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Nothing But Vids Branding 1.87.14
Did you know that one minute of video isworth1.8 million words?Those companies that brand themselves on videos realizehowcrucial video marketing is to the success of their business.Theyunderstand how much business they're losing by not takingadvantageof this growing trend because they know the average numberofpeople watching videos is as high as 100 million per dayandrising.However, until now, branding your products and servicescouldcost you an arm and leg. But with the advancements intechnologythis is no longer true if only you know the secrets. Andall thesecould be accomplished easily right inside the palm of yourhand,using videos and social media.For those of us who could not afford to do our own branding,wehave resorted to using free means and videos created by othersandshare them over social media to promote and grow ourbusiness.Although these technique works to certain extend, we havebecomethe commoners because everyone else is using the samecontents,making us standing pale to those who have the money tobrandthemselves particularly over videos. Some of us are evenlegally atrisks because the contents we used are from people who donotobserve the copyright laws. To add salt to the wounds, some ofthevideo contents lack the beauty and are of poor quality in thefirstplace, which may have a negative impact on our professionalismandreputation.Yet videos are so expensive to produce if you do not knowhow.Not anymore!It is time to break free. We have created this little appwhereyou could learn the secrets with full instructions on how toeasilyproduce your own unique videos and including tools that couldhelpyou achieve your goals within a few minutes. Download thisandroidapp and in less then fifteen minutes you will be sharingyour ownbranded videos through social media. Whats more, it isfree!There are a few objectives in this mobile app:- To share with you 3 important secrets on how you couldbrandyour videos effortlessly and without costing you an arm and alegall in the palm of your hand through:Secret No. 1: Sharing with you the appropriate tool to dothejobSecret No. 2: Showing you by means of video tutorial on how tousethe tool efficiently to brand your videos and also on what arethecontents to be included in your videos so that your endproductswould look professionalSecret No. 3: This is perhaps the most important secret amongstthethree. It could be used not only to brand your business inthefastest manners but also make your videos stand out from thecrowd.Just follow the instructions on that page to get toSecretNo.3Please note that we are giving away 100 FREE Motivational Memesand16 Royalty Free Music Tracks for you to use with yoursocialmarketing efforts and video production respectively, hereaswell.- To share with you the importance of videos to yourmarketingefforts in the social media front if you are not alreadyaware ofthem by means of short videos:Lesson 1: The Importance of VideosLesson 2: Customized Videos CommercialsLesson 3: Powerful Statistics on Video Marketing forSmallBusinessesLesson 4: Benefits of Using Videos in your Commercials- Last but not least, to introduce you to a few ofoursponsors.
Happy Pigs and Baby Eggs 1.0
Play the game and you would appreciate whythebirds are angry. One of the happy pigs is out there collectingbabyeggs! His challenges are to stay away from falling off thetreesand occasionally from the guardian bird that would attackhim.Obviously, the more baby eggs he fetches, the more hispiggyfriends would be happy. We are certain you will enjoy andchallengeyourself this simple "just-download-and-play" game!
Trump Wars 1.4
In order to find the equilibrium intheuniverse, both Bright and Dark sides have to beconstantlyinteracting with each other. Simply put by the Chinese,it is theYing and the Yang. As villain as the Dark Power may sound,it is aneeded energy to balanced out the Bright side. Can youimagine aworld without nights and just days or vice versa?This game is about the Dark Power at work. Lead by the TrumpMan,Earth people could feel the dark energy looming in the sky buttheyare lucky to receive four funny puzzle pictures of TrumpMan,dressed in different warrior costumes that could signifyhisideology.“What?”, you might say. Puzzle Games? Are they not boring?“No”would be our answer. You see, we have made them challengingandfun. You will not be able to see all the pictures untilyoucomplete eight levels of difficulties in the puzzles. Thatisequivalent to two levels of difficulties per picture.Upon successful completion of the game, you will be awardedaprize. The prize is a pack of 100 motivational games you can useinyour social media. Just simply follow the instructions given inthewinning page to claim it.See that is not boring at all, right?
iDBIZCARD 1.118.2
It is amazing how in this digital age that majority of businesspeople still prefer to use the traditional printed business card intheir first meeting over digital exchange. This is perhaps due tothe following major reasons: - The psychological confidence thatthe traditional business card project for all parties - Mostdigital business cards do not look professional and business like -Technology inconvenience in having the business cards exchanged dueto different systems which either require the parties involved toshare the same mobile app or having the phone system opened forreception of data - Require the users to design their own cards, atough job for those not tech savvy or artistic - Privacy -Accessibility through smart phone devices only as opposed todesktops and laptops. Interactive Digital Business Card System isunique in this regards because we overcome ALL these problems. Itis the hybrid of the tradition and digital business card. Webelieve that a traditional business card should go beyond its lifeexpectancy of the first meeting, to open doors to businessopportunities and not lost them due to the fact it was misplaced ornot scanned and registered in the mobile phone, etc., and enhancingsocial authority by choice of the cardholder. The backend of thissystem is this mobile app, although the same could be performedthrough the internet browser. This app allows you to search foryour contacts who are in our system and who handed you a businesscard before, without having you scanning or registering thebusiness card in your phone, using the same app, synchronizing thecontacts, etc. Your only job is to use the information provided onyour contact's interactive digital card. Once you locate yourcontacts' interactive digital business cards, you have many optionsto contact them. You may call or Skype, text, or email themimmediately. If you prefer, you could also participate in theirsocial platforms such as Twitter, Facebook, etc. If they areimportant enough, you may even download a copy of their printedbusiness cards on to your phone. In the process, you could alsoappreciate how the privacy of your Contact is protected along itsway. You may also use this app to look for superior products andservices. We believe people who take pride in their business cardswould serve their customers and clients well, particularly whenthey feature their interactive digital business cards here fortheir marketing efforts. This reason alone would justify yourdownload of this app. Curious as to how our system works? Check usout at You will find that our front end is equallyfriendly and simple. We take care of our customers. Their job is toupload a few files and we take care of the rest. From that pointonwards, their business cards are in the system so that they willnever miss that important call from you ever again FOR LIFE, evenwhen they change jobs or re-establish their business. You could dothe same for your customers and clients by signing up with ustoday.
Cameramedley Camera Store 1.0
In a rapid going and competitive world that we live in, timebecomesa very important element. When people are "on-the-go", theyneed toturn their slack time into productive hours to be on thecompetitiveedge. Cameramedley is Your #1 Source for Camera, Photo& VideoReview products online helps you to be more productive,particularlywhen you shop at one of our ecommerce store apps,namely:Gamemedley, Watchmedley, Jewelrymedley,Computermedley,Softwaremedley, Mobilemedley, and Cameramedley Usingour apps is atruly sensational "let your fingers do the shopping"experience.This app and all our ecommerce online store apps focuson thefollowing: - Trustworthiness of information - Rich ProductReviews- Hot and Trendy Items - Best Sellers - Secured Paymentsbywell-known online stores
Jewelrymedley Jewelry Store 2.0
In a rapid going and competitive world that we live in, timebecomesa very important element. When people are "on-the-go", theyneed toturn their slack time into productive hours to be on thecompetitiveedge. Jewelrymedley Store is Your Source for Jewelryand AccessoriesReview products online helps you to be moreproductive, particularlywhen you shop at one of our ecommercestore apps, namely:Gamemedley, Watchmedley, Jewelrymedley,Computermedley,Softwaremedley, Mobilemedley, and CameramedleyUsing our apps is atruly sensational "let your fingers do theshopping" experience.This app and all our ecommerce online storeapps focus on thefollowing: - Trustworthiness of information -Rich Product Reviews -Hot and Trendy Items - Best Sellers -Secured Payments by well-knownonline stores\
Softwaremedley software store 2.0
In a rapid going and competitive world that we live in, timebecomesa very important element. When people are "on-the-go", theyneed toturn their slack time into productive hours to be on thecompetitiveedge. Softwaremedley is Your #1 Source Best SoftwareEver! Reviewproducts online helps you to be more productive,particularly whenyou shop at one of our ecommerce store apps,namely: Gamemedley,Watchmedley, Jewelrymedley, Computermedley,Softwaremedley,Mobilemedley, and Cameramedley Using our apps is atruly sensational"let your fingers do the shopping" experience.This app and all ourecommerce online store apps focus on thefollowing: -Trustworthiness of information - Rich Product Reviews- Hot andTrendy Items - Best Sellers - Secured Payments bywell-known onlinestores