Thomas Reiser 应用

Thomas Reiser
This is a fork of the Syncthing-Android wrapper for Syncthingthatbrings major enhancements like: * Folder, device and overallsyncprogress can easily be read off the UI. * "Syncthing Camera" -anoptional feature (with optional permission to use the camera)whereyou can take pictures with your friend, partner, ... on twophonesinto one shared and private Syncthing folder. No cloudinvolved. -FEATURE CURRENTLY IN BETA STAGE - * "Sync every hour" tosave evenmore battery * Individual sync conditions can be appliedper deviceand per folder * Recent changes UI, click to open files.* Changesto folder and device config can be made regardless ifSyncthing isrunning or not * UI explains why syncthing is runningor not. *"Battery eater" problem is fixed. * Discover otherSyncthingdevices on the same network and easily add them. * Android8, 9 and10 support. Syncthing-Fork for Android is a wrapper forSyncthingthat provides an Android UI instead of Syncthing'sbuilt-in Web UI.Syncthing replaces proprietary sync and cloudservices withsomething open, trustworthy and decentralized. Yourdata is yourdata alone and you deserve to choose where it isstored, if it isshared with some third party and how it'stransmitted over theInternet. Goals of the fork: * Develop and tryout enhancementstogether with the community. * Release the wrappermore frequentlyto identify and fix bugs caused by changes in thesyncthingsubmodule * Make enhancements configurable in the UI,users shouldbe able to turn them on and off Comparison betweenupstream andfork at the time of writing this: * Both contain thesyncthingbinary built from the official source atGitHub:syncthing/syncthing* Syncing functionality and reliabilitydepends on the syncthingbinary submodule version. * Fork gets alongwith upstream andsometimes they pick up my improvements. * Strategyand releasefrequency is different * Only the wrapper containing theAndroid UIis addressed by the fork.Website: Sourcecode: HowSyncthingwrites to external SDcard:,FAQ and helpfularticles: helpwith theTranslation: