
Muscle Cars Wallpapers 1.2
Muscle Cars Wallpapers is a wonderful programwith features:- More than 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds!- Only images of muscle cars!- Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaper foryour android device.- Download any picture on your phone or tablet.- Select the part of the wallpaper that you like.- Optimized once the size of your device.- Optimized for both phone and tablet under!Some interesting information about muscle cars:Muscle car is an American term used to refer to a variety ofhigh-performance automobiles. The Merriam-Webster dictionarydefines muscle cars as "any of a group of American-made 2-doorsports coupes with powerful engines designed for high-performancedriving." A large V8 engine is fitted in a 2-door, rear wheeldrive, family-style mid-size or full-size car designed for four ormore passengers. Sold at an affordable price, muscle cars areintended for street use and occasional drag racing.To the classic muscle car models include clearly defined two-doormid-size sedan, hardtop coupe, which were issued primarily in theperiod from 1964 to 1973 and have Eight engines of large volume andpower.That was the consequence maslkarov appearance dlytelnohohotroddynha development in the United States, the foundationkotorogo yznachalno - wish for mynymalnыe Receive Money maximumSpeed car. Muscle car - such ymenno Speed and comparative dostupnыycar, but in otlychye from handicraft perestroennoho IZ old hot rodof the car, Factory Production, with a body design and asovremennoho View full pryhodnыy least for povsednevnoyoperation.The popularity and performance of muscle cars grew in the early1960s, as Mopar (Dodge, Plymouth, and Chrysler) and Ford battledfor supremacy in drag racing. The 1962 Dodge Dart 413 cu in (6.8 L)Max Wedge, for example, could run a 13-second 1/4-mile dragstrip atover 100 miles per hour (161 km/h). In 1961 Chevrolet introducedthe SS package on the Impala , with included an optional 409 cu inv8 with 425 hp and upgraded brakes, tires, and suspension.The first stirrings of AMC performance came in 1965, when thedramatic, if ungainly, Rambler Marlin fastback was introduced tobattle the Ford Mustang and Plymouth Barracuda.
New Year Wallpapers 2.0
New Year Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 55 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of new year, snowmen, winter! - Ability to haveselected to install any picture as wallpaper for your androiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the sizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about new year: New Year is the time atwhich a new calendar year begins and the calendar's year countincrements by one. Many cultures celebrate the event in somemanner.The custom of celebrating New Year already existed inancient Mesopotamia in the third millennium BC. Beginning of theyear from January 1, it was established by the Roman ruler JuliusCaesar in 46 BC. In ancient Rome, this day was dedicated to Janus -the god of choice, and all the doors started. The month of Januarywas named after the god Janus, who was depicted with two faces, onelooked forward, and another - back. A great many other calendarshave seen use historically in different parts of the world; somesuch calendars count years numerically, while others do not. Theexpansion of Western culture during recent centuries has seen suchwidespread official adoption of the Gregorian calendar that itsrecognition and that of January 1 as the New Year has becomevirtually global. (Note for example the New Year celebrations heldin Dubai to mark the start of 2014, which broke the world recordfor the most fireworks set off in a single display, lasting for sixminutes and including the use of over 500,000 fireworks.)Traditional Chinese New Year is dedicated to the new moon at theend of the winter full moon cycle, held after the winter solstice(ie the second new moon after December 21). In the Gregoriancalendar, it corresponds to one of the days between January 21 and21 February. A snowman is an anthropomorphic snow sculpture oftenbuilt by children in regions with sufficient snowfall. In NorthAmerica, typical snowmen consist of three large snowballs ofdifferent sizes with some additional accoutrements for facial andother features. Common accessories include branches for arms and arudimentary smiley face, with a carrot standing in for a nose.Human clothing, such as a hat or scarf, may be included. Low-costand availability are the common issues, since snowmen are usuallyabandoned to the elements once completed. Santa Claus - FatherChristmas, North American fairy tale (folk) character who bringsgifts to children at Christmas. The name Santa Claus represents adistortion of the Dutch transliteration of the name of St. Nicholasday of remembrance is celebrated on December 6th.
Funny Wallpapers 2.0
Funny Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than45 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyfunny images! - Ability to have selected to install any picture aswallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture on yourphone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that you like.- Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized for bothphone and tablet under! Some interesting information about Fun: Funis the enjoyment of pleasure, particularly in leisure activities.Fun is an experience — short-term, often unexpected, informal, notcerebral and generally purposeless. It is an enjoyable distraction,diverting the mind and body from any serious task or contributingan extra dimension to it. Although particularly associated withrecreation and play, fun may be encountered during work, socialfunctions, and even seemingly mundane activities of daily living.It may often have little to no logical basis, and opinions onwhether or not an activity is fun may differ. A distinction betweenenjoyment and fun is difficult but possible to articulate, funbeing a more spontaneous, playful, or active event. There arepsychological and physiological implications to the experience offun. The way the word "fun" is used demonstrates its distinctiveelusiveness. Expressions such as "Have fun!" and "That was fun!"indicate that fun is pleasant, personal, and to some extentunpredictable. Expressions such as "I was making fun of myself"convey the sense that fun is something that can be amusing and notto be taken seriously. The adjective "funny" has two meanings whichoften need to be clarified between a speaker and listener. Onemeaning is "amusing, jocular, droll" and the other meaning is "odd,quirky, peculiar". These differences indicate the evanescent andexperiential nature of fun and the difficulty of distinguishing"fun" from "enjoyment".
Black Wallpapers 2.0
Black Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than65 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of black colors! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about black and white colors: Black is the darkestcolor, the result of the absence of or complete absorption oflight. It is the opposite of white (the combined spectrum of coloror light). It is one of the four primary colors in the CMYK colormodel, along with cyan, yellow, and magenta, used in color printingto produce all the other colors. Black was one of the first colorsused by artists in neolithic cave paintings. In the 14th century,it began to be worn by royalty, the clergy, judges and governmentofficials in much of Europe. It became the color worn by Englishromantic poets, businessmen and statesmen in the 19th century, anda high fashion color in the 20th century. In particular, the blackcolor can be obtained by subtractive blending scheme with yellow,magenta and cyan dyes. For the production of soluble ink is often amixture of green and red dyes. White is an achromatic color,literally a "color without color", composed of a mixture of allfrequencies of the light of the visible spectrum. It is one of themost common colors in nature, the color of sunlight, snow, milk,chalk, limestone and other common minerals. In many cultures whiterepresents or signifies purity, innocence, and light, and is thesymbolic opposite of black, or darkness. According to surveys inEurope and the United States, white is the color most oftenassociated with perfection, the good, honesty, cleanliness, thebeginning, the new, neutrality, and exactitude. Additive colorsynthesis, due to the human visual feature of the device, allows toobtain a white color by mixing red, green and blue spectral colors,applied, for example, in kinescopes.
Parkour Wallpapers 2.0
Parkour Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 32 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of parkour! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about parkour: Parkour is a training discipline usingmovement that developed from military obstacle course training.Practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complexenvironment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest andmost efficient way possible. Parkour includes running, climbing,swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement, andother movements as deemed most suitable for the situation.Parkour's development from military training gives it some aspectsof a non-combative martial art. Many involved perceived as alifestyle. Currently, actively practiced and developed by manygroups and individuals in many countries. The essence of Parkour isa movement and overcoming obstacles of various kinds. These may beconsidered as existing architectural structures (handrails,railings, walls, etc.) And specially made designs. A practitionerof parkour is often called a traceur, with the feminine form beingtraceuse. They are nouns derived from the French verb tracer, whichnormally means "to trace", as in "tracing a path", in reference todrawing. Parkour is not a sport that involves competition,competition and the desire to defeat an opponent. Ideology rejectsthese principles of parkour, parkour alien "ostentatious" andcompetitiveness. This in particular one of its differences fromFreerunning. Originally used to refer to training French termsl'art du deplacement and le parcours.
Christmas Wallpapers 1.2
Christmas Wallpapers is a wonderful programwith features:- More than 55 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds!- Only images of christmas,new year, Santa Claus, christmastrees!- Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaper foryour android device.- Download any picture on your phone or tablet.- Select the part of the wallpaper that you like.- Optimized once the size of your device.- Optimized for both phone and tablet under!Some interesting information about christmas:Christmas or Christmas Day is an annual festival commemoratingthe birth of Jesus Christ, observed most commonly on December 25 asa religious and cultural celebration among billions of peoplearound the world. A feast central to the Christian liturgical year,it is prepared for by the season of Advent or Nativity Fast and isprolonged by the Octave of Christmas and further by the season ofChristmastide. Christmas Day is a public holiday in many of theworld's nations, is celebrated culturally by a large number ofnon-Christian people,and is an integral part of the Christmas andholiday season.The celebratory customs associated in various countries withChristmas have a mix of pre-Christian, Christian, and secularthemes and origins.Popular modern customs of the holiday includegift giving, completing an Advent calendar or Advent wreath,Christmas music and caroling, an exchange of Christmas cards,church services, a special meal, and the display of variousChristmas decorations, including Christmas trees, Christmas lights,nativity scenes, garlands, wreaths, mistletoe, and holly. Inaddition, several closely related and often interchangeablefigures, known as Santa Claus, Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas,and Christkind, are associated with bringing gifts to childrenduring the Christmas season and have their own body of traditionsand loreFor Christians, the more important a doctrinal point of view, wasand is the feast of the Resurrection of Christ (Easter). After theChristian community came Greeks (Hellenistic and other peoples),under the influence of Hellenistic traditions and startedcelebrating Christmas.The traditional colors of Christmas decorations are red, green,and gold. Red symbolizes the blood of Jesus, which was shed in hiscrucifixion, while green symbolizes eternal life, and in particularthe evergreen tree, which does not lose its leaves in the winter,and gold is the first color associated with Christmas, as one ofthe three gifts of the Magi, symbolizing royalty.The Christmas tree is considered by some as Christianisation ofpagan tradition and ritual surrounding the Winter Solstice, whichincluded the use of evergreen boughs, and an adaptation of pagantree worship.
Motocross Wallpapers 2.0
Motocross Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of motocross! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about motocross: Motocross - a type of motorcycling(racing) is a race to the special sports motorcycle carried out oncross-country in a closed circuit with natural (in the form ofsteep climbs, descents, turns, ditches, sand, etc.) and artificial(tables, ramps, bridges rut) obstacles. Freestyle Motocross, arelatively new variation of supercross, does not involve racing andinstead it concentrates on performing acrobatic stunts whilejumping motocross bikes. The winner is chosen by a group of judges.The riders are scored on style, level of trick difficulty, best useof the course, and, frequently, crowd reactions. Connection ridemotorcycles over rough terrain at speeds was the impetus for theemergence of competition in cross-country motorcycling. One of thefirst publicly available on the cross-country competition has beenso-called "race for the fox", conducted a military drill-groundnear London in 1908. It was attended by 13 motorcyclists and 16horse riders. The aim of motorcyclists was to prove that the newtechnology on the roads exceed the speed horses. In the firstmotocross event was attended by riders on road bikes adapted formovement over rough terrain through their own efforts. Motorcyclesfacilitated by removing unnecessary for competition parts -headlights, brake lights, luggage compartment, passenger pegs,mirrors, modify the suspension, increased engine power. Modernserial motocross motorcycles have a large suspension travel - 300mm and more powerful engine and light frame. By type of workflowengine can be two-stroke or four-stroke. Do not have lightingequipment, mirrors, dashboard, side stops. More often than not haveelectric starter.
Dreamcatcher Wallpapers 2.0
Dreamcatcher Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 30 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of dreamcatcher! - Ability to have selected toinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about dreamcatcher: Dreamcatcher - Indiantalisman that protects the sleeper from evil spirits. Bad dreamsare caught in a web, and good slip through the hole in the middle,just as the catcher carries good dreams. It is a web of threads ofthe harsh and deer lived stretched on a circle of willow branches;as the thread weave a few feathers. It hangs over the head of thesleeper. This amulet can make your hands or buy a souvenir shop. Insome Native American cultures a dreamcatcher is a handmade objectbased on a willow hoop, on which is woven a loose net or web. Thedreamcatcher is then decorated with sacred items such as feathersand beads. The meaning and purpose of the Dreamcatcher in differentIndian peoples are different. So the Lakota people believe that theDream Catcher catches good thoughts and dreams and allows allnegative. And the people of Ojibwe dreamcatcher "filter" thedreams, passing a pleasant and kind. Evil and bad dreams are caughtin its web, and with the first rays of the sun fall apart.Dreamcatchers originated with the Ojibwe people and were lateradopted by some neighboring nations through intermarriage andtrade. It wasn't until the Pan-Indian Movement of the 1960s and1970s that they were adopted by Native Americans of a number ofdifferent nations. Some consider the dreamcatcher a symbol of unityamong the various Indian Nations, and a general symbol ofidentification with Native American or First Nations cultures.However, many other Native Americans have come to see dreamcatchersas over-commercialized, offensively misappropriated and misused bynon-Natives.
Drift Cars Wallpapers 2.0
Drift Cars Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 70 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of drifting cars! - Ability to have selected to installany picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about drift cars: Drifting is a driving technique wherethe driver intentionally oversteers, causing loss of traction inthe rear wheels or all tires, while maintaining control from entryto exit of a corner. A car is drifting when the rear slip angle isgreater than the front slip angle, to such an extent that often thefront wheels are pointing in the opposite direction to the turn.Drifting has evolved into a competitive sport where drivers competealmost exclusively in rear-wheel-drive cars, to earn points fromjudges based on various factors. In the first pair racesparticipant must pass the estimated area under task (most often onthe right path), the second participant is a challenge as much aspossible to get closer to his opponent during movement drift, dosynchronous shifting. To determine the winner spend two races inthe second race rules are the same, but the opponents are reversed.The winner is the pilot who drove closer and the best, as a"catch-up". Sometimes used modified turbocharged engines that areconfigured in such a way that the torque is distributed evenly inthe zone of 3000 - 7000 rpm. The loads are very high, so furtherimprovements are directed not only to increase the power, but alsoto increase the resistance to loads and higher temperature.Usually, drift cars are light to moderate weight rear-wheel-drive,all-wheel-drive coupes and sedans and some front wheel drive offera large range of power levels. There have also been AWD rally carsthat have been converted to RWD.
Mecca Wallpapers 2.0
Mecca Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than35 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of mecca! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting information aboutmecca: Месса, also transliterated Makkah, is a city in the Hejaz inSaudi Arabia. It is the capital of that kingdom's Makkah Region.The city is located 70 km (43 mi) inland from Jeddah in a narrowvalley at a height of 277 m (909 ft) above sea level. Its residentpopulation in 2012 was roughly 2 million, although visitors morethan triple this number every year during the hajj ("pilgrimage")period held in the twelfth Muslim lunar month of Dhu al-Hijjah.Mecca - the holy city of Muslims. In the year 630, reinforcing itsposition as the Muslim community of Medina, led by the ProphetMuhammad entered Mecca, the city surrendered without a fight, thepeople embraced Islam. Mecca with the holy Kaaba was transformedinto a religious center, and Muslims began to pray facing Mecca,wherever they are. "Mecca" is the familiar form of the Englishtransliteration for the Arabic name of the city, although theofficial transliteration used by the Saudi government is Makkah,which is closer to the Arabic pronunciation.The word "Mecca" inEnglish has come to be used to refer to any place that draws largenumbers of people, and because of this many Muslims regard the useof this spelling for the city as offensive. In the center of Mecca,is the main and largest in the world, Al-Haram (Sanctuary, theGreat), in the courtyard which is the main shrine of Islam - Kaaba.In the valley near Mecca constructed the world's largest tent cityof Mina the pilgrims.
Racing Trucks Wallpapers 2.0
Racing Trucks Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 45 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of racing trucks! - Ability to have selectedto install any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about racing trucks: Truck racing is a formof motor racing which involves modified versions of heavy tractorunits on racing circuits. The trucks used in the beginning wereactually working trucks with tandem rear axles and used streettires yet still attained speeds of 150 mph (241 km/h). There isoff-road trucks, they have more than 1000 hp motors. Maximum racespeed is restricted to 160 km/h (100 mph) for safety reasons, and aminimum weight limit is 5500 kg. Races start from a rolling start,and commonly races last from 8 to 12 laps. Although a non contactsport, due to the physical size, and closeness of trucks to oneanother during races, minor collisions can often occur. However,injuries to drivers are very rare. Unlike other forms of motorsport, race trucks look like their road-going counterparts andconform to regulations to ensure that major components used are thesame.
Off-road Cars Wallpapers 1.0
Off-road Cars Wallpapers is a wonderfulprogram with features:- More than 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds!- Only images of off-road cars!- Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaper foryour android device.- Download any picture on your phone or tablet.- Select the part of the wallpaper that you like.- Optimized once the size of your device.- Optimized for both phone and tablet under!Some interesting information about off-road cars:An off-road vehicle is considered to be any type of vehicle whichis capable of driving on and off paved or gravel surface. It isgenerally characterized by having large tires with deep, opentreads, a flexible suspension, or even caterpillar tracks. Othervehicles that do not travel public streets or highways aregenerally termed off-highway vehicles, including tractors,forklifts, cranes, backhoes, bulldozers, and golf carts.Off Road - kind of leisure and sport that involves overcoming thefour wheel drive off-road, also called the vnedorozhnik.Ekipazh SUVconsists of at least two people: a pilot and a navigator. Thenavigator has been navigation, defines the route, directs theactions of the pilot during the passage of off-road. The pilot isdriving, and must have good skills off-road and extremedriving.To be able to drive off the pavement, off-road vehicles needseveral characteristics: They need to have a low ground pressure,so as not to sink into soft ground, they need ground clearance tonot get hung up on obstacles, and they need to keep their wheels ortracks on the ground so as not to lose traction. Wheeled vehiclesaccomplish this by having a suitable balance of large or additionaltires combined with tall and flexible suspension. Tracked vehiclesaccomplish this by having wide tracks and a flexible suspension onthe road wheels.A pickup truck is a light duty truck having an enclosed cab andan open cargo area with low sides and tailgate. Once a work toolwith few creature comforts, in the 1950s consumers began purchasingpickups for lifestyle reasons and by the 1990s less than 15 percent of owners reported use in work as the pickup truck's primarypurpose. Today in North America the pickup is now mostly used likea passenger car.Full-size pickups - big cars, usually not less than 5.5 metersin length (long version - more than 7 meters) and about 2 meters inwidth, which is comparable with the size of light-duty andmedium-duty trucks even. Attractive to some consumers such factoris the presence of pickup versions with full-size 5-6-seater cabinwith two rows of seats and, in most cases, four doors.
New York City Wallpapers 2.0
New York City Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of new york! - Ability to have selected toinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about new york city: New York—often calledNew York City or the City of New York to distinguish it from theState of New York, of which it is a part—is the most populous cityin the United States and the center of the New York metropolitanarea, the premier gateway for legal immigration to the UnitedStates and one of the most populous urban agglomerations in theworld. New York comprises 5 districts (boroughs): Bronx, Brooklyn,Queens, Manhattan and Staten Island. The main attractions arelocated in the borough of Manhattan. New York - the world's majorfinancial, political, economic and cultural center.New York is themost densely populated major city in the United States.As many as800 languages are spoken in New York,making it the mostlinguistically diverse city in the world.
Drag racing Cars Wallpapers 2.0
Drag racing Cars Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of drag racing cars! - Ability to haveselected to install any picture as wallpaper for your androiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the sizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about drag racing cars: Drag racing -racing, which is a stop at the sprint distance of 402 meters (?mile). Less races are held on the ? mile (approx. 804 m), 1/8 mile(201 m) or a volumetric mile (1609 m). In fact, drag racing is arace to accelerate, which is done on a straight track. Competitionin drag racing can be performed on almost any type of transport,but for professional races are built special vehicles, calleddregster. By design dregster represents the best lightweight designwith a powerful motor, controls, by contrast, are often quiteprimitive as the competitions are held on a perfectly straightline. Professional dregster have engine capacity of more than 6000liters. p. and reach 8000 liters. p. in the higher categories underits own weight of less than one tonne. Drag racing has existed inboth street racing and regulated motorsport forms since automobilesand motorcycles were developed. The street racing form, which isillegal, is covered elsewhere; this article covers the legal sport.Before each race (commonly known as a pass), each driver is allowedto perform a burnout, which heats the driving tires and lays rubberdown at the beginning of the track, improving traction. Each driverthen lines up (or stages) at the starting line. To allow differentcars to compete against each other, some competitions are raced ona handicap basis, with faster cars delayed on the start line enoughto theoretically even things up with the slower car.
Glitter Wallpapers 2.0
Glitter Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of glitter! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about glitter: Glitter describes an assortment ofsmall, flat, reflective particles. Glitter particles reflect lightat different angles, causing the surface to sparkle or shimmer.Glitter is like confetti or sequins, only smaller. Commonly knownas 'demon dust'. Since prehistoric times, glitter has been made andused as decoration, from many different materials including stonessuch as malachite, galena, mica, insects, and glass. Modern glitteris usually manufactured from plastic. Prior to fabrics made withmodern glitter, sequins were sewn or woven on to fabric to give ita glittering appearance. Edible glitter made from gum arabic andother ingredients is even used by culinary artists. Due to itsunique characteristics, glitter has also proven to be usefulforensic evidence. Because of the tens of thousands of differentcommercial glitters, identical glitter particles can be compellingevidence that a suspect has been at a crime scene. Glitterparticles are easily transferred through the air or by touch, yetcling to bodies and clothing, often unnoticed by suspects.An easyway to get rid of glitter on clothing is to use hair spray on theclothing. Once the hair spray is dry on the clothes, then put it inthe wash—then the glitter will come off easily.
Islamic Wallpapers 2.0
Islamic Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of islam! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about islam: Islam is a monotheistic and Abrahamicreligion articulated by the Qur'an, a religious text considered byits adherents to be the verbatim word of God (Allah), and, for thevast majority of adherents, by the teachings and normative example(called the sunnah, composed of accounts called hadith) of Muhammad(c. 570–8 June 632 CE), considered by most of them to be the lastprophet of God. An adherent of Islam is called a Muslim (sometimesspelled "Moslem"). Historically, Islam originated in the VIIcentury, in the sermons of Muhammad, who is the prophet forMuslims. According to the teachings of Islam prophets andmessengers, including sent earlier, Musa (Moses) and Isa ibn Maryam(Jesus Christ), were sent to different nations to instruct thenations on a path to monotheism and before the era of Muhammad,however, according to Muslims, over time, people began to fall intoerror, and some began to distort the faith, introducing into thescriptures their own views. Allah is the Arabic word for God (alilah, literally "the God"), referring to the God in Abrahamicreligions.The word has cognates in other Semitic languages,including Elah in Aramaic, El in Canaanite and Elohim in Hebrew.The short form of the creed of Islam (shahada) states: "There is nogod but Allah, and Muhammad - the Messenger of Allah!" Koran - theholy book of Islam. According to the teachings of the majoritySunnis and Twelver, the Quran is the direct, eternal and uncreatedword of God. The Quran was revealed by God to the seventh heaven,the angel Gabriel and then transferred it piecemeal to the ProphetMuhammad by Revelation for 23 years of his prophetic activity.Amanat Qur'an is for all Muslims.
Animals Wallpapers 2.0
Animals Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 75 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of cats, dogs, birds,tigers, wolf, monkey etc.! -Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaper foryour android device. - Download any picture on your phone ortablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that you like. -Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized for both phoneand tablet under! Some interesting information about animals:Animals are multicellular, eukaryotic organisms of the kingdomAnimalia (also called Metazoa). All animals are motile, meaningthey can move spontaneously and independently, at some point intheir lives. Their body plan eventually becomes fixed as theydevelop, although some undergo a process of metamorphosis later onin their lives. All animals are heterotrophs: they must ingestother organisms or their products for sustenance. In everyday life,the terms "wild animals", "pets" often mean only mammals, sometimes- only four-legged land vertebrates (mammals, reptiles andamphibians) .In science term for animals enshrined greater valuecorresponding to the Latin Animalia (see. Above) . Therefore say tothe animals, in addition to mammals, concerns a great many otherorganisms: fish, birds, insects, arachnids, molluscs, starfish,worms and all sorts of t. E. Man belongs to the animal kingdom, buttraditionally considered separately - used in biology Turnover"animals and humans" or "animals, including humans." The domesticdog is a domesticated canid which has been selectively bred formillennia for various behaviors, sensory capabilities, and physicalattributes.Dogs perform many roles for people, such as hunting,herding, pulling loads, protection, assisting police and military,companionship, and, more recently, aiding handicapped individuals.This impact on human society has given them the nickname "man'sbest friend" in the Western world. In some cultures, however, dogsare also a source of meat. The domestic cat is a small, usuallyfurry, domesticated, and carnivorous mammal. They are often calledhousecats when kept as an indoor pet or simply cats when there isno need to distinguish them from other felids and felines. Cats areoften valued by humans for companionship and their ability to huntvermin.Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, withstrong, flexible bodies, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws,and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit acrepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear soundstoo faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as thosemade by mice and other small animals. They can see in neardarkness. Tiger - a kind of carnivorous mammal of the cat family,one of the four members of the genus panther (lat. Panthera), whichbelongs to the subfamily of the big cats.
Beautiful Wallpapers 2.0
Beautiful Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only beautiful images of nature, animals, cities etc.! - Ability tohave selected to install any picture as wallpaper for your androiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the sizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about beauty: Beauty is the quality ofbeing pleasing, especially to look at, or someone or something thatgives great pleasure, especially when looking at it. The conceptionfor beauty is used or studied in art, sociology, social psychology,and culture. An "ideal beauty" is an entity which is admired, orpossesses features widely attributed to beauty in a particularculture, for perfection. The experience of "beauty" often involvesan interpretation of some entity as being in balance and harmonywith nature, which may lead to feelings of attraction and emotionalwell-being. Because this can be a subjective experience, it isoften said that "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." Sinceantiquity the concept of beauty is one of the most important in thephilosophy of perception of life. The beauty of the ancient Greekphilosopher perceived as something objective and ontological innature, related to the perfection of the Universe, with theunderstanding of the cosmos as a world order, expediency,decoration. Nature, in the broadest sense, is the natural,physical, or material world or universe. "Nature" can refer to thephenomena of the physical world, and also to life in general. Thestudy of nature is a large part of science. Although humans arepart of nature, human activity is often understood as a separatecategory from other natural phenomena.
Monster Cars Wallpapers 2.0
Monster Cars Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 45 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of monster cars! - Ability to have selected toinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about monster cars: Monster Truck - a car,usually stylized truck, modified or purpose-built with very largewheels, suspension with long stroke and very powerful engine. Theyare used for competition and popular sports entertainment and insome cases they are featured alongside motocross races, mudbogging, tractor pulls and car-eating robots. Modern bigfoots arewheel-drive beach buggies larger size. As such, they do not pickuptrucks, and they got their name solely because of the shape of thefiberglass body, which is used in such vehicles. Tubular chassiswith four-point suspension is created individually for each truckand to create a ground clearance of up to 4 feet. Mounted justbehind the driver on most trucks are the engines, which aretypically supercharged and run on methanol an alcohol andcorn-based oil, and have displacement up to 575 cubic inches (9.42L). Axles are mostly taken from either heavy-duty military trucksor road vehicles like school buses, and are modified to have aplanetary gear reduction at the hub to help turn the tires. Thereis a near term "all-road vehicle", more accurately defining thepurpose of off-road vehicles: the movement both on roads withimproved pavement, and on the roads does not cover, but still onthe roads.
Wolf Wallpapers 2.0
Wolf Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of wolf! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting information aboutwolf: The gray wolf or grey wolf also known as the timber wolf,orwestern wolf, is a canid native to the wilderness and remote areasof North America, Eurasia, and northern, eastern and westernAfrica. It is the largest extant member of its family, with malesaveraging 43–45 kg (95–99 lb), and females 36–38.5 kg (79–85 lb).Like the red wolf, it is distinguished from other Canis species byits larger size and less pointed features, particularly on the earsand muzzle. As one of the key predators wolves play an importantrole in the balance of ecosystems, biomes such as forests intemperate latitudes, taiga, tundra, steppes and mountain ranges.Total emit about 32 subspecies of wolf, different sizes and shadesof fur. On a general view the wolf reminds large eared dog. Feettall, strong; paw larger and more elongated than the dog, thelength of track about 9-12 cm, width 7 cm, the middle two fingershanded over forward, fingers spread wide and imprint relief than adog. Track tracks a wolf flat and forms an almost flat line, andthe dogs - sinuous line. Shirokolobov head, face relatively wide,strongly stretched and framed on each side "whiskers". Massive wolfmuzzle well distinguishes it from the jackal and coyote, which ismore narrow and sharp. Besides, she is very expressive: more than10 scientists distinguish facial expressions: anger, anger,humility, tenderness, joy, caution, danger, peace, fear. Fur wolvesthick, fairly long and consists of two layers, which is whysometimes the animal appear larger than it actually is. The firstlayer consists of a hard coat of guard hairs that repel water anddirt. The second layer, called undercoat includes waterproof fluffwarming animal. In late spring or early summer fluff lumps peeledfrom the body (molting), and the animals rub against rocks or treebranches for facilitating this process. The structure of the teethof a wolf - an important characteristic that defines the lifestyleof this predator. In the upper jaw there are six incisors, twocanines, eight premolars and 4 molars. The lower jaw contains 2molar more. The fourth upper premolar and first lower molarsconstitute carnivorous teeth that perform a major role in the gamesection. An important role is also played by canines that thepredator holds and drags the victim. Wolf teeth are able towithstand the load of more than 10 MPa, and are his main weapon anda means of protection. Their loss is detrimental to the wolf andleads to hunger and loss of capacity.
Snakes Wallpapers 2.0
Snakes Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of snakes! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting information aboutsnakes: Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of thesuborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizardsby their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates,snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlappingscales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more jointsthan their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey muchlarger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. Toaccommodate their narrow bodies, snakes' paired organs (such askidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side,and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain apelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of thecloaca. The body of the snake is covered with scaly skin. Contraryto popular belief (because of the possible confusion of snakes withworms) snake skin dry rather than wet and slimy. Most species ofsnake skin from the abdomen and a special adapted for greatertraction, facilitating movement. Eyelids snake representedtransparent scales and remain permanently closed. Change skin snakecalled desquamation or shedding. Snakes skin changessimultaneously, one layer. Despite the apparent heterogeneity, thesnake skin is not discrete and peeling of the top layer of skin -the epidermis - during moulting resembles reversing stocking insideout. Teeth are snakes in the dental, maxillary, wing-and sometimesPremaxillaries. The teeth are sharp and thin, adherent to the edgesof the maxilla and connected to the jaws by special bundles. Havepoisonous snakes on the maxillary bones are large, sharp, recurvedfangs. These teeth have a groove on the front surface or innerchannel through which poison the bite enters the wound. At vipersnakes by mobility shortened maxillary bone fangs can be rotated by90 °. Fangs in some cases (Gaboon vipers) reach a length of 4.5santimetrov.Zmei different lots of vertebrae (200 to 450) .Grudinyas the chest, no, when ingested food ribs apart. The shoulder beltis missing. The rudiments of pelvic girdle saved some families ofprimitive snakes.
Trucks Wallpapers 2.0
Trucks Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of trucks! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting information aboutTrucks: Truck, vahoviz - car, which by its design and equipmentdesigned to transport goods. Some light duty rather small, similarin size to the cars. Commercial trucks or fire trucks can be quitelarge and serve as a platform for additional equipment. To workwith semi-tractors are designed, equipped with the body instead ofthe device specific saddle (seat), allows you to quickly change thecomposition of trailers. In Europe, GCW 44 tonnes is limited, butin some countries, such as Sweden and Finland, it increased to 60tonnes. Popular in Europe and Asia, many mini trucks are factoryredesigns of light automobiles, usually with monocoque bodies.Specialized designs with substantial frames such as the ItalianPiaggio shown here are based upon Japanese designs (in this case byDaihatsu) and are popular for use in "old town" sections ofEuropean cities that often have very narrow alleyways. Heavy trucksare the largest trucks allowed on the road. They are mostly usedfor long-haul purposes, often in semi-trailer or B-doubleconfiguration. The largest category of on-road trucks, Class 8, arealso used for vocational applications such as heavy dump trucks,concrete pump trucks, and refuse hauling.In Australia two or threetrailers towed by a tractor truck or even a load carrying tractor(a "three and a half") are linked to make what are called roadtrains. These are useful in carrying mixed loads or substantialweights using only one driver. They are mostly driven in theoutback, due to little congestion of cars, and because of the largeturns they make. Owing to the difficulties in operating suchvehicles they have special priorities over lighter vehicles. In theUnited States, Canada, and the Philippines "truck" is usuallyreserved for commercial vehicles larger than normal cars, andincludes pickups and other vehicles having an open load bed. InAustralia, New Zealand and South Africa, the word "truck" is mostlyreserved for larger vehicles.
Rainbow Colors Wallpapers 2.0
Rainbow Colors Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of rainbow colors! - Ability to have selectedto install any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about rainbow colors: A rainbow is anoptical and meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection,refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in aspectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of amulticoloured arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in thesection of sky directly opposite the sun. Rainbow looks like amulticolored arc or circle, composed of the colors of the spectrum(from the outer edge of the red, orange, yellow, green, blue,indigo, violet). These are seven colors that are usuallydistinguished in a rainbow in Russian culture (perhaps afterNewton. See below), but it should be borne in mind that in fact,the spectrum is continuous, and its color smoothly into each otherthrough a variety of intermediate shades . Traditionallyconventionally distinguish seven rainbow colors in sequence reducethe wavelength of light: red (<740 nm), orange (orange), yellow,green, blue, indigo, violet (> 380 nm). This sequence easy toremember mnemonic for the formula, each word which begins with theletter corresponding to the color. Most often there is a simplerainbow arc, but there are many other optical phenomena that occurfor similar reasons or look similar. Among them, for example, mistyrainbow appearing in the mist droplets and fiery rainbow (a type ofhalo), appearing on cirrus clouds. It looks like a rainbow and aweak sun dog - Halo 22 ° left and right of the sun. At night youcan see the lunar rainbow. Under certain circumstances it ispossible to see double, or even inverted circular rainbow. In fact,this phenomenon of another process - the refraction of light in icecrystals scattered in the atmosphere and are halo.
Pickup trucks Wallpapers 2.0
Pickup trucks Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of pickup trucks! - Ability to have selectedto install any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about pickup trucks: A pickup truck is alight duty truck having an enclosed cab and an open cargo area withlow sides and tailgate.Once a work tool with few creature comforts,in the 1950s consumers began purchasing pickups for lifestylereasons and by the 1990s less than 15 percent of owners reporteduse in work as the pickup truck's primary purpose.Today in NorthAmerica, the pickup is mostly used like a passenger car. The firstcommercials with a small pick-up platform for vanguard on the basisof passenger cars with internal combustion engines appeared in theearly XX century in Europe and in the United States. Currently,conventionally there are two major design schools "pick-build":European and Australian, which implies the creation of a pickuptruck on the basis of a conventional passenger model with amonocoque body, and the US-Asia in which the pickup is based on asolid RAMS chassis often unified with all-wheel drive SUV. While inAmerica most pickup trucks are used primarily for passengertransport, pickups are also used in law enforcement, the military,fire services, and for Pickup truck racing, a form of auto racingusing modified versions of pickups mostly on oval tracks. Racepickup trucks are mechanically similar to coupe-shaped stock cars.Full-size pickups - big cars, usually not less than 5.5 meters inlength (long version - more than 7 meters) and about 2 meters inwidth, which is comparable to the size of light-duty andmedium-duty trucks even. Externally pickups giants have little orno economic significance and are available in very limitedquantities, primarily for image purposes. Pickups giant basedmilitary vehicles, and, in general, are producing firms asdemonstrate the capacity to produce dual-purpose vehicles. Frombasic trucks differ only in the presence of a low platformsemi-locating (often a dumping mechanism) and either a veryluxurious finish.
German Shepherd Wallpapers 2.0
German Shepherd Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of german shepherd dogs! - Ability to haveselected to install any picture as wallpaper for your androiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the sizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about shepherd dogs: The German Shepherd isa breed of large-sized working dog that originated in Germany. Thebreed's officially recognized name is German Shepherd Dog in theEnglish language, sometimes abbreviated as "GSD", and was alsoformerly known as the Alsatian and Alsatian Wolf Dog in Britain.The German Shepherd is a relatively new breed of dog, with theirorigin dating to 1899. As part of the Herding Group, GermanShepherds are working dogs developed originally for herding sheep.Since that time, however, because of their strength, intelligence,trainability and obedience, German Shepherds around the world areoften the preferred breed for many types of work, includingassistance, search-and-rescue, police and military roles, and evenacting. German Shepherd - dog breed originally used as a shepherdand search dogs. The German Shepherd has been obtained as a resultof breeding and crossbreeding varieties Gurtovaya some dogs inCentral and Southern Germany. There are gladkoshёrstnuyu andlonghair raznovidnosti.V nowadays German Shepherds are engaged inexhibition career, security, and also the family dog. This workingdog with a balanced, mobile type of conduct capable of variedtraining. The German Shepherd is the most successful, if there isone master, but its strong suit (as a service dog) is that it isvery easy to change the home and are interested in working with thenew. For example, a Rottweiler or Giant Schnauzer owners do nottake the change, refuse to listen to new and old yearn for, but tothe "Germans" are not affected. When patrol dogs you often,sometimes daily, to change the satellite, and then the GermanShepherd - out of competition. It is able to execute commandswithout question any policeman, which now goes to the patrol.Curiously, this strong point "Germans" in the service, turns weakwhen it comes to home students. The German Shepherd is one of threein the ranking of the most intelligent breeds.
Motorcycles Wallpapers 2.0
Motorcycles Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of motorcycles! - Ability to have selected to installany picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about motorcycles: A motorcycle (also called amotorbike, bike, moto or cycle) is a twoor three wheeled motorvehicle. Motorcycle design varies greatly to suit a range ofdifferent purposes: long distance travel, commuting, cruising,sport including racing, and off-road riding. Motorcycling is ridinga motorcycle and related social activity such as joining amotorcycle club and attending motorcycle rallies. Sport motorcycles- Motorcycles for participation in sports competitions (races). Formore than a century of motorcycles have undergone great changes,ranging from conventional adapted to participate in competitions,to specialized, designed for a specific type of competitions, suchas the highway - ring races, super moto, moto-cross, speedway, raceacross the ice. The modern sportbike - Sport-bikes are availablewith 2-stroke engine in classes 50, 125, 250 cubic meters. cm., andwith a 4-stroke engine in classes 250, 400, 600, 750, 1000 cc andmore. In the creation of sportbike main focus is to get the maximumpower from the engine and maximum control at high speeds. Streetbikes include cruisers, sportbikes, scooters and mopeds, and manyother types. Off-road motorcycles include many types designed fordirt-oriented racing classes such as motocross and are not streetlegal in most areas. Dual purpose machines like the dual-sportstyle are made to go off-road but include features to make themlegal and comfortable on the street as well. Cruisers - the mostconservative class of motorcycles. In it are still used engineswith lower position of the camshaft, is an anachronism in design,injector they appeared relatively recently, they use a minimum oflight alloys, and many choppers cubic capacity up to 800 cc haverear drum brakes. But at the same time, thanks to the cinema andadvertising, chopper classic look retains its unique style with amagnetism - style biker life. It is this style delivers classcommercial success so far. Dregster - a chopper with a 4-cylinderroad bike and the corresponding brake, suspension and other things.
Weapons Wallpapers 2.0
Weapons Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 40 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of weapons! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about weapons: Weapons - the general name of devices,objects and means structurally designed to save lives, or disposalof human and animal, and / or disabling the equipment andfacilities of the parties, wittingly or unwittingly involved in anyconflict. After the invention of gunpowder became widely usedartillery and rockets, and small arms. Armament - a kind offirearms, the purpose of which consists in throwing artilleryshells and mines through the trunk and the propellant charge placedin the latter. Smoothbore guns - a kind of firearms in the barrelrifling is absent (ie the inner surface of the barrel is smooth).In particular, this type include mortars, some types of anti-tankguns, and so on. N .; stabilization of flying projectiles in thiscase provided by their tail. An assault rifle is a selective-firerifle that uses an intermediate cartridge and a detachablemagazine. Assault rifles were first used during World War II and bythe end of the 20th century had become the standard service riflefor most of the world's armies. Examples include the StG 44, AK-47and the M16 rifle. The gun - manual or semi-automaticshort-non-automatic (less automatic) firearm or air gun. Designedto engage targets at a distance of 25-50 meters. Early pistols wereusually singly, with a smooth or rifled barrel. Modern guns aremostly self-loading, rifled, multiply (from 5-7 to 15-20 and morerounds).
Trains Wallpapers 2.0
Trains Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than55 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! - Onlyimages of trains! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting information abouttrains: A train is a form of rail transport consisting of a seriesof vehicles that usually runs along a rail track to transport cargoor passengers. There are various types of trains that are designedfor particular purposes. A train may consist of a combination ofone or more locomotives and attached railroad cars, or aself-propelled multiple unit. The first trains were rope-hauled,gravity powered or pulled by horses. From the early 19th centuryalmost all were powered by steam locomotives. From the 1910sonwards the steam locomotives began to be replaced by lesslabor-intensive and cleaner (but more complex and expensive) diesellocomotives and electric locomotives, while at about the same timeself-propelled multiple unit vehicles of either power system becamemuch more common in passenger service. Electric - multiple unitsrolling stock, receiving energy from an external electrical network(contact network, contact rail) or by batteries. The car is a majorcomponent of the train, as it is in it transported cargo andpassengers. Trains can also be 'mixed', comprising both passengeraccommodation and freight vehicles. Such mixed trains are mostlikely to occur where services are infrequent, and running separatepassenger and freight trains is not cost-effective, though thediffering needs of passengers and freight usually means this isavoided where possible.
Sports Cars Wallpapers 2.0
Sports Cars Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 70 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of sports cars! - Ability to have selected to installany picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about sports cars: A sports car (sportscar) is a small,usually two seater, two door automobile designed for spiritedperformance and nimble handling. According to the Merriam-Websterdictionary, the first known use of the term was in 1928. Sportscars may be spartan or luxurious, but high maneuverability andminimum weight are requisite.They may be equipped for racing,"especially an aerodynamically shaped one-passenger ortwo-passenger vehicle having a low center of gravity and steeringand suspension designed for precise control at high speeds." Theserial model of conventional coupe or a limousine belonging toother classes, but the last sports tuning body, motor or chassis,usually classified as "sports" are not included. Sometimes theclassification of "sporting" includes off-road racing, but becauseof their dimensions, weight and dynamic performance - they are aseparate class. Over the years, some manufacturers of sports carshave sought to increase the practicality of their vehicles byincreasing the seating room. One method is to place the driver'sseat in the center of the car, which allows two full-sizedpassenger seats on each side and slightly behind the driver. Thedefinition of a sports car is not precise, but from the earliestfirst automobiles "people have found ways to make them go faster,round corners better, and look more beautiful" than the ordinarymodels inspiring an "emotional relationship" with a car that is funto drive and use for the sake of driving. The basis for the sportscar is traced to the early 20th century touring cars and roadsters.
Neon Flowers Wallpapers 2.0
Neon Flowers Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -More than 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! - Only images of neon flowers! - Ability to have selected toinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about neon flowers: Neon - the chemicalelement (noble gases) in the periodic table. Its content in theupper layers of the Earth is 5 ? 10-7%. Stable isotopes of neon is20Ne, 21Ne and 22Ne. This is an odorless and colorless gas. It isused for filling neon lamps, as more efficient than heliumrefrigerant and in lasers. It is, however, much more expensive thanhelium, because on an industrial scale is obtained only by thefractional distillation of air in which it occurs in trace amounts.Neon plasma has the most intense light discharge at normal voltagesand currents of all the noble gases. The average color of thislight to the human eye is red-orange due to many lines in thisrange; it also contains a strong green line which is hidden, unlessthe visual components are dispersed by a spectroscope.Neon is thefirst p-block noble gas. Neon is generally considered to be inert.The flower is a modified, shortened and limited the growth ofspore-bearing shoot, adapted for the formation of gametes andspores, as well as for the sexual process, culminating in theformation of the fruit with seeds. The exclusive role of the floweras a special morphological structure due to the fact that it iscompletely combined all processes of asexual and sexualreproduction. From bumps gymnosperms flower differs in that it hasas a result of pollination, the pollen falls on the stigma, ratherthan directly on the ovule, and the subsequent sexual process inflowering ovules develop into seeds in the ovary. Hundreds of freshflowers are edible but few are widely marketed as food. They areoften used to add color and flavor to salads. Squash flowers aredipped in breadcrumbs and fried. Edible flowers include nasturtium,chrysanthemum, carnation, cattail, honeysuckle, chicory,cornflower, canna, and sunflower. Some edible flowers are sometimescandied such as daisy, rose, and violet (one may also come across acandied pansy). Flowers can also be made into herbal teas. Driedflowers such as chrysanthemum, rose, jasmine, camomile are infusedinto tea both for their fragrance and medical properties.Sometimes, they are also mixed with tea leaves for the addedfragrance.
Dinosaurs Wallpapers 2.0
Dinosaurs Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of dinosaurs! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about dinosaurs: Dinosaurs are a diverse group ofanimals of the clade Dinosauria. They first appeared during theTriassic period, 231.4 million years ago, and were the dominantterrestrial vertebrates for 135 million years, from the beginningof the Jurassic (about 201 million years ago) until the end of theCretaceous (66 million years ago), when the Cretaceous–Paleogeneextinction event led to the extinction of most dinosaur groups (andsome three-quarters of plant and animal species on Earth) at theclose of the Mesozoic Era. Birds - most likely descendants ofdinosaurs and most modern classifications they belong to dinosaurs.However, traditionally called dinosaurs dinosaurs-neptahiv.Dinosaurs of the group ARCHOSAUR. Their closest relatives (otherthan birds) and crocodiles are extinct pterosaurs and tekodonty.Dinosaurs diverged from their archosaur ancestors during the Middleto Late Triassic period, roughly 20 million years after thePermian–Triassic extinction event wiped out an estimated 95% of alllife on Earth. Radiometric dating of the rock formation thatcontained fossils from the early dinosaur genus Eoraptor at 231.4million years old establishes its presence in the fossil record atthis time. Paleontologists think that Eoraptor resembles the commonancestor of all dinosaurs; if this is true, its traits suggest thatthe first dinosaurs were small, bipedal predators. Dinosaurs arearchosaurs, like modern crocodilians. Within the archosaur group,dinosaurs are differentiated most noticeably by their gait.Dinosaur legs extend directly beneath the body, whereas the legs oflizards and crocodilians sprawl out to either side. Currently,there are two opposing trends in the taxonomy of dinosaurs. Whilesome paleontologists continued fragmentation of existing taxa,highlighting for some kind of new features and types of existing,other colleagues have questioned the validity of the previouslydescribed species.
Tractor Wallpapers 2.0
Tractor Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of tractor! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about tractor: Tractor is an engineering vehiclespecifically designed to deliver a high tractive effort (or torque)at slow speeds, for the purposes of hauling a trailer or machineryused in agriculture or construction. Most commonly, the term isused to describe a farm vehicle that provides the power andtraction to mechanize agricultural tasks, especially (andoriginally) tillage, but nowadays a great variety of tasks. Maintractor elements: engine, transmission, chassis, controlmechanisms, operating and auxiliary equipment. Regardless of thetype of power plant is a modern tractor diesel engine (previouslyalso used gasoline, kerosene, gas generators, oil engines, internalcombustion). Steering gear wheel tractors similar to the car. Toturn track-type tractor slows down one of the caterpillars clutch.The classic farm tractor is a simple open vehicle, with two verylarge driving wheels on an axle below and slightly behind a singleseat (the seat and steering wheel consequently are in the center),and the engine in front of the driver, with two steerable wheelsbelow the engine compartment. This basic design has remainedunchanged for a number of years, but enclosed cabs are fitted onalmost all modern models, for reasons of operator safety andcomfort. Some wheeled tractors have the opportunity to go tohalf-track progress, as well as the low-pressure tires to work onwaterlogged soils and loose. The most common use of the term"tractor" is for the vehicles used on farms. The farm tractor isused for pulling or pushing agricultural machinery or trailers, forplowing, tilling, disking, harrowing, planting, and similar tasks.
4K Wallpapers 2.0
4K Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than 40ultra high-quality (4k) images that are sure to satisfy your needs!- Only 4K ultra HD images, contain nature, animals, cars etc.! -All images Ultra HD, the size of 3840x2160. - Ability to haveselected to install any picture as wallpaper for your androiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the sizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about 4K Ultra HD format: 4K - designationof resolution in digital film and computer graphics, roughlycorresponding to 4000 pixels horizontally. Minimum resolution UHDTV - 3840x2160 pixels (8.3 megapixels). Ultra HD TV provides up to33 million pixel with a maximum resolution up to 7680 ? 4320. Forcomparison, a high-definition TV picture in the highest quality1080p consists of 2 million pixels (1920x1080), and the classic TVstandard is equivalent to 400 thousand pixels (720x576). 4K UHDTV(2160p) is 3840 pixels wide by 2160 pixels tall (8.29 megapixels),which is four times as many pixels as 1920x1080 (2.07 megapixels).
Monsters Wallpapers 2.0
Monsters Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 45 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of monsters! - Ability to have selected to install anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Download anypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device. -Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Some interestinginformation about monsters and horrors: A monster is any creature,usually found in legends or horror fiction, that is often hideousand may produce fear or physical harm by its appearance and/or itsactions. The word "monster" derives from Latin monstrum, anaberrant occurrence, usually biological, that was taken as a signthat something was wrong within the natural order.resistance,handling and ride comfort. As a metaphor used to determine thedominant real or imaginary object, technical device withsupernatural abilities. Horror - the state of the person under theinfluence of intense fear (fear), which is a hallmark ofdepression, sometimes trembling, in general, the lack of an activereaction to eliminate the source of fear. A zombie is a fictionalundead being created through the reanimation of a human corpse.Zombies are most commonly found in horror and fantasy genre works.The term comes from Haitian folklore, where a zombie is a dead bodyreanimated through various methods, most commonly magic. Classicalmythology is a catalog of indescribable horrors, with all sorts ofmonsters populating a world of cruelty and evil. Folklore created afantastic dimension dominated by strange forces and terrifyingcreatures, foul because the latter were hybrids that violated thelaws of natural forms.
Off Road Wallpapers 2.0
Off Road Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - Morethan 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Only images of 4x4 off-road cars! - Ability to have selected toinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device. -Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part ofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size of yourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinteresting information about Off Road Cars: An off-road vehicle isconsidered to be any type of vehicle which is capable of driving onand off paved or gravel surface. It is generally characterized byhaving large tires with deep, open treads, a flexible suspension,or even caterpillar tracks. Other vehicles that do not travelpublic streets or highways are generally termed off-highwayvehicles, including tractors, forklifts, cranes, backhoes,bulldozers, and golf carts. Off Road - kind of leisure and sportthat involves overcoming the four wheel drive off-road, also calledthe vnedorozhnik.Ekipazh SUV consists of at least two people: apilot and a navigator. The navigator has been navigation, definesthe route, directs the actions of the pilot during the passage ofoff-road. The pilot is driving, and must have good skills off-roadand extreme driving. To be able to drive off the pavement, off-roadvehicles need several characteristics: They need to have a lowground pressure, so as not to sink into soft ground, they needground clearance to not get hung up on obstacles, and they need tokeep their wheels or tracks on the ground so as not to losetraction. Wheeled vehicles accomplish this by having a suitablebalance of large or additional tires combined with tall andflexible suspension. Tracked vehicles accomplish this by havingwide tracks and a flexible suspension on the road wheels.Off-roading is always related to driving off the pavement, makingit important to maintain proper traction in all road conditionssuch as mud, dirt, rocks, sand, ice or snow. It is recommended touse appropriate tires on each terrain type to get the mosteffective traction. A pickup truck is a light duty truck having anenclosed cab and an open cargo area with low sides andtailgate.Full-size pickups - big cars, usually not less than 5.5meters in length (long version - more than 7 meters) and about 2meters in width, which is comparable with the size of light-dutyand medium-duty trucks even. Attractive to some consumers suchfactor is the presence of pickup versions with full-size 5-6-seatercabin with two rows of seats and, in most cases, four doors.
Muscle Cars Wallpapers HD 2.0
Muscle Cars Wallpapers HD is a wonderful program with features:-More than 70 high-quality images that are sure to satisfyyourneeds! - Only images of muscle cars! - Ability to have selectedtoinstall any picture as wallpaper for your android device.-Download any picture on your phone or tablet. - Select the partofthe wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once the size ofyourdevice. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under!Someinteresting information about muscle cars: Muscle car ismade2-door sports coupes with powerful V8 engine, rear wheeldrive,family-style mid-size or full-size car designed for four ormorepassengers. Sold at an affordable price, muscle cars areintendedfor mainly street use and occasional drag racing. They aredistinctfrom two-seat sports cars and expensive 2+2 GTs intendedforhigh-speed touring and road racing. To the classic musclecarmodels include clearly defined two-door mid-size sedan,hardtopcoupe, which were issued primarily in the period from 1964to 1973and have Eight engines of large volume and power. «MuscleCar, inshort - is a mid-size , aimed at achieving maximumspeedcharacteristics of a car equipped with a big engine type V8,andsold at an affordable price . By muscle abuts the so-called«PonyCars», named after the "Mustang". The popularity andperformance ofmuscle cars grew in the early 1960s, as Mopar (Dodge,Plymouth, andChrysler) and Ford battled for supremacy in dragracing. The 1962Dodge Dart 413 cu in (6.8 L) Max Wedge, forexample, could run a13-second 1/4-mile dragstrip at over 100 milesper hour (161 km/h).In 1961 Chevrolet introduced the SS package onthe Impala , withincluded an optional 409 cu in v8 with 425 hp andupgraded brakes,tires, and suspension. The first stirrings of AMCperformance camein 1965, when the dramatic, if ungainly, RamblerMarlin fastbackwas introduced to battle the Ford Mustang andPlymouth Barracuda.
Pit bull Wallpapers 2.0
Pit bull Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -Morethan 50 high-quality images with pitbull and amstaff that aresureto satisfy your needs! - Only images of pit bull and amstaff!-Ability to have selected to install any picture as wallpaperforyour android device. - Download any picture on your phoneortablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that you like.-Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized for bothphoneand tablet under! Some interesting information about pit bullandamstaff: The American Pit Bull is medium-sized, and has ashortcoat and smooth well-defined muscle structure. Its eyes areroundto almond shaped, and its ears are small to medium inlength,typically half prick or rose in carriage. The tail isslightlythick and tapers to a point. The coat is glossy, smooth,short, andstiff to the touch. Color at the pit bull terrier can beany. Todate, American Pit Bull Terrier is very popular in theUnitedStates and in the countries of the CIS. Pit bull terrier seeninthe service of both the American and the Russian police. Theyhavean excellent sense of smell and specialize in search of drugsandexplosives. American Staffordshire Terrier (hoffungs krieg) -dogbreed, bred in the United States. In the literature on dogbreedingis sometimes encountered brief name of the breed - Amstaff.Indogs, this breed is not innate distrust towards people, typicalforworking breeds of dogs. With proper attention from the owners,theyare trained very well, successfully performed at the event.Themain feature of the character of these dogs - the desire topleasethe owner around
Tuning cars Wallpapers 2.0
Tuning cars Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -Morethan 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! -Only images of tuning cars! - Ability to have selected toinstallany picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Downloadanypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of thewallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device.-Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinterestinginformation about Car tuning: Car tuning is modificationof theperformance or appearance of a vehicle. For actual "tuning"in thesense of automobiles or vehicles, see engine tuning. Mostvehiclesleave the factory set up for an average driver'sexpectations andconditions. Tuning, on the other hand, has become away topersonalize the characteristics of a vehicle to theowner'spreference. Cars may be altered to provide better fueleconomy,produce more power, or to provide better handling. Poorlyconductedmechanical tuning can give results differing from thoseexpected.For example, to lower the suspension by shortening thesprings tochange the suspension geometry, which despite a lowercenter ofgravity falls grip in corners! Mismatched andill-positionedspoiler also reduces vehicle performance byincreasing airresistance, not giving in exchange improve adhesion.The use ofso-called. sports damper, if not carefully pampered partof theengine and the entire exhaust system gives only the soundeffects,with no noticeable effect on performance. Body tuninginvolvesadding or modifying spoilers and a body kit in order toimprove theaerodynamic performance of a vehicle. Through thegeneration ofdownforce, cornering speeds and tire adhesion can beimproved,often at the expense of increased drag. To lighten thevehicle,bodywork components such as hoods and rear view mirrors maybereplaced with lighter weight components. Tires have largeeffectson a car's behavior and are replaced periodically, thereforetireselection is a very cost-effective way to personalizeanautomobile. Choices include tires for various weather androadconditions, different sizes and various compromises betweencost,grip, service life, rolling resistance, handling and ridecomfort.Tuning suspension - setting more stringent springs, shockabsorbersor struts suspension assembly, installation or replacementof theanti-roll bars, the replacement control arms with a viewtounder-clearance vehicle, and improve vehicle stability athighspeeds and in cornering.
Skateboard Wallpapers 2.0
Skateboard Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -Morethan 60 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! -Only images of skateboarding! - Ability to have selected toinstallany picture as wallpaper for your android device. - Downloadanypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of thewallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device.-Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinterestinginformation about skateboarding: Skateboarding - anextreme sportconsisting in driving as well as by various tricks ona skateboard.A person engaged in skateboarding, skateboarder orskater called.Skateboarding has appeared in the late 1930s - early1950s, amongthe Californian surfers who could not deal with surfingwhen therewere waves. The first skateboards were boxes and boardswithattached wheels. Later boxes have been replaced by boardsofpressed layers of wood - similar to those currently used. Withtheevolution of skateparks and ramp skating, the skateboard begantochange. Early skate tricks had consisted mainly oftwo-dimensionalfreestyle manoeuvres like riding on only two wheels,spinning onlyon the back wheels , high jumping over a bar andlanding on theboard again, also known as a "hippie jump", longjumping from oneboard to another, or slalom. A skateboard is a typeof sportsequipment used primarily for the activity ofskateboarding. Itusually consists of a specially designed maplewoodboard combinedwith a polyurethane coating used for making smootherslides andstronger durability. A skateboard is propelled by pushingwith onefoot while the other remains on the board, or by pumpingone's legsin structures such as a bowl or half pipe. A skateboardcan also beused by simply standing on the deck while on a downwardslope andallowing gravity to propel the board and rider. If theriderpositions their right foot forward, he/she is said to ride"goofy;"if the rider positions their left foot forward, he/she issaid toride "regular." If the rider is normally regular but choosestoride goofy, he/she is said to be riding in "switch," andviceversa. A skater is typically more comfortable pushing withtheirback foot; choosing to push with the front foot iscommonlyreferred to as riding "mongo".
Neon Wallpapers 2.0
Neon Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than80high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Onlyimages of Neon! - Ability to have selected to install anypictureas wallpaper for your android device. - Download any pictureonyour phone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper thatyoulike. - Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimizedforboth phone and tablet under! Some interesting informationaboutneon: Neon opened in 1898, British scientists William RamsayandMorris Travers in residue spectral study of liquid airgraduallyvyparovuvalosya. Neon is used for filling gas dischargelamps,signal lamps electronic equipment, indicator lamps, thetechniqueof low temperatures. A mixture of neon and helium is usedas aworkspace in gas lasers. Tubes filled with a mixture of neonandnitrogen (so-called neon tube containing about 10 volumepercentNe), by passing them through an electric discharge give ared glow,therefore they are widely used in advertising. Neon givesadistinct reddish-orange glow when used in either low-voltageneonglow lamps or in high-voltage discharge tubes or neonadvertisingsigns. Neon plasma has the most intense light dischargeat normalvoltages and currents of all the noble gases. The averagecolor ofthis light to the human eye is red-orange due to many linesin thisrange; it also contains a strong green line which is hidden,unlessthe visual components are dispersed by a spectroscope. Themainindustrial production method neon (the last decade) isahelium-neon division of the mixture by lowtemperaturerectification - a mixture of neon and helium is purifiedbyadmixture of nitrogen and hydrogen (hydrogen is burned in afurnacefilled with a catalyst), and nitrogen under low temperaturerefluxcondenser and cryogenic unit adsorbers filled with activatedcarbon(coal fluidized cooling coil therein under vacuum withnitrogen).
Galaxy Nebula Wallpapers 2.0
Galaxy Nebula Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features:-More than 45 high-quality images that are sure to satisfyyourneeds! - Only images of galaxy and nebula! - Ability tohaveselected to install any picture as wallpaper for yourandroiddevice. - Download any picture on your phone or tablet. -Selectthe part of the wallpaper that you like. - Optimized once thesizeof your device. - Optimized for both phone and tablet under!Someinteresting information about galaxy and nebula: A nebula isaninterstellar cloud of dust, hydrogen, helium and otherionizedgases. Originally, nebula was a name for any diffuseastronomicalobject, including galaxies beyond the Milky Way. TheAndromedaGalaxy, for instance, was referred to as the AndromedaNebula (andspiral galaxies in general as "spiral nebulae") beforethe truenature of galaxies was confirmed in the early 20th centuryby VestoSlipher, Edwin Hubble and others. Primary characteristicsused inthe classification of nebulae - the absorption or emissionof adispersion of light, that is by this criterion nebula dividedintodark and light. First observed by absorption of radiationsourceslocated behind them, the second - by its own radiationorreflection (scattering) of light near stars. The nature oflightemission nebulae, energy sources, stimulating theirradiation,depending on their origin and may have a diverse nature;often oneof the nebula are several mechanisms of radiation. Mostnebulae areof vast size, even hundreds of light years indiameter.Althoughdenser than the space surrounding them, mostnebulae are far lessdense than any vacuum created in an Earthenenvironment – a nebularcloud the size of the Earth would have atotal mass of only a fewkilograms. Nebulae are often star-formingregions, such as in the"Pillars of Creation" in the Eagle Nebula. Agalaxy is agravitationally bound system of stars, stellarremnants,interstellar gas, dust, and dark matter.The word galaxy isderivedfrom the Greek galaxias , literally "milky". Galaxies rangein sizefrom dwarfs with just a few thousand stars to giants withonehundred trillion stars, each orbiting their galaxy's own centerofmass. Galaxies are categorized according to theirvisualmorphology, including elliptical,spiral, andirregular.Manygalaxies are thought to have black holes at theiractive centers.The exact number of galaxies in the observableuniverse is notknown, but apparently, there are about a hundredbillion.
Graffiti Wallpapers 2.0
Graffiti Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: -Morethan 50 high-quality images that are sure to satisfy yourneeds! -Only images of graffiti! - Ability to have selected toinstall anypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Downloadanypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of thewallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device.-Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinterestinginformation about graffiti: Graffiti (plural ofgraffito: "agraffito", but "these graffiti") are writing ordrawings that havebeen scribbled, scratched, or painted illicitlyon a wall or othersurface, often in a public place. Graffiti rangefrom simplewritten words to elaborate wall paintings, and they haveexistedsince ancient times, with examples dating back to AncientEgypt,Ancient Greece, and the Roman Empire. Currently widely spreadsprayart, ie painting graffiti using spray paint. Controversiesthatsurround graffiti continue to create disagreement amongstcityofficials, law enforcement, and writers who wish to displayandappreciate work in public locations. There are many differenttypesand styles of graffiti; it is a rapidly developing art formwhosevalue is highly contested and reviled by many authoritieswhilealso subject to protection, sometimes within the samejurisdiction.The emergence of modern graffiti can be attributed tothe beginningof the 1920s, when the drawings and inscriptionstagged wagons,cruising the USA. However, the emergence of graffitimovement inits modern sense is associated with the activities ofpoliticalactivists who have used graffiti to spread their ideas.Graffititoday - the kind of street art, one of the most importantforms ofartistic expression around the world. There are manydifferentstyles and types of graffiti. Works created by graffitiartists -independent genre of contemporary art is an integral partof theculture and urban lifestyle. In many countries and citieshavetheir own well-known artists, creating in the streetsmasterpieces.Spray paint has many negative environmental effects.As analternative, moss graffiti is starting to catch on, which usesmossto create text or images. The moss is glued onto a surface bymeansof buttermilk, or yogurt combined with sugar.
3D Wallpapers 2.0
3D Wallpapers is a wonderful program with features: - More than70high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Onlyimages of 3D! - Ability to have selected to install any pictureaswallpaper for your android device. - Download any picture onyourphone or tablet. - Select the part of the wallpaper that youlike.- Optimized once the size of your device. - Optimized forbothphone and tablet under! Some interesting information about 3D:3dglasses - a term referring to the points by which you canviewstereoscopic 3d movie. In these films, the images arevisuallyvoluminous and leaving off the screen because the 3dglassesperform the function of the transmission for each of thehuman eyeseparate specially crafted image. Three-dimensional space- ageometrical model of the material world in which we findourselves.This is called a three-dimensional space, as it hasthreehomogeneous dimensions - height, width and length. 3Dcomputergraphics are often referred to as 3D models. Apart fromtherendered graphic, the model is contained within the graphicaldatafile. However, there are differences. A 3D model isthemathematical representation of any three-dimensional object.Themodel describes the process of forming the shape of an object.Thetwo most common sources of 3D models are those that an artistorengineer originates on the computer with some kind of 3Dmodelingtool, and models scanned into a computer from real-worldobjects.Models can also be produced procedurally or viaphysicalsimulation. One of the main vocations three-dimensionalgraphics -giving motion (animation) three-dimensional model or animitationof movement among the three-dimensional objects. Universalbagsthree-dimensional graphics have a very rich features tocreateanimations.
Cross Wallpapers 2.0
Cross wallpaper is a wonderful program with features: - More than45high-quality images that are sure to satisfy your needs! -Onlyimages of crosses! - Ability to have selected to installanypicture as wallpaper for your android device. - Downloadanypicture on your phone or tablet. - Select the part of thewallpaperthat you like. - Optimized once the size of your device.-Optimized for both phone and tablet under! Someinterestinginformation about cross: Cross - a geometrical figureconsisting oftwo or more intersecting lines or rectangles. Theangle is mostoften between 90 ° and 45 °. Many beliefs carries asacred meaning.The cross is one of the most ancient human symbols,and has beenused by many religions, most notably Christianity. Thefact thatthe symbol of the cross was used in various forms of paganworshipthe forces of nature to the advent of Christianity,confirmedarchaeological finds almost the entire territory ofEurope, India,Syria, Persia, Egypt, North and South America. Thefirst civilizedpeople of widely used crosses were the ancientEgyptians. TheEgyptian tradition existed a cross with a ring, ankh,symbol oflife and the gods. In Babylon, the cross was a symbol ofAnu - thegod of the heavens. A cross is often used as a check markbecauseit can be clearer, easier to create with an ordinary pen orpencil,and less obscuring of any text or image that is alreadypresentthan a large dot. It also allows marking a position moreaccuratelythan a large dot.