Verschueren Geert 应用

CLAUStrophobia 1.10
Can you get claustrophobic Santa Claus out of the warehouse in timefor Xmas?
Serpentino 1.17
Find the snake that's hidden in thegrass.The snake consists of 36 bodyparts.The head and tail, are already given as hints which gives you 34remaining parts to find.A number inside a 3x3 sub grid indicates the amount of bodyparts inthat sub grid.The numbers outside the grid indicate the amount of bodyparts forthat specific row or column.The snake likes space and won't touch itself again.Good luck, you'll need it!
Mathdoku 1.11
Endless and addictive mathbased puzzle fun.
bionoid - binary puzzle fun 1.76
Endless addictive binary fun with binary puzzles.
Futoshiki 1.30
Futoshiki, an addictive grid based puzzle game based on numbers andrules.
Math King 1.15
Test your math skill and reach the goal by applying mathematicaloperations.
Modulot 1.11
Modulot is a fun and addictive puzzle based on number additions andtheir modulus 10 values. The aim of the game is plain and simple...Try to clear the grids! Select an empty field in the grid and addall surrounding/adjacent numbers. Try to match the last digit(modulus 10) with the given next modulus value. If the match isvalid all cells of the addition will be cleared. If there is nomatch the given next modulus value will be placed at the previouslyselected empty field. There is always a match possible... it's upto you to find it :)
Manic Maze - Maze escape 1.10
Escape out of the complex mazes by taking the right turns, bridgesand tunnels.
Dominoxy 1.13
Clone the left grid by moving the domino eyes or dots around thegrid.
PolyMath 1.12
Challenging math game based on polygons, additions andmultiplications
Ugandan Knuckles Maze Escape 1.10
Ugandan Knuckles is sitting in a corner waiting for someonewhoknows the way. Try to escape him from the complex mazes bytakingthe right turns, bridges and tunnels in this challengingmazeescape game. To play the game you simply have to swipe intothedirection that you want to go in the maze. The game offersthesefeatures: - Try to escape out of the impossible looking mazes/labyrinths in the given time. - You can take multiple pathstoreach the destination e.g. you must take the right turns andcancross bridges and tunnels to reach your destination whichislocated at the bottom right of your maze game. - These mazesoffermultiple heights so that you can enjoy playing a morechallenginggame which takes traditional maze games to anotherlevel. - Thegame offers multiple difficulty levels e.g. easy,normal, hard etc.With this feature everyone from kids to adults canplay the game byselecting the desired difficulty level. - Can beplayed offline butrequires an internet connection to update yourscore and ranking. -Endless mazes and more. - Totally free.