RayaAndro27 应用

Unique Calligraphic Art 1.5
Calligraphy is one of a kind works of art thatemphasizes the beauty contained in the letter forms that have beenmodified or stylized so as to have an aesthetic value. The beautyof this form has a general sense, meaning that the font is not onlyapplicable to certain letters or origin of a particular typeface.One example, for instance calligraphy applies not only to the shapeor type of Arabic (Hijaiyyah), but can also apply to the types ofletters the other. So the word calligraphy apply to the public, thebeauty of the letters are common, universal and global. Calligraphyis not only to express visually paragraph or letters contained inthe Quran and Hadith, but also to express sentences literary formof the Latin alphabet, Chinese characters, Japanese characters,letters India, letter Sanskrit or Javanese characters ,Understanding the general public does have a view and understandingis less precise, which means that calligraphy is a modification ofthe beauty of the Arabic letter forms only. Although it can not bedenied because it is growing rapidly in our region (Indonesia) isthe number of creations calligraphic beauty is a form of Arabicletters.
Neck Tattoo Designs 1.1
Amy Krakov technically revealed that thetattoo is a permanent stain on the body by means impregnated with asharp object into the skin (dermis). In literary language Dutchexpression, tattoos mean doe het tap toe which means the signal forclosing public houses, given by continuous drum beating or rapping;this rapping or tapping was close to the sound made by earlytattoers as they tapped a needle with a small hammer in the processof puncturing the skin.The process of needling by hand (manual) as disclosed above untilnow • still are in some cultures the world such as Samoa, Maori,Mentawai, Burma, to Thailand. In the Java language, tattoos have ameaning that is almost as though different, from the word "wounded"who also has parallels meaning "wound" or "scar", which is acertain sign with other skin either in his own body as well asdifferences in the sign of the body property of others.
Gift Box Ideas 1.1
how to make a gift box:1. To make a scheme forms the first step in cardboard boxes tobe made.2. Next, cut the cardboard in accordance with a scheme that hasbeen made earlier.3. Then the next fold all the corners side of the box4. Then glue the two sides of the cardboard with glue FOX5. Then lengketkan both sides of the corner, again at thealready glued earlier.
Decoration Wall Hangings 1.1
Wall hangings very diverse functions. The maincourse aesthetic function. A painting, for example, can give a newor different shades for a room with relatively low cost (comparedto replacing the furniture!).Wall hangings can also be used as a design solution in arrangingthe room. For example, to reduce the impression of an empty and"inside" the walls are 3 meters high above these problems usuallyoccur in the home that can be installed using void-shaped wallhangings length or some wall hangings lined up vertically mounted.Wall hangings can also "game" (read: cover) wall paint started topeel or part of the wall that is problematic, if not have thebudget for repainting.
Learning Table Design 1.2
Study table is a fixture that should beavailable for children. Of course as parents we want to present thecomfort of learning for children, and children's learning tableappears sufficient that purpose.When your home has a broad space, so it is very fitting to bemade a special study room where there are lots of facilitiesincluding children's learning table. And vice versa if your child'sroom is small, so you can put a table outside the room like achild's learning in the family room.According to the expert person, children learn good table placedin the bedroom, because when placed in the family room or TV room,a child can be disturbed his concentration.
Light Sleeper Design 1.1
There are several types of lamps or lamps forinterior Crafts home, as usual lamp (bulb or fluorescent), whichcan be mounted on the lamp shade. Also there Lamp Decorationcommonly installed in the park. Usually this Decorative Lights tobeautify your home, while the material is made of iron and can alsobe of bamboo or Lamp Craft, making your garden look more naturaland unnatural.Types of Decorative Lamps more varied and classified byfunction. The use of light and Crafts These lights can be verysupportive interior design of your home or office.
Modern Door Design 1.2
Understanding of door house simply is one ofthe Interior in the house that can be opened and closed freely bythe user or owner of the house and the door itself is alsocontained within the building - other building because a door isthe most important aspect in the house or building that is used asan area enter or exit a person and forms door house itself has adifferent shape - different and is made of a different material -also vary as some use wood, Alumanium, Glass and others -others.But materials Doors The house is the most widely used by Indonesiansociety in general, is Door Wood House for Excess Doors Houses Madeof Wood is more durable, more looks good and Doors Wooden Housescan be used as type Wood Doors Flush Door or known dg designationEngineering Door who has the sense of a door or doors BuildingHome-made therein Empty space due to now it's been very hard to getkhualitas Hardwoods of Forests to serve as a house Wooden doorsjim-dandy.That is because an age-me Modern and more advanced as it is todayhas been a lot of hands - the hands of a creative nation that makesa form of door house or door building which is unique andconvenient to use that follow the shape of a minimalist design,Design House Modern or Design House Simple. For it then fine day Iwill try to give an important discussion about the benefits ofVirtue Doors Doors Home and Home which can be obtained by someoneeither Homeowners or Humans who come into the house.
Beautiful Fruit Carving 1.1
Fruit carving is the art of serving food withbeauty. Media used are fruit, especially the rounded and has a softtexture. The tools used in fruit carving is quite simple, namely,cutter, serrated knives and toothpicks if necessary.Fruit carving was first discovered in Thailand. In 1364, adecorator named Nang Nopamas made lamp decoration boat festivalsroyal which is routinely done during the full moon every year inDecember. He carve fruits and vegetables into flowers to ukiranyacircuit looks like a series of very beautiful lilies.
Family Room Design 1.2
family or the Living Room is the room where wespend precious time with family every day.This area is the gathering place, entertain, mingle andinteract. By scrutinizing the various activities that must beaccommodated, the living room into one of the most important areaof all the rooms in the house. This space should be casual andrelaxed. Both natural and artificial lighting is needed in thisarea. and most importantly, this space should be comfortable at alltimes. To achieve this requires proper planning. Type Differentholder can be an attractive solution for processing designs in thisroom.
Craft of candle ideas 1.1
Candles are lighting source consisting of awick that is covered by solid fuel. Before the 19th century, thefuel used is usually a fat cow (which contains stearic acid. Nowthat is normally used is paraffin.candles also can be made of various forms of art. The followingare some of the art form which is derived from wax
Origami Art 1.1
Origami is an art of folding that originatedin Japan. The materials used are paper or cloth that is usually asquare. An origami outcome is a result of meticulous handwork andsmooth on sight.Generally to make origami we can use plain paper, but most oforigami in Japan using special paper for origami. The differencebetween plain paper and origami paper just in terms of design andcolor are very diverse so as to make origami became more beautifuland completely unrelated to the technique as the paper foldsbecomes easier and so forth.
Wedding Dress Design 1.3
her wedding dress is clothing worn by thebride at a wedding ceremony. Color, style and interests for theceremony process is very important, depending on the religion andculture of the bride and groom.In the modern tradition, western wedding dress color is white.White in this case as well as the nuances of white, ivory white,ivory, eggshell white. This white popularity began in 1840 at thewedding of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg-Gotha.Queen Victoia (1819-1901) had a long name Alexandria Victoriabecame Queen of the United Kingdom from 1837-1901 year and alsobecame Empress of India from the year 1876-1901very much concerned with the wedding dress, among others:models a wedding dress, bridal fashions, the latest wedding dress,wedding dress modern, unique wedding dress, wedding dress pink
3D Wall Painting Ideas 1.1
Painting is one branch of art. Painting is adevelopment of the drawing. Painting is a medium activity toprocess two-dimensional or three-dimensional surface of the objectto get a certain impression, with the involvement of expression,emotion, and idea creators in full.A painting requires a subjective concept that speech, whichshould be able to translate what is in the object, theme or idea isrepresentative.in addition to a 3D wall paintings, there are also applicationsgraffiti art, then there is also the style of graffitiwriting.in addition there are also graffiti art Doodle Art, or art doodleideas that can improve our imagination.
Wood Art Creative 1.1
Understanding Art Craft is a work ofartcreated using skills (hand skills) and pay attention to in termsoffunctional (physical needs) and beauty (emotional needs).Artworkcraft categorized as a work of applied art archipelago. Initsdevelopment, work synonymous with art craft art craft as seenfromthe way of making Art Craft by hand (hand made).Art Craft has been around since the time prehistory ofobjectsseen since the Stone Age findings Young (Neolithic) is wherepeopleare beginning to stay settled. Benda artwork where the craftispottery pottery made of clay and used as a container.
Kata Kata Cinta 1.1
kata kata cinta merupakan suatu perasaanyangtertuang di dalam media berupa gambar, kata kata cinta adalahkatakata yang mewakili perasaan seseorang, baik perasaanbahagia,merasa di cintai, dll.cinta adalah perasaan bahagia yang dimiliki setiap insanyangbernyawa. cinta merupakan perasaan bawaan sejak lahir.words of love is afeelingthat is contained in the media in the form of images, wordsof loveare words that represent a person's feelings, good feelingsofhappiness, feel in love, etc.Love is a feeling of happiness which every human beinglifeless.Love is an inborn feeling.
Fish Pond Design 1.1
an ornamental pond in question is analignmentthat is for both indoor and outdoor aesthetics whichpenekananannyathe aesthetic elements and other functions, differ inprincipleornamental ponds with ornamental fish pond.Although it can be for ordinary fish, but only as asweeteneralone.For a resort hotel and residential complex in ornamental pondscanbe more like intregrasikan with an ornamental fish pond,watergarden, water fountain, natural pools even with indooraquariumthough, would be easier if planning is done with thenascentdevelopment of resort hotel.
Beautiful Dressing Table 1.1
dressing table as shown in namyanya, ofcourse,be used as a dressing table supplies tools cosmetic tools,dressersused by women as a place to lay their cosmeticpurposes.
Sofa Design Ideas 1.1
Sofa in general can be interpreted as alongchair that has arms and backrest, padded andupholstery(upholstery). The term comes from the word Sopha sofathat has ameaning as a place to sit like a divan (bed).Sofa components consisting of:• Frame, generally made of wood, type of wood used as aframesofa.• System of spring, serves as a barrier power to press onthesofa seat.• Stand, serves to provide comfort in a sofa. The levelofsoftness vary holder on the tastes of each individual.• backrest. Backrest can be made of foam, dacron, anddowncomforters. Their use depends on the model of the sofa ismade.Backrest made from goose feather has a high value.• Upholstery. Key to the beauty of a sofa located onitsupholstery. Upholstery fabric cloth can be used, can also usetheskin (natural or synthetic / oscar). Selection upholstery shouldbeadjusted to the user's taste theme of the room and sofa.
Kata Kata Bijak Terbaru 1.1
kata bijak merupakan sebuah istilah yangterdiri dari dua penggabungan kata, yaitu kata mutiara yang berartisebuah benda keras yang diproduksi di dalam jaringan lunakkhususnya dlam mantel dari moluska hidup. Mutiara merupakan sebuahbenda yang berharga sangat mahal dan kerap dijadikan sebagaiperhiasan yang sangat bagus untuk dunia fashion. Sementara artikata berarti suatu unit dari suatu bahasa yang mengandung arti danterdiri dari satu atau lebih morfem. Umumnya kata terdiri dari satuakar kata tanpa atau dengan beberapa afiks.word to the wise is aterm that has two compounding, which aphorisms which means a hardobject produced within the soft tissues, especially dlam mantle ofmollusks living. Mutiara is a valuable object that is veryexpensive and is often used as a very nice jewelry for the fashionworld. While the meaning of the word means a unit of a languagethat carries meaning and consists of one or more morphemes.Generally word consists of a root word without or with multipleaffixes.
Doodle Art Design Ideas 1.1
Doodle Art is a style of drawing by wayofscribbling, looks abstract, there was a nonsignificant thereisalso a significant, sometimes the resulting work does not havethecorrect shape but looks unique and interesting.A doodle works usually portray the feelings of the author, canbeseen from scratches produced, sometimes out unnoticed by ourminds.Doodle art sometimes can calm the hearts of the maker.Increasinglycreated with all my soul and feelings, the resultingwork is gettinginteresting, unique and meaningful in, and it makesthe work notjust be a hobby doodle doodles, but also has a depthof meaning andstyle.The easiest example of doodle art is graffiti in the book areastudent. Usually they draw or scribble them when bored withthelessons in the paper.
Kata Kata Galau 1.1
Pengertian Galau - Apa itu Galau ? -Galau?Mungkin buat sebagian remaja sudah gak asing sama kata-katainikan? Galau itu universal, menyeluruh. Gak kenal mau muda, tuapastipernah ngalamin ini. Tapi sekarang pertanyaan kalian, Galauituapa?Em, mungkin bisa gue definisiin kayak begini :Galau itu suatu suasana hati yang sedang bimbang.Seseorangsedang bingung memikirkan suatu masalah, dan bingungbagaimanamenyikapinya. Intinya, galau itu bisa dibilang 'suasanahati yangbimbang'Bener gak sih? Ya, jadi gitudeh kan. Ada lagi yangnyimpulinkalau GALAU itu adalah sebuah singkatan lho, tentu ajasingkatanini bukan tambah memperburuk keadaan.... bisa dibilang sihbisajadi motivasi juga.Ada yang bilang kalau galau itu singkatan dari :GodAlwaysListeningAlwaysUnderstandingArtinya? Tuhan selalu mendengarkan dan selalu mengerti kita,jadibuat kalian yang galau, selalu inget ya kalau Tuhan selaludisampingkita dan tidak akan meninggalkan kita selama kitamasihmengingat-Nya ;Understanding Galau -Whatis troubled? - Confusion? Maybe for some teenagers had thesameforeign gak these words right? Galau is universal, thorough.Do notwant to know the young, the old must have this ngalamin. Butnow thequestion of you, that's what troubled?Em, I could probably definisiin like this:    Galau was a mood that isbeingindecisive. Someone was puzzling over a problem, and confusedhowto react. In essence, it's arguably upset 'mood indecisive'Bener not you think? Yes, so gitudeh right. There isanothertroubled nyimpulin if it is an acronym, you know, of coursewrotethis abbreviation is not added arguably exacerbating thesituation.... I think we could be the motivation as well.Some say that the confusion it stands:GodAlwayslisteningAlwaysUnderstandingMeaning? God is always listening and always understand us, sowhyyou are upset, always remember so that God is always beside usandwill not abandon us as long as we remember him;
3D Paper Painting Ideas 1.1
3D paper painting is one of the works of art,which distinguishes this 3d paper painting is the material ofmanufacture, namely: the material is no use paint instead ofpencil.3D art paper or art paper painting does not require a largecapital, because only with a piece of paper and a pencil we canwork as we want. before drawing a good design or sketching inpencil.use a pencil sketch painting to create art or beauty of thepaintings will look more vivid. 3D painting has in common withgraffiti as the same as having a point of view in 3D, so that thebeauty of the art highly radiated.
Doodle Art 1.1
doodle is an image out of focusorunconsciously created when a person's attention if it isnotoccupied. Doodles are simple drawings that can haveconcretemeaning representation or perhaps only abstract forms.Examples of stereotypes doodling are found in schoolnotebooks,often at the margins, drawn by students daydreaming orlosinginterest in the class. Other common examples of doodlingareproduced during long telephone conversations if a pen andpaperavailable.Type Popular doodles include cartoon versions of teachersorfriends at school, TV or comic characters famous, findingfictionalcreatures, landscapes, shapes and geometric patterns,textures,banners with legends, and animations made by drawing asequence ofscenes in various pages of a book or notebook. Manygeometricdoodles truly rule the division, where you repeat the samepatternover and over again in a way that is nested.Mr. Deeds says that "doodle" is a word created to describeaspike to help someone think. According to the DVD audiocommentarytrack, the words used in this sense was created byscreenwriterRobert Riskin.
How To Make Origami 2 1.2
Origami (折 り 紙, from ori meaning "folding",andwe meaning "paper" is the traditional art of paper foldingthatevolved into a modern art form.Origami is an art of folding that originated in Japan.Thematerials used are paper or cloth that is usually a square.Anorigami outcome is a result of meticulous handwork and smoothonsight.Generally to make origami we can use plain paper, but mostoforigami in Japan using special paper for origami. Thedifferencebetween plain paper and origami paper just in terms ofdesign andcolor are very diverse so as to make origami became morebeautifuland completely unrelated to the technique as the paperfoldsbecomes easier and so forth.
DIY fairy garden 1.0
How do you know the difference between agardenand a miniature fairy garden? I propose the followingdefinition:A miniature garden just that: everything that we wouldnormallysee in the park shrunk to miniature size. bench looking fora manwho improved in detail, to make (or look like they were made)fromthe same material that we make from the bench.fairy gardens using natural, the size of those found in thehumanscale, and create a miniature world with it. A patch ofleaves tothe roof. Bark be outdoors. A tree hole to housing isimplied whenthe door is attached. A mushroom into a table andchairs to thegravel pile. See below:Elves can use fireflies landing in a series of lights.Aminiature garden will use a small string lights
Craft Bottle Cap DIY 1.0
The cap is often discarded when afterfinishedusing. These items are considered mostly useless. Whetherit's abottle cap from plastic beverage container or also comingfromglass containers.For some people, a bottle cap can be a cubit work, which iswherethis work could cubits for personal ornaments as well asbeing anextra income.With a little modification and the right idea then closethebottle that was once worthless could be something useful.
Graffiti Style Letters Ideas 1.1
Graffiti is an art activity that uses thecomposition of color, line, shape and volume to write certain wordson the wall. The tools used are usually spray paint cans (Pilox).Walaupun with the skill and equipment that is still simple, theconcept paper and the wall became the most secure media to expressopinions in secret at the time.The term graffiti itself is taken from the Latin, meaning Graphiumwriting. Originally the term was used by archaeologists to definethe writings of the ancient buildings of ancient Egypt andRome.Graffiti itself is: An artistic creation expressed by the artiststhrough the media wall or medium wood walls and concrete that canbe painted in the form of letters, an image that has a specificmeaning as the outpouring of the heart that made him pour it in theform of text and images so that usually wears like paint pilox dyeliquid or air compressor Bruss receive.graffiti activities as a means of showing dissatisfaction began inRoman times with evidence of allusions to the paintings on thewalls of government buildings. This painting was found in the ruinsof Pompeii. While in Rome itself is used as a tool to discredit thedouble Propa Christian followers who at that time prohibited theemperor.The existence of social classes is too much creates difficultiesfor certain population groups to express his artistic activities.As a result, some individuals use the means available in almost allcities, namely wall.art education are less likely to cause an object that often appearsin the form of graffiti or a password that is only understoodcertain groups. Usually, this work shows discontent socialsituation they are experiencing.Although graffiti is generally destructive and lead to highmaintenance costs cleanliness of the city, but the graffiti remainsan artistic expression that should be respected. There are so manyfamous artists who started his career of graffiti activity.
Modification Motor Drag 1.0
DRAG BIKE is a championship riding amotorcycleat high speed which is performed in an asphalt-coveredracing trackconsists of two parallel straight lines of equallength.PATH TO DRAG BIKETracks consists of two lines at the racetrack from the StartingLineto the Finish Line along the path length of 201 meters and201meters long braking.The width of the racetrack at least 4 meters per lane.Tracks must be free from obstructions / obstacles, thetrackconditions were flat and flat asphalt.Racetrack and braking should be the dividing lines that donotobstruct the view to the tire or a sack with a minimum height of60cm.Racetrack and braking bordering the audience shall beseparatedby fence sealed, a minimum of 1.5 meters from the edge ofthepassage.Behind the starting line must be provided for the preparationarea,line up and start with a minimum length of 10 meters.
Car Rim Design 1.0
Important specifications prior to replacingcarrim1. The size of a car wheel ringHandled ring diameter and width of the wheel. Figures above 16 x6.5above mean diameter of 16 with a width of 6.5 inches. Thelarger thewheel, usually greater width. The diameter and widthwill affecttire selection later. The larger the diameter of thewheel, thepossibility of used tires will be thinner. Most carshave standardwheels measuring between 14-17 inches.2. Pitch Circle Diameter (PCD)Also known as bolt pattern, the pattern and the stud boltcirclediameter. PCD code actually consists of two things, thenumber ofbolts and PCD itself. Adjust the native PCD wheels withwheels thatyou want instead.The number of bolts. Each car is equipped with a number ofdifferentscrews for mounting the wheel. Similarly, the number ofscrew holesin the wheel manufacturer standards may be different.Most have fouror five bolt holes. In the case of modification ofbolt holes, morecommonly known as holes.PCD. The layout of the bolt circle hub (center meeting alltraffic).So we can imagine this imaginary circle bolt pattern.This is wherethe PCD diameter is obtained. There have ways tocalculate it. Mostcars have a PCD 100 or 114.3 mm.In conclusion, the number of 4 x 100 in the example abovemeansthe wheel has four screw holes with a PCD of 100 mm3. OffsetThis one is also important. If the offset is not true, noeffect.For example, the wheel can come out fenders or get stuckwhenturning. Offset is obtained based on the distance from thecenterof the wheel tread (diameter) with the hub. Offset can benegative,positive, or zero. Usually the car has standard wheelswithpositive offset. The term "Einpresstiefe 'abbreviated' Et."Isoften used interchangeably with the phrase offset. Figures et.38above means the wheel has a positive offset of 38 mm.
Asma'ul Husna 1.0
Asmaa'ul husna (Arabic: أسماء اللهالحسنى,asmā' Allah al-Husna) are names of God are beautiful andgood.Asthma means and Attributes name means good or beautiful,soBeautiful Names and Attributes are the names of God's goodandbeautiful.Since the first of the scholars have much to discussandinterpret these names, because the names of Allah is the addresstothe One who should we worship in truth. Despite arisingdifferencesof opinion about the meaning, the meaning andinterpretation butclear is that we must not shirk the use ormention of the names ofAllah Ta'ala. In addition to differences ininterpreting andinterpreting a name there are also differences inthe number ofnames, there is a call 99, 100, 200, even 1,000 andeven 4,000names, but according to them, the most important is thenature ofthe Essence of Allah SWT that must be understood andunderstood bypeople believers like the Prophet Muhammad.Beautiful Names and Attributes literally are thenames,designations, titles and the great good God according toHisnature. The names of Allah the great and glorious it is aunitywhich is united in greatness and the greatness of God.The scholars argue that truth is consistency with other truth.Inthis way, Muslims will not be easy to write "God is ...",becausethere is no single thing that can be compared with God, butmust beable to understand with the heart and the statements in theQur'anabout Allah ta'ala. The following discussion is simplycustomizedapproach to the concept of our very limited sense this.All thewords are addressed to God must be understoodkeberbedaannya fairuse those words. God can not be exemplified ordimiripkan witheverything, as contained in the Al-Ikhlas."" Say: "He is Allah, the Almighty. God is a God who depend onHimeverything. He is no birth and no too begotten, and there is nooneequal to him. "(Al-Ikhlas 112: 1-4)"The scholars stressed that God is a name to the One who mustbenamed. All values ​​are absolute truths only (and dependent)onhim. Thus, the Most High God Who Owns. But also Allah Who HavetheMost Near. Had Allah Almighty and Merciful God and Merciful.Theproperties are described by the term Allah Asmaaul Husna, thatis,names, designations, or a good degree.
Modification Motor Sport 1.1
Motor sport is a type of motorcycle wholookedand dressed like a racing bike or an above-averageperformancemotorcycle or scooter duck species. Motor sport has manyvariantsof various types and needs. Various types of motor sportare: sportbusiness, commuter sport, sport touring, sport naked(nude), sportfairing (shirt / have air shield), adventure sports(explorers),and others.in other applications also contained-Automatic Motorcycle modification-Modification Motor DracHopefully this app useful.Thank you
Necklace Name Ideas 1.0
We can buy name necklace in gold shopsaroundus as well as the jewelry store onjline are popping up in thenet.Gold name necklace is a kind jewelry necklace made withdesignsusing shaped pendant plate or engraving names or initials.For goldname necklace with carving names we can have with the waythemessage of the gold name necklace in gold store or onlinejewelrystore.Unlike the model of plate-shaped gold necklace name orinitials,for the initial type of name necklaces are already thereanddisplayed directly on the gallery jewelry store. Modelgoldnecklace with the name of the type of plate that we can waitforthe process of making a name on a gold name necklace.
Doll House Design Ideas 1.0
Design dollhouse Furnished your own!Thisdecoration game gives you access to lots of great stuff. Youcandesign a special plan of each room according to your taste.Place asofa, chairs, a television, and a bed in the house. Createacomplete configuration of your dreams!Doll house is a small house like a miniature made in thedesignof the original house. There are people who have a hobby ofmakinga doll house, there is also a hobby of collecting. The littlegirllikes to use as the doll house play house for theirBarbiedolls.Here we have collected 100 dollhouse with exceptional designthatwill make you amazed! Look at how designers patiently made onebyone furniture with small details are complicated.
3D Home Design 1.1
3D home design is one of the techniques forproducing the design of a building that serves to help / facilitatework in the construction of houseswith 3D techniques we can design position corresponding to the sizeof the house we have, but it also we can put the objects accordingto a comfortable position for viewingin addition to 3D home design, there is also a minimalist homedesign application, and also Fence Design for safety and beautifyyour home. other than that the house must also be equipped withSofa Design. as a sweetener made with ceramic floor design or 3Dfloor designs.many home design ideas we've come across, and many experts alsogood reliable home design minimalist house design and housing, butwith this 3D technique could be in use as a reference in theconstruction of housesI hope this application is beneficial to us allthank you
Craft Of Newspaper DIY 1.0
Every day, if you subscribe to thenewspaperthere would be a lot of paper that accumulate in the housethatwill eventually be used if the newspaper is not read orused.Usually because it has been piling up in the house finallysold toa kilogram or junk collector.But did you know that in addition to increasing knowledgeaboutthe newspaper world out there, apparently newspapers haveotherbenefits if you want to think more broadly about thenewspaper.Want to make old newspapers into the infinite creationand are veryattractive to pejengan in the corners of the house.Craft of the newspaper is one way to take advantage ofthenewspapers in the house that has been unused into useful items,canalso be a multi-functional souvenirs and much more. In additiontoproduction costs are cheap and very easy to manufacturecraftcreations made from used newspapers have a high value.
Eyeshadow Art 1.0
Eyeshadow is one important aspect in theareaof ​​eye makeup. Eyeshadow can create different effectsadjusted tothe desired style. Apply eyeshadow using eyeshadowbrush, adjustbrush size with the eyelid area who want to bedecorated. If youare a big eyelids, use eyeshadow brush is wide andfull, and if youhave a small eyelid, use eyeshadow brush smallersize. Do not useeyeshadow brush hard and rough, as it will causehard dibaureyeshadow, and also risk causing your eyes hurt.In order to use eye shadow becomes more leverage, first ofallyou need to know in advance the types of eyeshadow and theendresult you want, so it can be tailored to your skin type andthelook you want. There are several types of eyeshadow, namelycream,loose powder, pressed powder, and sticks or crayons. Whilethe endresult of the use of eyeshadow that is sheer, matteandshimmer.
Creative Nail Designs 1.0
How to Make a 'Nail Art' Alone1. Manual print is painted directly on the nail and is themostwidely used today. Equipment used only brushes and nail polish.2. Air brush painting technique is more manually, thistechniqueuses a small compressor machine. But it should becleanedbeforehand cuticle or smooth skin at the edges of yournails. Whenyou want to be the motive, youcan use artificial nails.Below are a few steps to a beautiful and gorgeous nails withnailart:1. Initially nails cleaned and apply a base coat thatcontainsVitamin E to avoid the problem nails.2. Then rub cuticle cream to ease in cleaning the dirtaroundnails.3. After that, the dirt nails taken using a special tool.Excessof the skin, calluses and dry cleaned before the nextstep.4. Then fingers smeared nail polish massaged beforehand.Thenrinsed and scrubbed so clean and polish inherent perfect.5. If you want to install artificial nails to note the usertoadd perfection. Adjust the length of artificial nails, thenfiledand trimmed. Plastic nails attached to the natural nail withaspecial glue. After drying, the new image creation begins.6. Preparation of paintings or drawings made directly onthenail. On average workmanship for the entire nail takes anhour,with endurance of about three weeks for false nails. Whilepaintingdirectly on the natural nail will last for one month.7. You can adjust the length of the nail according to taste.Aswell as the natural nail, nail art can be cut. You can alsoaddmore color as you wish on nail art.8. When using the nail itself, then before making patternsorgluing decorative accents, wait until the basic nail polishdrycompletely.9. When creating a motif, we recommend using nail polishthat'sbeen a while since thicker dibadingkan with nail polish isstillnew.10. To make it easier to draw the motif on the nail, useatoothpick to draw a small motif or swab bud to draw alargermotif.
Handbag Design Ideas 1.0
Understanding handbag (in English) is abagwith handles medium to large are often designed as fashionhandbagsfor women only, to carry personal items. At first, the termis morecommonly used hand bags and luggage bags refer to that usedby men.With the passage of time, the fashion world with regard towomenhandbags growing and complex. And at that time, the termhandbagthen pinned also on handbags women's accessories. Currentlybrandedladies handbag is also used for functions, as well asfashionhandbags to support the appearance.Branded ladies handbag latest model comes withcharacteristicBurberry motive, namely Tartan motif, with the maincolor of marooncombined with other colors are gorgeous. Made ofhigh qualitysynthetic bag ladies handbag makes a strong and dressedlikebranded ladies handbag. Burberry bag has the dimensions of alengthof about 32 cm wide x 13 cm high x 25 cm. Classified asamedium-sized bag but can be used as a functional bag, can alsobeworn as an evening bag lady.
Tattoo Name 1.2
tattoo writing is an art form of text whichare generally used on the body. many groups that make groups tounite pata tattoo art enthusiast worldwide. The term "tattoo" comesfrom the word "Tatau" in the Polynesian language, which means"menkitakan something". Tattoo or tattoos (English: "tattoo"), is acarving made by inserting pigment into the skin.According to Indonesian dictionary, means tattoo images (paintings)on the part (member) tubuh.Tato can be made to human skin orhewan.Tato is a practice that is found almost everywhere with afunction in accordance with local custom. Tattoos formerly oftenused by the isolated tribes in a region of the world as penkitaanthe region, degree, rank, and even improve one's health
Ornamental Plants Ideas 1.2
Definition of ornamental plants are allkindsof plants that are useful to add beauty and beauty bothornamentalplants flowers, leaves, stems or roots. From thisdescription isclear ornamental plants are all plants that areplanted foraesthetic beauty that there is any kind of diversespecies. Can beflower plants, trees and even fruits and vegetablescan beclassified as houseplants as long as they provide theelements ofbeauty.Ornamental plants are generally planted with the aim to giveabeautiful impression both for indoor and for dluar room.Ornamentalplants not only provide the elements of beauty, but alsoprovide avariety of benefits for you. The benefits that you getwill dependon the type of plants you choose.
Beautiful Kitchen Ideas 1.2
The kitchen is a room or a special placethathas the equipment and tools to process food until ready toserve.The function and role of the kitchen1. manage the food is processed foodstuffs start until readytoserve2. Maternity artistic creativity in presenting the food, soitbecomes more attractive3. As a promotional tool to introduce the nation'sculturethrough the arts Culinare
Design Wedding Invitations 1.0
Invitation is an invitation-shaped leafletsorletters, which are usually used to invite people to attendaparticular event. Invitation is something that should be therewhenyou create an event, so that people who are invited to find outtheevent to be held.invitations should be made as attractive as possible so thattheinvitee feel happy and amazed, now a lot of servicesmakinginvitations are already professionals. They usually receiveandmake the invitation with a design that has been determined bythebuyer invitation. But if you want to make the design oftheinvitation with your own design, it can be done using thisimageediting program. of course the result will be more interestingandliking
Hair Color Ideas 1.0
Trimming hair is a hair early action toreducethe length kondisirambut tekniktertentu by adjusting theshape ofthe face, posture, work, someone dankepribadian desiredresults canterwujud.Selain itukita pangkasanyang can combinetechniquessatudengan other techniques that could lead to new.Hair coloring is an action to change the original hair colorintoa new color corresponding diinginkan.Tindakan color conversioncanbe done by: the addition of color (hairtinting), colorpemudaan(hairlightening), the removal of hair color (hairbleaching)
Craft Of Plastic Straws DIY 1.2
crafts from a plastic straw or straw art isone of the objects for crafts that can be obtained easily. By usingplastic straws, you can create any kind of craft that can be usedat home or would you like to sell as support craft lamps, craftsfor decoration needs, up to that have specific functions. Becauseplastic straws are easy to find and obtain, manufacture handicraftsfrom plastic straws can be reached by all ages ranging fromchildren to adults.there are many more craft apart from the craft of plastic straw /straw works of art / craft this straw.The craft craft can be used as decoration or decorating the roomthat serves to beautify your room.I hope this application is beneficial to us all
Doodle Art Name 1.0
A doodle works usually portray the feelingsofthe author, can be seen from scratches produced, sometimesoutunnoticed by our minds. Doodle art sometimes can calm the heartsofthe maker. Increasingly created with all my soul and feelings,theresulting work is getting interesting, unique and meaningfulin,and it makes the work not just be a hobby doodle doodles, butalsohas a depth of meaning and styleNow Doodle growing art, abstract shape and has its ownuniquenessmakes the culprit is increasing from day to day. Evenwithoutrealizing it we often produce works doodle, scribbleexample is thedoodle art class.doodle art has many kinds, in addition to design or artdoodledoodle, doodle art there is also a name. ie picture doodledoodlename that carries the name of its creator or the name ofanotherperson that is specially made. doodle art name, doodle name,or thename doodle design is also great demand by people inthisworld.Doodle art is a means to work and creativity that's morefestive.No need special paper such as canvas, on the cigarettepacks couldeven be done. All returned to the actor doodle artitself inselecting equipment and doodling style that iscomfortable for him.Doodle art including fine arts into twodimensions, and includedinto an attractive graphic design art.Here are the results of workof art The Master Doodle World
Garden Ideas 1.0
Definition quoted from wikipedia park isanarea that contains a material component hardware andsoftwaresupport each other deliberately planned and made by humansin theirrole as a refresher indoor and outdoor. Amusement parks canbedivided into natural and artificial garden. A common garden isthegarden of the residence, neighborhood parks,playgrounds,recreational parks, botanical gardens.In another sense the park is an area / place composing,arrangingvarious plants using a variety of media as well asadditionalelements and the container used to make it look itsbeauty, comfortand coolness inside and outside the room. Wildlifecan be found asgarden houses, neighborhood park, playground,office parks, cityparks, school garden, garden tours etc.division of WildlifeAmusement parks are divided into natural and man-made park.In making the park there are two elements that worked:- Field Software (SoftMaterial), involves planting cropsandgrass.- Sector Hard (HardMaterial), includes:Stepping Stone Pond FishGazebo Garden Lights Stones, Sculpture DrainagePark benches, etc.function Parks-Function Hydrology and ecology-Function Health-The Exercise and the value - the value of educational-Function Aesthetics / Beauty-Function Recreation
TV Rack Design 1.0
Tv or television today are electronicitemsthat can not be separated from humans. Even though this timethetechnology has been growing rapidly, and there are a lotofelectronic goods are more sophisticated and better atpresentinginformation and entertainment, the role of the box onthis one cannot be separated.In a home, the television is also one of the items thatareconsidered must be owned by a family, especially if notitsfunction as a transmitter of information media andfamilyentertainment. In front of a television, too, usuallychildren orthe whole family get together and watch together.In a home television is usually placed in the living room areaof​​the house if it is not large enough or if there was anotherroom,the television is usually placed in a comfortable living roomin acupboard or shelf television special.if the first of the craftsmen have not fully take intoaccountthe function of television so no shelf made and soldspecificallyfor storing the television and put the family room. Buttoday, manyshelves were designed specifically as a place to putthetelevision. In fact, not only television, but otherelectronicdevices such as DVD or sound system that today a lot isowned by afamily. Just as the design of a house or otherfurniture,rack design tv, tv table or dresser tv also vary followingthedevelopment of home design. There is a shelf tv in design withaclassic theme, some are modern, and there is also a minimalisttvrack design that does not need much space but is abletoaccommodate a lot of stuff.
Craft Of Cardboard DIY 1.0
Cardboard used is usually the trashlitteringthe environment in which we live. But you know if with alittlecreativity you can make handicrafts from old cardboard uniqueandbeautiful. So if you have old boxes do not rush discarded, itisbetter that you keep the box so that someday you can use it intoauseful work.By changing the used cardboard into a craft that has a salevaluesuch as chandelier, made a mini rack or stuffed damboveryfunny.craft of cardboard or cardboard art is very much in demandthatlarge countries. because the craft cardboard or cardboard artisunique for its loversbesides crafting cardboard, paper craft was no lessunique,because the craft paper and cardboard craft is very easy toset upaccording to the manufacturer desires.Hope I hope this application is beneficial to us allTHANK YOU
Fence Design Ideas 1.0
Along with the progress of time,thedevelopments on the outlook on the presence of fences inresidencesin addition to providing security and comfort as well asprivacy,fence also adds artistic value to the home and increasetheappreciation of taste and artistry that look beautiful andinharmony with the concept of the building.Fences are upright structure that is designed to limitthemovement from crossing the boundary which made.The function of the fence can be divided into twogeneralcategories:1. Physically- It is a barrier that limits the ownership of the areas thatbelongto us.- It is a protector that protects the house and the owner ofthedisorder as a thief, air pollution, noise, sun, etc.2. Psychologically- To provide privacy to homeownersTerms of good fence:1. Sturdy structure2. Safe and not harmfulGood fence design:- Model and form fences often must describe the nature ofitsinhabitants and harmonize with the theme of building- High-Low and robustness of the fence showed high levelsofoccupant safety- The fence is too high may lead to the impression closed."Fencesreply in accordance with the design of the house withoutdominatingstructure has design can add value so that the house belookbeautiful and harmonious"- Function and beauty should be mutually supportive- Choice of the model and the size of the fence must beinaccordance with the conditions of land area, function,proportion,composition of the building, as well as itslocation.- Choice of materials, textures and colors must be in harmonywiththe shape and style of house building so the fence can beseentogether with the house.- In terms of aesthetics presence of the fence should not beanobstacle to enjoy the beauty of the design of theexistinghouse.Maintenance fence:1. The iron fence painted and given oil on the hingesandwheels2. Fences living plants that regularly pruned to keep shapeandneatness3. The fence walls are painted and given a rough pattern toavoidstreak streaksFence Design in addition to security, there is also a 3Dhomedesign application, and Design Sofa to beautify yourhome.minimalist house design should have a family room design. asasweetener made with ceramic floor design or 3D floor designs
Graffiti Art Ideas 1.0
Graffiti is art activities that usethecomposition of color, line, shape and volume to write certainwordson the wall. The tools used are usually spray paint cans(Pilox).Walaupun with the skill and equipment that is still simple,theconcept paper and the wall became the most secure media toexpressopinions in secret at the time.The term graffiti itself is taken from the Latin,meaningGraphium writing. Originally the term was used byarchaeologists todefine the writings of the ancient buildings ofancient Egyptiansand Romans.Graffiti itself is: An artistic creations expressed by theartiststhrough the medium of a concrete wall or medium wood wallsandconcrete that can be painted in the form of letters, picturesthathave a particular meaning as the outpouring of the heart thatmakesher pour it in the form of text and images so who usually wearsuchas liquid dye pilox paint or to receive water compressorBruss.