booktouch 应用

Numeric maze 4
This mathematical game consists of fourlevels, and each is a further 20 sub-levels, in which you want todelete the number by twelve to find a way out of the maze.HOW TO PLAY:You must click on the square with the number 12, and when all thesquares between the start and finish will be removed and the pathwill develop as an ongoing puzzle, you can go to another level.FEATURES:We are learning to recognize numbers, developing attention,perseverance, fine motor skills.Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.The game is also optimized for tablets.
Animated Puzzles trucks cars 1.12
Game for children "Animated puzzles truckscars." You are waiting for construction machinery is eightexcavators, bulldozers, scrapers, graders, rollers, and otherinteresting models of machines that are used for construction ofbuildings and roads.All they need to collect ten pieces of this housing boom, wheels,cabin, bucket, but this game does not end with each machine thatbrought your child can play and make the car go, turn on thelights, the horn.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see eight small images of trucks cars, clickingon which will get to the level where you want to be in ten parts toassemble a truck pattern. Once all the pieces are in place the carkeys appear with which your child will be able to manage it. Also abutton to go to a page where you can select a new machine tocollect it again.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- Contains control cars assembled- The original sound- AnimationGame "Animated puzzles cars trucks" develops mindfulness,perseverance to recognize shapes and compare them with otherfigures. Learn what parts of the car is and how it can be collectedand even hit the road. The game will help your child develop finemotor finger and simply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids.* Animated puzzle game cars are also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Угадай породу собак и кошек 4.4.4
Собаки умные и преданные животные. Этосущества, которые любят нас больше, чем себя. Они умеют охранять изащищать человека и его жилье. Сегодня известно более 400 породсобак, каждая из которых выводилась с определенной целью. Условновсе разновидности можно разделить на несколько категорий: служебныепсы, сторожевые и декоративные. Кошка одно из популярных домашнихживотных и в мире их насчитывается 600 мл, и выведено около 200пород. Разнообразие пород домашних животных вызвано селекцией можетбыть даже мутацией, а также есть породы, которые появились в дикойприроде. Мы предлагаем Веселую и интересную игру для викторину«Угадай породу собак и кошек» здесь вы можете проверить иприобрести знания о различных породах домашних питомцев. С давнихвремен эти животные живут с человеком и верно ему служат.КАК ИГРАТЬ:Игра состоит из 70 фотографий вопросов. Каждый вопрос имеет 4возможных варианта ответа один, из которых является правильным.Сначала вы увидите меню нажав на пункт которого перейдете науровень где увидите картинку с изображением кота или собакиопределенной породы которую нужно угадать нажав на одни извариантов ответов которые находятся внизу, если вариант окажетсяправильным вы сможете перейти на следующий уровень викторины.ОСОБЕННОСТИ:- развивает признание, концентрации и моторику малыша- цветная графическое HD предназначен для малышей- оригинальный звук-закрепить знания детей о домашних животных: кошке и собаке;-обобщить знания о пользе кошки и собаки для человека;-развивать речь детей, мышление, память.-расширит словарный запас детей;-учить внимательно слушать, отвечать на вопросы.* Простой и интуитивно понятный интерфейс, который прост виспользовании и легко играть, специально разработанные длядетей.* Игра Угадай породу собак и кошек также оптимизирован дляпланшетов.* Эта бесплатная игра играя в которую ребенок будет вести себятихо, и развлекаться в машине, в ресторане.Dogs are intelligent andloyal animals. It beings who love us more than himself. They areable to protect and defend his rights and housing. Today there aremore than 400 breeds of dogs, each of which outputs a specificpurpose. Conventionally, all varieties can be divided into severalcategories: service dogs, guard and decorative. Cat one of the mostpopular pets and their world there are 600 ml and about 200 speciesderived. A variety of breeds of domestic animals caused by theselection may even be a mutation and have rocks that appeared inthe wild. We offer a fun and exciting game for the quiz "Guess thebreed of dog and cat" here you can check out and acquire knowledgeabout the different breeds of pets. Since ancient times, theseanimals live with a man and serve him faithfully.HOW TO PLAY:The game consists of 70 photos of questions. Each question has 4possible answers one of which is correct. First you will see a menuby clicking on the item which will be taken to the level where youwill see a picture of a cat or a dog of a certain breed which needto guess by clicking on one of the possible answers are at thebottom, if you would be a good option, you can go to the next levelof the quiz.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphics for kids- The original sound-zakrepit children's knowledge about pets: Cats and Dogs;-obobschit knowledge about the use of cats and dogs tohumans;-razvivat we are children, thinking, memory.-rasshirit vocabulary of children;-uchit listen, to answer questions.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Game Guess the breed of dogs and cats is also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andfun in the car, at a restaurant.
Animated puzzle game animals 1.6
Children's developing game "Animated puzzlesanimals." You are waiting for twenty-four hilarious animal thatlive in the jungle is a lion, tiger, hippo, elephant, zebra,giraffe, rhino, antelope, who live on a farm is a cow, horse, ox,pig, sheep and animals that live in the forest is a fox, wolf,bear, hedgehog and other animals. All of them need to be collectedfrom the nine pieces of this leg, head, eyes, ears, but this gamedoes not end with the animals that you have collected can play tugof paw pet and even drag a little tail but not much of course, butthey are fun to be jumping and cheering you. Each animal your voteby clicking the button, you can hear it.There are additional game find a pet , animal hides collected in abamboo house , after pressing the play they are shuffled and thenyou need to find the animal by clicking on one of the cabins .HOW TO PLAY :Initially you will see nine small animals , clicking on which willbe taken to the level where you need to be out of ten parts toassemble an animal pattern . Once all the pieces are in place willthe navigation buttons on the page where you can select a new beastagain to collect his or start button where you can play the gamefind another animal.FEATURES :- Develops recognition , concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- A variety of animals- The original sound- animationGame " Animated puzzles animals " develops mindfulness ,perseverance to recognize shapes and compare them with otherfigures. Learn what parts is allowed and how it moves . The gamewill help your child develop fine motor finger and simplyinteresting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids .* Game Animated puzzle game mosaic animals are also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet ,and be entertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Puzzles sea for children 1.2
Mini puzzles about marine animals and fish,game in which you can collect pieces of fish or crab figure , helpsto develop logical thinking and intelligence. Collecting picturesof the pieces , toddler learning to think logically , with trainsmemory and imagination . Besides developing coordination, motorskills and sensation, because with small pieces of the puzzle mustbe able to manage that develops the child's hand and makes it moreaccurate motion . When assembling puzzles important child patience, perseverance , and most importantly - learn how to follow through. All pictures are colorful and varied , the game contains ninelevels.
Guess animal tracks 1.4
Educational game "Guess animal tracks ." Everyanimal leaves a trail on the ground, snow, sand and so fingerprintcan learn what passed animal in which direction , large or smallanimal and whatnot . In this game we offer children and adults inthe form of a game and can discover and explore the traces of 48animal such as elephant, lion , raccoon, tiger, bear , cat, dog ,wolf , mouse, deer, giraffe , hippopotamus , rhinoceros , donkey ,lynx , a mole , a donkey and many others.HOW TO PLAY :The game contains 48 levels . Each level refers to the followingdefinitions need to guess which animal from 4 options proposed aspictures on the playing field located at the bottom , the top is atrace of the animal that you want to guess , for this , you shouldclick on the picture which depicts animal then if the answer iscorrect you progress to the next level and get one ball, if theanswer is not correct you removed one ball and have to guess untilyou get it right . You can also explore what shade corresponds to aparticular animal.FEATURES :- Concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- Contains informative practical material- Learn not only the traces of animals but also their shadow- The original sound- animationGame "Guess the animal footprints and a shadow " developsmindfulness , perseverance to recognize shapes and compare themwith other figures. The game will help your child develop finemotor finger and simply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids .* Game Guess trace shadow animals also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet ,and be entertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Star blocks puzzle 1.0
Developing puzzle game "Star blocks puzzle."Play is very simple there is a grid of blocks measuring 10 by 10stars appear at the bottom of the blocks they need to be properlyinstalled on the grid after one line of the blocks in the grid willbe filled with vertical or horizontal, it is removed and the spaceis freed. At the top of the result of the number of units collectedstars.FEATURES:- Concentration and motility baby- Color HD graphics- It contains informative practical material- The original sound- AnimationThe game develops mindfulness, perseverance to recognize figuresand compare them with other figures. The game will help your childdevelop fine motor skills of fingers and simply interesting andfun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andfun in the car, at a restaurant.
Fruit mathematics 1.3
Fruit count for children. A simple game thatwill help your child learn to count, not even noticing the learningprocess itself. Rules of the game put the flying berries(strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, currants) to shopping cartto do this, press the berries at a time when she flies over thebasket. The game has ten levels that correspond to a certain numberof berries to be collected. The first level is one means to put inbasket berry, the second level, this means that to put into thebasket two berries, and so on to the tenth level. The load isgradually increased but it quietly because the child is passionateabout the game. After getting the berries in the bottom basket ischanging due to the number of berries, there is a plus sign andsmoothly. The child will play in the game that are aimed atenhancing fine motor skills, increasing the reaction rate andinitial skills training course account.
Monster crush for children 4.0
You will enjoy the game for hunters funnymonsters, which has only one rule if you put a monster next threethey explode, but in their place come new even more scary fun, soyou do not have to get bored and lose heart. To do this, there arelevels of complexity that can be configured when the game will seemtoo simple. Move and match monsters all over the field and theywill burst and bright bursts.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu with 4 pictures that arepainted on the button with the level of complexity, clicking onwhich you enter the field of play is determined by the selecteddifficulty level. In his jump monsters that you need to press andconnect.FEATURES:- Friendly and fascinating characters who live in the world ofmonsters- You can set different levels of complexity- Children with games develop attention, perseverance, fine motorskills and improve your memory- You can play with your child, or you can let them playalone- Easy to use and manage-The Game Memory training is designed for toddlers andpreschool-aged boys and girls aged 0 to seven years- Easy and fun to play* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Game Memory Trainer for children are also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andfun in the car, at a restaurant.
Animated Puzzles bike 1.6
Game for children " Animated puzzles bicycles,motorcycles and scooters ." Offers ten models of bicycles ,motorcycles and scooters are sports bicycles, walking and sportsmotorcycles and scooters for exploring the city .All they need to collect ten pieces of this body , lights , wheels,chain wheel, pedals , but this game does not end with eachassembled bicycles, motorcycles and mopeds , which folded yourchild can play and make the bike go, can also be the horn .HOW TO PLAY :Initially, you will see ten small images of bicycles, motorcyclesand scooters by clicking on which will be taken to the level whereyou want to be in ten parts to assemble the car , on the pattern.Once all the pieces are in place there will be a button with whichyour child will be able to manage it. Also a button to go to a pagewhere you can select a new bicycle, motorcycle or scooter tocollect it again .FEATURES :- Develops recognition , concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- Contains the collected management mechanisms- The original sound- animationGame " Animated puzzles bicycles, motorcycles and scooter "develops mindfulness , perseverance to recognize shapes and comparethem with other figures. Learn what parts is bicycle, motorcycle,moped and illustrations as it can be collected and even hit theroad . The game will help your child develop fine motor finger andsimply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids .* Animated puzzle game bicycles, motorcycles and scooters are alsooptimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet ,and be entertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Animated puzzles house animals 1.2
Cognitive game for children " Animated houseanimals puzzles ." Offers nine fun levels , each house is one ofthe animal is a dog , horse , mouse , pig , rabbit , rooster ,bull, bear and cat. All they need to collect eight parts is theroof , doors, windows , pipe but this game does not end with eachcabin who collected your child can play as well as animals whichappeared along with the house.Game " Animated puzzles house animals " develops mindfulness ,perseverance recognize shapes and compare them with other figures.Learn what parts of the house is and how to fold it . The game willhelp your child develop fine motor finger and simply interestingand fun.You can also collect in such puzzles as: Animated puzzles , animalpuzzles Animated bugs and Decorate the Christmas tree nurserymosaic .
Animated puzzles snow globe 1.2
Game for children "Animated Puzzles glass snowglobe." You are waiting for ten interesting snowy Christmas.All of them need to collect five parts. They are different it couldbe Christmas Christmas tree, Santa Claus, reindeer, Christmasdecorations and toys, sledge Santa Claus, snowman, snowflake.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see ten small glass images of snow balls,clicking on which will fall to the level where you want to be infive figures to collect snow globe, on the pattern. Once all thepieces are in place will snowflakes, your child will be able toquickly rotate the tablet and they will fly like a real snowglobe.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphic for kids- The original sound- animationThe game "Animated Puzzles glass snow globe" developsattentiveness, assiduity to recognize shapes and compare them withother figures. Learn what parts of the car is and how it can beassembled and even hit the road. The game will help your childdevelop fine motor skills of fingers and simply interesting andfun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Play Animated Puzzles glass snow globe is also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, at a restaurant.
Animated Puzzles cars city 1.8
Game for children "Animated Puzzles citycars." You are waiting for thirty car models is an ambulance, afire truck, bus, police car on delivery of ice cream, hot dogs,pizza, fries, popcorn, vegetables, fruits, mail and parcels, truckand other interesting models of cars.All of them need to collect ten parts is the body, headlights,wheels, window, door, but the game is not the end of each machinethat brought your child can play to start the car, the horn.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu with 10 small images of thecar in the game menu, three in each of 10 small car, clicking onwhich will fall to the level where you want to be in ten parts toassemble the car, on the pattern. Once all the pieces are in placewill the car keys with which your child will be able to manage it.Also a button to go to a page where you can select a new machineagain to collect it.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphic for kids- Contains management assembled cars- The original sound- animationThe game "Animated Puzzles city cars" develops attentiveness,assiduity to recognize shapes and compare them with other figures.Learn what parts of the car is and how it can be assembled and evenhit the road. The game will help your child develop fine motorskills of fingers and simply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Play Animated Puzzles city cars is also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, at a restaurant.
Puzzles tower robots 1.5
Game for children "Puzzles tower robots."Offers eight interesting and unusual robots.All they need to collect eight parts that body, head, wheels,hands, eyes, but the game is not the end of each robot thatcollected your child can play by clicking on any part of the robot,he starts talking swami, moving eyes and looks at the place onwhich clicked.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see eight small images of robots, clicking onwhich will get to the level where you will collect pieces of eightrobot pattern. Once all the pieces are in place robot, your childwill be able to manage it. Also a button to go to a page where youcan choose a new robot and collect it again.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- Contains assembled robot control- The original sound- animationGame "Animated Puzzles Robots" develops mindfulness, perseveranceto recognize shapes and compare them with other figures. Learn whatparts of the car is and how it can be collected and even hit theroad. The game will help your child develop fine motor finger andsimply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids.* Animated puzzle game robots also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Animated Puzzles game bugs 1.4
Animated Puzzles bugsOfficial description : Animated Puzzles bugs is an applicationbooktouch, and was released on January 30, 2014 for Android 2.2 andabove.Animated puzzle game tipsters can download free. Game " Animatedpuzzles bugs" develops mindfulness , perseverance recognize shapesand compare them with other figures. Learn what parts insect is andhow it moves . The game will help your child develop fine motorfinger and simply interesting and fun.• A game for children " Animated bugs puzzles ." Offers nine funnybugs this ladybug, bee, praying mantis , fly, dragonfly , giraffe,stag beetle and other interesting bugs .• All of them need to collect ten pieces of this foot , head,wings, but this game does not end with each tipster who collectedcan play pull your paw , wing and even drag a bit for mustache butnot much of course, but they are fun will jump and entertainyou.• You will learn what parts beetle is an insect , and you can touchthem you can not always do in the wild .HOW TO PLAY :Initially, you will see small images of bugs , clicking on whichwill get to the level where you need to collect the pieces of tenbeetle pattern . Once all the pieces are in place beetle begins tomove . After this button will jump to the page where you can choosea new beetle and collect it again .Once you have collected the beetle can play the game drinkdroplet rules are simple you tipster collect water droplets andmiss black pebbles. The controls are simple to click on the grasstrack beetle will jump from one track to another.FEATURES :- Develops recognition , concentration and motility baby- Colorful graphic HD is for toddlers- Contains beautiful images nasikomyh* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids .* Animated puzzle game bugs is also optimized for tablets.* This free game will keep your kids quiet and entertained in thecar, in the restaurant or around the world.
Build a road car 1.4
Game for children "Build a road car" is anaction and puzzle. You will travel by car twelve namely four wheeljeep. But there is one problem, the builder forgot to lay down theroad on which you need to pass it to build the bridge, remove thepits and obstacles that hinder drive your car, all you need to fix,and try to get more stars and avoid the dangerous mines that canhinder you . Also, not all just on the road there are traps andtricky puzzles that you can decide what to get to the finish.How to Play:Initially, you will see the 12 level that will be opened one by oneafter you reach the finish line. First, you need to click on thearrow to start then quickly click on the blocks on which arepainted different arrows depending on the arrow icon on the blockit will rotate, move to the right or to the left, raises or lowersthe need to do everything fast enough for that would not fall entryor not to fly outside the game. You can not get into the mines thatwill take your life as red crystals in them either but you cancollect 3 stars. As there is a button which helps you to make asmall jump.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motor skills ofchildren- Color graphics HD is designed for children- Contains control car- The original sound- animationThe game "Build a road car" develops attentiveness, perseverancerecognize figures and compare them with other figures. The gamewill help your child develop fine motor finger and simplyinteresting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Build a road game machine is also optimized for tablets.* This free game playing in which the child will be quiet, and beentertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Animated puzzles dog 1.2
Game " Animated puzzles funny dog ​​" developsmindfulness , perseverance recognize shapes and compare them withother figures. Learn what parts dog is and how fun it can jump andplay . The game will help your child develop fine motor finger andsimply interesting and fun.• A game for children " Animated puzzles funny dog ​​." Offers ninedogs is fun dachshund Shepherd , Bulldog and other interestingdog.• All of them need to collect ten pieces of it legs , head, nose ,tail, but this game does not end with each dog that you can playyour collected pull its paw , stroke and even drag a little tailbut not too much of course, but they will jump fun and entertainyou.HOW TO PLAY :Initially, you will see small images of dogs , clicking on whichwill be taken to the level where you need to be out of ten parts toassemble dog pattern . Once all the pieces are in place the dogwill begin to move . After this button will jump to the page whereyou can choose a new dog and collect it again .FEATURES :- Develops recognition , concentration and motility baby- Colored HD graphics designed for toddlers- Contains images of funny dogs* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for kids .* Animated puzzle game dog is also optimized for tablets.* This free game will keep your kids quiet and entertained in thecar, in the restaurant or around the world.
Animated puzzles birds 1.2
Game for children "Animated Puzzles birds."You are waiting for 16 birdies this toucan, owl, parrot, chicken,rooster, pelicans, geese, and other interesting birds.All of them need to collect nine parts is the head, beak, legs,wings, tail, eyes, nose, putting them your child can play, learnwhat the voice of a bird because each bird his.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu with 8 small images of birdssuch menu in the game, two each with 8 small birds, clicking onwhich will fall to the level where you need to be collected fromthe nine parts of birds, on the pattern. Once all the pieces are inplace there will be a button with which your child will be able tomanage it, and the sound of a button, and the child can hear thevoice of the birds. Also a button to go to a page where you canchoose a new bird and collect it again.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphic for kids- Learn the names of birds and birds recognize the voice orcry- The original sound- AnimationThe game "Puzzles Animated birds» develops attentiveness, assiduityto recognize shapes and compare them with other figures. Learn whatparts consists of a bird. The game will help your child developfine motor skills of fingers and simply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Animated puzzle game birds are also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, at a restaurant.
guess the country photo 1.2
Game for children "Mosaic guess the country onthe photo." You are waiting for 70 levels of cognitive game. Hereyou will learn about the many countries in which the flag as wellas the capital of many countries.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the 70 levels of the game that will beopened after you guess the country. Game two lingual in English andRussian languages. After selecting the language opens a photo nextto it 4 possible answers as there are two tips that will helpyou.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphic for kids- Contains management assembled cars- The original sound- animationThe game "Mosaic guess the country" develops attentiveness,perseverance .. The game will help your child develop fine motorskills of fingers and simply interesting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Game Mosaic guess the country photo is also optimized fortablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbe entertained in the car, at a restaurant.
Riddle images for children 1.4
To guess the picture mosaic.The goal of the game to guess the picture that is encoded as amosaic, for that press one of four buttons that are located underthe picture, if the answer is correct, all three star plus and moveup to your stellar results. In case if the answer is not thecorrect one star falls and offers a simpler version of theencrypted image mosaic, and so on until you can not guess thecorrect picture. The number of stars is added to your stellarresults vary depending on the number of attempts. Pictures have toguess the different subjects are animals, birds, fish, insects andfruit.This game requires the child's creative thinking, and thus raisethe need for knowledge, helps to enrich the children's system ofknowledge, skills, modern ways of learning.When a child looks at the picture of the encrypted form of amosaic, it matches and compares the idea of the modifications ofthe same shape: fish may be narrow and broad, rounded,arrow-shaped, with a smooth contour; animals differ in length ofthe body, the shape of the tail and the head, the color and thepresence of wool , the bird can be big and small, high or low, soformed the creative imagination in children.We hope that this game will be of interest to parents are often inturmoil and concerns run without noticing the world around us, andhe did fine and varied, so try to look at least a little piece withyour child, playing the game to guess the picture mosaic.
Animated puzzles cars 2 2.2.2
Game for children "Animated puzzles cars2".You are waiting for 32 cars, eight of these models is entirelynewjeep, sports car, convertible, vans and many otherinterestingmodels of cars.All of them need to collect 12 pieces of this body,headlights,wheels, glass door, but this game does not end with eachmachinethat brought your child can play and make the car go, turnon thelights, the horn.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see a map of the city at levels which are32small car and the next image chips with numbers, clicking onwhichwill be taken to the desired level, which will be from 12units tocollect just two cars, on the pattern. Gradually puttinginto placeall of the cars, new car spare parts will arrive on aconveyorbelt. Once all the pieces are in place, the car can makethe motorturn it on, lower the window, turn on the lights and thehorn, itworks after a click on a part assembled jeep or van. Also abuttonto go to the page level cards, as well as the transitionbutton onthe new game rally. Where necessary to overcome obstaclesandbarriers are the first to come to the finish line, you will find16new and interesting routes.Features Animated puzzles cars 2:- New levels with interesting cars- Game avtoralii- It develops recognition, concentration and motor skillsofkid- HD color graphic for kids- Contains control cars assembled- The original sound- animationGame "Animated puzzles cars 2" develops mindfulness,perseverancerecognize shapes and compare them with other figures.Learn whatparts is the car and how it can be collected and even hitthe road.The game will help your child develop fine motor fingerand simplyinteresting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.* Animated puzzle game cars 2 is also optimized for tablets.* This free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbeentertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Fun for kids Logic 4.4.4
The development of logical thinking inchildrenof preschool age is one of the main directions ofdevelopment, soregular exercise bring the greatest efficiency. Weinvite you toplay for children "The logic trainer for kids" is afascinating andmost importantly useful pastime, trains anddevelops thinking in achild.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu with the games that areaimedat the development of logical thinking and thesuccessfulimplementation of the child in the future. The first gameof catcha mole or a rabbit, on the playing field is the hole fromwhichthere is a rabbit, you need to touch him to catch themaximumnumber for a certain time. The game is divided into threelevels ofdifficulty, and shows how even changing seasons in thewinter,summer, spring and autumn. The second game puts a problem tocatchthe balls as defined in box that match the color of the ball,too,need to catch the maximum number of balls, the second part ofthegame for children drop out different shapes squaresshapes,triangles, rhombus, star and they should also catch in thebox witha lid that fits the shape of fallen figures .FEATURES:- Beautiful images of various subjects: balls, squares,diamonds,birds, animals, and more- You can set different levels of difficulty- Children with games develop attention, perseverance, finemotorskills and improve your memory- To increase the speed of thought;- To increase its flexibility and depth;- Develop imagination and freedom of thought;- Increase the efficiency of thinking.- You can play with your child, or you can let them playalone- Easy to use and manage-Game Training logic is designed for toddlers andpreschool-agedboys and girls aged 0 to seven years- Training of logic in children - is a very important factor inthedevelopment of the baby* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.* Game Logic trainer for kids is also optimized for tablets.* This free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbeentertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Cars puzzles with animation 1.14.14
Cars puzzles with animation for children, for boys
Puzzles floppy fish 1.3
Cognitive game for children " Puzzles floppyfish" Offers eight cheerful fish painted in different colors andeven shark. All they need to collect ten pieces of this fins, head,eyes , tail, but this game does not end with every fish thatgathered your child can play tug for fin , head and even drag alittle tail but not too much of course, but they will be fun jumpand entertain you.Game "Puzzles floppy fish" develops mindfulness , perseverancerecognize shapes and compare them with other figures. Learn whatparts insect is and how it moves . The game will help your childdevelop fine motor finger and simply interesting and fun.You can also collect in such puzzles as: Animated puzzles , animalpuzzles Animated bugs and Decorate the Christmas tree nurserymosaic .
Hidden object: train the attention 3.0
What to look for, and what not, we can decide for yourself: ofcourse, provided that we can manage it. When we miss something ormake mistakes to blame for this - the lack of development of thisskill. Manage your attention - the usual skill, and it can andshould be trained. Want to quickly develop the ability toconcentrate, improve memory? The game "Train the attention" to helpdevelop attention, increase concentration. Before the game betterclear out from the chaos of thoughts, the mind must be clear andreasonable. You are now assembled and can quickly respond to anyunexpected obstacles that stand in the way. This will help tostrengthen the focus and concentration. HOW TO PLAY: Game rules arevery simple need of images of objects to find the one that isdifferent from others, for example has a large number of imagesfilled with flasks of them need to find an empty flask, and also todo with the open or closed lock. Once when you find the object youneed to click on it and go to the next level. FEATURES: - You canset different levels of complexity - Children with games developattention, perseverance, fine motor skills and improve your memory- You can play with your child, or you can let them play alone -Easy to use and manage -Game Training focus is for toddlers andchildren of preschool boys and girls of all ages - Training ofattention in children - it is a very important factor in thedevelopment of the baby * Simple and intuitive interface that iseasy to use and easy to play, specially designed for children. *This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andfun in the car, at a restaurant.
Угадай картинку мозаику 1.5
УГАДАЙ КАРТИНКУ МОЗАИКУЦель данной игры угадать картину, которая зашифрована видемозаики,для этого нажимаем одну из четырех кнопок, которыенаходятся подкартинкой , если ответ правильный ВСЕ три звездочкиперемещаютсявверх и плюсуются к вашему звездному результату. Вслучаи еслиответ не правильный одна звездочка падает и открываетсяболеепростой вариант зашифрованной картинки мозаики, и так далеепокудавы не угадаете правильно картинку. Количество звездочеккотороеприбавляется к вашему звездному результату меняется взависимостиот количества попыток. Картинки для угадывания имеютразнуютематику это животные, птицы, рыбы, насекомые и фрукты.Игра формирует у ребенка образное мышление, а значитвоспитыватьпотребность в знаниях, помогает обогащать детей системойзнаний,умений и навыков, современными способами познанияокружающегомира.Когда ребенок смотрит на картину зашифрованную виде мозаикионсопоставляет и сравнивает представление о видоизменениях однойитой же формы: рыбки могут быть узкими и широкими,округлыми,стреловидными, с плавным контуром; животные отличаютсядлиной тела,формой хвоста и головы, цветом и наличием шерсти; птицаможет бытьбольшая и маленькая, высокая или низкая, так формируетсятворческоевоображение у детей.Надеемся что эта игра будет интересна и родителям часто в суматохеизаботах бежим не замечая окружающий мир, а он все-таки прекрасениразнообразен, так что попробуйте взглянуть хоть на маленькийкусочеквместе со своим ребенком, поиграв в игруУГАДАЙ КАРТИНКУ МОЗАИКУ.Guess thepictureMOSAICThe goal of the game to guess the picture that is encoded asamosaic, for that press one of four buttons that are locatedunderthe picture, if the answer is correct, all three star plus andmoveup to your stellar results. In case if the answer is notthecorrect one star falls and offers a simpler version oftheencrypted image mosaic, and so on until you can not guessthecorrect picture. The number of stars is added to yourstellarresults vary depending on the number of attempts. Pictureshave toguess the different subjects are animals, birds, fish,insects andfruit.This game requires the child's creative thinking, and thus raisetheneed for knowledge, helps to enrich the children's systemofknowledge, skills, modern ways of learning.When a child looks at the picture of the encrypted form of amosaic,it matches and compares the idea of ​​the modifications ofthe sameshape: fish may be narrow and broad, rounded,arrow-shaped, with asmooth contour; animals differ in length ofthe body, the shape ofthe tail and the head, the color and thepresence of wool , the birdcan be big and small, high or low, soformed the creativeimagination in children.We hope that this game will be of interest to parents are ofteninturmoil and concerns run without noticing the world around us,andhe did fine and varied, so try to look at least a little piecewithyour child, playing the gameGuess the picture puzzle.
Memory trainer for children 25.0
Develops memory and intelligence are trained in children
Tractor Shop 1.10
I enjoy the game tractors "Tractor store" for you. Your child willbe able to lay down any bulldozer, excavator and sell it. Buteveryone knows that the tractor he needed spare parts andconsumables, such as the battery, motor, wheel flasher and more canall be purchased at the sales counter where you will be. For eachtractor you get 15 coins for each sold item 5 coins. But all is notan easy time for each level is limited and there is a sales plan tobe executed, that would go to the next level. HOW TO PLAY: The gamehas 24 levels, which open gradually after you have typed thecorrect amount by going to the first level you receive an order forthe purchase of tractors to be folded up and you get the rightamount of coins and consumables for the car, if your child is goingto do things quickly and closely the level will be passed. For salea tractor, you should click on the button with its for sale wheels,engine, emergency lights also need to press the right buttons andso moving from one level to another producing cars and sellingthem. FEATURES: - Develops concentration and fine motor skills inschool and to school age - HD color graphics for kids - Comprisesthe assembly of the excavator - The original sound - animation -For boys and girls of all ages - Trains the reaction and memory -Lays the foundation for financial literacy and diligence-poznavatelnaya and exciting game The game "Tractor store" developsattentiveness, diligence to recognize figures and compare them withother figures. Find out what parts of the tractor is and how it canbe collected. The game will help your child develop memory and justlearn to count with an interesting and fun. * Simple and intuitiveinterface that is easy to use, especially designed for children. *Game Tractor Shop is also optimized for tablets. * This is a freegame playing in which the child will be quiet, and fun in the car,at a restaurant.
Math cars Multiplication Table 1.8
A study in the form of a game table multiplication, addition,subtraction.
Animated Puzzles Guess shadow 1.2
Game for children "Animated Puzzles Guessshadow." Offers six levels of play, each is 8 animals, diamonds,fish, bugs, and dogs are lucky in the back of the machine and mustbe properly reconcile with his shadow which is on top.How to Play:Initially you will see eight small images of the car with differentanimals and precious stones, clicking on which will get to thelevel where you need to combine the chosen animal with his shadow.For driving a button forward, back and feet that control thetruck.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility of thebaby- Color graphics HD is designed for toddlers- Contains control assembled cars- The original sound- animationGame "Animated Puzzles Guess shadow" develops attentiveness,perseverance recognize figures and compare them with other figures.The game will help your child develop fine motor finger and simplyinteresting and fun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easy toplay, specially designed for children.* Animated Puzzles Game Guess the shadow is also optimized fortablets.* This free game playing in which the child will be quiet, and beentertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Sudoku for Kids bird owl 1.4
Birds owl sudoku for kids! A simple but fun game for kids. Littlebirds owls are very eager to get to your houses, your job is tohelp them do this. The game has three difficulty levels and 42 atlevels suitable for children from 2 years old. Each level is drawnin different ways, and each bird looking for a house but it'sdifferent place, which makes the game more captivating. At theopening of the level of some houses are already occupied by birds,and the problem of the child to place the other birds so that theywould not match the color of a row and a column with other birdsowls. In the toy a lot of animation and move the birds fly, thedoors are opened in the houses that make the game more interestingfor the child. It develops mindfulness, logical thinking andperseverance.
Animated puzzles ship 1.7
Game for children "Animated Puzzlesship."Offers 24 models of ships this yacht, boat, ship, ship, tug,apirate ship, a Chinese junk, the Roman ship Greek ship Vikingship,warship and other interesting model ships.All of them need to collect nine parts is the ship's hull,sail,pipe, anchor, mast, rigging, windows, steering wheel, antenna,keeland cutting but the game is not the end of each ship or boatthatbrought your child to play with, the horn, to let the waterthat heswam in the sea.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu with 8 small images ofshipssuch menu in game three each with 8 small ships or boats,clickingon which will fall to the level where you need to becollected fromthe nine parts of the ship, boat, ship or boat, onthe pattern.Once all the pieces are in place there will be a buttonwith whichyour child will be able to manage it. Also a button to goto a pagewhere you can choose a new ship and assemble it again.FEATURES:- Develops recognition, concentration and motility baby- HD color graphic for kids- Contains a control collected the ship or yacht- The original sound- AnimationThe game "Animated Puzzles ship" develops attentiveness,assiduityto recognize shapes and compare them with other figures.Learn whatparts consists ship, boat, ship, boat or yacht, and howit can beassembled and even hit the road. The game will help yourchilddevelop fine motor skills of fingers and simply interestingandfun.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.* Play Animated Puzzles ship is also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet,andbe entertained in the car, at a restaurant.
Car jelly crash 2.2.2
New game «Car jelly crash» new game inthestyle of match 3, which is combined with the jelly racing cars,themore you have the faster you push the candy goesyourmachine.You go to the menu where the 40 levels of the selected pressescandyon the road and down, opened the first puzzle, where the gameisvery simple to collect a series of three cars colored jelly inthesame color and they will explode sparkling spray, which addsyourchosen car speed. But it is necessary and runs out of time tocatchup with rivals that have won the candy race.HOW TO PLAY:Enter the main menu, which contains 40 levels, choose oneboxappears, it may be at least four by four, a maximum of sevenonseven, the top will be the machine that needs to win, then youhaveto put down more than 3 machines jelly in a row and they shouldbethe same color if collected more than three, you get a prizewhichcan be more quickly and push that candy to your chosen racewon.For the three set out in a series of candy are awarded points,thepassage of each level is limited by time.FEATURES:- Develops concentration and fine motor skills of children- Visual and Sound Effects- It contains a control car- Lots of delicious jelly explosions- Easy and fun- A lot of exciting and diverse levels- Plus a bonus for four or five in a row- The game is completely freeThe game «Car jelly crash» match 3 develops attentiveness,diligenceto recognize figures and compare them with other figures.Learn howto control the car and how to even go on a journey to thefinishline. The game will help your child develop fine motorskills offingers and simply interesting and fun. The game isalways at hand,they do not require attention, there is no need tofollow thecomplicated plot moves and get used to the controls.* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.* The game «Car jelly crash» is also optimized for tablets.* This is a free game playing in which the child will be quiet,andfun in the car, at a restaurant.
Balls in a box 1.1.1
The ball into the box - a puzzle forchildren.The game takes place so you need to catch the ball acertain color(red, blue, yellow and so on.) In a particular boxthat match thecolor of the ball, too, need to catch the maximumnumber of balls.Let fly a red ball you need to move the red box sohe got into it,the box moves when you press the buttons that areunder them. Thesecond part of the game for children, drop outvarious forms ofsquares shapes, triangles, rhombus, star and theyshould also catchin the box with a lid that fits the shape offallen figure.HOW TO PLAY:Initially, you will see the first menu where clicking on abutton,choose a game to catch the colored balls into the box orcatchingfigure in the same box but they now have the same color.Then youare offered to set the difficulty level of the game.FEATURES:- Beautiful images of various subjects: geometric shapes,andmore- You can set different levels of difficulty- Children with games develop attention, perseverance, finemotorskills and improve your memory- To increase the speed of thought;- To increase its flexibility and depth;- Develop imagination and freedom of thought;- Increase the efficiency of thinking.- You can play with your child, or you can let them playalone- Easy to use and manage-Game Ball into the box is designed for toddlers andpreschool-agedboys and girls aged 0 to seven years* Simple and intuitive interface that is easy to use and easytoplay, specially designed for children.* The game ball into the box is also optimized for tablets.* This free game playing in which the child will be quiet, andbeentertained in the car, in a restaurant.
Memory games trainer for kids: cars 11.11.11
The new game "Memory games trainer for kids: cars" helps todevelopmemory. Regular training is most effective. We offer you agame forchildren "Memory trainer for children 2" is an excitingandimportant useful pastime, training intelligence, coordinationandthe ability to quickly find the right solution for solvingthepuzzle. Training based on solving puzzles HOW TO PLAY: Thisappcontains such educational games for children: Arrange theanimalsfrom small to large, it will allow the child to learn howtocompare different objects in size, and arrange them in therightorder. Next, the game is folded cards, on the screen there areninehalves of cards that need to be folded, that would be a wholeAndthe game is to fold the puzzle, we see a picture that grabsonepiece of the puzzle you have to choose from three options andbuilda puzzle while in this and the whole process of memorytraining.Determining the color of the object, finding the shape forthis,you just need to correctly connect the two parts of thepicturewith the line. "Shadow": find each object its shadowconsists of 8developing levels. Find a pair of inverted cards. Showwhich itemis not suitable for a group of items. And all thisFEATURES: - Morethan 90 beautiful pictures of various subjects:cars, ships, cars,trucks, robots, birds, animals and much more -You can setdifferent levels of complexity - Children with the helpof the gamedevelop attention, perseverance, fine motor skills andimprovetheir memory - You can play with the child or you can letthem playalone - You can play offline and train your brainsanywhere - Opennew levels and develop your skills - Easy to use andmanage -Gametraining memory 2 is designed for toddlers and childrenofpre-school boys and girls aged 0 to 7 years - Memory traininginchildren is a very important factor in the development of thebaby• Preschool education: logic, memory, attention, speech, finemotorskills - Funny music and sound effects - Control by touchinganddragging with one finger - We study the world around us: wedevelopmemory and attention * Simple and intuitive interface thatis easyto use and easy to play, specially designed for children. *GameMemory Coach 2 for children is also optimized for tablets. *Thisfree game is playing in which the child will behave silently,andhave fun in the car, in the restaurant.
Gears and wheels logic 5.0.0
Gears Logic puzzle game that you absolutely must like
Puzzles trucks animated 1.17
Trucks cars mosaic puzzles animated
Сar supermarket for children 10.0.0
Сar shop for children, make the machine and sell
Mosaic for children 1.15
Mosaic puzzles by pixel numbers for children - one of the mostinteresting.
Animated puzzles cars 1.34
Animated cars mosaic puzzles, construction model, mini games
Animated puzzles tank 1.25
Puzzle tank game fun unique educational construction model, offline
Puzzles tractor farming 1.39
Animated for tractor farming racing puzzles hills constructionmodel
Christmas tree children mosaic 1.6
New children's mosaic decorate the Christmas tree
Animated Puzzles Train 1.16
Animated train, locomotives, steam locomotives, mosaic puzzles,hills
Puzzle game a rocket 1.8
Animated puzzle game on a rocket
Cat Ball play 1.2
Shooting a colored ball at the cubes with, grow a kitten, puzzle
Shoot kick ball 1.3
Make the soccer ball jump around the obstacles, shoot the penaltyshootout
Animated puzzles plane 1.3
Animated airplane and helicopter mosaic puzzles