TristanSoft 应用

İstanbul Gezi Rehberi 1.6
İstanbul sadece Türkiye'de değil dünyanındeğil, dünyanın en önemli turizm merkezlerinden biridir.Türkiye'nin en büyük şehri olan İstanbul, Bizans ve Osmanlıİmparatorluklarının başkenti olarak tarihi statüsünden türetilenönemli turistik mekanlara sahiptir.Sizin gibi gerçek gezginler tarafından gönderilen gerçekresimleri olan yerleri keşfedin.Seçtiğiniz dönüm noktasına yakın en iyi otelleri keşfederekmisafirperverliğinizin keyfini çıkarın. Ziyaretiniz için planlananyerlerin yakınında bulunan restoranları keşfedin. Görülmeye değeryerler, oteller ve restoranlar hakkında yorumları okuyun.Uygulama ayrıca şunları içerir:* Turistik yerlerin gözde mekanları* GPS ve yol tarifi* Yakındaki oteller, ilgi çekici bulma aracı ve mesafe bazındalisteIstanbul is not only inTurkey but in the world, is one of the world's most importanttourism centers. Turkey's largest city Istanbul, Byzantine andderived from historical status as the capital of the Ottoman Empirehas major tourist attractions.Discover where real images sent by real travelers like hotels near the landmark of your choice and enjoydiscovering your hospitality. Discover the restaurant is locatednear the planned location for your visit. sights, read the reviewsabout hotels and restaurants.The application also includes:* Sightseeing Attractions* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, some interesting page and from the list
Guía de viaje de Londres 1.5
Londres, la capital de Inglaterra y el ReinoUnido, es una ciudad del siglo 21 con historia que se remonta a laépoca romana. En su centro se encuentran las imponentes Casas delParlamento, la icónica torre del reloj "Big Ben" y la Abadía deWestminster, sede de las coronaciones de los monarcas británicos.Al otro lado del río Támesis, la rueda de observación London Eyeofrece vistas panorámicas del complejo cultural South Bank y detoda la ciudad.Descubre los lugares con imágenes reales publicadas por viajerosreales como tú.Disfrute de la hospitalidad descubriendo los mejores hoteles cercadel punto de referencia de su elección. Descubre restaurantes cercade los monumentos previstos para tu visita. Lea las opiniones demonumentos, hoteles y restaurantes.La aplicación también contiene:* Últimas fotos de atracciones por turistas* GPS y direcciones* Hoteles cercanos, buscador de atracciones y lista pordistanciaLondon, capital ofEngland and the UK, is a 21st century city with a history datingback to Roman times. At its center are the imposing Houses ofParliament, the iconic clock tower "Big Ben" and Westminster Abbey,site of coronations of British monarchs. Across the River Thames,the London Eye observation wheel offers panoramic views of theSouth Bank cultural complex and the entire city.Discover the places with real images posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels near the landmarkof your choice. Discover restaurants near monuments planned foryour visit. Read the opinions of sights, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attractions and list search by distance
New York Reiseführer 1.4
Eine der größten Städte der Welt, ist New Yorkimmer ein Wirbelwind der Aktivität, mit berühmtenSehenswürdigkeiten an jeder Ecke und nie genug Zeit, um sie alle zusehen. Die Urlaubsmöglichkeiten in dieser Stadt sind endlos.Entdecken Sie die Orte mit echten Bildern von echten Reisendenwie Sie.Genießen Sie die Gastfreundschaft durch die Entdeckung derbesten Hotels in der Nähe der Wahrzeichen Ihrer Wahl. Entdecken SieRestaurants in der Nähe von Sehenswürdigkeiten für Ihren Besuchgeplant. Lesen Sie Bewertungen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Hotels undRestaurants.Die App enthält außerdem:* Neueste Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten von Touristen* GPS und Richtungen* In der Nähe Hotels, Attraktionssucher und Liste nachEntfernungOne of the largest citiesin the world, New York has always been a whirlwind of activity,with famous sights around every corner and never enough time to seethem all. The holiday opportunities in this city are endless.Explore the places with real images of real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants nearby attractionsfor visiting planned. Read reviews of attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The app also includes:* New pictures of sights of tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction viewfinder and list by distance
istanbul guida turistica 2.2
Istanbul è uno dei luoghi turistici piùimportanti non solo in Turchia ma anche nel mondo. La più grandecittà della Turchia, Istanbul, ha una serie di attrazioniprincipali derivate dal suo stato storico come capitale dell'imperobizantino e ottomano.Scopri i luoghi con foto e video reali pubblicati da veriviaggiatori come te.Goditi l'ospitalità scoprendo i migliori hotel vicino al punto diriferimento della tua scelta. Scopri i ristoranti vicino ai puntidi riferimento programmati per la tua visita. Leggi recensioni supunti di riferimento, hotel e ristoranti.L'app contiene anche:* Ultime foto di attrazioni turistiche* GPS e indicazioni* Hotel nelle vicinanze, ricerca di attrazioni ed elenco perdistanzaIstanbul is one of themost important tourist sites not only in Turkey but also in theworld. The largest city in Turkey, Istanbul, has a number of majorattractions derived from its status as a historic Byzantine andOttoman imperial capital.Discover the actual places with photos and videos posted by realtravelers like you.Enjoy the hospitality finding the best hotel close to the referencepoint of your choice. Check out the restaurants near landmarksprogrammed for your visit. Read reviews of landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The app also contains:* Last photos of tourist attractions* GPS and directions* Hotel nearby, search for and attractions by distance List
Лондон Путеводитель 1.5
Лондон, столица Англии и СоединенногоКоролевства, является 21-го века город с историей, насчитывающей доримских времен. В его центре стоят внушительные здания парламента,знаковых башни с часами "Биг Бен" и Вестминстерское аббатство, сайтбританского монарха коронаций. Через реку Темза, колесо обозренияLondon Eye открывается панорамный вид культурного комплекса SouthBank, и весь город.Откройте для себя места с реальными фотографиями вывешенныереальными путешественниками, как вы.Насладитесь гостеприимством, обнаружив лучшие отели рядом сориентир по вашему выбору. Откройте для себя рестораны рядом сдостопримечательностями, запланированных для Вашего визита. Читайтеотзывы о ориентиров, гостиниц и ресторанов.Приложение также содержит:* Последние фотографии достопримечательностей туристами* GPS и направления* Близлежащие отели, аттракцион поиска и список по расстояниюLondon, capital ofEngland and the United Kingdom, is a 21st century city with ahistory stretching back to Roman times. At its center are theimpressive parliament building, the iconic clock tower "Big Ben'and Westminster Abbey, the site of the coronation of the Britishmonarch. Across the river Thames, London Eye observation wheeloffers panoramic views of the cultural complex of South Bank, andthe entire city.Discover a place with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality to find the best hotels near the landmark ofyour choice. Discover the restaurants near attractions planned foryour visit. Read reviews of landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of tourists attractions* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction and search the list by distance
Sri Lanka Guía de Viaje 1.6
Sri Lanka es el hogar de más de 5.000elefantes salvajes andando y la mayor concentración de leopardos enel mundo. Verlos en el parque nacional de Yala. Buceo con ballenasazules en la temporada o ver a los delfines spinner saltaralrededor de Kalpitiya.Descubre los lugares con fotos reales publicadas por viajerosreales como tú.Disfrute de la hospitalidad descubriendo los mejores hotelescerca del punto de referencia de su elección. Descubre restaurantescerca de los monumentos previstos para tu visita. Lea las opinionesde monumentos, hoteles y restaurantes.La aplicación también contiene:* Últimas fotos de atracciones por turistas* GPS y direcciones* Hoteles cercanos, buscador de atracciones y lista pordistanciaSri Lanka is home to morethan 5,000 wild elephants walk and the highest concentration ofleopards in the world. Seeing them in the Yala National Park.Diving blue whales in season or watch the spinner dolphins jumpingaround Kalpitiya.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelerslike you.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near monumentsplanned for your visit. Read the opinions of sights, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attractions and list search by distance
دليل رحلات إسطنبول 2.3
See the latest video clips and images for each attraction. Hello toyou in Istanbul.
Стамбул Путеводитель 2.4
New video images on your site. Welcome to Istanbul.
Bangkok Reiseführer 1.3
Bangkok ist eine Stadt der Kontraste mit derTätigkeit an jeder Umdrehung; Bewundern Sie die glänzenden Tempel,fangen Sie ein Tuk Tuk entlang der belebten Chinatown oder nehmenSie ein Longtailboot durch schwimmende Märkte. Das Essen ist einweiteres Highlight in Bangkok, von lokalen Gerichten serviert anbescheidenen Straßenständen bis hin zu Haute Cuisine aufromantischen Restaurants auf der Dachterrasse.Entdecken Sie die Orte mit echten Bildern von echten Reisendenwie Sie.Genießen Sie die Gastfreundschaft durch die Entdeckung derbesten Hotels in der Nähe der Wahrzeichen Ihrer Wahl. Entdecken SieRestaurants in der Nähe von Sehenswürdigkeiten für Ihren Besuchgeplant. Lesen Sie Bewertungen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Hotels undRestaurants.Die App enthält außerdem:* Neueste Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten von Touristen* GPS und Richtungen* In der Nähe Hotels, Attraktionssucher und Liste nachEntfernungBangkok is a city ofcontrasts with the activity at every turn; Admire brilliantlytemple, catch a tuk tuk along the busy Chinatown or take a longtailboat through floating market. The food is another highlight inBangkok, local dishes served to humble street stalls to hautecuisine romantic restaurant on the roof terrace.Explore the places with real images of real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants nearby attractionsfor visiting planned. Read reviews of attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The app also includes:* New pictures of sights of tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction viewfinder and list by distance
Sri Lanka Reiseführer 1.8
Sri Lanka ist die Heimat von über 5000 wildeElefanten rund und die größte Konzentration von Leoparden in derWelt. Sehen Sie sie im Yala Nationalpark. Tauchen Sie mitBlauschwalen in der Saison oder beobachten Sie Spinner DelphineSprung in Kalpitiya.Entdecken Sie die Orte mit echten Bildern von echten Reisenden wieSie gepostet.Genießen Sie die Gastfreundschaft durch die Entdeckung der bestenHotels in der Nähe der Wahrzeichen Ihrer Wahl. Entdecken SieRestaurants in der Nähe von Sehenswürdigkeiten für Ihren Besuchgeplant. Lesen Sie Bewertungen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Hotels undRestaurants.Der Reiseführer enthält komplette und aktuelle Stadtführer fürAnuradhapura, Arugam Bucht, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla,Galle, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale,Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa und Trincomalee.Die App enthält außerdem:* Neueste Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten von Touristen* GPS und Richtungen* In der Nähe Hotels, Attraktionssucher und Liste nachEntfernungSri Lanka is home to morethan 5,000 wild elephants round and the largest concentration ofleopard in the world. See them in the Yala National Park. Dive withBlauschwalen in the season or watch Spinner Delphine leap inKalpitiya.Discover the places with real images of real travelers like youposted.Enjoy the hospitality by the discovery of the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants planned nearattractions for visiting. Read reviews of attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The guide contains complete and current guide for Anuradhapura,Arugam Bay, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla, Galle, Hambantota,Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale, Negombo, NuwaraEliya, Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee.The app also includes:* New pictures of sights of tourists* GPS and directions* Close to hotels, attractions and viewfinder list bydistance
Istanbul Reiseführer 1.6
Istanbul ist nicht nur in der Türkei, sondernauch in der Welt eine der wichtigsten touristischen Attraktionen.Die größte Stadt Istanbul, Istanbul, hat eine Anzahl vonHauptattraktionen, die von ihrem historischen Status als Hauptstadtdes byzantinischen und des osmanischen Reiches abgeleitet werden.Entdecken Sie die Orte mit echten Bildern von echten Reisendenwie Sie gepostet.Genießen Sie die Gastfreundschaft durch die Entdeckung derbesten Hotels in der Nähe der Wahrzeichen Ihrer Wahl. Entdecken SieRestaurants in der Nähe von Sehenswürdigkeiten für Ihren Besuchgeplant. Lesen Sie Bewertungen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Hotels undRestaurants.Die App enthält außerdem:* Neueste Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten von Touristen* GPS und Richtungen* In der Nähe Hotels, Attraktionssucher und Liste nachEntfernungIstanbul is one of themajor tourist attractions not only in Turkey but also in the world.The largest city, Istanbul, has a number of major attractionsderived from its historical status as capital of the Byzantine andthe Ottoman Empire.Explore the places with real images of real travelers like youposted.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants nearby attractionsfor visiting planned. Read reviews of attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The app also includes:* New pictures of sights of tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction viewfinder and list by distance
トルコ旅行ガイド 2.4
Latest videos, photos of all the attractions. Welcome to Turkey.
Индия Путеводитель Tristansoft 1.5
New video images on your site. Welcome to India!
India Travel Guide Tristansoft 1.3
India travel Guide by Tristansoft brings you:* Latest pictures of attractions* GPS and directions* City Map view for easy planning* Nearby point of interest finder* List by distance or map view* Nearby hotels in map viewAll you need to plan and discover India.
纽约旅游指南 1.8
The latest video, pictures of each attraction. Welcome to New York!
Бангкок Путеводитель 1.6
Бангкок город контрастов с действиями накаждом шагу; подивиться сверкающих храмов, поймать тук тук вдольоживленного Китайского квартала или взять Лонгтейл через плавающиерынки. Пища является еще одна достопримечательность Бангкок, изместных блюд, которые подаются на скромных уличных киосков довысокой кухни в романтичных ресторанов на крыше.Откройте для себя места с реальными фотографиями вывешенныереальными путешественниками, как вы.Насладитесь гостеприимством, обнаружив лучшие отели рядом сориентир по вашему выбору. Откройте для себя рестораны рядом сдостопримечательностями, запланированных для Вашего визита. Читайтеотзывы о ориентиров, гостиниц и ресторанов.Приложение также содержит:* Последние фотографии достопримечательностей туристами* GPS и направления* Близлежащие отели, аттракцион поиска и список по расстояниюBangkok city of contrastswith the actions at every step; marvel at the glittering temples,to catch a tuk tuk along the bustling Chinatown or take a Longtailthrough the floating markets. Food is another attraction inBangkok, local dishes served at humble street stalls to fine diningin a romantic restaurant on the roof.Discover a place with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality to find the best hotels near the landmark ofyour choice. Discover the restaurants near attractions planned foryour visit. Read reviews of landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of tourists attractions* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction and search the list by distance
Maldivler Gezi Rehberi 1.3
Güneşli bütün yıl boyunca. Dalgalar başkahiçbir yerden hoşlanmaz. Sualtı güzellikleri cennet gibi! Kumlar,yerli halkın gülümsemeleri olarak beyazdır.Sizin gibi gerçek gezginler tarafından gönderilen gerçekresimleri olan yerleri keşfedin.Seçtiğiniz dönüm noktasına yakın en iyi otelleri keşfederekmisafirperverliğinizin keyfini çıkarın. Ziyaretiniz için planlananyerlerin yakınında bulunan restoranları keşfedin. Görülmeye değeryerler, oteller ve restoranlar hakkında yorumları okuyun.Uygulama ayrıca şunları içerir:* Turistik yerlerin gözde mekanları* GPS ve yol tarifi* Yakındaki oteller, ilgi çekici bulma aracı ve mesafe bazındalisteSunshine all year round.Waves do not like nowhere else. Underwater beauties like heaven!The sand is white as the smiles of the locals.Discover where real images sent by real travelers like hotels near the landmark of your choice and enjoydiscovering your hospitality. Discover the restaurant is locatednear the planned location for your visit. sights, read the reviewsabout hotels and restaurants.The application also includes:* Sightseeing Attractions* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, some interesting page and from the list
Maldive guida Tristansoft 1.3
Soleggiato tutto l'anno. Onde come in nessunaltro luogo. bellezza subacquea come il paradiso! Sands sonobianchi come i sorrisi della gente del posto.Scopri i luoghi con le immagini reali pubblicati da veriviaggiatori come te.Godetevi l'ospitalità scoprendo i migliori alberghi inprossimità del punto di riferimento della vostra scelta. Scopriristoranti vicino ai luoghi previsti per la vostra visita. Leggirecensioni su luoghi di interesse, alberghi e ristoranti.L'applicazione contiene anche:* Le ultime immagini di attrazioni per i turisti* GPS e direzioni* Gli hotel nelle vicinanze, attrazione Finder e elenco perdistanzaSunny all year. Waveslike nowhere else. underwater beauty like heaven! Sands are whiteas the smiles of the locals.Discover places with real pictures posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels in thevicinity of the reference point of your choice. Discoverrestaurants close to the places provided for your visit. Readreviews of attractions, hotels and restaurants.The app also contains:* Latest images of attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction Finder and distance list
Malediven Reiseführer 1.3
Sonnig das ganze Jahr. Wellen wie sonstnirgends. Unterwasser-Schönheit wie Paradies! Sands sind weiß wiedas Lächeln der Einheimischen.Entdecken Sie die Orte mit echten Bildern von echten Reisendenwie Sie.Genießen Sie die Gastfreundschaft durch die Entdeckung derbesten Hotels in der Nähe der Wahrzeichen Ihrer Wahl. Entdecken SieRestaurants in der Nähe von Sehenswürdigkeiten für Ihren Besuchgeplant. Lesen Sie Bewertungen über Sehenswürdigkeiten, Hotels undRestaurants.Die App enthält außerdem:* Neueste Bilder von Sehenswürdigkeiten von Touristen* GPS und Richtungen* In der Nähe Hotels, Attraktionssucher und Liste nachEntfernungSunny all year. Wavesthan anywhere else. Underwater beauty like paradise! Sands arewhite as the smiles of the locals.Explore the places with real images of real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants nearby attractionsfor visiting planned. Read reviews of attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The app also includes:* New pictures of sights of tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction viewfinder and list by distance
Turchia Guida Turistica 2.5
Last videos, photos for every attraction. Welcome to Turkey.
Istanbul Travel by TristanSoft 1.7
Istanbul is one of the most important tourismspots not only in Turkey but also in the world. Turkey's largestcity, Istanbul, has a number of major attractions derived from itshistorical status as capital of the Byzantine and OttomanEmpires.Discover the places with real pictures posted by real travelerslike you.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near landmarksplanned for your visit. Read reviews about landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The app also contains:* Latest pictures of attractions by tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels,attraction finder and list by distance
런던 여행 가이드 Tristansoft 1.5
Photo of the latest video, all charm. Welcome to London!
ニューヨークを見る Tristansoft 1.8
Latest videos, photos of all the attractions. Welcome to new york
ταξίδια Κωνσταντινούπολη 2.0
Last videos, images for each attraction. welcome in Istanbul
Sri Lanka reisgids 1.7
Sri Lanka is de thuisbasis van meer dan 5000wilde olifanten telgang over en de grootste concentratie vanluipaarden in de wereld. Zie ze in Yala National Park. Duik metblauwe walvissen in het seizoen of kijken spinner dolfijnenspringen over in Kalpitiya.Ontdek de plaatsen met echte foto's geplaatst door echte reizigerszoals jij.Geniet van de gastvrijheid van het ontdekken van de beste hotels inde buurt van de mijlpaal van uw keuze. Ontdek restaurants in debuurt van bezienswaardigheden gepland voor uw bezoek. Leesbeoordelingen over bezienswaardigheden, hotels enrestaurants.De reisgids bevat compleet en up-to-date stadsgidsen voorAnuradhapura, Arugam baai, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla,Galle, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale,Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa en Trincomalee.De app bevat ook:* Actuele foto's van de attracties op toeristen* GPS en routebeschrijvingen* In de omgeving hotels, aantrekking vinder en de lijst opafstandSri Lanka is home to morethan 5,000 wild elephants ambling about and the greatestconcentration of leopards in the world. See them in Yala NationalPark. Dive with blue whales in season or watch spinner dolphinsjump in Kalpitiya.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality of discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover hotels near attractions plannedfor your visit. Read attractions, hotels and restaurants.The guide contains complete and up to date city guides forAnuradhapura, Arugam Bay, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla,Galle, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale,Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee.The app also includes:* Current photos of the attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction finder and list remote
Turkey Travel Guide 2.5
Latest videos, pictures for every attraction. welcome to Turkey.
巴黎旅游指南Tristansoft 1.2
巴黎,法国的首都,是一个主要的欧洲城市和艺术,时尚,美食和文化的全球中心。其19世纪的城市景观由宽阔的林荫大道和塞纳河交叉。除了艾菲尔铁塔和12世纪的哥特式巴黎圣母院大教堂之外,这座城市以其咖啡馆文化和沿着Rue du FaubourgSaint-Honoré街的设计师精品店而闻名。发现真正的旅行者喜欢你发布真实图片的地方。通过发现邻近您所选择的地标的最好的酒店,您可以享受热情好客的服务。 在您计划参观的地标附近探索餐厅。查看对地标,酒店和餐馆的评论。该应用程序还包含:*游客的景点的最新图片* GPS和方向*附近的酒店,景点搜索和距离列表Paris, capital of France,is a major European city and the arts, fashion, food and culturecenters worldwide. Its 19th-century cityscape cross from the wideboulevards and the Seine. In addition to the Eiffel Tower and the12th-century Gothic Notre Dame Cathedral, the city with its cafeculture and designer boutiques along the Rue du FaubourgSaint-Honoré Street and famous.Discover the true travelers like you publish pictures of realplaces.By discovering your choice near landmark best hotel you can enjoythe hospitality. Explore the landmark restaurant near you plan tovisit. View of landmark, hotel and restaurant reviews.The application also contains:* Latest Pictures tourists attractions* GPS and direction* Nearby attractions from the list and search
Sri Lanka Rejseguide 1.6
Sri Lanka er hjemsted for over 5000 vildeelefanter Pasgang om og den største koncentration af leoparder iverden. Se dem i Yala nationalpark. Dyk med blåhvaler i sæsoneneller se spinner delfiner springe om i Kalpitiya.Oplev de steder med rigtige billeder indsendt af rigtige rejsendesom dig.Nyd gæstfrihed ved at opdage de bedste hoteller nær landemærke egetvalg. Oplev restauranter tæt på seværdighed planlagt for dit besøg.Læs anmeldelser om vartegn, hoteller og restauranter.Den rejseguide indeholder komplette og ajourførte byguider tilAnuradhapura, Arugam bay, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla,Galle, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale,Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa og Trincomalee.Den app indeholder også:* Sidste billeder af seværdigheder efter turister* GPS og retninger* Nærliggende hoteller, tiltrækning Finder og liste efterafstandSri Lanka is home to over5,000 wild elephants ambling about and the greatest concentrationof leopards in the world. Look them in the Yala national park. Divewith blue whales in season or see spinner dolphins jumping onKalpitiya.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy hospitality by discovering the best hotels near the landmarkchoice. Discover restaurants close to the attraction planned foryour visit. Read about the landmarks, hotels and restaurants.The travel guide contains complete and updated city guides toAnuradhapura, Arugam bay, Badulla, Bentota, Colombo, Dambulla,Galle, Hambantota, Jaffna, Kalutara, Kandy, Kurunegala, Mihintale,Negombo, Nuwara Eliya, Polonnaruwa and Trincomalee.The app also includes:* Last pictures of sights for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction Finder and list by distance
몰디브 여행 가이드 Tristansoft 1.6
Photo of the latest video, all charm. Welcome to the Maldives!
Турция Пътеводител 2.3
Last videos, pictures of each attraction. Welcome to Turkey.
印度旅行导游Tristansoft 1.5
The latest video, pictures of each attraction. Welcome to India!
Guía de viaje de Dubai 1.5
Dubai es el hogar del edificio más alto delmundo, la fuente de baile más grande del mundo, el único hotel de 7estrellas y mucho más. Descubre los lugares con fotos realespublicadas por viajeros reales como tú.Disfrute de la hospitalidad descubriendo los mejores hoteles cercadel punto de referencia de su elección. Descubre restaurantes cercade los monumentos previstos para tu visita. Lea las opiniones demonumentos, hoteles y restaurantes.La aplicación también contiene:* Últimas fotos de atracciones por turistasGPS y direcciones* Hoteles cercanos, buscador de atracciones y lista pordistanciaDubai is home to theworld's tallest building, the source of the world's largest dance,the only 7-star hotel and more. Discover the places with realphotos posted by real travelers like you.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels near the landmarkof your choice. Discover restaurants near monuments planned foryour visit. Read the opinions of sights, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of attractions for touristsGPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attractions and list search by distance
Guide de Voyage Istanbul 1.6
Istanbul est l'un des sites touristiques lesplus importants non seulement en Turquie mais aussi dans le monde.La plus grande ville d'Istanbul, Istanbul, possède un certainnombre d'attractions majeures dérivées de son statut historique decapitale des empires byzantins et ottomans.Découvrez les endroits avec de vraies images postées par devrais voyageurs comme vous.Profitez de l'hospitalité en découvrant les meilleurs hôtels àproximité du point de repère de votre choix. Découvrez lesrestaurants à proximité des sites touristiques prévus pour votrevisite. Lisez les avis sur les points de repère, les hôtels et lesrestaurants.L'application contient également:* Dernières photos d'attractions par touristes* GPS et directions* Hôtels à proximité, liste des attractions et liste pardistanceIstanbul is one of themost important tourist attractions not only in Turkey but also inthe world. The largest city, Istanbul, has a number of majorattractions derived from its historical status as capital of theByzantine and Ottoman empires.Discover places with real images posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality and discover the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover nearby restaurants andattractions planned for your visit. Read reviews of landmarks,hotels and restaurants.The app also contains:* Latest Photos by tourists attractions* GPS and directions* Hotels nearby attractions list and list by distance
Maldives Travel by TristanSoft 2.1
Sunny all year long. Waves like nowhere else.Underwater beauty like paradise! Sands are white as the smiles ofthe locals.Discover the places with real pictures posted by real travelerslike you.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near landmarksplanned for your visit. Read reviews about landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The app also contains:* Latest pictures of attractions by tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels,attraction finder and list by distance
Guide de Voyage Maldives 1.3
Ensoleillé toute l'année. Vagues comme nullepart ailleurs. Beauté sous-marine comme le paradis! Les sables sontblancs comme le sourire des gens du pays.Découvrez les endroits avec de vraies images postées par devrais voyageurs comme vous.Profitez de l'hospitalité en découvrant les meilleurs hôtels àproximité du point de repère de votre choix. Découvrez lesrestaurants à proximité des sites touristiques prévus pour votrevisite. Lisez les avis sur les points de repère, les hôtels et lesrestaurants.L'application contient également:* Dernières photos d'attractions par touristes* GPS et directions* Hôtels à proximité, liste des attractions et liste pardistanceSunny all year. Waveslike no other. Underwater beauty like paradise! The sands are whiteas the smiles of the locals.Discover places with real images posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality and discover the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover nearby restaurants andattractions planned for your visit. Read reviews of landmarks,hotels and restaurants.The app also contains:* Latest Photos by tourists attractions* GPS and directions* Hotels nearby attractions list and list by distance
马尔代夫旅游Tristansoft 1.6
The latest video, pictures of each attraction. Welcome to theMaldives!
パリ旅行ガイドTristansoft 1.5
Latest videos, photos of all the attractions. Paris, Welcome toFrance!
Мальдивские о-ва Путеводитель 1.3
Солнечный круглый год. Волны любят нигде.Подводные красоты как в раю! Пески являются белыми, как улыбкиместных жителей.Откройте для себя места с реальными фотографиями вывешенныереальными путешественниками, как вы.Насладитесь гостеприимством, обнаружив лучшие отели рядом сориентир по вашему выбору. Откройте для себя рестораны рядом сдостопримечательностями, запланированных для Вашего визита. Читайтеотзывы о ориентиров, гостиниц и ресторанов.Приложение также содержит:* Последние фотографии достопримечательностей туристами* GPS и направления* Близлежащие отели, аттракцион поиска и список по расстояниюSunny all year round.Waves like nowhere else. Underwater Beauty in paradise! Sands arewhite as the smiles of the locals.Discover a place with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality to find the best hotels near the landmarkof your choice. Discover the restaurants near attractions plannedfor your visit. Read reviews of landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of tourists attractions* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction and search the list by distance
جزر المالديف دليل السفر 1.6
The latest videos and photos of each attraction. Hello to theMaldives!
파리 여행 가이드 Tristansoft 1.4
Photo of the latest video, all charm. Welcome to Paris!
Dubai Travel Guide Tristansoft 1.6
Dubai is home to the world’s tallest building,the world’s largest dancing fountain, the only 7-star hotel and somuch more. Discover the places with real pictures posted by realtravellers like you.Enjoy the hospitality by discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near landmarksplanned for your visit. Read reviws about landmarks, hotels andrestaurants.The app also contains:* Latest pictures of attractions by tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels,attraction finder and list by distance
Maldiverne Travel Guide 1.4
Sunny hele året rundt. Bølger som ingen andresteder. Underwater skønhed som paradis! Sands er hvide som smil delokale.Oplev de steder med rigtige billeder indsendt af rigtige rejsendesom dig.Nyd gæstfrihed ved at opdage de bedste hoteller nær landemærke egetvalg. Oplev restauranter tæt på seværdighed planlagt for dit besøg.Læs anmeldelser om vartegn, hoteller og restauranter.Den app indeholder også:* Sidste billeder af seværdigheder efter turister* GPS og retninger* Nærliggende hoteller, tiltrækning Finder og liste efterafstandSunny all year round.Waves like no other place. Underwater beauty like paradise! Sandsis white as the smile local.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelers likeyou.Enjoy hospitality by discovering the best hotels near the landmarkchoice. Discover restaurants close to the attractions planned foryour visit. Read about the landmarks, hotels and restaurants.The app also includes:* Last pictures of sights for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attraction Finder and list by distance
Guía de viaje de Estambul 1.7
Estambul es uno de los lugares turísticos másimportantes no sólo en Turquía sino también en el mundo. La ciudadmás grande de Turquía, Estambul, tiene un número de atraccionesimportantes derivadas de su estado histórico como capital de losimperios Byzantine y del otomano.Descubre los lugares con fotos reales publicadas por viajerosreales como tú.Disfrute de la hospitalidad descubriendo los mejores hotelescerca del punto de referencia de su elección. Descubre restaurantescerca de los monumentos previstos para tu visita. Lea las opinionesde monumentos, hoteles y restaurantes.La aplicación también contiene:* Últimas fotos de atracciones por turistas* GPS y direcciones* Hoteles cercanos, buscador de atracciones y lista pordistanciaIstanbul is one of themost important not only in Turkey but also in the world touristattractions. The largest city in Turkey, Istanbul, has a number ofmajor attractions derived from its historical status as capital ofthe Byzantine and Ottoman empires.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelerslike you.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near monumentsplanned for your visit. Read the opinions of sights, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attractions and list search by distance
프랑스 여행 Tristansoft 1.2
프랑스는 세계적으로 유명한 관광지입니다. 그것은 중세 도시, 고산 마을과 지중해해변을 포함합니다. 파리의 수도 인 파리는 패션 하우스, 루브르 박물관 및 에펠 탑과 같은 기념물로 유명한 클래식미술관으로 유명합니다. 이 나라는 또한 와인과 정교한 요리로 유명합니다. Lascaux의 고대 동굴 그림, 리옹의 로마극장 및 광대 한 베르사유 궁전은 풍부한 역사를 자랑합니다.실제 여행자가 게시 한 실제 사진으로 장소를 발견하십시오.원하는 랜드 마크 근처에서 가장 좋은 호텔을 발견함으로써 환대를 즐기십시오. 방문을 계획중인 명소 근처의 레스토랑을찾아보십시오. 랜드 마크, 호텔 및 레스토랑에 대한 리뷰를 읽으십시오.여행 가이드에는 파리, 니스, 리옹, 마르세이유, 베르사이유, 맨체스터, 스트라스부르, 보르도, 바이에스, 아비뇽,툴루즈, 카르카손, 랭스, 칸느, 릴, 샤모니, 앙 티브, 낭트, 라 로셸에 대한 완전하고 최신 도시 가이드가 포함되어있습니다. 몽펠리에, 안시, 알레, 루앙, 생 말로, 본느, 콜 마르, 니므, 옹플 뢰르, 비아리츠, 낸시, 포르토베키오, 디종, 캉, 아미 앙, 루르드, 클레르 몽 페랑, 앙제, 메츠 , 알비, 셍 트로 페, 사르 라트 - 카네다,뮐 루즈, 투르, 툴롱, 그르노블, 아작시오, 베 산콘, 캡 다 아르 데, 렌느, 망톤, 브레스트, 나르 본, 예 르떼,르 아브 르, 리모 주, 프로방스, 생 라파엘, 페르 피냥, 셍트 막심.앱에 포함 된 항목 :관광객에 의해 * 관광 명소의 최신 사진* GPS 및 길 찾기* 인근 호텔, 명소 찾기 및 거리 별 목록France is a world famoustourist destination. It includes the medieval city, the alpinevillage and the Mediterranean beaches. Paris, the capital city ofParis is known for its famous monuments, such as the Museum ofClassical Fashion House, the Louvre and the Eiffel Tower. Thecountry is also famous for its wines and exquisite cuisine. Ancientcave painting of Lascaux, the Roman Theater and the vast palace ofVersailles, Lyon boasts a rich history.For real travelers find a place with a real photo post.Enjoy a warm welcome by finding the best hotel near the desiredlandmark. Find a restaurant near the attractions you plan to visit.Read the reviews on landmarks, hotels and restaurants.Travel guide of Paris, Nice, Lyon, Marseille, Versailles,Manchester, Strasbourg, Bordeaux, by S, Avignon, Toulouse,Strasbourg, Reims, Cannes, Lille, Chamonix, Antibes, Nantes,complete and up-to-date city guide for La Rochelle It is included.Montpellier, Annecy, Alessio, Rouen, Saint-Malo, Beaune, Colmar,nimeu, Honfleur, Biarritz, Nancy, Porto Vecchio, Dijon, Caen,Amiens, Lourdes, Clermont-Ferrand, Angers, Metz, Albi, Saint Tropez, Sardinia Eilat - Kaneda, Mulhouse, Tours, Toulon, Grenoble,Ajaccio, Besancon, cap, are used, Rennes, mangton, Brest, Narbonne,eg Fuerte, Le Havre, Limoges, Provence, Saint Raphael, Perpignan,Sainte Maxime.Items included in the app:Latest Photos of tourist attractions by the tourists -* Find GPS and directions* Nearby hotel, and by distance Find attractions list
スリランカ旅行ガイド 1.8
Latest videos, photos of all the attractions. Welcome to Sri Lanka!
フランス旅行Tristansoft 1.6
Latest videos, photos of all the attractions. Welcome to France!
인도 여행 가이드 Tristansoft 1.4
Photo of the latest video, all charm. Welcome to India!
迪拜旅游指南Tristansoft 2.2
迪拜就像这个星球上的其他地方一样。 通常自称是世界上发展最快的城市。 迪拜是黄金和魅力的城市,还是一个异国情调的沙漠前哨?这迪拜旅游指南将帮助您计划您的旅行,并希望给你一些提示,让您在迪拜度过最多的时间。通过发现您所选择的地标附近的最佳酒店来享受酒店的待客之道。 发现附近地标计划您的访问餐厅。 阅读有关地标,酒店和餐馆的评论。该应用程序还包含: *游客最新的景点图片 * GPS和方向 *附近的酒店,景点查找和按距离列表
دليل لندن سفر 1.4
لندن، عاصمة انجلترا والمملكة المتحدة، هي مدينةفي القرن ال21 مع تاريخ يمتد تاريخها إلى العصر الروماني. في وسطهايقف منازل فرض من البرلمان، ومبدع برج "بيغ بن" على مدار الساعةوكنيسة وستمنستر، موقع التتويج العاهل البريطانية. عبر نهر التايمز،ويوفر عجلة المراقبة عين لندن على مناظر بانورامية للمجمع الثقافيالضفة الجنوبية، والمدينة بأكملها.اكتشاف الأماكن مع الصور الحقيقية نشرت على موقع حقيقي مثلك.التمتع الضيافة من خلال اكتشاف أفضل الفنادق بالقرب من معلم مناختيارك. اكتشاف المطاعم بالقرب من معالم التخطيط لزيارتك. قرأتملاحظات حول المعالم، والفنادق والمطاعم.يحتوي التطبيق أيضا:* أحدث الصور من عوامل الجذب للسياح* نظام تحديد المواقع والاتجاهات* الفنادق القريبة مكتشف الجاذبية وقائمة من خلال المسافةLondon, capital ofEngland and the United Kingdom, is a city in the 21st century, witha history dating extends to the Roman era. In the midst of imposinghouses of parliament stands, the iconic tower "Big Ben" clock andWestminster Abbey, the coronation site of British monarch. Acrossthe River Thames, and provides a control wheel London Eye panoramicviews of the complex cultural West and South, and the wholecity.Discover places with real pictures posted on the real site likeyou.Enjoy the hospitality of the best hotels during the discovery nearthe teacher of your choice. Discover the restaurants near landmarksplanning to visit. I had read reviews about attractions, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Recent images of attractions for tourists* GPS directions system* Hotels near the discoverer of gravity and a list by thedistance
Guía de viajes de Maldivas 1.3
Soleado todo el año. Olas como en ningún otrolugar. ¡Belleza subacuática como el paraíso! Las arenas son blancascomo las sonrisas de los lugareños.Descubre los lugares con fotos reales publicadas por viajerosreales como tú.Disfrute de la hospitalidad descubriendo los mejores hotelescerca del punto de referencia de su elección. Descubre restaurantescerca de los monumentos previstos para tu visita. Lea las opinionesde monumentos, hoteles y restaurantes.La aplicación también contiene:* Últimas fotos de atracciones por turistas* GPS y direcciones* Hoteles cercanos, buscador de atracciones y lista pordistanciaSunny all year. Waves asanywhere else. Beauty underwater like paradise! The sands are whiteas the smiles of the locals.Discover the places with real photos posted by real travelerslike you.Enjoy the hospitality discovering the best hotels near thelandmark of your choice. Discover restaurants near monumentsplanned for your visit. Read the opinions of sights, hotels andrestaurants.The application also contains:* Latest photos of attractions for tourists* GPS and directions* Nearby hotels, attractions and list search by distance