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IoTool - Internet of Things (I 1.0.21505
IoTool, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform; Dashboard, Gateway,Cloud, API
IoTool OBD-2 Sensors 1.0.16435
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About OBD-2 sensors: Allows reading car diagnostic codes, bothgeneric and manufacturer-specific and displays their meaning. Itcan be connected to to a phone via a Bluetooth connection.Supported sensor readings: - Ambient air temperature °C, °F -Average engine load - Barometric pressure - Commanded EGR -Commanded evaporative purge - Distance traveled with malfunctionindicator lamp on measured in km, mi - Engine coolant temperature°C, °F - Engine oil temperature °C, °F - Fuel level input - Fuelpressure - Fuel rate - Fuel rate gal/h - Hybrid battery remaining -Intake air temperature °C, °F - MAF air flow rate - Relativethrottle position - Revolutions per minute - Run time since enginestart - Speed km/h, mph IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases:SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use or develop IoToolextensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages,cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool - Internet of Things (I 1.0.21505
IoTool, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform; Dashboard, Gateway,Cloud, API
IoTool Bosch XDK Sensors 1.0.16384
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About Bosch XDK sensor: Bosch XDK110 Cross-Domain Development Kitallows for rapid prototyping of sensor-based products andapplications for the Internet of Things (IoT). This wireless sensordevice cuts time and cost for IoT applications and offers thefreedom of programming at a basic or advanced level. The XDK110 isan integrated product inclusive of multiple Micro-ElectromechanicalSystems (MEMS) sensors. Access the XDK developer community foractive information exchange, knowledge sharing, technical supportand more. The device was designed for an easy transition fromprototype to mass production by providing a clear road to productdevelopment. Supported sensor readings: - Accelerometer X, Y, Z -Button 1, 2 - Gyroscope X, Y, Z - Illuminance - MagnetometerResistance - Magnetometer X, Y, Z - Pressure - Relative humidity -Temperature °C IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases:SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare, Education, Research How to connect Bosch XDK to IoTool: can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers,actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool - Internet of Things (I 1.0.21505
IoTool, an Internet of Things (IoT) platform; Dashboard, Gateway,Cloud, API
IoTool Device Sensors 1.0.18195
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About Device internal sensors: IoTool extension captures thereadings of many standard sensors already built in your Androidphone. Note: some smartphones don't support all listed sensors!Supported sensor readings: - Accelerometer Absolute Value -Accelerometer X, Y, Z - Battery Level - Battery Temperature -Battery Voltage - Gravity X, Y, Z - Gyroscope X, Y, Z - Light -Linear Acceleration X, Y, Z - Magnetic Field X, Y, Z - OrientationAzimuth - Orientation Pitch - Orientation Roll - Pressure -Proximity - Rotation Vector X, Y, Z - Signal Strength Bluetooth -Signal Strength GSM - Signal Strength WiFi - Step Count - StepDetector IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity,SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare,Education, Research You can use or develop IoTool extensions forsensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Device AV Sensors 1.0.17281
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About Device Audio / Video (AV) sensors: IoTool extension capturesaudio and video with the built-in camera and microphone in yourAndroid phone. Supported sensor readings: - Camera Video Recording- Microphone Audio Recording - Microphone Level IoTool Internet ofThings (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Homeautomation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use ordevelop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes,messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool BLE HeartRate Sensors 0.1.16435
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension works with some Bluetooth Smart Heart Rate (HR) monitors,like: - Adidas MiCoach HRM - Alatech Technology CS010, CS009 -Alutech Int'l Ltd. W183 - BeetsBlu BBHRM1 - Beurer GmbH PM250 -BiiFit HRM01 - Blue Leza BLSFHR01 - Dayton HRM - EB BrandsSportline SYNC 3015, 3016 - EB Brands Sportline SYNC GPS 3010,3011, 3012 - Echowell BH20 - Geonaute - Gpulse BLE-HRM-100 - IDTTechnology Limited SZ999 - Latitude Limited MapMyRun 3015 -Latitude Limited Runtastic TD00290 - Mobile Action TechnologyHRM-10 - Mobile Minds Pebble - Mobility Holdings, Ltd BioLogicHeart rate monitor - National Electronics Bluetooth 4.0 Chest Strap- Pafers Tech Co., Ltd. HR-KIT - Panobike Heart rate monitor - PearSports Pear Mobiler - Polar H7 - Salutron HRM Chest Strap - ScoscheBLCS - Sports Beat, Inc. BodyFit - Techsport Ltd. SHR-01 - WahooBlue HR - Weartech Gow Trainer - 60beat BLUE - other HRMs andtreadmills supported GATT based profile Supported sensor readings:- Heart rate IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity,SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare,Education, Research You can use or develop IoTool extensions forsensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Cloud 1.0.20472
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About IoTool Cloud: Supported cloud features: - Database -Administration - SQL - Export IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) usecases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use or develop IoToolextensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages,cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool IBM Watson Cloud 1.0.17112
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About IBM Watson Cloud: IBM Watson Internet of Things (IoT)Platform is a fully managed, cloud-hosted service that makes itsimple to derive value from Internet of Things (IoT) devices.Supported cloud features: - MQTT - Analytics - Platform API IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research Howto use IoTool as an IoT gateway with MQTT to IBM Watson IoT: to use IoTool to ollect IoT data with a smartphone and discoverit with IBM Watson Analytics: can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers,actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Device Actions 1.0.19344
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!About IoTool Device Actions: Executes action on your Android phone(based on button pressed or trigger) Supported action functions: -Call - Send text message - Delay - Start selected app - Togglewireless connection - Set the wireless connection - Connect toWi-Fi automatically - Connect to Wi-Fi access point - Disconnectfrom Wi-Fi access point - Toggle Bluetooth connection - Set theBluetooth connection - Set reading color - Send email - Open URL inbrowser - Pair Bluetooth device - Unpair Bluetooth device - Shownotification - Beep - Play audio file - Play video file IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers,actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Zephyr Sensors 1.0.16435
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension works with Medtronic Zephyr HxM, Zephyr BioHarness BH3and Zephyr BioHarness BioPatch Bluetooth sensors. For Zephyr HxMSmart sensor (Bluetooth Smart) use an extension: IoTool BLEHeartRate Sensors. About Zephyr BioHarness BH3 and Zephyr BioPatchsensors: The BioHarness™ 3 / BioPatch is a compact physiologicalmonitoring module that enables the capture and transmission ofcomprehensive physiological data on the wearer via mobile and fixeddata networks – enabling genuine remote monitoring of humanperformance and condition in the real world. BioHarness™ 3 hasapplications in any field requiring high-level wireless and remotephysiological monitoring, including research, training and wellnesssituations. It offers a vital advantage to users in a diverse rangeof sectors, including academic and research, sports, defense andwellness. Supported sensor readings: - Accelerometer Absolute Value- Accelerometer X, Y, Z - Activity - Activity Average/Interval -Activity Max/Interval - Activity Min/Interval - Activity StandardDeviation/Interval - Battery Status - Device Internal Temperature°C/°F - Device Internal Temperature °C/°F Average/Inteval - DeviceInternal Temperature °C/°F Max/Inteval - Device InternalTemperature °C/°F Min/Inteval - Device Internal Temperature °C/°FStandard Deviation/Inteval - ECG - Estimated Core Temperature °C,°F - Heart Rate - Heart Rate Average/Interval - Heart RateMax/Interval - Heart Rate Min/Interval - Heart Rate StandardDeviation/Interval - HR Data OK - Pedometer (calculated fromaccelerometer) - Posture - R to R - R to R (absolute) - R to R(absolute, distinct) - Respiration Rate - Respiration RateAverage/Interval - Respiration Rate Max/Interval - Respiration RateMin/Interval - Respiration Rate Standard Deviation/Interval - SkinTemperature °C, °F About Zephyr HxM sensor: Utilizing the mobilephone, the HxM BT solution provides real-time exercise feedback viaa rich visual and audio user interface. Further integration withthe web can allow intuitive tracking of progress over time and acompelling user experience for consumer fitness and wellnessapplications. Supported sensor readings: - Battery Charge -Distance m, yd - Heart Rate - Instantaneous Speed ft/s, m/s - RtoR- Strides IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity,SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare,Education, Research You can use or develop IoTool extensions forsensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Arduino Sensors&Actions 1.0.16365
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension works with Arduino boards. Please note: We didn't testIoTool extension on all Arduino boards! About Arduino: Arduino isan open-source prototyping platform based on easy-to-use hardwareand software. Arduino boards are able to read inputs - light on asensor, a finger on a button, or a Twitter message - and turn itinto an output - activating a motor, turning on an LED, publishingsomething online. You can tell your board what to do by sending aset of instructions to the microcontroller on the board. To do soyou use the Arduino programming language (based on Wiring), and theArduino Software (IDE), based on Processing. Supported sensorreadings: - Any analog or digital sensor connected Supported actionfunctions: - Any analog or digital actuator connected IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers,actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Device Location Sensors 0.1.16435
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things(IoT)IoTool allows to collect data from internal and wirelesssensors.IoTool automates tasks (triggers, actions, recipes) andworks as aGateway to the Cloud.An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLYwith IoToolapplication(!About Device Location sensors:IoTool extension captures many types of readings from the GPSunitin your Android phone.Supported sensor readings:- GPS accuracy m, ft- GPS altitude m, ft- GPS distance km, mi- GPS latitude, longitudeIoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases:SmartCity,SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare,Education, ResearchYou can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers,actions, recipes, messages, cloud.More:( API available - if you wish to make your own IoTsolutionin a very short time - contact us to info@iotool.ioMore on
IoTool Emotion Faros Sensors 1.0.17281
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension works with eMotion Faros 180 sensor. About eMotion Faros180° : eMotion Faros 180° is an innovative tool for offline andonline monitoring of ECG, HRV (Heart Rate Variability), stress,recovery and general well-being. Lightweight (13 grams), smoothlydesigned (48 × 29 × 12 mm) and easy to use eMotion Faros 180° is anideal choice for long-term ECG holtering as well as realtime onlinemeasurements. Supported sensor readings: - Accelerometer X, Y, Z -Battery Status - Button - ECG Channel 1 IoTool Internet of Things(IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Homeautomation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use ordevelop IoTool extensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes,messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool FireFly-IoT Sensors 1.0.17281
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension FireFly FlyTag FF1502 sensor. About FireFly FlyTag FF1502sensor: FF1502 is Bluetooth based sensor tag and XBee pin outcompatible building block for IoT. With built-in sensors you canmake diferent applications for your home or make a proof of conceptfor your idea in IoT. Supported sensor readings: - Accelerometer X,Y, Z - Gyroscope X, Y, Z - Humidity - Luminosity - Magnetometer X,Y, Z - Temperature °C IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases:SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use or develop IoToolextensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages,cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool MSBand2 Sensors 1.0.17084
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application. Note: Microsoft doesn't allow adirect access to MS Band - you also need to install Microsoft MSBand application from Google Play.(!About Microsoft Band 2 sensors: Microsoft Band 2 tracks your heartrate, exercise, calorie burn, and sleep quality, and keeps youconnected with email, text, and calendar alerts.3 It features 11sensors, including a GPS, UV monitor, and barometer. Supportedsensor readings: - Accelerometer X, Y, Z - Air Pressure - AmbientLight - Calories - Calories Today - Contact - Distance Today -Distance Total - Flights Ascended - Flights Ascended Today -Flights Descended - Galvanic Skin Response - Gyroscope X, Y, Z -Heart Rate - Heart Rate Quality - Motion Type - Pace - PedometerToday - Pedometer Total - Rate - RR Interval - Skin Temperature -Speed - Stepping Gain - Stepping Loss - Steps Ascended - StepsDescended - Temperature - Total Gain - Total Gain Today - TotalLoss - UV Exposure - UV Index IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) usecases: SmartCity, SmartCar, Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth,SeniorCare, Education, Research You can use or develop IoToolextensions for sensors, triggers, actions, recipes, messages,cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool Xiaomi Mi Band Sensors 0.1.17281
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!Extension works only with Xiaomi Mi Band 1s (Mi Band Pulse)wristband ! (Xiaomi Mi Band 1 and Mi Band 2 are not supported yet!IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research You can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
Arduino Sketch (hex) Uploader 1.0.16365
A simple program allows to upload compiled sketches (Intel Hex) toArduino using only Bluetooth or USB A Hex file is selected withintegrated file manager or shared directly from other applicationsand transmitted over the Bluetooth connection or USB Cable via thebootloader. Tested on Arduino Uno, but it should also work on otherboards. IoTool Arduino Sketch (hex) Uploader is part of IoTool -The smartphone IoT platform (
IoTool Samsung Artik Cloud 1.0.18101
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allows tocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoTool automatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gateway to theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! It worksONLY with IoTool application(!IoTool Internet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry 4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research You can use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions, recipes, messages, cloud. More:( or An API available - if you wish tomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact us More on
IoTool LIFX Actions 1.0.17113
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allowstocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoToolautomatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gatewayto theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! ItworksONLY with IoToolapplication(!Extensionworks with LIFX Color 1000 and White 800! Please note:other LIFXproducts are not tested! About LIFX: LIFX is a smartlight bulb thatuses Wi-Fi to create the perfect light for you atany moment. Asimple-to-use app allows you to fine tune yourlighting experience;control a single light or your entire home andenjoy warm and coolsunlight shades. LIFX lights are engineered toprovide a simple wayto start designing your connected home. Asingle bulb contains allthe technology and hardware needed to useyour lights. LIFX is readyto seamlessly integrate with some ofyour favorite smart homeproducts, including IoTool. Supportedaction functions: - Togglelights via cloud - Turn lights on/offvia cloud - Change white colorvia cloud - Change RGB via cloud -Change HSB via cloud - Activatescene via cloud - Toggle lights viaLAN - Turn lights on/off via LAN- Change white color via LAN -Change RGB via LAN - Change HSB viaLAN IoTool Internet of Things(IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry 4.0, Homeautomation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research You can use ordevelop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions, recipes,messages, cloud.More:( An API available - if you wishtomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact More on
IoTool MyTech Sensors
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allowstocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoToolautomatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gatewayto theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! ItworksONLY with IoToolapplication(!IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions,recipes, messages, cloud.More:( An API available - if you wishtomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact More on
IoChat - Encrypted Video calls and Messaging 0.2.20214
This is a WebRTC client application that lets you connect to andusethe IoChat secured & server. Use the application with ourpublicIoChat server for free! IoChat is a WebRTC SecuredAudio/Video,Multi-platform Client / API / Self-hosted Server usedby all typesof institutions and individuals. Hosted locally, underyour control.No public Cloud. Sensitive data remains private.IoChat features: -Multi-user text, audio and video conference -Screen and Filesharing - Multi-platform (smartphone, tablet, PC,browser) clients -A self-hosted system under your control(Bare-bones server, Virtualmachine, Docker) - All conversationsand files stay behind yourwalls - Well-addressed privacy andsecurity concerns - All trafficcan be audited - Simple integrationwith other internal systems -IoChat can be integrated with othertools, like ERP and EHR -Communication can be recorded and stored- Simple integration withinstitution web site - On-Site Presence;always online and inreal-time, one channel for clients - Potentialclients can beanonymous at first - Very efficient - start a Videochat throughyour website with clients with just one click, noinstallationsrequired - An API for developers and systemintegrators - Make yourown customized chat / conferencingsolutions - Change IoChat lookand feel - A flexible UI for clients- UI can be modified fordifferent user roles Useful links: -IoChat website: - Usermanual: -Knowledgebase: - PublicIoChat server:
IoTool SensorDrone Sensors
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allowstocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoToolautomatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gatewayto theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! ItworksONLY with IoToolapplication(!IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions,recipes, messages, cloud.More:( An API available - if you wishtomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact More on
IoTool MyGlucoHealth Sensors
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allowstocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoToolautomatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gatewayto theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! ItworksONLY with IoToolapplication(!IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions,recipes, messages, cloud.More:( An API available - if you wishtomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact More on
IoTool INMD Sensors
A multi-awards winning Internet of Things (IoT) IoTool allowstocollect data from internal and wireless sensors. IoToolautomatestasks (triggers, actions, recipes) and works as a Gatewayto theCloud. An IoTool Extension. Not a standalone application! ItworksONLY with IoToolapplication(!IoToolInternet of Things (IoT) use cases: SmartCity, SmartCar,Industry4.0, Home automation, eHealth, SeniorCare, Education,Research Youcan use or develop IoTool extensions for sensors,triggers, actions,recipes, messages, cloud.More:( An API available - if you wishtomake your own IoT solution in a very short time - contact More on