PuiPui 应用

PingCardboard 1.1
Google Cardboard Sample "Treasure Hunt" was modified.2nd cube was added. Trigger on cardboard was disabled. Usevoice to control.User Instructions:1. Download "PingCardboard" game app onto yourAndroidmobile.2. If you have a Google Cardboard, place the mobileontoCardboard.3. If you do not have a Google Cardboard, just view the imagesonyour Android mobile.4. Connect your mobile to WIFI.5. Start the game by tapping on the "PingCardboard" icon.6. After the game has been started, you will see one red cubeonthe right, one brown cube on the left.7. Say "go", the red cube will move toward the brown cube,whenin contact, you will hear a "ping"sound and feel the vibration.8. The red cube will stop its movement.9. The brown cube will go around, you will need to moveyourhead/cardboard(mobile) to track it's movement.10. The brown cube will eventually come around and staybehindthe red cube. Game over.Credit: Glass Ping Sound: http://soundbible.com/2084-Glass-Ping.html
WearVR, Virtual Reality Game 1.2
Google Cardboard Sample code "Treasure Hunt"has been modified, and the code of this game is at https://github.com/puipui987/WearVRCardboard Mono view, Cardboard is not needed.Only Android Wear (watch) is needed.User Instructions:1. Download the game "WearVR" onto your Android mobile. The gamewill be copiedonto its paired Android Wear (watch) automatically.(ONLY WEAR IS NEEDED TO PLAY THE GAME)2. Remove your Android Wear (watch) from wrist.3. On your Android Wear (watch), tap the "WearVR" icon.4. Position your Android Wear (watch) so its watch band isparallel to ground.5. You will see "Tilt watch face down. Cube goes around" and ayellow cube on Wear screen.6. Tilt the Wear (watch) face downward, the yellow cube startsto go around.7. As the cube goes around, you will need to move yourWear/head/body to follow it onthe Wear screen.8. You will sense the vibration on the Wear. This vibrationfeature may not workon certain Wear brands.
BaliAdventureSkyToursCN 1.0
BaliAdevntureSkyToursCN 此应用以图片和简体中文介绍巴厘岛和其周边的直升机旅游服务。BaliAdevntureSkyToursCN introduces the helicopter services intheBali area in simplified Chinese with photos.连接WIFI。Connect to WIFI.下载应用后,点击黑白“Sky Tours”图标。After downloading the app, click on the black-and-white "SkyTours"icon.应用启动后,从右向左滑动图片。After the app starts, swipe from right to left to move to thenextscreen.此应用包括10张图片。This app contains 10 screen images.
Rocky Donut (Wear) Free Game 1.0
User Instructions:1. This is an Android Wear (watch) app. Only the Wearisneeded.2. Download the game app onto your mobile. The app will becopiedonto the paired Wear (watch) automatically.3. On the Wear (watch), tap the colorful icon of"RockyDonutWear"to start the game.4. Turn your wrist (either way) to watch the colorful donutjumpsaround.5. When the donut reaches its maximum excitement, thewatchvibrates. (vibration may not work on certain Wear brands)
Mobile+Watch VR game (free) 3.0
Mobile+Watch Virtual Reality (VR) game (free).Demo app "Treasure Hunt" was modified.Instead of using a magnet on cardbord to enter user input,a user can use Watch to enter input.The concept is to encourage a "Helmet + Wear" VR concept. Thatis, mounting the mobile on a helmet to allowhands to be freed for motion. Users can then use the Wear (watch)to interact with the images within VR.At present, "Helmet + Wear" is unavailable, use "Mobile +Watch":-User downloads the game onto mobile-The app will be copied automatically onto the paired Wear(watch).-User starts the game by touching "Cardbord + Wear" icon onWear-VR view will appear on mobile-User can set up cardbord on mobile-User holds the viewer with one hand-User holds the Watch with the other handStage 1:-Swing watch left-right, the cube rotates-Tilt watch left, cube moves left-Tilt watch right, cube moves right-Swing watch up-down, enters Stage 2Stage 2:-Say "Go", the cube on the right moves to left to bump the othercube-the bumped cube then goes around 360 degree to stopEnjoy it!
VR UI (free) 1.0
VR UI (free) app.Sample "Treasure Hunt" was modified.This app shows a 3D user interface in a virtualrealityscene.User instructions:1. Download the app onto your Android mobile.2. Tap the "Card board UI" icon to start the app.3. If you have a Cardboard, place the mobile ontheCardboard.4. If you do not have a Cardboard, just view the app onyourmobile.5. The app displays three cubes, red (Mail), yellow(Search),green (Video). They are three robots that will performthosefunctions for you in the future.6. Say (Mail), the red cube spins.7. Say (Search), the yellow cube spins.8. Say (Video), the green cube spins.9. Say (Quit) to stop the app.Enjoy it!
Shape Me (Wear) 1.0
1. Download the game onto your mobile phone.The game will be copied onto the paired Wear (watch) automatically.2. Click "ShapeMeWear" icon on Wear (watch) to start thegame.3. Tilt Wear (watch) left-right or forward-back, the shape ofthe 3D object will be distorted.Technologies utilized: Android Wear (watch), accelerometer,OpenGL ES 2.0Inspired by: "Rubber" in https://github.com/harism/android_effects
VR + Music, Demo2(free) 1.0
VR + Music, Demo2 (free) is a VirtualReality(VR) demo. It's ad-free.Photosphere: Great Barrier Reef, Australia (RichardVevers)Sound: "Seashore" (ahmadafshar) http://www.freesfx.co.ukUser instruction:Step 1. Start the app by tapping the "Cardboard + Music,Demo2"icon on mobile.Step 2. Great Barrier Reef, Australia photosphere will beloaded,and the "Seashore" sound will start too.Step 3. If you have a Google Cardboard, load your mobile ontotheCardboard. If you do not have a Cardboard, just view/listen onthemobile directly.Step 4. The user can then turn head to see the big fish.Step 5. It's not necessary to use the magnet on Cardboard.
PiaoLiu, Bali Adventure 漂流流程安全 1.0
This free app uses Mandarin (voice) to explainBali Adventure rafting:1. Process (about 2 minutes)2. Safety Instructions (about 3 minutes)WIFI connection is needed.PiaoLiu:此免费App以普通话(语音)为您解说Bali Adventure 漂流1. 流程(约2分钟)2. 安全说明(约3分钟)需要和WIFI连接。This free app usesMandarin (voice) to explain Bali Adventure rafting:1. Process (about 2 minutes)2. Safety Instructions (about 3 minutes)WIFI connection is needed.PiaoLiu: This free App in Mandarin (voice) as you explain BaliAdventure Rafting1. Process (about 2 minutes)2. Safety Instructions (about 3 minutes)Needs and WIFI connection.
Hungry Saucer (Wear) (free) 1.1
Hungry Saucer (LSFG2) is a free AndroidWeargame.You download the app onto your Android mobile, the app willbeloaded onto its paired Wear automatically.A smart meteor moving from left to right by itself.When it's under the rotating saucer, you tilt the Wear(watch)down (lower the watch side near you).The rotating saucer turns on its suction power, it has alimitedtime to capture the smart meteor.Sometimes, the smart meteor escapes...Have fun with it!
VR + Music, Demo1 (free) 1.0
VR + Music, Demo1 (free) is a VirtualReality(VR) demo. It's ad-free.Photosphere: Mt. Rinjani, by Choong Leong Tan.Music: Gutar On Fire (from "Best of Alex Fox").User instruction:Step 1. If you have a Google Cardboard, load your mobile ontotheCardboard. If you do not have a Cardboard, just view/listen onthemobile directly.Step 2. Start the app by tapping the "Cardboard + Music,Demo1"icon on mobile.Step 3. The Mt. Rinjani (where is it?) photosphere willbeloaded, and the "Guitar on fire" will start too.Step 4. The user can then turn head to see the majesticMt.Rinjani
Five Android Wear Games, free 1.5
User instructions: (The vibration feature inthese games may not work on certain Wear brands)1. Just download the app onto your mobile. The app will becopied onto the paired Wear (watch) automatically.2. These are all Wear (watch) stand-alone games. WIFI and mobileare not needed.Game 1: SPIN DISC (Turn your wrist and watch the disc spin andfeel the vibration.)Game 2: BEND (Turn your wrist to bend the image)Game 3: HUA QIU (Turn your wrist to move the small balls fromone side to the other. They will change color and vibrate.)Game 4: ROCKY DONUT (Turn your wrist to watch the colorful donutjump around and vibrate.)Game 5: BEAM ME UP (Turn your wrist to beam up the small craft,you could feel the Wear vibration.)
TeleBounce (Mobile+Wear) game 1.1
TeleBounce (Wear) is a free game.You need an Android mobile phone and its paired Android Wear(watch).User Instructions:1. Download the TeleBounce game (app) onto your Androidmobile.2. The game will be copied onto its paired Android Wear (watch)automatically.3. Tap the "TeleBounce" icon on Wear to start the game.4. Once the game starts on Wear, you will see a yellow ballbouncing around.5. Turn your wrist outward, the yellow ball will "bounce" ontothe mobile screen.(sound+vibration)6. Turn your wrist inward, the yellow ball will "bounce" ontothe wear screen.7. Swipe the Wear to stop the game.Enjoy it!
Bend (Wear) Free Game 1.0
User Instructions:1. This is an Android Wear (watch) app. Only the Wear is needed.WIFI is not needed.2. Download the game app onto your mobile. The app will becopied onto the paired Wear (watch) automatically.3. On the Wear (watch), tap the "BendWear" icon to start thegame.4. Turn your wrist (either way) to watch the image bends.
VR + Music (3 VR Scenes) 1.0
(Free game) VR + Music, 3 Virtual Reality(VR)scenes.Scene 1: Photosphere: Mt. Rinjani, by Choong Leong Tan.Scene 2: Photosphere: Great Barrier Reef, Australia(RichardVevers)Scene 3: Photos: Galaxy photos from http://hubblesite.org. Creative Photosphere:acollage of Hubble galaxyphotos made into a photosphere (PuiPui)Background Music: "Guitar on fire" from "The Best ofAlexFox"User instruction:Step 1. If you have a Google Cardboard, load your mobile ontotheCardboard. If you do not have a Cardboard, just view/listen onthemobile directly.Step 2. Start the app by tapping the "CardboardMusic3Scenes"iconon mobile.Step 3. The first photosphere will be loaded, and thebackgroundmusic will start too.Step 4. The user can then turn head to look around.Step 5. To switch to the next scene: swing thecardboard/mobileup-down once.Step 6. After all 3 scenes have all been loaded one at a time,toquit, swing the cardboard/mobile up-down once.Step 7. It's not necessary to use the magnet on cardboard.
Match Colors,free Android game 1.0
Match Colors, free Android game.This is a free Android game with banner ads at thescreenbottom.The game board will be displayed in portrait(vertical)orientation only.The game board consists of a 4x4 grid with 8 pairs ofcolorcards.The game starts initially with all cards facing down. Whentheplayer touches a card, the colour side will be flipped fordisplay.The player then touches another card trying to find acolormatch.If the flipped pair is a match, the player receives two(2)points, and the two cards will be removed from the gameboard.Otherwise, the cards are turned face- down again and theplayerloses one (1) point. This continues until all pairs havebeenfound.After the game is finished, the player will be prompted toenterhis/her name. The player's name (or nickname) and the scorewillthen be stored in a cloud storage: Firebase.When clicking the "SCORES" button at the upper right corner,alother players' names/scores will be displayed inscore-descendingorder.There is a banner ad at the bottom of the screen.Enjoy it.
WearGamesCSBL, 4 small games 1.2
(IF YOU WANT A PROMOTION CODE THAT ALLOWSYOUTO DOWNLOAD THIS APP FREE OF CHARGE,PLEASE SEND EMAIL to cmandarin9@gmail.com TOREQUESTONE)This is a package you must purchase. There is noadvertisementwithin the package.Download the game onto your mobile phone, it will be copiedontoyour paired Android Wear (watch) automatically.Start the game by touching the icon on Wear (watch). There isnoicon on mobile.The four small games (CSBL): Catch, Shape, Bend, LuvCatch: You're the big flying saucer. Turn your wrist inwardtostart the magnetic suction, capture small flying saucer.(This game contains a "How" button that explains how to playthegame)Shape: Turn your wrist to watch the rubber-snapped objectchangeshape. It also changes colours from time to time.Bend: Each time you play, a different pattern may appear onavertical bar. Turn your wrist to bend it.Luv: Touch the watch face 10 times. 10 hearts will begenerated.When any two hearts collide, one disappear. Is thereLuvleft?(This game contains a "How" button that explains how to playthegame)
ufo 360, fly your UFO around. 4.7
This VR game utilizes the Google Cardboard SDKin Mono mode. Thus, a cardboard viewer is NOT needed. You may playthis game on any Android device.The mobile phone must be in landscape mode (horizontal),The mobile phone screen must be perpendicular to ground.After you start the game, you may move your mobile phone around andenjoy the imaginary planet scenes.When you see the UFO (flying saucer),Tilt the upper end of the mobile forward, the UFO moves toleft.Tilt the upper end of the mobile backward, the UFO moves toright.Tilt the upper end of the mobile forward/backward slowly: the UFOhovers.You can move your mobile+body to follow the UFO around you 360degree.Scene 5 (Green circle with white plus sign):Background: mango skinTake a photo (or select an image) to become ufo skin.Take a photo (or select an image) to become a planet's surface.Users are allowed to do it for three planets.Select background music from three options.Scene 3:Background: mango skinPlanet surfaces: candies, marshmallows, snake fruitsUFO skin:Option 1: import an image or photo from your Android, watch itbecomes the UFO skin.Option 2: take a photo, watch it becomes the UFO skin.Scene 1:Background: sky.Planet surfaces: candies, cashews, mangoScene 2:Background: red dragon fruit.Planet surfaces: candies, mango, flower, pop cornsScene 4:Background: mangoPlanet surfaces: candies, pop corns, mango, red dragon fruitBackground music: www.mididb.com
Volcano, free Instant Game 32
Touch screen to eject star-shaped object to stop volcano eruption
Scooter Hero, free Instant Gam 23
Race the electric scooter with gas scooter and the rider switchestoelectric.