Quartertone 应用

WiFi Killer 1.5.2
Keep your WiFi turned off!If you turn on your WiFi radio, this app will turn it off beforeyou have a chance to connect to a potentially malicous network.Going to DefCon? Install this app and avoid being phwned!*Works in Android >1.5Get "Wireless Killer" to kill Bluetooth (for Android >2.1)keywords: disable wifi, prevent wireless
Wireless Killer 1.8.3
Keep WiFi and/or Bluetooth turned off!If you turn on your WiFi and/or Bluetooth radio, this app willturn it off before you have a chance to connect to a potentiallymalicous network.(Originally created for use at DefCon)*Requires Android > 2Get WiFi Killer for Android >1.5keywords: disable wifi, kill wireless, prevent bluetoothactivation, cancel bt
Fluid & Electrolytes 1.3
Medical calculator to get appropriate rate andelectrolyte components of IV fluid to be given to a dehydratedpatient. Also displays standard maintenance fluid infusion rate.Remembers last values entered when you re-open the app.(Knowing Current Intake obviously requires "strict in/out" overthe past 24 hours.)
Bishop Score 1.4
Calculate the likelihood of labor and need forinduction.This is probably useful only for medical professionals. Pleasenote that there are many variations on how to interpret the score,so use your clinical judgement in the final management of yourpatients.
Vibe O'Clock 3.4
Vibrating clock.Tell time by touch. Phone will vibrate the time.Useful for discreetly checking the time (for example, during animportant but boring meeting).Vibration intensity and timing is adjustable.* Add Home screen Widget for instant access!* Vibe Alarm (vibrate at set interval)
Summing Cells (Donate) 1.1
This app is only for donation purposes.(Thanks for your support!)To find the game, select "View more applications" below.
Summing Cells 1.3.1
Place current numbered tile in an open spot.If the singles digit of the surrounding squares' sum matches theplayed tile, all adjacent tiles are removed.Features:-Custom tile colors! (via UberColorPicker by Keith Wiley)-Screen brightness lock-Undo x1-Save High Scores-Auto save/load-Drag&DropPlease see the Help pages for game play instructions.
BeatDroid (Donation) 1.1
This app is only for donation purposes. Byitself does nothing and is not useful in any way whatsoever.To find the application, select "View more applications"below.
BeatDroid 2.9
BPM calculator
Level-Headed 2.8
New notification options!Protect your hearing!This app detects when headset is plugged in, & adjuststhevolume for all sounds. Restores original volume level whenheadsetis unplugged.Features:Custom volume settingsLoad on Boot optionNotification optionsGet the widget enabler (separate app) for easy on/offaccess.
Vibe O'Clock (Free) 3.2
Tell time by touch. Phone will vibratethetime.Useful for discreetly/covertly checking the time.FULL version features:Adjust vibration intensity and speedAdd as a home screen WidgetFlip for Vibe** Fixed Force-Close. Email me if further issues. **
Level-Headed (Donate/Widget) 1.0
This donation/app activates the Widgetfunctionin Level-Headed. The widget allows you to activate thevolumeup/down status manually regardless of the headset plugstatus. (SeeLevel-Headed app for more info.)**You will need to first download the FREE Level-Headed appinorder for the widget to work.**
OB Wheel: Pregnancy calculator
Pregnancy due date calculator. Created by a board-certified ObGyndoctor.
*** This is NOT a fully functioning app! It only unlocksadditionalfeatures in the free version of the app. If youpreviously wereusing the Ob Wheel PRO (this app), you may be ableto retrievepreviously saved data using this update. You will needto manuallytransfer the data to the main app. Download the main(free) OBWheel app to have all the functions. *** Gotohttps://obwheel.quartertone.net for the new Web App version.
OB Wheel (NEW)
This is the new and improved version of the OB Wheel app. ATrustedWeb Activity is wrapped inside the Android app, so that youwillalways have the most up-to-date version. *Note* The appdelegatesweb access to your default browser. This has been testedwithChrome and Firefox, but should work with other browsers.Clearingyour browser data will also clear OB Wheel'sdata.---------------------------------------- Multi-functionpregnancycalculator. Created by a board-certified ObGyn. Calculatedates ofpregnancy: -Last menstrual period (LMP) -Estimated dateofconception -Weeks gestational age (WGA) -WGA obtained byultrasound-Dating by IVF Embryo transfer -Calculate gestation byCrown-Rumplength -Estimated due date (EDC) -"Time Machine" mode cancalculate"How many weeks will patient be on xxxx date?" and "Whenwillpatient be xx weeks gestation?" Features still present, butnolonger supported: -Store multiple patients for easyretrieval-Adjust length of cycle and luteal phase -Full Help pages-Includeextra notes in patient data *****************************IMPORTANTNOTE*** ************************** This app calculatesexactly 280days (40 weeks) from LMP to EDC, and accordingly for anydate inbetween. Please note that the paper/plastic wheels usedbyobstetricians or ultrasound technicians are inherentlyinaccurate.Different pregnancy wheels may vary by as much as 3 or 4days.Please keep this in mind when comparing the values obtainedhere tothose given in clinics/hospitals. (seehere:https://bit.ly/pregwheel)