edicpop 应用

edicpopAND 0.7.4
eJOY- This program is a virtual gamepad client for edpJoy serverconnected via wifi.- use an acceleromter as circlepad 3 mode.1. X-axis and Y-axis.2. only X-axis.3. X-axis with Y-axis as button B A.- and a touchscreen as button Y X B A.- edpJoy server (android, windows 7, linux-debian, mac) downloadedfrom http://edicpop.blogger.comEDICPOP 0.7- This program helps to find the meaning of words.- Program no words attached. Need to be loaded fromhttps://www.dropbox.com/sh/y67mm1ehvxo3zwm/H_GPtW7_a3 (can open thelink in menu of the phone).- keep history of the words.- can adjust the screen size 3 levels (x1, x1.5 ,x2).- can pronounce words- english from mp3 files (lexitron)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y67mm1ehvxo3zwm/H_GPtW7_a3 and googleText To Speech.- thai from mp3 files (lexitron)https://www.dropbox.com/sh/y67mm1ehvxo3zwm/H_GPtW7_a3eTXT - The program reads a text file format ascii file (Englishor Thailand), then touch on it to show the meaning.- can mix words from the current word.- can mark the desired text (with touch hold and drag). And thistext can be sent to edic search word with all.- can use the mouse scroll and the mouse over the words (windowsonly).- can get text from clipboard (windows, android).- use google text-to-speech pronounce the words which is determinedthe sentence by space.- use mp3 files pronounce the words which is determined thesentence by the available mp3 files.eDIC - Dictionary program.- has own keyboard.- can find the next word.- can receive characters from keyboard (windows only).- meaning (message) can be sent to etxt finding the meaningagain.installing- install edicpopAND.apkWORDS- create folder "edicpop" from root create folder /sdcard/edicpopor /mnt/sdcard/edicpop.- and then copy the following files.(eng-thai) lexitron-et-2.0.dict lexitron-et-2.0.idx(thai-eng) lexitron-te-2.0.dict lexitron-te-2.0.idx(eng-eng)- wordnet dictd_www.dict.org_wn.idx dictd_www.dict.org_wn.dict.dz(compress)or dictd_www.dict.org_wn.dict (uncompresss)- cide dictd_www.dict.org_gcide.idxdictd_www.dict.org_gcide.dict.dz (compress)or dictd_www.dict.org_gcide.dict (uncompresss)PRONOUNCES- create folder "edicpop" from root create folder /sdcard/edicpopor /mnt/sdcard/edicpop.- copy LexThaiMP3.dat LexThaiMP3.idx LexEnglishMP3.datLexEnglishMP3.idx to this folder.test onemulator- android 1.6real device- android 4.0.4 arm7 single core 1 GHz 3.5 inch- android 4.1.1 arm7 dualcore 1.5 GHz 7 inch
use NDS, 3DS, AND as keyboard or gamepad.