SchnAPPS 应用

3D Surround Simulator 1.0
Surround 3D simulator - hear speakers of your phone! The volume tomaximum! Simulating stereo sound, which seemed to move around you!Remember that for a long listening at full volume hurts your ears!Plug the headphones and the music will flow from one ear to theother! The volume of the sound is similar to a stereo system for5.1 home theater! Pimp party from your phone - connect the speakersto the headphone jack, run the simulator 3D surround sound, selecta favorite song or artist, and swing a crowd, all dancing to yourmusic!Your speaker is capable of more! Mono sound is no longerfashionable! Feel the polyphony of a variety of musicalinstruments!♫ Ability to select your track from the album♫ Simulation overflow stereo sound from channel to channel♫ Supports most phone models
Vinyl record finger DJ 1.1
Vinyl record finger DJ - a simulator of scratching vinyl recordsfor their own mixes and music tracks! Play music as a cool modernDJ! Stops the track at any time by touching fingers! Rewinds thesong forward and backward, pause a single motion! Do scratch - feelstrong net loud!Do you want to become a professional DJ? Play in the best clubs inthe evenings to dance around beautiful girls and all admired yourcool mixes and songs? Try to scratch with your phone!Connect your phone to speakers or headphones, deduce the volume tomaximum, and now you are the king of the party! Pimp all ears atthe party!♫ mix any track - choose a song from your audio!♫ retain their version of the song!♫ Do skertch Motel music and one finger!♫ connects to your phone any musical instrument, speakers orheadphones!♫ Share the mixes and tracks with friends on social networks!Scratch Simulator fingers will pump any party!
Ghost Radar Simulator 1.0
Ghost radar - simulator detector ghosts and paranormal activitydetection spirits in the surrounding area! Are you afraid ofghosts? I would like to know if there are ghosts around you? Fearbinds and terrifies? You believe in the fact that the souls of menafter death can remain on the land and haunt the living? Do not beafraid!Ghost Detector dont uses your phones camera, phantoms and showssimulated directly on your phone screen! Superstitious peoplebelieve that ghosts can be bad and good. But best of all, when nextto you is not paranormal activity! The energy of the spirits not tolive!Detector spirits - is an application for prank friends! Ghost radarscanner is not a real ghost scanner!Perhaps the ghosts do not exist, but it is fun to check the areaaround the radar!
Punching bag finger simulator 1.1
Finger on the pear - is a simulator of hitting punching bag,imitation attraction dynamometer! How heavy is your strike? Topboxers knock a ton! Tighten the muscles in the fingers and beat ona pear! Stronger! Knock as many kilos! Try to beat all fingers onboth hands: a finger is stronger - the little finger of the lefthand or right thumb? Starts simulator, come out to the ring andbeat! It is necessary to pump hands and fingers! Use this simulatoras the simulator! Practise with a pear every day and see what yourfingers are strong in a week of training!CAUTION Be careful! Do not break your phone a heavy blow! Simulatortapping his finger on the pear gives the results at random, do nottry to put pressure on the screen of the phone hard objects - itcan damage your device! Simulation pear is not a real simulator,the simulator is only a joke for entertainment and jokes with yourfriends!Share your best results with friends on social networks!And do not forget about sports: go to the gym, in the section ofboxing, kikboskinga, karate! Watch your health!Good luck, champ!
Pixel 8 bit editor effects 1.2
Photo editor for collages with 8 bit pixel effects! Create theeffect of old 8 bit games, both on the set-top box or gamingmachines with the camera! Feel like a hero of a computer game ormovie! This is not a Sepia or black-and-white photography! But thisis also a retro style! Edit photos with your phones camera, orupload any photo from gallery - choose the photo where you want topixeliterator the image, and store 8 bit result! Place the collagein social networks, or send directly to friends, pixels - hit ofthe season! Find out how you would look if you were pixel - take apicture of yourself, a picture and edit it! And here you have 8bits! Like favorite gaming characters! Time to pixeliterator! Thegame is over! To be continued...
Face projector simulator 1.1
Projector person - simulator projectionhologram face of the cell phone to the sky on a cloud! HDprojector, projected images and 3D holograms - believe thatadvances in technology will soon allow it to equip each phone? Wewould like to see the face of the sky, and the whole town to admireyour portrait? Imagine how it will work out of the camera view onyour phone today! The simulator simulates the operation of a videoprojector using a flash phoneThe camera phone on the screen defines a person saves the photo,the flash is activated and the screen gives the impression that thepicture is projected on any surface!ATTENTION! Phone is not the real image projector and 3D holograms!The projector only person feigns the work of the HD projector,showing the photo on the phone screen. The camera phone flash andonly mimic the performance of the projector for a more realisticway! Raffle friends, showing them the simulator, and said that canproject a picture of his face to the sky as the famoussuperhero!
Hologram 3D keyboard simulator 1.2
Hologram keyboard - a simulator 3D laserprojection using the camera and flash the phone! Make fun offriends by showing them the projection of the keyboard on thescreen!In the game on the phone screen appears the image of luminous laserkeyboard, turn on the phones camera flash, flashlight, and it seemsthat the surface is shining 3D image computer keyboard!Hologram 3D projection keyboard - just a joke! The camera phone canproject images on any surface! Phone is not a device for generatinglaser keys for typing messages and - it is only a simulator, ajoke!Not far off is the day when the modern gadgets will be able to anyprojection of 3D images, and possibly committing 3D video calls,but so far we can only dream about
Geometry: Dots Puzzle 1.0
Geometry: Points puzzle - Arrange the pieces in size from smalldots to large circles! Training the brain and eyes! You can nothelp pencils, exercise books and textbooks! Training for kids andadults!Size of different shapes: triangles, circles, squares,mnogougolniki! Determine what point is the smallest, and removesthe figure to increase the size! How well do you teach geometry atschool? The game trains the brain and eyes! This knowledge isuseful for children and adults! Training eye estimation noteveryone is able! With each level the number of pieces and thevariety of forms increases, the brain begins to boil! Cultivatemindfulness eyes! Think fast! Train your brain!+ More than 30 levels!+ Lots of different shapes+ Other sizes: pixel dots to large circles and squares!Mash the brains to study or work
Hourglass: Timer Stopwatch 1.0
Hourglass - timer, stopwatch to measure the time! Note the time,until the sand pours! Turn the phone - turn over the clock! Measuretime during exercise and sports, in the kitchen while cooking,board games or time until the end of the lesson!Choose the right time to count - hours, minutes and seconds, PUSHSTART, and see how the sand pours! Each grain of sand - even onesecond, feel like running away time! Hourglass - not coldpragmatism of the dial, and a visual display of the time! Even inancient times, people measured time looking at the sand in theglass bulb! Today, you can feel the ancient times on the phone orother gadgets!Hourglass - is:★ Simple - in the hourglass is no complicated settings!★ Convenient - just flip the phone, and the countdown will!★ Beautiful - on the flow of grains of sand you can watchendlessly!★ Fast - start a timer or stopwatch in a few clicks!★ Free - Download and enjoy!
Tally counter: On time 1.0
Tally counter: On time - the game offers you to tap the screentoget maximum finger clicks in limited time period and checkthefinger speed! Count everything worth counting: calories,words,sheep - click the Tally Counter, just make sure you’re doingitfast! Got speed fingers? Fast screen tapper? Prove it bybusinessin Tally Counter: On Time! Make challenges to check thespeed oftapping with friends! Play in Tally Counter with classmatesor withcolleagues at time breaks! Train fingers and reach themaximum ofclicks in limited time! Share your max clicks on TallyCounter insocial networks and prove that your fingers tap faster!FEATURES:1. Friendly interface - just you & your tally counter!2. Limited time period makes clicking & tapping the screenasporting entertainment!3. Easy sharing of your results in social network: showeverybodyyour clicks on Tally Counter!
ЕГЭ 2015 твоя оценка. Шутка 1.0
ЕГЭ экзамен 2015: Прогноз предлагает узнать результаты тестов попредметам на выпускном экзамене! Сдаешь русский язык, литературу,математику? Узнай как подготовила тебя школа к ЕГЭ! Выбери предметиз расписания, запусти Прогноз! Если не доволен результатом, измениуровень подготовки и напиши тесты как босс! Если результат прогнозахороший, покажи друзьям и продолжай готовиться, чтобы сдать ЕГЭ наотлично! Сравни результаты экзаменов с прогнозом после теста иподелись ими с учителями на выпускном!Внимание! ЕГЭ экзамен 2015: Прогноз - 100% шутка, прикол!Результаты прогноза ни в коем случае нельзя воспринимать серьезно!Реальный уровень подготовки по предметам зависит только от вас!Подойдите к тесту ЕГЭ серьезно, пользуйтесь тем, что дает вам школаи учителя и верьте в себя! А приложение ЕГЭ экзамен 2015: Прогноз -просто повод посметься и разрядить стресс!CSE exam2015: Forecast offers to know the results of tests in the subjectsin the final examination! Giving up the Russian language andliterature, mathematics? Learn how to prepare your school for theexam! Choose a subject from the schedule, run forecast! If notsatisfied with the result, change the level of training and writetests like a boss! If the result is a good prediction, show friendsand continue to prepare to take the exam perfectly! Compare theresults of examinations with the forecast after the test and sharethem with teachers at the graduation!Caution CSE exam 2015: Forecast - 100% fun, funny! The resultsof the forecast in any case can not be taken seriously! The actuallevel of training in subjects up to you! Go to the test examseriously use that gives you and the school teacher and believe inyourself! And the application exam exam 2015: Forecast - just anexcuse to dare and to defuse the stress!
Cat hunts for fish 1.1
Cat hunts for fish - tease food, but do not let the kitten tostealand eat the meal! Fluffy cute arrogant cat hiding around thecornerand follows the master, to steal a tasty fish from the table!Bodifish on the screen, watch the eyes of the cat to clean food atthelast minute, and leave the kitten with anything! How can youcheatFluffy? Play with your cat, but do not let him steal foodfurry pawwith claws! Cats love dogs, cat food, valerian, but mostof allthey are crazy about fish! Kotick anyway steals and eatsfish, buthow can you hold out?Set a record time teasing the cat and tell friends abouttheirrecord in the social networks!Cats are cute, fluffy, mewling and playful! But the arrogantandlazy! Tease insolent fish until he caught it!
Face scanner: What makeup 1.0
Scanner Face: What makeup - a simulator facescanner that simulate analyze of your make-up quality, and givingadvice to improve it! Do you want to cheer yourself up? Just runthe scanner face, click "analyze", see the test results, and readtips scanner! Before leaving the house for school or work, or atgatherings on a date - use "What makeup" to raiseself-esteem!CAUTION Scanner Face "What make-up" - it's just a simulator thatprovides results in a random order, but it is great for drawingfriends and girlfriends!Stay beautiful!
Underwater photo effects 1.0
Photo editor, with the effects of underwatermarine life with fish and aquatic animals! Summer is coming, andyou have not been on the beach? I would like closer to the ocean,the sun and the rest? Take photos and add effects as if you areunder water or on the sea or ocean! Around the swimming fish andaquatic animals: sharks, starfish, whales, dolphins, killer whales,sea gulls, albatrosses and sea horses! From the bottom of the oceanrising bubbles grow corals and algae, silt and sand covered withsunken ships and even the treasures of pirates! Choose the photoeffect, edit photos, save the results and share with friends onsocial networks! Surprise all the photos on the beach or oceanbeach! This summer, warm and sunny Editor! Feel the summer in thephotos, if you can not go on vacation to the water! Make a funnyface as if typed into the lungs of air and blow bubbles or floataway from the sharks! The editor of the sea underwater world iswaiting for your photos!
Pull the finger prank 1.0
Offensive sound funny bunch! Pull the finger - hear the annoyingsound of the childrens drawing! Fu gases! How rude and indecent! Itis a pity that there is no nasty smell!On the phone screen finger pulling you hear the sound of a bunch ofrandom funny, gas! This school is an old joke is always relevant!Bunch people are embarrassed and blush! Make embarrassed by thesound of a bunch of friends!This app is perfect to have fun with your friends! Play "pull thefinger" in any situation to bring a smile to those around - in theelevator, in the underground, in the classroom, my friends! Do youlike hard obscene jokes? This childrens rally - the first joke withsound in your arsenal! What is missing is the stinky smell!- Pull the finger!- Puck!- gases! How indecent!-Funniest sound - an involuntary sound!
ATM money simulator 1.0
ATM money simulator - a joke. Bank account and credit cards are notnecessary! Entering the PIN code and the amount of cash andwithdraw money on the phone! ATM Simulator - a game for those whodo not have bank accounts, work with a salary, credit card and debtproblems! Do you want to earn $ 100? Always have on hand anunlimited amount of cash and virtual path? Simulator cars with themoney in your phone! Forgotten your PIN code? Enter any numbers!You may withdraw any amount of dollars, from $ 1 to $ 1 billion!You will not be able to pay for the purchase of virtual money,which was removed from the machine, its only a joke, but get agreat draw of friends! Show a friend how much money you have indollars in the account via the ATM simulator! Remember - to returnthe debt to the bank and extinguish the loan in the virtual ATM isnot necessary! Money is always at hand! Play with the ATMsimulator, and maybe someday you will indeed income and a bankaccount with a million dollars!
Prison behind bars photo 1.0
Prison jail - Photo Editor with effects of arrest! Collage photosfrom the camera! Add elements of prison picture!Escape from the slammer is not possible! Police are hunting foryou! Bars on the windows, the prison food, Nara, sharpening,peredachki prisoners - if you are tempted by the romance ofimprisonment, this photo editor for you, tough guy! Surprise mom bysending a photo collage with the number of the table on thebackground growth of the police station! Put a cap on the head of aprisoner, make a sad face, Kick some zonovskih tattoos and imagineyourself behind bars with the help of online photo! Rank in prisonwithout breaking the law, and without interfering with the police!They went to a friend photograph that will surprise them! Toughguys will appreciate! Crisp boys respected seasoned prisoners!Romance area is attractive only when you do not sit in jail! Escapedid not succeed! The verdict can not be appealed! Feel lockedbehind bars!
How old face scanner prank 1.0
How old face scanner prank - A simulator,funny, who jokingly appreciate how old you look! Of course this isa joke, and the phone can not determine your age! But your friendswill definitely be laughing when she saw the photo on the socialnetworks on which you 1,000 years!THIS IS NOT A REAL SCANNER PERSON IS ONLY SIMULATOR-FUN! It doesnot have the intellectual face recognition system, which wouldassess the presence and depth of facial wrinkles, graying hair andcolor, a smile on his lips, the size and shape of the face as awhole! No complicated technology in the scanner is not! Thisapplication is a joke!We do not say, "Do you want to know your age using the phone - thisis the app for you!" - It is not real!Keep scan results chamber, place them on social networks to yourfriends appreciated your sense of humor! And always stay young,because laughter prolongs life!
Tramp Rap DubStep Drum 1.0
Tramp Rap DubStep Drum - its a game-joke simulator synthesizersounds and voices of real tramps and clear Gopniks! The cool bit ofdubstep and catchphrase street Tramp!Mix your version of a conversation normal tramps! Show yourfriends, how much youre cool!Music suburbs and residential districts now in your phone! Writedown his incredible track, and set him on a call, and let all yourfriends be disheartened!All at least once in my life heard these phrases: Hey, kid, theresa call? There cho, epta? And if you find? Hey, kid, and you withany district? Tolstoy, you know? Mix these masterpieces in a uniquetrack!This application is designed to entertain players of all ages, andtotally free!All clear, kid! Really!
Magnifying for fire simulator 1.1
Magnifying glass for fire simulator - a jokeapp that simulates a magnifying glass to fuel the fire and create afire with your phoneAmaze your friends - say that you can make a fire, and set fire toanything your phone! Starts simulator magnifying glass, hold thephone motionless on something flammable - paper, candles, matches,dry leaves, wood - and watch your friends! This is a trick! Theybelieved that the phone is really light the fire! Of course you cannot light a fire with the help of your phones screen, it is not areal magnifying glass! For the drawing will fit any mobile phonewith a camera - PUSH "Fire!" and you will see the smoke from thefire flaring up! Do not worry - your phone lights up and does notbecome a torch! Simulator magnifier absolutely fireproof, and youdo not have to call the emergency services and fire or use a fireextinguisher �Make fun of all familiar with the simulator for the loop offire!And remember - be careful with real fire! Do not play with matches,lighters and other items to create a fire! This could cause afire!
Your cost scanner simulator 1.0
Your cost scanner simulator - is a simulator of a joke, ajokeappreciate you in dollars! Find out how much you stand! $1,000? Ormaybe a million? How much would pay for themselves? Andfor howmuch money would you have given for your friends? Everythinghas aprice! Know your price!$ Evaluate yourself in the hardest world currencies - theUSdollar!$ Know the price of all who want to - friends,acquaintances,relatives or classmates! Just point your phonescamera at the faceof someone you want to evaluate and wait"analyze"!$ I learned most expensive friend? Share price tag it withyourfriends on social networks! Let others know that he is suchadear!CAUTION Scanner: How much do you stand - is a simulator thatgivesresults in random order, and set up only to draw friends!Thereanalyzer persons who assessed the facial expressions, thecolor ofthe skin, eyes and hair will tell you everything about theman -his financial situation, the value of its organs,property,education, the cost of clothing, and anything else! Itsjust ajoke!
Magic Ball predictions 1.0
Explore the future! Get the answer to any question with a magicballFortune! Legendary ball responses can not cope with anunsolvablemystery of life for you, but to help you decide!Remember - thequestions that you ask the ball should beunambiguous: "Yes" or"No". Bowl destiny does not help with thequestions "What?","Where?" "When?", "How" and "Why?"ATTENTION! Bowl predictions - a simulator that gives answersatrandom! Do not rely on the occasion of important decisions,thedestiny, magic or luck! But the answers to simple questions canbetrusted with the case - the magic ball!Remember - your destiny is in your hands! Build a life,takeresponsibility for making decisions for yourself! Themoreconfident you are in your life, there will be less need to usetheball predictions, throwing a coin, pull the match, guessing cardorhope for a lucky break! The future is in your hands!
Old phone disc set 1.1
Old phone disc set - call your friends by typing the phone numberonthe dial disk! Pick up the handset and call me, just like oldtimes!I feel the nostalgia for the time when there were no mobilephones,all called up only on stationary home phone!# Choice of several types of ancient phones - rasladushka phonewithbuttons, "brick" with the antenna rotary phone and evenpayphone!# Ability to call directly from the application!# User-friendly interface and ease of use - evenunderstandGrandma!# Design patterns Ancient phone, keys, pipes and dial!Touch phone is at all, surprised everyone with disktsiferbaltomphone! Its really fashionable! Retro style again in thetrend!Rotate a dial face, learn how your parents suffered fromtheantiquity of this! Old phone disc set will suit yourgrandmotherthat she will deal with its latest touch screen phone!Set on anold phone telephone call to fully appreciate the nostalgiafor thedays of wired phones!
3D Face Hologram Simulator 1.0
3D Face Hologram is a simulator of a threedimensional HD hologram of your face being projected from yourphone camera! The cam defines face on the screen, saves photo,switches on flashlight and altogether it creates the impressionthat the picture turns to the holographic 3D projection of highdefinition! Make imitations of three dimensional projections ofyour face on walls, on tables and even on clouds in the sky likethe notorious superhero!ATTENTION! Phones CANNOT MAKE image projections and 3D holograms inreality! It’s FICTION! 3D Face Hologram only simulates the work ofa real HD projector showing the picture on the phone screen. Trickyour friends with this simulator! Pretend that you can project the3D hologram of your face in the sky!
Xenon flashlight simulator 1.0
Simulator flashlight with xenon lamplightspictures! Simple, fast, bright and easy to use tool for anydevice,gadget! A beam of light is drawn as the taillights of a coolmoderncars! Drivers will benefit! Do you like to drive at night inthecity driving a fast race car? Imagine that the car lights inthephone!+ Flashlight is the headlamp of a modern car steep+ Convenient control - turning on and off the flashlight+ Lightweight Application+ Easy and quick work on all mobile devices+ Use flare phone as flashlight+ Low battery consumption gadget+ Beautiful attractive interface applicationATTENTION! Xenon Flashlight - simulator, and only simulatescarheadlights! If your device does not have a xenon lamp in a flashofthe camera!
Skunk phone prank 1.0
Skunk phone prank - a simulator of the phonewith the smell of socks, dirty bin, skunk, homeless, rotten fish orgarlic! Raffle friends give them under the nose of your phonescreen with the image of smelly items! Nobody likes a dirtystinking worn socks, or homeless people on the street!Fuuuuu is wildly stinks!This fun youve ever seen! Simulator phone with the smell!★ Variety smelling subjects★ Realistic images and animations smelly fumes★ For users with a good sense of humor, and their friends, withstrong nerves and stomachSimulator smelling phone can cause nausea, so be careful! Do notMess of friends during the meal! Joke! Of course this is only ajoke, and even picture the homeless or the skunk will not spoilyour appetite!Smelly Smelling phone is suitable for lovers of stun, blind orotherwise play friends! Declarer friends pillow with a funny sound?Then its the draw for you!
Age Calculator life 1.0
Life Calculator - Calculate the exact age! Howmany years do you live? days? minutes? Find out how much time haspassed since the day of birth!The annex entered the date and time of birth, and as a result yousee the Zodiac, the exact number of past years, months, days, hoursand minutes for the moment!Timer life will take you to another festival every new 1000 days or100 months! And, you can celebrate every 10,000 hours lived!Mark your beautiful figure of past days or months! Maybe today youturned 5000 days! Requires parents gifts, and call your friends fora holiday! Or surprise your relatives, congratulated them with around date! Suddenly grandma Today marks 20,000 days! Or 30000000minutes!Check calculator lives of their friends, relatives and loved ones!After pleasant greetings to everyone!Calculate the exact age of just - just enter the date and time ofbirth!
Computer mouse simulator 1.0
Mice simulator - simulation gadget to controlthe cursor on the computer screen! To pretend that the controlarrows on the screen with your phone! Press the button on themouse, ride the wheel as if anticipating the page websites! Jokesof friends - quietly Vod this mouse so that the cursor moves on thescreen and look at the surprise of friends, when you press avirtual mouse on the screen of your phone! This is a trick!Clicks his fingers on the buttons, Vod phone on a smooth surface asif you drive the mouse on the computer table or matThis simulator is not synonymous with a real computer mouse, butonly simulates real mouse and created to draw friendsThe simulator does not provide work or one of the operatingsystems: Windows XP / Vista / 7/8, Mac OSX, Linux (Ubuntu). Micesimulator - its a joke!
Radar People Simulator 1.0
Radar people - simulator scanner detector tosearch for people on the phone screen, determine the location ofthe nearest man on the locator!Make fun of friends:Launch the app, choose the type of radar, and look at the screen ofthe gadget - the distance to the nearest person and the locationindicated on the detector!ATTENTION! Simulator radar detector - a joke designed to drawfriends! Radar is not the real locator to find missing or lostpeople!Always wondering who is behind the wall, or how many people in thecrowd, subway or bus! Radar Simulator does not show real people,will count the exact number of people accidentally invented thescreen - will compete for friends that you can count all the peoplein a radius of a kilometer from the radar in your phone!But to know for sure where your loved ones are more likely to calland inquire as at the bottom of the case and where they are!Take care of loved ones!
X-Ray Body Simulator of Robot 1.0
X-Ray Body Simulator of Robot - is a joke, aprank! Camera imitates scanner of human body with X-ray! Directcamera on your hand and watch the mechanical hand appearing onscreen! Make fun of your friends with X-ray shot of your robotichand! Pretend to be a cyborg or an android!INSTRUCTIONS:Direct the camera on your hand!Open up the simulator to begin the scanning!Make several x-ray shots with mechanical hand and share themfriends in social networks!ATTENTION! X-Ray Body Simulator of Robot is a joke! You CANNOTmake real x-ray scanning with your phone camera! X-ray devices canbe placed only in special institutions! The app X-Ray BodySimulator of Robot is created for fun!
Breaking bones simulator 1.0
Breaking virtual human bones in the body!Simulator sounds bullying victim, pain of fracture!Nervous psychological stress - relax the head, mocking the man inthe simulation of fracture! Pull your finger on the screen of thebody until you hear the sound of fracture, and not spoil a personsface grimace of terrible pain! Crash all of the virtual body: arms,legs, head, spine! Do you like games about hospitals, doctors andpatients? Put yourself on the side of evil! Treat a fracture, andsew up the wound does not need to - youre the executioner, torturerand a maniac! Sounds frightening pain and cut the ear! Injuriesoranizma not sovestimy with life!Do not try this with real people! It may be dangerous to the healthand lives of friends and acquaintances! Simulator championing bones- playful applications for relaxation and stress relief! Mocks thevirtual person on the screen to life to be kind and peaceful memberof the community! Save Mental Health, beat and mock at the victimonly in the game!
Face scanner: What Santa 1.0
Scanner Face: What Santa - face scannersimulator, which will help you understand what Santa would you be!The analyzer determines your face when you move the camera, andprovides results in random order. Scanner "What Santa" is perfectfor drawing friends and family during the holiday season - justpoint the camera at friends, click "analyze" and see theresults!CAUTION "What Santa" - it's just a simulator, designed to upliftyour mood! Scanner outputs the results in a random order, and doesnot require an internet connection!Happy New Year and Christmas !!!
Breaking fingers simulator 1.1
Breaking fingers killer hand - simulator!Bounce, the sound of fracture, and cry! A knife or a hammer is notneeded! Scary and tense game!Break fingers palm on the phone - pull your finger to the sideuntil the joint and bones crunch! Breaking fingers murderer - scarygame! Are you afraid of horror movies maniacs with knives and thugswith baseball bats - do not install this cruel joke! Breakingfingers to those who want to tickle your nerves and get to know thelimits of your mental health! The sound of crackling bonesscary!Did you know that the pain from a broken 10 times stronger thanthat of a hammer blow on the finger? Mmm! But its only a game! Youdo not break your fingers in real life! Sounds broken bones are notreal, but only an imitation!Do you like jokes dangerous with knife and hand games with scars,bruises and fractures? Killer hand - simulator is not for the fainthearted!Do not try it on your fingers and hands! IT IS DANGEROUS!Break your fingers in the simulator, but not in real life!
Face scanner: Date of Death 1.2
Face Scanner: Date of death - a simulator ofthe scanner face that defines the supposed date and cause of yourdeath.CAUTION Face scanner: Date of Death - this is only a simulator thatgives the results of scanning randomly and created just for drawingfriends! So you should not take seriously the results of theanalysis!The scanner will tell you what you need to be afraid to livelonger! Scan your relatives and friends to tell them what theyshould be afraid to live longer! Do not forget that all the results- joke!Scanner detects a face with the camera on your phone, and analyzesit, giving the result of test.But to really live as long as possible, keep a healthylifestyle!
Scanner Face: Love Actually 1.3
Scanner Face: Love Actually - a simulatorfacescanner, which tests how many people love you!ATTENTION !!! Scanner "Real Love" - ​​only simulator thatproducesrandom results! The simulator was created only for fun withfriendsand cheer up!Are you ready for a relationship? How many people are youwithsympathy? Maybe someone feels for you the real truth warmfeelings,and wants to start a serious relationship with you, andmay evenbecome your lover! Scanner person does not respond tothesequestions, but it will help you to think about them and spendtimehaving fun!♥ scans the faces of friends, relatives, classmates!♥ Keep scan results in the face of social networks!♥ compare the results of the scan different people - get themostlovely person!♥ Try scanners and other persons!♥ Love and be loved!You would think that nobody likes you? Use the scanner test andfindout how many people are indifferent to you!
Face scanner: Zodiac sign! 1.1
Face scanner: Zodiac sign - a simulator ofthescanner face that simulates a result compatible with yourZodiacsign. This is not a horoscope, this scanner face! For afewseconds, you can scan the face of any man, and get the result -aZodiac sign compatible with it!CAUTION Scanner "Zodiac" - just a simulator, an outstandingresultof the analysis at random. Simulator created only as a joketoentertain and uplift the moodDo you want to live with someone you love long and happy life -Findcompatible in nature and psychology with you sign. Remember,not allcharacters fit together! Perhaps your destiny somewherenearby, onehas only to lend a hand! Learn prospects of your lifetogether withthe help of your birth date and sign under which youwere born. Oursimulator created just fun and gives randomresults!♦ Find out which Zodiac is compatible with you in the face!♦ scans all around!♦ Identify all the 12 signs - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer,Leo,Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces♦ Remember - your fate is in your hands! And none of thehoroscopewill not solve your destiny for you! Good Luck!
Face Scanner: What Cat 3 1.1
Face Scanner "What cat 3" - a continuationofthe popular simulator face scanner defines what cat are you!Nownew and unique PAINTED cats!All fans of the scanner "What cat" and "What cat 2"attention!CAUTION Scanner "What cat 3" - just a simulator, created for funtoall cat lovers! The simulator provides results atrandomorder!As always, the scanner works very simply - just point yourphone'scamera on your face, wait for the scanner to detect a face,click"analyze" and see the results - no matter how you were acat!MEOW!
Face scanner: Orcs vs Men 1.0
Face scanner: Orks vs Men is a simulationofscanning face! Define fantasy races that look like you:orcs,elves, humans or trolls! Find out which race will beyou’relook-alike! Set camera in front of your face and pressAnalyze! Theresult will tell you who you look like! The race andcreature willappear on screen! Aware of middle earth world? Fan ofthe orcs universe? Face scanner will help you find yourfantasylook-alike! Scan your friends’ and relatives’ faces! Get toknowwhat breed of race they belong! Share your Orc vs. Menworldlook-alikeness!ATTENTION! Face scanner: Orcs vs Men is only a simulator whichworkswith randomized algorithm! It brings results in random order!Itdoes not scan your face for real! Nevertheless it’s aperfectentertainment for you & your friends!
FS: Blood Glory 1.0
FS: Blood Glory - a simulator face scannerthatjokingly compares you with a famous person, a greatwriter,philosopher, scientist, inventor, King, who lived in thepast!Scanner simulates the operation of the analyzer face, andoutputsthe result - whose blood can flow in your veins! You can beadescendant of the famous conqueror, the discoverer, philosopherorprophet! Perhaps as a result of the analysis will beemperors,kings, poets or writers of antiquity!ATTENTION PLEASE! Face Scanner FS: Blood Glory gives thetestresults at random, this simulator is created just forfun!All the people on the planet are related by blood, try to findoutwho was your ancestor! Your family tree can be very old, andcomefrom great personalities! Perhaps among your ancestors wasNapoleonhimself, or Archimedes Moses! Or maybe you have come fromthedescendants of Ramses, Hercules or Princess Nefertiti!Everyone wants to know from whom we come from, everyone wants tobeproud of their glorious ancestors!Perhaps knowing who was your ancestor, you will no longer believeinyourself, and although simulator - its just a joke, buthedefinitely lift your mood and your friends! Just point yourphonescamera at a person, click "analyze" and smile to see theresult!Like this scanner person? Then download the most popularscannersfrom Schnapps: Psychological age and weight, as well asscannersWhat cat, and what you animal!
Bacterium scanner simulator 1.1
Simulator scanner bacteria and virus detector- a joke app that simulates search infections and microbes toprevent disease and personal care! Turn on the camera phone and thescanner will screen all parasites: germs, viruses, bacteria andother harmful pathogenic dirt!Afraid for their health? Beware of getting their hands dirty andpick up germs in dirty places? Afraid to touch the doorknob,handrail on the bus and the plumbing in the toilet? Afraid fortheir hygiene? Save money soap and sanitary napkins alcohol! Virusdetector scans the room!ATTENTION! The bacterium virus scanner - its the simulator, theapplication joke to cheer up friends and drawing! Your phone maynot look for germs and disease with the camera! This scanner jokeconfessed to remind hygiene - wash your hands frequently, usedetergents, often do cleaning in the room and no germs are notafraid of you! And to help you against viruses only good health andmedicine for immunity!
Face scanner: What Monkey 1.2
Scanner Face: What monkey - a simulatorfacescanner which will tell you what monkey would you be! Allhumanbeings are descended from apes, and the scanner will analyzetheperson to whom you are more like - a chimpanzee, gorillaandorangutan!CAUTION Scanner "What a monkey" - just a simulator, whichgivesresults in random order, and created just for fun, friendsanddrawing!The scanner works just - point the camera at a person,click"analyze" and see the results of the test! Do not forget tosavethe scan results at the wall in social networks to yourcollection,show monkeys to your friends!Collect all the monkeys and share to friends!
Face scanner: What hamster 1.1
Scanner Face: What hamster - asimulatorscanner person that determines what hamster are you! Lovehamsters?Then find out what hamster are you!CAUTION "What hamster" - a simulator, which gives results inrandomorder, and set up only to lift the mood among fansofhamsters!Scanner person works is simple - point the camera phone toyourface, or the person who you want to scan, click the "analyze"andsee the results of the test! Hamsters a lot, try to collectthemall!Do not forget to save the scan results in social networks!Hamsters are cool!
Face scanner: What Doggy 1.3
Face scanner: What Doggy - a simulatorfacescanner which will tell you what dog or puppy are you!Warning! Face scanner: what Doggy - it's just a simulator,whichgives results in random order, but it is perfect forentertainingwith friends!You can scan yourselves and your friends to find out what goodorevil dogs are they. Scanner face "what Doggy" work is simple-point the camera at a person's face, click "analyze" and seetheresults of the test!Dogs - the old peoples best friend! Find out how a dog orpuppywould be you!Scanner person does not require an internet connection andisabsolutely free!
Face Monitor: Weight 1.7
Face Monitor: Weight - a simulator monitorfacescanner that determines your psychological weight!CAUTION Monitor the person: Weight - only simulator thatproducesrandom results, and created only to set the mood, and funwithfriends! Psychological weight - this app is a joke,prank,simulator!Versed in psychology? Know your psychological age? Now findandweight! Maybe you need to lose weight? Or getting fat? Exerciseordiet change? Problems with weight control?☺ Check with the monitor faces of friends, family, classmatesandteachers! Learn their psychological weight!☺ It seems that you are thin or vice versa too full? Checkyourselfwith this simulator scanner!☺ tries all face scanners!☺ to really have an ideal weight and shape - Exercise andeathealthy food!
Defuse the bomb: Cut wire 1.0
The bomb will explode if not neutralizesapper!Cut the correct wire and a detonator timer stops! Otherwise- ablast! BOOM! Wires tangled in a ball - a maze, you have 15secondsto find the right wire, Sapper! At stake is life, and itall dependson you! If you can not find the right wire, and werethe lastseconds of the timer - Cut at random! Defuse thedetonator! Maybeyou get lucky! How many bombs can you defuse? WillSapper preventany explosions? In sapper no room for error! Theclock isticking!The maze of wires different each time, but the time on the jobwitheach new level less! Nuclear bomb, dynamite, C4, a grenade ormine- it does not matter! It is only important reaction speed,strengthand tranquility hand sapper!They share the record for the mine clearance time with friends-whether they can improve your results?BOOM!
Face Scanner: Next Life 1.2
Face Scanner: Next Life - a simulatorfacescanner that will tell you whom you will be in the nextlife!CAUTION Face Scanner "Next life" - is a simulator thatproducesresults at random order, and is intended for kiddingfriends!Simply point the camera at a person, click "analyze" and seewhomyou will be born in the next life! Want to know everythingrightnow - simply scan your face and the faces of your friends, togetfunny result about their future! Make fun with yourfriends.Perhaps you are born in another country, another century andanothersex, no one know. So make fun with our application rightnow!Remember, no one knows what he will be in the next life, andwhetherit is at all, but to scan yourselves and your friends isreallyfun!
Face scanner: Elections 2016 1.0
Face scanner: Elections 2016 is a simulationofscanning face! Find out which American president will beyou’relook-alike! Set camera in front of your face and pressAnalyze!Watch the result and find out the USA elections candidateyou looklike! The American president will appear on screen! Awareofpolitical situation in the country and in the world? Voteforcandidates? Face scanner: Elections 2016 works as psychologicalagescanner but only with USA presidents! Scan your friends’andrelatives’ faces! Get to know what American electionscandidatesthey look alike! Share your American presidentlook-alikeness insocial networks!ATTENTION! Face scanner: Elections 2016 is only a simulatorwhichworks with randomized algorithm! It brings results in randomorder!It does not scan your face for real! Nevertheless it’s aperfectentertainment for you & your friends in theelectionsperiod!
FS Energy Vampire simulator 1.0
Face Scanner: energy vampires - a simulatorofthe scanner face joke that simulates the operation of theanalyzerto determine the persons and victims of energy vampires.Are youafraid of being bitten bloodsucker? It seems that someoneisdrinking your energy force? Do not become a victim ofenergyvampire! Take care of your energy and blood! Perhaps someoneamongyour friends and acquaintances, and perhaps you yourself -avampire!CAUTION Scanner: energy vampire - it's just a trick simulatorthatproduces random results. Analyzer person created onlyforentertainment and jokes with friendsAre you afraid to walk alone at night? Are you afraid toattackmonsters, zombies and other evil spirits? Do not be afraid!Zombiesdo not exist! But energy vampires live among us exactly...Like the scanner? The whole team is grateful for commentsandsuggestions that help us improve the game and produce for youallthe new tests, analyzers, scanners, and other games!P.S. Download our popular face scanners: Vampire Monsterandpsychological weight!
Face Test: Music Style 1.1
Test in the face: The style of music -asimulator test scanner person who determines your favoritemusicalstyle! Dubstep beats from DJ or classical music? You pop orjazzimprovisation?CAUTION Test in the face "style of music" - a simulator,anoutstanding result at random! Test the scanner created onlyforentertainment and jokes with your friends!♫ tested all around! Friends, family, teachers andclassmates!♫ look better test results - save them on social networks!♫ downloads, and other tests scanners persons from SchnAPPS!♫ learn all popular musical styles with a test in the face "styleofmusic"! - Classical, Heavy Metal, Rock, Electro, Disco,Dubstep,Jazz, Drum and bass, reggae, rap, Blues, Hip-Hop, Pop,Lounge,House, R & B, Funk, Country Music, Trance, Techno