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Aneka Resep Sambal 1.0
SBI Tech
Doyan yang pedes-pedes ? Pasti kenaldongdengan yang namanya sambal? Bingung dengan olahan sambalyangbiasa-biasa aja setiap harinya?, Nah...., melalui aplikasi inikamiingin berbagi ide untuk mengolah sambal dengan variasi-variasibaruyang bisa lebih menggugah selera dan teman pelengkap makankeluargaandaAneka Resep Sambel adalah kumpulan resep-resep sambalsederhanayang mudah dibuat, bahan-bahan pun mudah didapat dandengan variasiyang bermacam-macam cara untuk mengolah sambal dariberbagai daerahsehingga anda dapat menyajikan sambal-sambal seleranusantara dimeja makan andaYuk dipraktekkan resep-resep sambel pilihan ini, danrasakankenikmatan olahan sambel-sambel ini, siapa tau bisamemberikanmanfaat yang lebih. Nantikan resep-resep olahan masakankamilainnya yaa...The hooked-pedespedes?Must be familiar with the name dong sauce? Confused withrefinedsauce that ordinary aja every day ?, Well ...., throughthisapplication we want to share ideas to cultivate chili withnewvariations that could be more tempting and friendscomplementarymeal your familyAssorted Prescription Sambel is a collection of simplerecipesare easily made sauce, ingredients was easily obtainable andwithvariations variety of ways to cultivate chili from variousareas sothat you can present the chili-sauce taste of thearchipelago atyour dinner tableYuk practiced sauce recipes this choice, and feelthepleasure-sambal sauce is processed to see if they couldprovidemore benefits. Look forward to the recipes of our otherprocessedfood yaa ...
Video Saver For Facebook 1.0
SBI Tech
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