Bob's Discount Furniture
Celebrating over 20 years of unbeatablefurniture values! With more than 60 locations in 11 states wecontinue to grow! Our motto? No phony gimmicks...just pure value!This is the place to interact with the Bob's team and learn moreabout all things Bob's Discount Furniture! Follow and share thelatest news on store events & openings, as well as Bob'sOutreach and Charitable Foundation activities.App:Just for information onlyCreated by:Hilario NealIn this app you can find:About Us, Photos, Video, Facebook, Contact Us, About Bob's,Customer Care, Tools, Shipping, Charitable giving & community,Living Room, Bedroom, Dinning Room, Kids Bedroom, Mattresses, HomeAccents, Entertainment, Home Office, Epit /Deals, CONNECTICUT,DELAWARE, ILLINOIS, MASSACHUSETTS, MARYLAND, MAINE, NEW HAMPSHIRE,NEW JERSEY, NEW YORK, PENNSYLVANIA, RHODE ISLAND, VIRGINIA
NYCCOC 1.275.692.1325
Who Are We?Statue of LibertyWe are a multi-cultural, multi-racial group, including people fromevery walk of life. Whether you are young or mature, single orwithfamily, deep in your career or pursuing your education, youwill find similar people in our fellowship.We're a group of Christians who love the Lord and His church.Individually and collectively we're on a spiritual journey in whichwe're actively seeking God and His guidance for our lives. Webelieve that God's Word teaches, inspires, and convicts us. Werecognize that living a spiritually-minded life isn't always easy,but it is the most rewarding and fulfilling life to live.Our association with the International Churches of Christ meanswe share fellowship with churches in most major cities in theUnited States and around the world.Our HistoryIn 1983, eighteen disciples of Jesus moved to New York Cityspecifically to establish a congregation that could take themessage of Jesus to what is arguably the greatest city in theworld. Now nearly 4,000 people meet each Sunday in variousgeographic regions throughout the five boroughs and the surroundingmetropolitan area. Small group Bible studies stretch from EasternPennsylvania, throughout much of New Jersey and the New York HudsonValley across Westchester County and the five boroughs of New YorkCity to Long Island. Periodically the entire church gathers inManhattan for a united worship assembly. If you live anywhere inthe New York City Metropolitan area, there are disciples of Jesusin your area eager to meet you.
United Federation of Teachers
In this app you can find:About Us, Contact Us, Twitter, Map, Video, Events, Facebook, WhoWeAre, Where We Stand, Our Rights, Our Benefits, Our Chapters,GetInvolved, Teaching, News