Vault12 应用

Secure your Digital Assets & Digital Inheritance 1.5.3
Vault12 is a new and trusted way to backup and protect your digitalassets. Get started for free today! Harness the power of yourtrusted personal network to secure your digital assets and reducethe risk of hacking and accidental loss. *** New: Use Vault12’sDigital Inheritance capability to ensure digital assets can beaccessed by future generations. Digital Inheritance enablesinvestors to designate an individual who will inherit their entireportfolio of digital assets stored in a secure Vault once the timecomes, eliminating undue risk and the need to continually update aninventory or continually issue updated instructions. Vault12 usespowerful cryptography combined with decentralized peer-to-peerstorage to encrypt and shard your digital assets and distributethem to your trusted network - your assets are no longer in thecloud, making them considerably safer. What you can do with Vault12- Create a digital Vault - your personal digital safety deposit box- Assign people you know, friends and family, trustedprofessionals, and devices you own as Guardians to protect yourassets - Access crypto assets you’ve deposited in the Vault -Recover your Vault and assets when you switch phones - Designate aGuardian to inherit access to your digital assets Whether you’re anexperienced investor or just getting started, Vault12 has thesecurity tools to protect the future of money, for this generationand beyond: SIMPLE SIGN UP Getting started has never been easier.Create a free account in just a few easy steps and start securingyour crypto instantly! SECURE YOUR DIGITAL ASSETS Secure and storeall types of digital assets such as bitcoin, ether, litecoin,Zcash, and in fact, any others you own. HARNESS YOUR TRUSTEDNETWORK Leverage your personal network to assign trusted Guardians,or assign devices you own as backups to protect your assets. EASYACCESS TO ASSETS Access to your assets is always just a touch awaySIMPLE RECOVERY Should you switch phones, you can re-create yourVault easily by contacting your Guardians. DIGITAL INHERITANCEEasily designate an individual to inherit your digital assets.Eliminate the complexity of maintaining an up to date inventory ofassets, and protect your privacy. SUPERIOR SECURITY &PROTECTION Keep your digital assets safe with our proprietarystorage and best-in-class cryptography. Vault12 does not haveaccess to your personal data or assets. SUPPORT For assistance,questions, and feedback please email us at VAULT12 Vault12 is an app that provides digital assetsecurity, enabling customers to secure, store, and protect theirdigital assets, safely, securely, and wherever they happen to be.Protecting the future of money. For this generation and beyond. ©Copyright 2020 Vault12, Inc.