ecomnar 应用

Qarinpa 2.5
Delicious Foods. Delivered easy. Hungry? Get the food you want,fromthe restaurants you love, delivered at light speed. Eat whatyoulike, where you like, when you like. Find the local flavorsyoucrave, all at the tap of a button. Browse local restaurantsandfast food favorites for inspiration. Or get just whatyou’relooking for by searching for a specific restaurant, dish,orcuisine. Pizza. Sandwich. Burgers. Kebab. If you're hungry forit,try Qarinpa. When you’re ready to place your order, you’ll seeyourdelivery address, an estimated delivery time, and the totalprice.Tap to seamlessly pay with your Qarinpa account, or pay itonline.Track your order as it heads your way.
Bimito 0.6.2
Bimito is the first insurance issuer application in Iran.Bimito.comis the fastest, simplest, and smartest way of purchasinginsurance.Thanks to Bimito, you can now browse among tens ofinsurance serviceproviders, compare their respective prices,overall customersatisfaction rates, among many other importantcriteria. Once youare done with checking various listed insuranceoptions, at a pushof a button your insurance will be delivered atyour address. Withthe help of Bimito, you will be able to makeinformed decisionsabout your insurance policies. is thefastest 🚀, simplest🍰, and smartest 😎 way of purchasinginsurance. With the help ofBimito you can browse among tens ofinsurance service providers,compare 📊 their respectiveprices, overall customersatisfaction rates, among many otherimportant criteria. Once youcheck various listed options, at apush of a button yourinsurance will be delivered at youraddress - before you even finishyour tea 😊
Azki Seller 0.8.3
Work as a Azki sales representative by selling insurance andearnmoney!