SteinFluss 应用

GradePlace - Better Grades with Homework Planer
GradePlace is the perfect organizer for your school life! Getbettergrades with less work just by orgainsing your school life.Greatathletes track their stats - why shouldn't great students do?KeyBenefits: - Get reminded of homework so you will not forgetanyhomework - Keep track of your grades so you know what finalgradesyou will recieve - This makes it easy to see what gradesarealready good and where you have to improve - other statisticsareautomatically calculated so you don't have to do any mathsoutsideof school --> You can save homework and grades, calculateyouraverage, and set reminders. Your personal school managerandhomework planner- always on your smartphone. Features: -Quicklyadd homework and recieve notifications - Save grades andhomework -Give partial grades and calculate your final grade inadvance - Thestatistics of your grades - Easy to understand, quickto use - soyou're always up to date - Automatically calculates youraveragegrade GradePlace can be divided into three parts: - Ahomeworkagenda, so you'll never forget your homeworks in maths orany othersubject again - A ''GradeBook" to keep your gradesorganised so youalways have an overview - A statisticspage(average, highest,lowest, and much more...) It's like a digitalhomework agenda withgrades in it. Try it out!
Doppelkopf Notizblock - Spielp 1.1.226
Log digital writing pad for double-headed scores and game points
Listly - Shared Todo List & Shopping List 1.0.390
Listly is your new organizational assistant Some features: ✓Sharedlists with automatic synchronization, so that you are allalways onthe same page 🔄 ✓ Great for shopping lists, so thateveryone knowswhat else is for sale and nothing is bought twice 🛒 ✓Tag todos tomake them easier to organize 🏷️ ✓ Add notes to todolists that youkeep a constant eye on ✓ Let yourself be reminded ofyour todos sothat you never forget anything ⏰ ✓ Search in todolists ✓ DarkTheme ✓ Many more... Listly has a simple interface soyou can focuson what's really important. With Todo Listly you caneasily shareyour todos or purchases with your friends. It's greatfor sharedflats or for teams working together. It's free, just giveit a try.
Wishr - Shared Wishlist 1.6.3
Share wishes effortlessly