The Kids2Code 应用

Happy Land 1.0
The Kids2Code
Anima para hacer feliz a las personasEncouraged to makepeoplehappy
Advanced 1.0
The Kids2Code
Administra el progreso de tus proyectosManages the progressofyour projects
Calendar for kids! 2.0
The Kids2Code
Organiza tu tiempoOrganize your time
MB 1.0
The Kids2Code
Un divertido juego de construir atugustoA fun game to buildtoyour liking
Rolling Ball 2.0
The Kids2Code
Juego divertidoFun game
Pinball Space Master 3.0
The Kids2Code
Pinball Space MasterPinball SpaceMaster
Pinball SCR 3.0
The Kids2Code
Pinball SCRPinball SCR
Pin-Ball 2.0
The Kids2Code
JuegoPrueba 1.0
The Kids2Code
Juego Prueba k2cGame Test K2C
Good Food Good Life 1.0
The Kids2Code
Calcula tu IMC y guarda tu historialCalculate your BMIandsaves your history
Pinball Pro 99 (Guillermo) 1.0
The Kids2Code
Pinball Pro 99 (Guillermo)99 ProPinball(William)
Galaxy Pinball (Jair) 1.0
The Kids2Code
Galaxy Pinball (Jair)GalaxyPinball(Jair)
ST Pinball 2.0
The Kids2Code
ST PinballST Pinball
Pretzel PinBall 2.0
The Kids2Code
Pretzel PinBallpretzel PinBall