Rakshit Muthappa 应用

Reached 1.0
Rakshit Muthappa
Its a long ride back home and you decide totake a nap. You wake up from your slightly long nap to find thatyou are in the next town. "Reached" will wake you up well beforeyou reach your destination.You decide to go on a road trip with your pals and find that yourbest buds are fast asleep. you don't know how far away the allimportant exit is. "Reached" will alert you when you near the exit.Reached is an easy to use app which alerts you when you areabout to reach a location. The app lets you select a destinationand set a radius. It sets off an alarm when you enter the area.Reached makes use of GPS and Network signals to get your currentlocation. These resources are utilised in an efficient way so thatexcessive battery draining is avoidedOnce you set an alarm you can kill the application from yourecent apps list. A smart service runs in the background which islocation and GPS aware.Reached lets you interact with the app from the notification baritself after you kill the app.Reached will let you know if the GPS signal is lost or if youaccidentally switch off the GPS module. This information isprovided in the notification itselfReached depends on GPS. Reached lets Google play services takeover the location updates which has sophisticated techniques toutilise battery efficiently.You can interact with the app through the notification. It willlet you edit the existing alarm or cancel it.Reached uses the latest Google Maps Version 2 which helps youhave an interactive and easy user experience. The alarm can be setwith a few clicks in no time at all.Since Reached uses GPS, The alarm may not go off in places whereGPS signals are weak. To avoid this it is good to have a largerradius.