Witzo 应用

Tabot Calendar 2.0
Shows the current date for the Rastafari TabotCalendar. This calendar starts at the crowning of Emperor HaileSelassie.Converts entered Western calendar dates into Tabot calendardates.Made in cooperation with T.A.B.O.T. Rastafari Ministries, London(http://tabot.co.uk) and Hermetic Systems(http://www.hermetic.ch).
Diceroller 1.1
Minimalist app to roll dice forroleplayinggames. It gives a result in only two taps, in the waydice rollsare written: 3d6 is a tap on '3' followed by a tap on'd6'.Multiple rolls of 3d6 can be done by repeated taps on'd6'.Ideal for rolling up lots of random encounters or treasure.
Mandeldroid 1.16
Mandeldroid lets you click around and zoominon the Mandelbrot set.Click 'Run' to generate the picture. Click anywhere in thepicture,click 'Run' again to zoom in on that point.You can choose from a number of colour sets and make a screenshotin.png-format, which will be saved in a directorynamed'hiware'.
Timewaive Zero 1.45
As envisioned by Terence McKenna, thetimewaveis made by using the King Wen sequence of the I Ching,thedivination symbols used in China for thousands of years.Convertedinto a list of numbers, the I Ching sequence is used tocalculatethe level of 'novelty' for every day and displayed as abargraph.'Novelty' is said to be a measure of change in the world, andthelower it is, the more there is of it. When the graph goesdownsteeply, many changes are said to occur in the universe.Some historical dates are displayed on the graph, so you can seeifthey line up with a dip in the graph. You can experiment withthezero date to move the whole graph into the past or thefuture,which can help to align historical events with the graph.How to use:The app displays the Timewave graph for a given period.Use the top left date (orange numbers, marked 'start') to enterthedate for the left-side end of the graph. Formatisyear-month-day.Use the lower left date (orange numbers, marked 'end') to enterthedate for the right-side end of the graph. Formatisyear-month-day.Press 'Calculate', and the graph will be calculated for thegiventimespan.The third date (black numbers, marked 'zero') is the datewherethe graph reaches zero. Famously this was December 21, 2012.PeterMeyer has proposed a new date: July 8, 2018. You can set it toanyother date and test how historic events will line up with topsanddips in the graph. For example the close approach of 99942Apophison Friday April 13, 2029.'Default dates' resets the zero date to July 8, 2018, theenddate to today, and the start date to some year in thepast.'Screenshot' show you a message on behalf of BotanicalDimensions,while it saves the graph as a PNG-file in a directorycalled'witzo' on your internal storage (this is why it askspermission to'modify sd card contents' upon installation).After calculating the graph, at the top of the screen youfindthe day numbers for both ends of the graph, and teh noveltylevelfor those days. Day numbers count down from the past to thezerodate.The graph shows from the lowest to the highest novelty-value intherequested range on the Y-axis. Sometimes red lines show up inthegraph. These indicate periods of resonance with the set enddate(the date at the far right of the graph). It means that forthat_period_ in history, the graph has the same shape as for the_day_you have set as end date.Terence McKenna was an ethnobotanist who did much researchwiththe indigenous peoples of the world, to learn of theirmedicinalplants and how they can benefit to everyone.Please consider making a donation to Terrence McKenna'sconservationorganisation. Started in 1985 by Terence McKenna andKathleenHarrison, Botanical Dimensions is dedicated to thecollection andpropagation of medicinal and shamanic plants fromthe tropics aroundthe world.Of equal importance is the gathering of folklore, methodsandrecipes concerning the traditional uses of such plants. Sincethevery beginning of humankind, the healing properties of theplantworld have been invaluable in maintaining well-being of thebody,mind and spirit. Cultures throughout the world have dependedonmedicinal and shamanic plants as the source of their physicalcuresand their spiritual guidance, yet many of these plants andtheirstories are now endangered or forgotten.Send check or money order to: Botanical Dimensions, P.O. Box807,Occidental CA 95465, USA.