ZISK 1.2.21
See your dairy’s financial future with ZISK. Do you know whenmilkprices are projected to peak over the next year? Are youmonitoringthe day-to-day volatility of feed prices? How are youresponding tothese market changes and optimizing your profits? Withthe ZISKapp, the answers to these questions just got a loteasier.Developed by a duo with over thirty five combined yearsofexperience in the dairy industry, ZISK makes the complexfuturesmarket incredibly simple – allowing you to respond tomarketthreats and opportunities with ease. ZISK’s proprietaryalgorithmssimplify the complex data of dairy finance and commoditymarketsinto ONE number… the projected profit of your dairy farm.Enter afew basic details about your dairy and gain a clear view ofyourfuture financial outlook with a continuously updating twelvemonthprofit projection. With a live feed from the ChicagoMercantileExchange, the ZISK app lets you watch the markets formilk, corn,and soybean meal prices in the palm of your hand. Youcan setalerts so you’ll know right away when the market is moving.Also,enter your existing contracts into the app to see the mostaccurateview of your dairy’s profitability. Stop allowing marketvolatilityand uncertainty erode your dairy’s profits. Download theZISK appto empower yourself and your farm and go exploit thevolatilemarket instead.