould spend time with your face and know which type of makeupbaseis perfect for you. Then, choose from a wide palette whichcolorsyou will wear as a shadow or try to combine several. Theeyelineralso is a special part of any makeup. Try double eyelinerfor asexy makeup or the famous cat-eyes. We'll show you the mostspecialnews and the steps for getting the celebrities makeup. Wewon ́tforget the lips, because they can be the main characters inourmakeup, too. Eyebrowns give to our face more personality andherewe will show you how. A very complete app with all themakeuptutorials that you wanted to have.In this app you will find all the tips for your beauty.Sometimes,we need some help for being perfect and we will get itwith tricksand some remedies which we do at home. The care of theface is oneof the topics, as well as hair. All kinds of masks andremedies forevery day, so this way, when we wake up we will seemuch prettier.Furthermore, we must not forget the skin which alwaysneeds aspecial care. Our feet and hands need it, too. In this app,you geta few minutes of relax and time for yourself, because weneed it toforget the problems. Surely you also want to know wichmakeup isperfect for you and how you can get all those details forbeing notonly beautiful on the outside but also inside. A verycomplete appwhich you cannot miss it because it will become yournew morningroutine.Discover it!.