TRAFI: Navigate Public Transit 10.8.0
Download TRAFI to get the best publictransport routes and accurate timetables - even without internetconnection. See real time departures from nearby stops, stayinformed about live traffic updates.FEATURES► Route search helps you plan your trips across all types of publictransport. Choose the best route options to your destinationincluding the shortest walking distance, least transfers orearliest arrival.► Accurate timetables of all available modes of transport lets youplan your trip in advance.► Real time map with moving vehicles gives an overview of publictransport around you (in selected cities).► Upcoming arrivals at nearby stops show you which vehicles arejust minutes away (in selected cities).► Offline timetables and route search can be downloaded and usedwithout internet connection.► Live traffic alerts tell you about public transport disruptionsas reported by thousands of TRAFI users.► Personal favorites can be used to save your frequently usedstops, home and work locations for quick access.► Bike sharing map displays closest available bike stations (inselected cities).► Report button lets you notify TRAFI about any route or stopissues and helps everyone to have most precise public transportdata.ABOUT TRAFI★ 4.4 stars at Play Store★ Best Travel Planner during the Olympic Games, officially chosenby Rio de Janeiro’s Cidade Olimpica★ 2014 app of the year in Turkey App Store★ Featured 6 times in App StoreSUPPORTED CITIES✔ Brazil - Sao Paulo, Rio de Janeiro✔ Turkey - Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Bursa✔ Russia - Moscow, St. Petersburg, Rostov-on-Don✔ Taiwan - Taipei✔ India - Mumbai, Bangalore✔ Indonesia - Jakarta✔ Lithuania - Vilnius, Kaunas, Klaipėda, Šiauliai, Panevėžys✔ Latvia - Riga✔ Estonia - Tallinn