dagana Apps 应用
ECG Cases 1.4
The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the most useful diagnostictests in emergency medicine. It is an easy and inexpensive testthat is used routinely in the assessment of patients with chestpain. The ECG is the cornerstone for making the diagnosis ofcardiac ischemia and is used for making decisions about eligibilityfor thrombolytic therapy. The tutorial is organized in sectionsbased on a recommended "Method" of ECG interpretation. Each sectionprovides some didactic teaching points, often linked toillustrations, and an interactive quiz. If you’re like me, you’retoo busy to wade through a foreword that uses pretentious terms andumpteen dull paragraphs to get to the point. So let’s cut right tothe chase! Here’s why this app is so terrific: 1. It will teach youall the important things you need to know about ECG interpretation.(And it will leave out all the fluff that wastes your time.) 2. Itwill help you remember what you’ve learned. 3. It will make yousmile as it enhances your knowledge and skills. # Ages and stagesidentifies variations in ECGs related to patient age. Feel free tosend us your questions or suggestions.
Meditation Guide 2.0
Meditation is training for the mind, to help it developthestrengths and skills it needs to solve its problems. Just asthereare many different remedies for the various illnesses of thebody,there are many different types of meditation for thevariousproblems of the mind. The meditation technique taught inthis Appis a skill aimed at solving the mind’s most basic problem:thestress and suffering it brings on itself through its ownthoughtsand actions. Even though the mind wants happiness, it stillmanagesto weigh itself down with mental pain. In fact, that paincomesfrom the mind’s misguided efforts to find happiness.Meditationhelps to uncover the reasons for why the mind does thisand, inuncovering them, helps you to cure them. In curing them, itopensyou to the possibility of genuine happiness, a happiness youcanrely on, a happiness that will never change or let you down.That’sthe good news of meditation. That’s the good news ofmeditation:Genuine happiness is possible, and you can reach itthrough yourown efforts. You don’t have to content yourself onlywith pleasuresthat will eventually leave you. You don’t have toresign yourselfto the idea that temporary happiness is the bestlife has to offer.And you don’t have to pin your hopes forhappiness on any person orpower outside yourself. You can train themind to access a totallyreliable happiness, a happiness that causesno harm to you or toanyone else. Not only is the goal of meditationgood; the means forattaining that goal are good as well. They’reactivities and mentalqualities you can be proud to develop: thingslike honesty,integrity, compassion, mindfulness, and discernment.Because truehappiness comes from within, it doesn’t require thatyou takeanything from anyone else. Your true happiness doesn’tconflictwith the true happiness of anyone else in the world. Andwhen youfind true happiness inside, you have more to share withothers.Feel free to send us your questions and suggestions.
Memory Boosting Tips 1.0
Is it really possible to improve your memory? If you've everfoundyourself forgetting where you left your keys or blankingoutinformation on important tests then you have probably wishedthatyour memory was a bit better. Fortunately, there are plentyofthings that you can do to help improve your memory.Obviously,utilizing some sort of reminder system can help. Settingup anonline calendar that sends reminders to your phone helps youkeeptrack of all those appointments and meetings. Creating dailyto-dolists can ensure that you don't forget important tasks thatneed tobe completed. But what about all the important informationthat youneed to actually cement into your long-term memory? It willtakesome effort and even involve tweaking or dramatically changingyournormal study routine, but there are a number of strategies youcanutilize to get more out of your memory. Before your next bigexam,be sure to check out some of these tried and tested techniquesforimproving memory. These research-proven strategies caneffectivelyimprove memory, enhance recall, and increase retentionofinformation