achraf96 应用

Boxing 1.0
Boxing is the application with many exercises and workout with acomprehensive training program that contains all the basic andadvanced elements of the exercises for practicing boxing. Today,professionals and boxing enthusiasts require a very high level oftraining and fitness. With this application you will learn how toimprove your boxing technique and how to perform the most complexof punches with the specific physical exercises. Learn to defendyourself, dodge your opponents and keep your mind clear. Thisapplication includes: - Exercises of all kinds: technical,tactical, physical, specific and strategic. Specific to boxingfighting lessons, in order to defeat all your opponents. -Repetitive exercises to improve your boxing skills like the rightpunch, transverse punch and vertical punch. Boxing base, improveyour boxing technique, boxing with advice, advocacy tips andtraining tips. - The selection of the best moments of professionalboxing. - The selection of the best boxing fights ... ever. Thisapplication is part of a set of sports applications, which includevideos, photos and lessons learned from various sports, includingteam sports and winter games. Free from fierce punches and combos,beat all your opponents and become the king of boxing. Downloadthis free boxing application now on your mobile or your tablet
Karate 1.0
this application will allow you te learn all thinks about karate,you can learn all karate techniques, karate moves, also you canlearn karate shotokan, karate kids, martial arts, karate kata,kyokushin karte. all techniques are used for self defense. downloadquickly to improve your self in karate if you like our applicationplease share it with friends.
swiming 1.0
swimming from step by step.For beginners and advanced swimmers.Demonstrate with pictures* Prepare to swim:- Warm up your body.- How to breathe in swimming.- How to float, start (jump into water), turn (tumble) andtreadwater.* Swimming styles:- Breaststroke.- Freestyle or Front crawl.- Backstroke or Back crawl.- Butterfly stroke.- Elementary stroke.- Side stroke or Lifesaving stroke.
Yoga 1.0
Yoga is the best yoga application on Android that enhances youreveryday health with your own yoga studio ready at any time! Yogais the most popular yoga coaching application in the world suitablefor all levels, beginners, intermediates and advanced, providingmore than 10 yoga exercises in HD and the largest database of over200 yoga postures, HD video, live vocal guide, soothing music,social community, and more. Do you intend to burn fat, lose weight,relax and relieve stress? This fitness application that facilitatesthe most convenient exercises at home not only maintains yourhealth but also avoids all tedious workouts and helps you achievefitness goals with a customized yoga studio
tajine marocain 1.0
L'application de la tagine marocaine offre à Madame large gamme dedélicieux types de tajine marocain: comment préparer etIngrédients: Facility photos. Le tajine célèbre titre de la cuisinemarocaine, et a été pendant des siècles le nationalisme repas pourles Marocains, et est un symbole de l'hospitalité tagine .amorah,Et il a été et est encore le principal moyen de cuisson, afin quechacun puisse accueillir tous les arts culinaires et des platsmarocains Le tajine est reconnu comme les plats les plus délicieuxqui font appel à des Marocains et des étrangers comme un signe dela cuisine marocaine Certains des types de Tgen * Tajin Balbrkoqviande, les raisins secs et les amandes * pommes de terre fritesviande de Tagine * Tajine de poulet et Zaton..aklh marocaine Lesautres types de nombreux tagine, mais le plus célèbre de l'avis deRahal, est Tajin viande Balbrkoq et tajine de poulet aux olives ,.
regime en 13 jours 1.0
Lose Weight With Our Application
Fitness 1.0
Home Fitness Exercises for Women • Exercises for Abdominals,Buttocks and Legs • Post-Pregnancy Exercises for Loss of WeightAfter the Birth of the Baby • Our weight loss exercises will reducebody fat and tone the muscles with incredible results • With theseweight loss exercises, you can work your body whenever you want andwherever you want. • Only the best exercises to keep a finesilhouette. • Our workouts are simple to do and your body stayshealthy all the time. • We offer nutrition tips that will allow youto eat well and achieve good and lasting results. • Your body lovesworkouts and is ideal for men and women wishing to have a fit bodyyear round. • A video exercise guide by Certified Personal Coaches.• All you need is a stable internet connection to change your lifeand improve your health • Start today! Say goodbye to your body inpoor condition and unattractive, and hello to a new you, healthierand more confident!
Bodybuilding 1.0
Bodybuilding application is a collection of the best bodybuildingexercises to include in your program to work and fatten all majormuscles like abdominals, pectorals, biceps, triceps, back, trapeze,shoulders, legs. Our application is the simplest and most effectiveof all applications of the kind Ideal for traditional exerciseswith dumbbell, bar or body weight exercises with a Stopwatchintegrated for each exercise. Our application will help you learnhow to exercise the right muscles of the body And in many ways istrue and good for muscle building properly and appropriately. Thisselection of the best exercises is intended to facilitate yourchoice when creating your training program. You find 10 categoriesin The application - Exercise For the Biceps - Exercise for Triceps- Exercise for Abs - Exercise for the Pectoral - Exercise For theShoulders - Exercise For Back - Exercise for Trapezius - Exercisefor the Legs - Exercise for the forearms - Nutrition Council
Gymnastic 1.0
If you are looking for a freefitnessapplication to make free aerobics workout at home and startyourdaily workouts to weight loss without dieting this applicationisperfect for you.This application brings together the best video tutorials tolearnhow to apply fat burning workouts and all types of bodyfitnessworkout to do at home and exercise gym. Perfect for alllevels,from beginner to advanced looking for a cardio workout toburn fatat home. The beginner workout and advanced trainingsessions arechosen by experts so that you can find the perfectexercise routineaccording to your preferences.Aerobic exercises have many advantages over other workoutmethodslike biking, elliptical, step, Zumba, running martial arts,HIITworkouts or yoga daily. Cardio helps you to build a perfectbody;Build muscles and work on well build chest, strong legs, sixpackabs or 6 pack, biceps and triceps, shoulders, thighs, breasts,firmchest, muscles of the buttocks and muscles of the largecalf.In this application you will find tones of aerobic exercises andfatloss routines with a lot of weight loss dance, aerobics andLatindance workout Aerobic Dance Workout. We can ensure this isone ofthe best fitness applications for girls to lose weight. Ifyou wantto weigh the rapid loss of our aerobics workout routinesare thebest women.This is an exercise application for women where you can findfreeexercise sessions with exercising the whole body to gainmuscle,exercise for thin tone, exercise to flatten the stomach,exerciseto grow , Exercise for building the body and more. Videosincludefree dance workout routines, and other dance aerobicssessions suchas, zumba belly dancing, music and reggae ton workoutsso you canget the motivation from you Need, while learning dancesteps.Download and start the day with one of the best daily workoutapps.Fitness exercises and aerobics are the best way to stay fitandslim!
aikido 1.0
Application melleuirs to learn aikido
Duas 1.0
Featuring many of the prayers contained in the program bookFortress of the Muslim and indispensable in our daily lives and inour dealings with people and so easy and simple way. It was addedseveral features to the program so you can have access to the dhikreasily and some of these advantages: - Indexing supplications foreasy browsing - All supplications controlled formation - Every maleon the support has its own modern Koranic sura or preferred male -The possibility of copying Adhkaar so you can use it in anotherprogram - The possibility of sending prayers to your friends viae-mail, SMS or through their participation on Facebook, Twitter orany other program to send - The possibility of contributing to thedissemination of the program and our participation wage inshallah -The possibility of the application work on the mobile phones thatdo not support Arabic
Regime en 8 jours 1.0
Perdez du poids avec notre application Notre application vousaidede faire un regime en 8 jours vous pouvez perdre jusqua 10 kgen 8jours
Devenir un leader 1.0
Become a leader
Cuisine Recette gourmande 1.0
Treat yourself with this application that will facilitate therecipes
Regime en 6 jours 1.0
perdre du poids avec notre application notre application estparmieles meilleurs application de regime
Programmes Musculations 1.0
Programmes Musculation est une application concue specialementpourles personnes qui veulents controle leur corps Notreapplicationvous offre les meilleurs routines de musculation desexercice demusculation bien detailees
Regime en 9 jours 1.0
Perdez du poids avec notre applications avec la plus grande basededonnees sur les aliments Pourquoi notre application suivezunrégime alimentaire entre amis avoir une belle tailleenensellements 9 jours
Regime en 13 jours 1.0
Perdez du poids avec notre applications avec la plus grande basededonnees sur les aliments Pourquoi notre application suivezunrégime alimentaire entre amis avoir une belle tailleenensellements 13 jours
Devenir riche en partant de zé 1.0
How to get rich from scratch?
Le régime militaire prétend que vous pouvez perdre 10 livres(soit6,8 kg) en une semaine (avec seulement 3 jours d’alimentation)sansavoir à faire beaucoup d’exercice ou à utiliser desmédicaments. Lanourriture que vous allez manger dans le régimealimentairemilitaire sera probablement moins chère que lanourriture que vousmangez habituellement. On prétend que le régimemilitaire est unecombinaison de différents aliments dans desproportions exactes. Sivous le faites, c’est un régime naturel pourperdre du poids trèsrapidement sans aucun effet secondairenuisible.
Influencer les autres 1.0
8 effective ways to make friends
Devenir entrepreneur réussi et 1.0
8 tips to be taken seriously as a young entrepreneur
Top 10 sport pour maigrire 1.0
Lose weight with our app
Regime en 7 jours 1.0
ts of weight with our application
Makeup classes, learn how to apply professional makeup.
Improve Your Communication Ski 1.0
Download quickly our application and improve your communicationskills
se coiffer toute seule 1.0
Simple hairstylist tips for styling yourself
Draguer par SMS 1.0
8 Tips to Smoothly Sms and Stop Sending Rotten Texting!
Apprendre a conduire une voitu 1.0
How to Drive a Manual Car - The Basics of Manual Driving
This application is a simple strategy to quickly gain weightthehealthy way