Sqeez 应用

Smart Ping 1.1
If you are looking for best visual representation of android shellping command than you just found your must-have app. This is thebest looking app for ping command. If you want to check if yourserver is up or you just checking your home network than you canuse this app. Smart Ping is network tool to send ICMP packets tocheck if the targeted host is up and running. This utility alsoshows how long it takes to receive response from target host. Thisapp works on all kind of networks (like 3G/4G or Wifi) and networkproviders. Main features: - Best visual appearence (ICS Holo themeincluded) - Result of command is provided to you in visual and textform - History of used host addresses are remembered forauto-completion. - You can set number of pings - You can set numberfor TTL(Time to live) - You can set number of seconds for timeout -You can set packet size - You can set interval between pings If youhave any problems or questions about this app than send me anemail.
Crack Android Phones Prank 1.1.7
Do you sometimes get so angry on your phoneandjust want to smash it against the wall?Then this is the app for you.This app provide you with tools to do it without the need todestroyreal thing. Just select which new latest smartphoneflagship youwant to crack and begin creating the masterpiece ofart.You can select from 10 high quality full screen cracks and10amazing point cracks with realistic sound effects.You can crack and destroy 5 phones from biggest phonecompaniesin the world.After your work is done you can share your creation of madnesswithyour friends and family through social media.I hope you will enjoy this app and I am looking forward toseesome Crackies created and shared.New phones and cracks will be coming SOON.This is just for fun and it doesn't get your or any otherphonedestroyed
Birthdays Reminder 1.2.4
If you often forgetting birthdays of your family or friends thenthis is the must-have app for you. Whole app is designed in thenewest material design that is presented by latest Android Lolipop.This app helps you with managing your friends and colleaguesbirthdays and other life events. And you will never forget to spendtime with friends on their birthdays and even prepare gifts forthem on the time. This app provides full list of your contacts withtheir birthday and will remind you on this date or few days beforethis event if you want. You have a free hand if you want to addtotally new event to existing list or you can use contact chooserto select contact for which you want to create new event. BirthdaysReminder gives you really nice and polished widget for yourhomescreen that you can easily customize from settings of thisapp(activity Custom Widget Theme). Main features: • Material design• Autoload function that selects all your existing contacts eventsfrom your contact list in phone and synchronize them with this app• Easy working with the list of events by swiping it (swipe left -delete, swipe right - reveal contact info, click - edit event) •Homescreen widget with closest event and next upcoming event •Reminder that will create notifications in any time of yourchoosing • Custom widget theme generation • You can select how manydays before the event you want to be notified • 5 in app themes • 5default widget themes • 8 languages - you can choose from settings• Editable message templates • Call, send SMS or send emai rightfrom this app to your fiend with birthday • Sorting and searching
Birthdays and Important Dates 3.3.5
If you want to have all your important dates in one place thenyoujust found your must-have app. Every day you will getnotificationwith overview of today events and today nameday. Youdon`t need tohave one app for events, one app for birthdays and oneapp fornamedays you can have only one app for all of theseimportant datesready only just one click away with this app. If youhave manycontacts with the same first name you can send them SMS oremailand you don`t need to write separate message to eachcontact.Included homescreen widget will show you today`s andtommorow`snamedays. Also there is new widget that will show you theearliestevent and next event from your list of events that wassynchronizedfrom Facebook or your own events. Both widgets alsosupportcustomizable background color and text color. If you don`tlikedefault theme then you can switch between additionthemes.Features: - NEW FEATURE!!! - Totally new graphics design(ICS HoloThemes Light and Dark are now available) - NEW FEATURE!!!- Newcool Birthday (Events) Widget added with customizablebackgroundcolor and text   - The application has beentranslated intoGerman   - A new kind of calendars: Dog names  - Addednew calendars: Advanced Slovak, German, Croatian,Austrian -Changes in phone's contacts are now fully synchronizedwith app -Now you can see upcoming age of the person with Birthdayevent inEvent activity. - Now you can see "days until" each eventin Eventactitvity - Unlimited scrolling on the main screen to bothsides - Added menu key(Action Bar) because of devices that donothave a physical button  - Set the size of the text inwidget -Custom homescreen widget themes with gradients - Namedays-Supported calendars for namedays: Slovak, Czech, Polish,English,French, Spanish, Hungarian, Latvian, Finnish, Swedish,Greek,Norway, Russia, Ukrainian - Event types: birthday, firt date,fistmeeting, weeding anniversary, others - AutoLoad function-automatic joining your contacts with nameday and loadcontact`sbirthday into events - App themes: Rainbow, Blue, Green,Red -Widget themes: Rainbow, Transparent, Blue, Green, Red - Eachwidgetwith own chosen calendar - Notifications on specific time inday -List of all names in calendare with joined contacts - SendsameSMS, email for chosen contacts - Make quick Call to contactofevent or nameday - Search in calendar: by name, by date -Nicknames- add nickname(alias) to name and it will assign allcontacts withthis nickname to this nameday Except english there areothersupported languages e.g. Slovak, Czech and Polish If you wanttohelp with translation to other languages(for example yours)thanplease send me an email. If you will have anysuggestions,questions or problems with app please contact me byemail and Iwill try to respond as quickly as I can with answer orupdate ofthe app.