Yoshihiro Saotome 应用

Lawyer's Calc 1.28
Fee stamp, child support, attorney handycalculator to calculate the mobilization fee subsidy. The mainfeatures are as follows. - Stamp fee: action, appeal, appeal,demand payment, mediation, child support non-contentious cases (*estimate so, the exact amount is calculated please refer to thetable.) Subsidy started: civil cases, contract negotiation (basedon the old Bar Association)
Computer Lawyer 1.28
Lawyer's Calc ad-free paid version. Fee stamp,child support, attorney handy calculator to calculate themobilization fee subsidy. The main features are as follows. - Stampfee: action, appeal, appeal, demand payment, mediation, childsupport non-contentious cases (* estimate so, the exact amount iscalculated please refer to the table.) Subsidy started: civilcases, contract negotiation (based on the old BarAssociation)
Japanese Law Dictionary 3.0.1
You can see the Japanese Law, Judicial precedent and articlereferee.
択ロイド(司法試験択一、予備試験択一) 1.35
App was recorded in the past questions and answers and explanationof the alternative test of judicial test and preliminary test(Tankotaeshiki).