Rushabh Padalia 应用

Australia GPA Calculator 1.1
Rushabh Padalia
Australia GPA Calculator is a simple,materialist designed opensource application to calculate GPA.GPA is an internationally recognised method of assigning anumerical index on a scale; it provides a summary of academicperformance. Currently 3 universities are supported:•Australian National University•Monash University•Griffith UniversityMore University will be added on request or send me a pull requeston GitHub repo.Australia GPA Calculator is released as an opensource softwareunder MIT License. See the GitHub link belowAustralia GPA Calculator repo: used in the ApplicationGPA = ∑ (grade point value x units) / ∑ unitsMethodology1. multiply the units load value by the grade point value todetermine the weighted grade point score for a course.2. sum the weighted grade point score for each course within anacademic career.3. sum the total units undertaken within an academic career.4. divide the total of the weighted grade point score by the totalof the units within an academic career.5. calculate GPA to three decimal points.
Remember To Call 1.0.3
Rushabh Padalia
Do you forget to call your family andfriends?Do you constantly have to be reminded to call your lovedonce?Remember To Call is a simple-smart contact reminder app forbusypeople.Remember To Call helps to keep touch with your contacts bytrackinghow long it has been since you have contacted them.• Easily add contacts from your phone to the application• Set number of days after which you want to be reminded• Get notified by the application at the time of your choosing,soyou know that it's time to call!Remember to call is a great way to keep in touch with thepeopleyou care about.Remember To Call is released as an opensource software underMITLicense. See the GitHub link belowRemember To Call GitHubrepo: