Team Asha Didi 应用

Asha Didi - Ask any health question for free 7.0.1
Team Asha Didi
Asha Didi is the first Virtual health assistant app in Hindi (alsoin English). Asha Didi is free, voice-operated and can answer anyhealth queries. It Can be used as a Health encyclopedia, symptomchecker, doctor finder, Online consultation platform, Healthdirectory, personal health record system or medical dictionary orfamily doctor support online. It gives you an instant answer fromits 3.5 million pages of reliable medical information on medicines,diseases, symptoms, surgical procedures, first aids, etc written bythe expert medical team. Along with the answer, Asha DiDi alsoshows you a health provider for your problem in your neighborhoodarea and provides you appointment details of doctor/hospital,pharmacies providing home delivery or labs to collect a sample fromyour home. You can avail a discount of up to 65% with the healthproviders shown on Asha Didi. Store all your health records safelyand store all your family profiles at a single place. Share yourhealth records on the go with your loved ones or health providerand get rid of heavy files. Find Doctors in the followingSpecialties to consult online or to book an appointment: Ear Noseand Tongue, Ayurveda, General Physician, Pediatrician, Dentist,Physiotherapist, Gastroenterologist, Cardiologist,Dietitian-Nutritionist, Endocrinologist, Ophthalmologist,Dermatologist, Gynaecologist/Gynecologist, Sexologist, And More.Asha Didi can answer millions of health-related queries on : SkinCare, Pimples, Acne or Rashes on Skin, skin issues, rashes,itching, dry skin issues, acne, black spots, Hair Scalp Care - hairfall issues, dandruff issues, rashes and itching on scalp, dryhair, hair whitening, Diet & Nutrition for Weight management,personalized diet charts and exercise charts for gaining and losingweight, Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation, Safe Sex,Irregular Periods, PCOS, late periods, irregular periods, PCODissues and all women related health problems, post pregnancy weightmanagement, personalized diet and exercise charts for postpregnancy weight management, mental Health, Stress, Anxiety,Depression, depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety, mentaltensions relationship issues, Stress, Headache, Migraine, SinusAllergy, Pregnancy Symptoms, Breastfeeding, Childcare, Parenting,Period Trackers, My Periods, Diabetes, Hypertension, Heartburn,Fitness, Child Obesity, Thyroid Problem, Lose Weight, BabyCalendar, Back Pain, Injury, Arthritis or General Question, Cold,Cough, Swine Flu, Viral Fever, Dengue, Acidity So whether you aretrying to stay fit, manage a chronic or Lifestyle disease or copewith serious illness Asha DiDi is a must-have a healthcare app thatserves as a one-stop health solution for everyone. आशा दीदी विश्वकी पहली वर्चुअल स्वास्थ्य सहायिका है जो पूर्णतः नि:शुल्क और हिन्दीबोल और समझ सकने में समर्थ है । किसी भी दवा, बीमारी , लक्षण,प्राथमिक उपचार या किसी भी स्वास्थ्य सम्बंधित विषय पर आपके सभीप्रश्नों का आशा दीदी ना सिर्फ आपको सम्बंधित सम्पूर्ण जानकारी देतीहै बल्कि आपके निकटतम स्वास्थ्य प्रदाताओं की सूची भी प्रदान करती है|