SusaSoftX 应用

Stardate 1.5
The Stardate is a MUST HAVE toy for the realStar Trek fans.-Includes Homescreen widget!Note****- We have decided to use the same stardate calculation format asthe boys/girls over at Google Calendar.- Ad supported!*GOOGLE is a trademark of Google Inc
US Presidents 1.4
This application is a SIMPLE list of Presidents of the UnitedStatesAbout the list********This list includes only those persons who were sworn into office aspresident following the ratification of the United StatesConstitution, which took effect on March 4, 1789.There have been forty-three people sworn into office, andforty-four presidencies, due to the fact that Grover Clevelandserved two non-consecutive terms and is counted chronologically asboth the twenty-second and the twenty-fourth president. Of theindividuals elected as president, four died in office of naturalcauses (William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor, Warren G. Harding,and Franklin D. Roosevelt), one resigned (Richard Nixon), and fourwere assassinated (Abraham Lincoln, James A. Garfield, WilliamMcKinley, and John F. Kennedy). The first president was GeorgeWashington, who was inaugurated in 1789 after a unanimous ElectoralCollege vote. William Henry Harrison spent the shortest time inoffice at 31 days in 1841. At over twelve years, Franklin D.Roosevelt spent the longest time in office, and is the onlypresident to serve more than two terms; he died shortly into hisfourth term in 1945. The current president is Barack Obama; heassumed the office on January 20, 2009, and is the first presidentof African American descent. He is also the first president bornoutside the Contiguous United States, having been born inHawaii.Features********- Forty-four Presidents.- Illustrations and description of each PresidentNote: Ad supported application. For ad free version buy USPresidents Pro
Leadership Quotes 1.9
Leadership is activity by which people become aware of ways toaccomplish their desired goals and to develop new values and goalswhich are in greater accord with their current capacities andultimate potentials Features: -About 150 quotes -Email/SMS quote tofriends -Next/Previous Quote -Random Quote Note: Ad Supported!
Riddle This 2.6
Riddle This contains about 600 riddles. -About 600 riddles -7different categories: Logic, Math, Classic, Ancient, Easy, Hard,Puzzles -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous riddle -Random Riddle -ToggleAnswer/Riddle -SMS/Email Note. Ad supported!
Famous Quotes 2.4
Contains thousands of famous quotes from different categories.-Thousands of quotes -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous quote -Randomquote -Email/SMS Note1! Ad supported! Note2! If a quote is in youropinion incorrect or inappropriate, then mail us so we can correctthings.
101 Feel Good Quotes 1.8
101 Feel Good Quotes is a collection of inspirational,motivational, feel good and maybe some humorous quotes to make youfeel better by reading them. Features: -Email/SMS quote to friends-Next/Previous Quote -Random Quote Note: Ad Supported!
101 Personal Growth Quotes 1.5
Personal development is a process of individual self-developmentand the development of others. At the level of individual, personaldevelopment includes goals, plans or actions oriented towardsimproving self-awareness. Features ******** -Next/Previous Quote-SMS/Email Quote to friends Note: Ad Supported!
101 BreakUp Lines 1.5
Need some Break-Up Lines? Then this app could be the answer to yourquestion. The application is a collection of some good, bad andhumorous Break-Up Lines. Features: - Over 100 Break-Up Lines -Next/Previous Line - Random Line - SMS/Email line to friend Note:Ad Supported!
Survival Guide Pro 1.1
Survival skills are techniques a person may use in a dangeroussituation (e.g. natural disasters) to save themselves or others(see also bushcraft). Generally speaking, these techniques aremeant to provide the basic necessities for human life: water, food,shelter, habitat, and the need to think straight, to signal forhelp, to navigate safely, to avoid unpleasant interactions withanimals and plants, and for first aid. In addition, survival skillsare often basic ideas and abilities that ancient humans had to usefor thousands of years, so these skills are partially a reenactmentof history. Many of these skills are the ways to enjoy extendedperiods of time in remote places, or a way to thrive in nature.Some people use these skills to better appreciate nature and forrecreation, not just survival. *** Survival Guide is completelybased on the U.S Military Survival Manual 21-76. *** Features******** - Both Portrait and Landscape modes are supported.Landscape mode is preferred for better reading experience. -Zooming is supported in order to see the text/images better.Chapter 1: INTRODUCTION - Survival Actions - Pattern for SurvivalChapter 2: PSYCHOLOGY OF SURVIVAL - A Look at Stress - NaturalReactions - Preparing Yourself Chapter 3: SURVIVAL PLANNING ANDSURVIVAL KITS - Importance of Planning - Survival Kits Chapter 4:BASIC SURVIVAL MEDICINE - Requirements for Maintenance of Health -Medical Emergencies - Lifesaving Steps - Bone and Joint Injury -Bites and Stings - Wounds - Environmental Injuries - HerbalMedicines Chapter 5: SHELTERS - Primary ShelteróUniform - ShelterSite Selection - Types of Shelters Chapter 6: WATER PROCUREMENT -Water Sources - Still Construction - Water Purification - WaterFiltration Devices Chapter 7: FIRECRAFT - Basic Fire Principles -Site Selection and Preparation - Fire Material Selection - How toBuild a Fire - How to Light a Fire Chapter 8: FOOD PROCUREMENT -Animals for Food - Traps and Snares - Killing Devices - FishingDevices - Cooking and Storage of Fish and Game Chapter 9: SURVIVALUSE OF PLANTS - Edibility of Plants - Plants for Medicine -Miscellaneous Uses of Plants Chapter 10: POISONOUS PLANTS - HowPlants Poison - All About Plants - Rules for Avoiding PoisonousPlants - Contact Dermatitis - Ingestion Poisoning Chapter 11:DANGEROUS ANIMALS - Insects and Arachnids - Leeches - Bats -Venomous Snakes - Snake-Free Areas - Dangerous Lizards - Dangers inRivers - Dangers in Bays and Estuaries - Saltwater Dangers - OtherDangerous Sea Creatures Chapter 12: FIELD-EXPEDIENT WEAPONS, TOOLS,AND EQUIPMENT - Staffs - Clubs - Edged Weapons - Other ExpedientWeapons - Cordage and Lashing - Rucksack Construction - Clothingand Insulation - Cooking and Eating Utensils Chapter 13: DESERTSURVIVAL - Terrain - Environmental Factors - Need for Water - HeatCasualties - Precautions - Desert Hazards Chapter 14: TROPICALSURVIVAL - Tropical Weather - Jungle Types - Travel Through JungleAreas - Immediate Considerations - Water Procurement - Food -Poisonous Plants Chapter 15: COLD WEATHER SURVIVAL - Cold Regionsand Locations - Windchill - Basic Principles of Cold WeatherSurvival - Hygiene - Medical Aspects - Cold Injuries - Shelters -Fire - Water - Food - Travel - Weather Signs Chapter 16: SEASURVIVAL - The Open Sea - Seashores Chapter 17: EXPEDIENT WATERCROSSINGS - Rivers and Streams - Rapids - Rafts - Flotation Devices- Other Water Obstacles - Vegetation Obstacles Chapter 18:FIELD-EXPEDIENT DIRECTION FINDING - Using the Sun and Shadows -Using the Moon - Using the Stars - Making Improvised Compasses -Other Means of Determining Direction Chapter 19: SIGNALINGTECHNIQUES - Application - Means for Signaling - Codes and Signals- Aircraft Vectoring Procedures Note: Survival Guide Pro is the adfree version of Survival Guide by SusaSoftX. Check it out first andif you don't like ads, then you can get this one.
Party & Drinking Games 1.7
The Party & Drinking Games application contains over hundredsof classic drinking/party games. -Lots of games in a list-Description of each game -Intuitive UI -SMS/Email friend Note1. Adsupported! Note2. This application is meant for entertainmentpurposes only. K18
Mountaineering 1.3
Mountaineering or mountain climbing is the sport, hobby orprofession of hiking, skiing, and climbing mountains. Whilemountaineering began as attempts to reach the highest point ofunclimbed mountains, it has branched into specialisations thataddress different aspects of the mountain and consists of threeareas: rock-craft, snow-craft and skiing, depending on whether theroute chosen is over rock, snow or ice. All require experience,athletic ability, and technical knowledge to maintain safety. Thisfield manual details techniques soldiers and leaders must know tocope with mountainous terrain. These techniques are the foundationupon which the mountaineer must build. They must be applied to thevarious situations encountered to include river crossings,glaciers, snow-covered mountains, ice climbing, rock climbing, andurban vertical environments. *** This application is completelybased on the United States MILITARY MOUNTAINEERING Field Manual FM3-97.61. *** Features ******** - Both Portrait and Landscape modesare supported. Landscape mode is preferred for better readingexperience. - Zooming is supported in order to see the text/imagesbetter. List of Contents **************** CHAPTER 1. MOUNTAINTERRAIN, WEATHER, AND HAZARDS CHAPTER 2. MOUNTAIN LIVING CHAPTER 3.MOUNTAINEERING EQUIPMENT CHAPTER 4. ROPE MANAGEMENT AND KNOTSCHAPTER 5. ANCHORS CHAPTER 6. CLIMBING CHAPTER 7. ROPEINSTALLATIONS CHAPTER 8. MOUNTAIN WALKING TECHNIQUES CHAPTER 9MOUNTAIN STREAM CROSSING CHAPTER 10. MOVEMENT OVER SNOW AND ICECHAPTER 11. MOUNTAIN RESCUE AND EVACUATION APPENDIX A. LEVELS OFMILITARY MOUNTAINEERING APPENDIX B. MEASUREMENT CONVERSION FACTORSAPPENDIX C. AVALANCHE SEARCH AND RESCUE TECHNIQUES Note: Adsupported application. For ad free version buy Mountaineering Pro
Grimms' Fairy Tales 1.5
This applicaiton contains 63 folk and fairy tales by the BrothersGrimm. To name some of the stories in this app: Rumpelstiltskin,Tom Thumb, Clever Gretel, Rapunzel, The Valiant Little Tailor,Goose-Girl and many more. Note: Ad Supported Problem: Description& Device type ->
Absolutely Dumb Facts 2.6
Contains thousands of facts (16 categories:Animal, Laws, Sports,Pop Culture, History, Health, Quotes, Movies, TV ..) -Lots of dumbfacts -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous fact -Random fact -EMAIL/SMSNote Ad supported!
US Presidents Pro 1.0
This application is a list of Presidents oftheUnited StatesAbout the list********This list includes only those persons who were sworn into officeaspresident following the ratification of the UnitedStatesConstitution, which took effect on March 4, 1789.There have been forty-three people sworn into office,andforty-four presidencies, due to the fact that GroverClevelandserved two non-consecutive terms and is countedchronologically asboth the twenty-second and the twenty-fourthpresident. Of theindividuals elected as president, four died inoffice of naturalcauses (William Henry Harrison, Zachary Taylor,Warren G. Harding,and Franklin D. Roosevelt), one resigned (RichardNixon), and fourwere assassinated (Abraham Lincoln, James A.Garfield, WilliamMcKinley, and John F. Kennedy). The firstpresident was GeorgeWashington, who was inaugurated in 1789 after aunanimous ElectoralCollege vote. William Henry Harrison spent theshortest time inoffice at 31 days in 1841. At over twelve years,Franklin D.Roosevelt spent the longest time in office, and is theonlypresident to serve more than two terms; he died shortly intohisfourth term in 1945. The current president is Barack Obama;heassumed the office on January 20, 2009, and is the firstpresidentof African American descent. He is also the firstpresident bornoutside the Contiguous United States, having beenborn inHawaii.Features********- Forty-four Presidents.- Illustrations and description of each President
Elements - Periodic Table Pro 1.0
This application presents the periodic table of the chemicalelements. About ***** The periodic table of the chemical elementsis a tabular display of the chemical elements. Although precursorsto this table exist, its invention is generally credited to Russianchemist Dmitri Mendeleev in 1869, who intended the table toillustrate recurring ("periodic") trends in the properties of theelements. The layout of the table has been refined and extendedover time, as new elements have been discovered, and newtheoretical models have been developed to explain chemicalbehavior. Features ******* - The periodic table (zoomable and insome devices pinch-zoomable) - Descriptions and illustrations ofthe elements (touch element for information) The followingproperties are displayed for each element if the value is currentlyknown by science. Name, Element category Group, Standard atomicweight Electron configuration Electrons per shell Phase, Density(near r.t.) Liquid density Melting point Boiling point Heat offusion Heat of vaporization Specific heat capacity (25 ∞C)Oxidation states Electronegativity Ionization energies Atomicradius Covalent radius Van der Waals radius Crystal structureMagnetic ordering Electrical resistivity (20 ∞C) Thermalconductivity (300 K) Thermal expansion (25 ∞C) Speed of sound (thinrod) Young's modulus Shear modulus Bulk modulus Poisson ratio Mohshardness Brinell hardness CAS registry number
Palindromes 1.2
A palindrome is a word, phrase, number or other sequence of unitsthat can be read the same way in either direction. Enjoy thiscollection of over 500 palindromes categorized into four differentcategories (Names, Phrases, Places, Words) Note: Ad Supported! Sendus more palindromes and we will update the application.
Ahaa Jokes 1.5
Ahaa Jokes contains over 600 jokes in 14 categories(Blonde, Bar,crazy, fishing, marriage, medical, military, school, sports, chucknorris jokes, yo mama jokes. ) -600 jokes -Intuitive UI-Next/Previous joke -Random joke Note: These jokes are Adsupported!
Pick-Up Lines 2.5
Contains about 1000 pick-up lines from many categories.-~1000pickup lines -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous line -Randomline-Email/SMS Note1! Ad supported! Note2! The application ismeantonly for entertainment purposes. K18
Survival Guide 2.3
Survival Tips, Hints and Techniques right to your device!
Knots Guide 2.2
Knots Guide is a SIMPLE quick reference collection ofdifferentknots. - 92 knots. - 10 categories: Bend, Binding,Climbing,Decorative, Fishing, Hitch, Looping, Running, Stopper,Whipping. -Click knot image to get a zoomed in view of the knot.Note1: Adsupported! For ad free version buy Knots Guide Pro
Human Body Facts 3.2
Human Body facts brings about 400 of interesting factsconcerningyour body. -400 facts -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous fact-Randomfact -Email/SMS Note1! Ad supported! Note2! Mail us aboutincorrectfacts. Disclaimer: This application is not meant asmedical advice.
Elements - Periodic Table 1.5
Periodic table of the chemical elements
Optical Illusions 2.1
An optical illusion (also called a visual illusion) ischaracterizedby visually perceived images that differ fromobjective reality.This SIMPLE Application is a collectioncontaining 98 differentoptical illusions with completedescriptions about each opticalperception. Watch and read them andbe amazed. Note: Ad supported!Features ******** - 98 differentoptical illusions - Social share:Facebook, email. - Description ofeach illusion. Touch (scroll) thetext to read completedescription. - Simple and intuitive userinterface. How To ******Enjoy watching the optical illusions bypressing a specific item inthe list. This will open a new view thatdisplays the entireoptical illusion with its description. Tonavigate back press the"back" button at top left corner.
Human Anatomy 1.8
The Human Anatomy application is a SIMPLE educationalquickreference app that contains the information of sixteendifferentbiological systems. List of Contents **************** 1.CardioVascular System 2. Digestive system 3. Endocrine - CentralNervous4. Endocrine - Reproductive 5. Endocrine - Alimentary 6. TheEye 7.Female Reproductive System 8. Lymphatic System 9. MaleReproductiveSystem 10. Muscular System - Back 11. Muscular System -Front 12.Nervous System 13. Respiratory System 14. Skeletal System- Back15. Skeletal System - Front 16. Urinary System Features******** -Illustration of each biological system that can be zoomedusingpinch touch. - Description of each element represented ineachbiological system. - Reference links to wiki for morethoroughdescriptions. How To **************** - To view aspecificbiological system one has to select it from the main list.Thiswill open a new view with an illustration of the biologicalsystem.The user can zoom the image to see details better by usingthepinch zoom. To view more information about a topic, just clickonthe item. If the user wants a more detailed description there isa"More Information Wiki" button, which is available behind themenubutton of the device. Note: Ad supported application. For adfreeversion buy Human Anatomy Pro
First Aid 1.1
*** U.S. Military First Aid Manual FM 21-11 *** This FirstAidmanual, which is published by the U.S. Army, meets theemergencymedical training needs of individual soldiers. Becausemedicalpersonnel will not always be readily available, thenonmedicalsoldiers will have to rely heavily on their own skillsandknowledge of life-sustaining methods to survive on theintegratedbattlefield. This manual also addresses first aidmeasures forother life- threatening situations. It outlines bothself-treatment(self-aid) and aid to other soldiers (buddy aid).More importantly,this manual emphasizes prompt and effective actionin sustaininglife and preventing or minimizing further suffering.First aid isthe emergency care given to the sick, injured, orwounded beforebeing treated by medical personnel. *** Thisapplication iscompletely based on the United States Army First AidField ManualFM 21-11. *** Features ******** - Both Portrait andLandscape modesare supported. Landscape mode is preferred forbetter readingexperience. - Zooming is supported in order to seethe text/imagesbetter. List of Contents **************** - CHAPTER1. FundamentalCriteria for First Aid Section I. EVALUATE CASUALTYSection II.UNDERSTAND VITAL BODY FUNCTIONS - CHAPTER 2. BasicMeasures forFirst Aid Section I. OPEN THE AIRWAY AND RESTOREBREATHING SectionII. STOP THE BLEEDING AND PROTECT THE WOUNDSection III. CHECK ANDTREAT FOR SHOCK - CHAPTER 3. First Aid forSpecial Wounds SectionI. GIVE PROPER FIRST AID FOR HEAD INJURIESSection II. GIVE PROPERFIRST AID FOR FACE AND NECK INJURIES SectionIII. GIVE PROPER FIRSTAID FOR CHEST AND ABDOMINAL WOUNDS AND BURNINJURIES Section IV.APPLY PROPER BANDAGES TO UPPER AND LOWEREXTREMITIES - CHAPTER 4.First Aid for Fractures - CHAPTER 5. FirstAid for Climatic Injury- CHAPTER 6. First Aid for Bites and Stings- CHAPTER 7. First Aidin Toxic Environments Section I. INDIVIDUALPROTECTION AND FIRSTAID EQUIPMENT FOR TOXIC SUBSTANCES Section II.CHEMICAL-BIOLOGICALAGENTS Section III. NERVE AGENTS Section IV.OTHER AGENTS - CHAPTER8. First Aid for Psychological Reactions -APPENDIX A. First AidCase and Kits, Dressings, and Bandages -APPENDIX B. Rescue andTransportation Procedures - APPENDIX C.Common Problems/ConditionsSection I. HEALTH MAINTENANCE Section II.FIRST AID FOR COMMONPROBLEMS - APPENDIX E. Digital Pressure -APPENDIX F.Decontamination Procedures - APPENDIX G. Skill Level 1Tasks
Socrates Quotes 1.3
Socrates (469 BC–399 BC) was a Classical Greek philosopher.Creditedas one of the founders of Western philosophy. Enjoy histhoughtsabout life, politics, science, love ... -Intuitive UI-Next/Previousquotes -Random quotes -Email/SMS Note1 Ad supported!Note2 If youhave more Socrates quotes, then please mail us.
Fairy Tales 1.3
This application is a collection of 43 English fairy tales.Checkout also our Grimm Brothers eBook. To name some of the fairytalesin the collection: Jack and The Beanstalk, Teeny-Tiny,Binnorie,Three Little Pigs, Nix Nought Nothing, Tom Tit Tot, JacktheGiant-Killer and many more. Note: Ad Supported!
Knots Guide Pro 1.1
Knots Guide Pro is a SIMPLE quick reference collection ofdifferentknots. - 92 knots. - 10 categories: Bend, Binding,Climbing,Decorative, Fishing, Hitch, Looping, Running, Stopper,Whipping. -Click knot image to get a zoomed in view of the knot.Note: KnotsGuide Pro is the ad free version of Knots Guide bySusaSoftX. Checkit out first and if you don't like ads, then youcan get this one.
Proverbs 1.2
A Proverb is a short pithy saying in frequent and widespreadusethat expresses a basic truth or practical precept. -Lotsofproverbs -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous proverb -Random-Email/SMSNote1! Ad supported! Note2! If a proverbs is in youropinionincorrect or inappropriate, then mail us so we can correctthings.
Tongue Twisters 1.3
A tongue-twister is a phrase that is designed to be difficulttoarticulate properly. So enjoy this collection of over400tongue-twisters Features ******** - Over 400 tongue twisters-Phrases are listed and numbered - Simple and intuitiveuserinterface. Note: Ad Supported Send us more phrases and wewillupdate.
Chat Slang 1.2
Internet slang (Internet language, Internet Short-hand,leet,netspeak or chatspeak) is a type of slang that Internet usershavepopularized. This app is a chat slang reference. -Almost 500chatslangs -Intuitive UI -Alphabetically listed Note1! Adsupported!Note2! Send us more chat slangs and we will update theapp.
1200+ Dumb Laws US 2.3
Contains over 1200 dumb laws from US categorized by eachstate.-Lots of dumb laws -Intuitive UI -Next/Previous law -Randomlaw-Email/SMS Note1! Ad supported! Note2! Some laws may be old, notupto date or incorrect. The application is meant onlyforentertainment purposes.
505 Motivational Quotes 2.4
Contains 505 Motivational & Inspirational quotes. -505quotes-Intuitive UI -Next/Previous quote -Random quote -Email/SMSNote1!Ad supported! Note2! If a quote is in your opinion incorrectorinappropriate, then mail us so we can correct things.
Traditional Riddles 2.6
Traditional Riddles contains over 300 riddles. Includes aspecialcategory for "What am I" riddles. -Over 300 riddles -6differentcategories: Logic, Traditional, Classic, What am I, Easy,Hard-Intuitive UI -Next/Previous riddle -Random Riddle-ToggleAnswer/Riddle -SMS/Email Note. Ad supported!
Human Anatomy Pro 1.3
The Human Anatomy PRO application is a simple educationalquickreference app that contains the information of sixteendifferentbiological systems. List of Contents **************** 1.CardioVascular System 2. Digestive system 3. Endocrine - CentralNervous4. Endocrine - Reproductive 5. Endocrine - Alimentary 6. TheEye 7.Female Reproductive System 8. Lymphatic System 9. MaleReproductiveSystem 10. Muscular System - Back 11. Muscular System -Front 12.Nervous System 13. Respiratory System 14. Skeletal System- Back15. Skeletal System - Front 16. Urinary System Features******** -Illustration of each biological system that can be zoomedusingpinch touch. - Description of each element represented ineachbiological system. - Reference links to wiki for morethoroughdescription. How To **************** - To view aspecificbiological system one has to select it from the main list.Thiswill open a new view with an illustration of the biologicalsystem.The user can zoom the image to see details better by usingthepinch zoom. To view more information about a topic, just clickonthe item. If the user wants a even more detailed descriptionthereis a "More Information - Wiki" button that is revealed bypressingthe Menu button of the device. Note: Human Anatomy Pro isthe adfree version of Human Anatomy by SusaSoftX. Check it outfirst andif you don't like ads then you can get this one.
Ghost Stories 1.5
Collection of 34 Ghost Stories.
Conversation Starters
Chek Out Some Good Conversation Starters!