Technology Solutions UK Ltd 应用

TSL Reader Configuration
TSL® Reader Configuration utility allows the user to configure thebarcode scan engine in TSL® Bluetooth® UHF RFID Readers. This appcan only be used with the TSL® 1128 Bluetooth® UHF reader, 1153Bluetooth® UHF reader or the 1166 Bluetooth® Rugged UHF reader.Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd (TSL®) specialises in the design,development and manufacture of Radio Frequency IdentificationDevices (RFID) and other multi-technology mobile device peripheralsthat are used to track products, assets, data or personnel. RFIDdevices are typically used in transport logistics, stock inventorycontrol, and collection of personnel data and attendance. ReaderConfiguration provides an easy method of enabling, disabling andchanging parameters for a wide range of barcode symbologies.
RFID Scan Scan Write 3.8.0
RFID Scan Scan Write REQUIRES a compatible TSL Bluetooth® UHFRFIDReader to explore the full functionality of the App. RFID ScanScanWrite is designed to rapidly commission UHF RFID tags withbothindustry standard and custom EPCs. The App can take GS1barcodeinformation and then encode tags with GS1 SGTIN-96, GRAI-96orGIAI-96 compliant EPCs or use scanned Hex/ASCII data directlytogenerate custom EPC values. Tags can also be locked andpasswordsspecified so that they are secured againstun-authorisedmodification. For Hex and ASCII custom EPCs: First,scan a barcodecontaining the new EPC value as Hex or ASCII.Secondly, scan thetag’s temporary EPC barcode or just pull thetrigger if not usingtemporary EPC barcodes - ensure the target tagis the only tag nearthe reader. The reader automatically writes thenew EPC to the tag. Working with UHF RFID tags that supportMulti-vendor Chip-basedSerialisation (MCS) a user can easilycommission serialised tags ina simple two-step process: First scana GS1 GTIN or UPC barcode.Secondly scan the tag’s temporary EPCbarcode or just pull thetrigger if not using temporary EPCbarcodes. The readerautomatically writes to the tag an SGTIN-96compliant EPC. Forgenerating auto-serialised SGTIN-96 tags UHF RFIDtags that areMulti-vendor Chip-based Serialisation compliant arerequired.Currently Impinj Monza 4, 5, 6 and Monza X tags aresupported.Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd (TSL) specializes in thedesign,development and manufacture of handheld, RadioFrequencyIdentification Devices (RFID). TSL’s RFID Scan Scan Writeis one ofa series of Apps built around TSL's sophisticated,parameterized,ASCII 2 Protocol that allows sets of pre-configuredcommands to beexecuted locally within the Bluetooth® UHF RFIDreader. The ASCII 2protocol provides the developer with a powerfulset ofparameterised commands to execute complex UHF RFIDtransponderoperations in a simple, easy to grasp way . Using thesesimple,pre-configured ASCII commands, TSL Bluetooth® UHF RFIDreaders canbe rapidly integrated into applications for unparalleledlevels ofproductivity.
RFID Tag Finder
*** This App only works with a TSL ASCII2-compatible UHFRFIDReader. *** RFID Tag Finder will help you rapidly locate thosehardto find tagged items. It is one of a series of apps designedforASCII2-compatible, Bluetooth® UHF readers from TechnologySolutions(UK) Ltd. Using responsive, audible, signal-strengthfeedback and adynamic graphical signal meter RFID Tag Finder allowsyou torapidly sweep large areas and hone in on just the asset youarelooking for. Alternatively, configure Tag Finder to onlydetectwhen the asset is very nearby - allowing rooms full of cages,boxesand racks to be rapidly and efficiently searched.Usingthebuilt-in, default configurations or a fully,user-specifiedoperation, Tag Finder can be optimized for your assetenvironment.RFID Tag Finder can be configured for tags encodedusing: ∙SGTIN-96 ∙ GRAI-96 ∙ ASCII ∙ Hex To make life even easierall thenecessary encoding configuration can be achieved by simplyscanningan RFID tag in the desired format. The target assetidentifier caneither be entered manually or be scanned from abarcode. SGTIN-96encoded assets can be specified using GS1 standardidentifiers suchas GTIN-8, GTIN-12 (UPC), GTIN-13, GTIN-14 orsimply using the ItemReference number. GRAI-96 encoded assets canbe targeted using GRAIcodes or plain asset types. With Hex or ASCIIencoding selected auseful, in-built tag scanning screen generates alist of nearbytags, ranked by signal strength to quickly provide atargetidentifier when demonstrating or familiarising yourself withtheoperation of the App. Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd(TSL)specialises in the design, development and manufacture ofRadioFrequency Identification Devices (RFID) and othermulti-technologymobile device peripherals that are used to trackproducts, assets,data or personnel. RFID devices are typically usedin transportlogistics, stock inventory control, and collection ofpersonal dataand attendance. RFID Tag Finder uses TSL'ssophisticated,parameterised, ASCII protocol which providesdevelopers with apowerful set of commands to carry out complex UHFRFID transponderoperations in a simple, easy to grasp way. Usingthese simplepre-configured ASCII commands, any TSLASCII2-compatible UHF RFIDreader can be rapidly integrated intoapplications resulting inunparalleled levels of productivity.
RFID Explorer 2 2.10.1
RFID Explorer 2 will help you explore the performance,functionalityand versatility of Technology Solutions’ highperformance readers.It requires the 1128 Bluetooth ® UHF readerwith its torch ortrigger handle options, the 1153 Bluetooth ® UHFreader for aback-of-hand option, the 1166 Bluetooth ® Rugged UHFreader or thenew 2128 (IH21) Bluetooth ® UHF reader with ePopLoqUSBconnectivity. Technology Solutions (UK) Ltd (TSL ®) specialisesinthe design, development and manufacture of RadioFrequencyIdentification Devices (RFID) and other multi-technologymobiledevice peripherals that are used to track products, assets,data orpersonnel. RFID devices are typically used in transportlogistics,stock inventory control, and collection of personnel dataandattendance. RFID Explorer uses TSL's sophisticated,parameterised,ASCII2 protocol which provides developers with apowerful set ofcommands to carry out complex UHF RFID transponderoperations in asimple, easy-to-grasp way. Using these simplepre-configured ASCIIcommands, the readers can be rapidly integratedinto applicationsresulting in un-paralleled levels of productivity.Features: ▪Inventory - Rapidly generate a list of unique, nearbytransponders(tags) and review a summary of scan operations ▪ Find -Locate aspecific tag with the handheld reader aided by thegraphicalrepresentations of tag signal strength levels. ▪Read/Write -Inspect information stored in the memory banks of achosen tag.Create customised tags by writing new information to achosen tagmemory bank.
2173 Explorer 1.0.3
*** This App requires the TSL® 2173 Bluetooth® LF/HF RFID Reader***2173 Explorer will help you explore the performance,functionalityand versatility of Technology Solutions’high-performance,Bluetooth® HF/LF RFID reader. The appdemonstrates how, using the2173 Reader, a simple inventory ofItems, tagged with a wide varietyof HF and LF tags or 1D and 2Dbarcodes, can be achieved. Thisinventory is then available toother apps, on your device, using thefamiliar Android sharingdialog. Features include: ▪ Generate a listof unique HF/LFtransponders and barcode item identifiers ▪ Read thememory of tags- Mifare Classic, ISO15693 and SRX tag types arecurrentlysupported. ▪ Share the list of scanned items or save it totheAndroid device. ▪ Control detection of the HF and LF tagtypessupported by the 2173 Reader. ▪ Configure the operation of the2173trigger to match your scanning requirements. 2173 Exploreremploysthe same, sophisticated TSL ASCII 2 protocol used in TSL'sUHFreader range which provides developers with a powerful setofcommands to carry out complex RFID transponder operations inasimple, easy-to-grasp way. Developers can take advantage ofthecomprehensive, free SDKs provided by TSL® to develop inXamarin,Java, Objective C, Swift or .NET. Technology Solutions (UK)Ltd(Part of HID) specialises in the design, developmentandmanufacture of Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID)andother multi-technology mobile device peripherals that are usedtotrack products, assets, data or personnel. RFID devicesaretypically used in transport logistics, stock inventory control,andcollection of personnel data and attendance.